Ricardo Goncalves
Ricardo Goncalves Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: cmljYXJkby5nb25jYWx2ZXM7b3J1LnNl
Phone: No number available
Room: F2227

About Ricardo Goncalves
Ricardo holds a PhD in Education and has a background as preschool teacher. His research interests are didactics, gender and gender equality in ECEC with special focus on male practitioners. In his PhD research project Ricardo investigated the relation between male preschool teacher, children and physical touch in ECEC settings. Its aim was to study how physical touch as pedagogical action can create conditions for children's care and learning, and also for male preschool teacher's professional practice.
Ricardo is teaching in the preschool teacher training programme that includes courses on play, learning, aesthetic and critical pedagogy in Early Chilldhood Education. He is also part of the research groups: ReCEL (Reasearch on Children, Education and Learning), Gender Balance (EECERA Special Interest Group) and HOME (Brazilian Research Group on Men, Masculinities and Education).
Articles in journals
- Sales dos Santos, S. V. & Gonçalves de Sousa, R. (2023). Homens na docência da educação infantil: da memória bibliográfica ao estado da arte. Educação, 46 (1), 1-15. [BibTeX]
- Gonçalves de Sousa, R. & Lopes da Silva, W. (2020). Profissionais de Educação Infantil na Suécia: limites e possibilidades de compartilhamento de tarefas entre homens e mulheres: [Preschool practitioners in Sweden: limitations and possibilities on sharing of tasks between men and women]. Revista Zero-a-Seis, 22 (42), 341-366. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Gonçalves de Sousa, R. & Lopes da Silva, W. (2022). Expectativas e tensões sobre a presença de homens educadores na educação infantil: uma breve revisão de estudos internacionais [Expectations and tensions about the presence of male practitioners in Early Childhood Education: A brief review of international studies]. Perspectivas em Diálogo: Revista de Educação e Sociedade, 9 (20), 139-160. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Gonçalves de Sousa, R. & Aparecida da Silva Nogueira, N. (2023). Gender and sexuality in Brazilian early childhood education. In: Deevia Bhana; Yuwei Xu; Vina Adriany, Gendered and Sexual Norms in Global South Early Childhood Education: Understanding Normative Discourses in Post-Colonial Contexts (pp. 67-83). UK: Routledge. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Goncalves, R. (2024). “He Plays, and She Teaches”: Perspectives of Brazilian Children on their Teachers. Paper presented at 32nd European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA 2024), Brighton, England, September 3-6, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Goncalves, R. (2024). Touch as a Pedagogical Action for Male Preschool Teachers and Children in Early Childhood Education and Care. Paper presented at 3rd Conference in Education Science for PhD students (CESP), Mälardalens Universitet, Västerås, Sweden, June 12, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Emilsen, K. , Goncalves, R. , Ljunggren, B. & Sales dos Santos, S. V. (2023). Children’s perspectives on their male and female teachers in Brazil and Norway. Paper presented at 31st European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA 2023), Cascais, Portugal, August 30 - September 2, 2023. Cascais, Portugal: [BibTeX]
- Goncalves, R. (2023). Touch as pedagogical action: supporting children’s learning and care and men’s work in ECEC. Paper presented at 31st European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA 2023), Cascais, Portugal, August 30 - September 2, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Goncalves De Sousa, R. (2022). Possibilities and challenges for male practitioners in Early Childhood Education and Care. Paper presented at 74th World Assembly and OMEP International Conference (OMEP 2022), Athens, Greece, July 12-15, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Goncalves De Sousa, R. (2022). Touch in interaction between male practitioners and children: a tool for supporting children’s care, play and learning and challenging gender norms in ECEC. Paper presented at 30th European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA 2022), Glasgow, Scotland, August 23-26, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Gonçalves de Sousa, R. (2021). Men who care: A review of studies on male practitioners in Early Childhood Education and Care. Paper presented at European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2021), (Online Conference), Geneva, Switzerland, September 6-10, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Goncalves De Sousa, R. (2021). Men who care: A review of studies on male practitioners in Early Childhood Education and Care. Paper presented at Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA 2021), Odense, Denmark, November 3-5, 2021. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Gonçalves de Sousa, R. (2024). Fysisk beröring som pedagogisk handling i förskolan: Beröringens funktioner och villkor i mötet mellan manliga förskollärare och barn. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]