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Petter Danckwardt

Petter Danckwardt Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

Email: cGV0dGVyLmRhbmNrd2FyZHQ7b3J1LnNl

Phone: +46 19 303370

Room: L2369

Research subject

About Petter Danckwardt

Ongoing Research

My ongoing research project focuses on how involvement in conflicts related to political representation can be justified by invoking the Swedish state and its interests, and how the Swedish state can be said to constitute itself through such involvement. Three types of conflicts are examined: Military and administrative presence abroad, arms exports, and non-recognition. Examples include military presence in Mali, arms exports to countries involved in civil wars, and land exploitation in Sápmi. The research project is at the intersection of international law and constitutional law. The project's findings will be presented in a thesis and possibly in scholarly journals.

Other interests include international legal theory, the role of international law in society, the relationship between law and structures, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, human rights, and the relationship between international law and political philosophy.

I teach international law, constitutional law, jurisprudence, and legal history.



2020–ongoing: Ph.D./DPhil, Örebro University

2022: MPhil (in philosophy), Södertörn University

2017: L.L.M., Stockholm University

2016: B.A. (in philosophy), Södertörn University

2013–2014: Exchange studies, University of Hong Kong


Professional Experience

2023–24: Visiting Scholar, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School (through funding from Fulbright, Harry Ax:son Iohnsons Foundation, Annika and Gabriel Urwitz' Foundation, and Gunvor and Josef Anérs Foundation)

2023: Visiting Doctoral Candidate, University of Gothenburg

2022: On Parental Leave

2021, 2022: Guest Lecturer, Stockholm University

2020–ongoing: Doctoral Candidate in International Law, Örebro University

2018–2020: Associate Lecturer, Uppsala University

2017–2018: Law Clerk, Södertörn District Court

2016: Department Secretary, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

2015: Intern, Centre for Justice

2015: Intern, Embassy of Sweden in Washington, D.C.

2014: Writer, Dagens Juridik

2009–2013: Museum Host, Moderna Museet


Presentations (related to the research project)

2024: Hybrid Workshop, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

2023: In the Abstract – A Workshop with IGLP Fellows & Researchers Exploring Heterodoxy, Law and Power, Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

2023: Critical Research in International Law (CRIL): An intensive doctoral retreat, Fort Luven, Netherlands

2022: International Law Seminars, Faculty of Law, Stockholm University

2021: T.M.C. Asser Instituut Workshop on Method, Methodology and Critique in International Law

2021: Peace Research in Sweden (PRIS) PhD Conference, Umeå University

2021: Critical Research in International Law (CRIL): An intensive doctoral retreat

2020: International Law Day, Örebro University




2024 "A Global Rule of Law? Two Concepts of a Global Rule of Law at the End of the End of History" (book chapter) in Argren, R. (ed.) Rule of Law in a Transitional Spectrum, 2024, Iustus

2024 "Behovet av statens våld" CVS Texter om våld, forthcoming

2023 "Den svenska regeringens syn på rätten till självförsvar mot terroristorganisationer – en fråga om 'när' och 'hur'", Mänsklig säkerhet

2022 "The Return of Productive Violence – In a World of Crises", 1 R-Remains 28–37

2019 "Kriminaliseringen av krig: om aggressionsbrottets betydelse för mänsklig säkerhet", Mänsklig säkerhet

2019 "Kommer brittisk kolonialism prövas i domstol? – En kommentar om ett ouppmärksammat fall", Mänsklig säkerhet

2017 "USA:s attack mot Syrien ställer laglighet mot legitimitet – riskerar underminera folkrätten" Dagens juridik



Articles in journals |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Daily newspapers | 

Articles in journals

Chapters in books

Conference papers

Daily newspapers