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Victor Castro Alves

Victor Castro Alves Position: Researcher School/office: School of Science and Technology

Email: dmljdG9yLmNhc3Ryby1hbHZlcztvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 303819

Room: B3118

Victor Castro Alves
Research subject Research environments

About Victor Castro Alves

Victor Castro-Alves holds a PhD in Food Science and since 2021, is a researcher in the Metabolomics & Exposomics lab at the Man-Technology-Environment Research Centre, School of Science and Technology, actively participating in Örebro University's multidisciplinary profile areas of Food & Health and Pollutants & Society.


His research primarily centers on exploring the effects of food on human health focusing on how food components are metabolized by the human gut microbiota and the implications of this process on human health. He coordinates a Starting Grant of the Swedish Research Council, focusing on exploring the effects of dietary fibres on health. In addition, to explore the link between food production and composition with nutrition and human health, Victor also develop high-throughput mass spectrometry-based bioanalytical pipelines to explore plant metabolism, gut microbiota functioning and human health. 

 Three of the Goals in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2 No Hunger, 3 Good health and well-being, 12 Responsible consumtion and production.

 Below you will find more information about some of his focus areas:

1. Unpuzzling the structure and health effects of dietary fibers 

How dietary fibres affects our immune system? (Press release, March 2025)

Dietary fibers benefit our health in many ways. One of them is by interacting with receptors in our gut, but the exact role of this mechanism is still unclear. "Our research introduces a new approach to uncover how dietary fibre interact with human cell receptors, helping us design fibers with specific health benefits. By understanding that, we will be able to build novel food ingredients aiming to promote human health."

 "Bioactive arabinoxylan oligomers via colonic fermentation and enzymatic catalysis: Evidence of interaction with toll-like receptors from in vitro, in silico and functional analysis"

"We've also been working with smart sensors to monitor how the digestion process of each individual process dietary fibres. This knowledge will help us develop personalized dietary ingredients tailored to individual needs. Additionally, we use bioengineering techniques to produce next-generation functional ingredients."

2. Enhancing food quality and exploring the fate of bioactive compounds

Victor also focus on explore how changes in plant production impact the synthesis of health-promoting compounds . "Our approach aims not only to deliver healthier foods in a climate-smart way but also to contribute to the basic understanding of the relationship between food composition, digestion, and effects on human health, leading to practical applications that benefit primary producers, retailers, and, first and foremost, consumers."

"From Farm to Fork… and Beyond: UV Enhances Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Mediated Activity of Cruciferous Vegetables in Human Intestinal Cells Upon Colonic Fermentation"

"We are exploring factors that enhance food quality in conventional food systems, and beyond! Our analytical workflows are also being applied to study plant responses to microgravity and radiation aboard the International Space Station, using metabolomics and ambient ionization techniques."

Teaching and supervision

Victor coordinates the Instrumental Analytical Methods course in the chemistry program. He is the lecturer of the module Advanced Topics in Mass Spectrometry, encompassing data processing and mass spectra interpretation, and is also involved in the Analytical Chemistry course. He is also a lecturer in the biology program, environmental science program, and has been involved in the international master's programs of Environmental Forensics (School of Science and Technology) and Translational Medicine (School of Medical Sciences). He supervises students in the chemistry program and incoming exchange students from BSc, MSc, and PhD levels.

Other information

Victor is a member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Nutrition and Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, and is actively involved in Örebro University's strategic initiatives at national and international level, planning student exchange with partners within the NEOLAiA alliance, participating in research exchange within MIRAI 2.0, and being part of the EIRENE PPP work group at ORU.

Awarded with Dietary fibre research award by the International Association for Cereal Science and Technology (ICC, 2017) and Magna cum Laude (BSc Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010). Associate member of EPNOE (European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence), Metabolomics Society (ECN), and Nordic Metabolomics Society.

Financial support




Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Chapters in books | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys

Chapters in books