Pär Hansson
Pär Hansson Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: Örebro University School of BusinessEmail: cGFyLmhhbnNzb247b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 702 157533
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About Pär Hansson
Pär Hansson obtained his Ph.D. in Economics at Umeå University in 1990 with the thesis Intra-Industry Trade: Measurements, Determinants and Growth - A Study of Swedish Foreign Trade. In 1994, he was appointed associate professor at Umeå University. Since 2003 he is professor in International Economics at Örebro University, where he teaches and supervises Ph.D. students in international trade and investments.
Current research areas
Effects of international trade and foreign direct investment on the structure of production, productivity and the labor market. Hansson has recently finished a project at the Swedish Agency for Growth Policy Studies, together with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, on the location of research and development (R&D) within multinational enterprises MNEs.
One publication in the project is Location of Research and Development within Swedish Multinational Enterprises, which studies the location of business sector R&D within Swedish-owned multinational enterprises at the national level, that is, in different countries (including Sweden).
Another publication is Regional Location of Business Sector Research and Development that analyze which factors are important for the location of business R&D within enterprise groups at the level of functional labor markets regions (FA-regions) in Sweden.
Lately, Hansson has started a project, together with Eliasson and Lindvert and Josefin Videnord, Services Trade -- An Important Part of Swedish Foreign Trade.
CV (August 2024) My Researchgate My Google Scholar
Recent international journal publications
Patters of Employment, Skills, and Tasks within MNEs Associated with Offshoring, with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert. The World Economy, 45(4), 944-970, 2022. Open access version.
Effects of Foreign Acquisitions on R&D and High-skill Activities (with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert), Small Business Economics, 49(1), pp.163-187, 2017. Open Access version.
Are Workers More Vulnerable in Tradable Industries? (with Kent Eliasson), Review of World Economics, 152(2), pp. 283-320, 2016. Open access version.
Jobs and Exposure to International Trade within the Service Sector in Sweden (with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert), The World Economy, 35(5), pp. 578-608, 2012. Working paper version.
Do Firms Learn by Exporting or Learn to Export? Evidence from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert), Small Business Economics, 39(2), pp.453-472, 2012. Working paper version.
Inward FDI and Demand for Skills in Manufacturing Firms in Sweden (with Roger Bandick), Review of World Economics, 145(1), pp. 111-131, 2009. Working paper version.
Skill Upgrading and Production Transfer within Swedish Multinationals, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107(4), pp. 673-692, 2005. Working paper version.
Exports as an Indicator on or Promoter of Successful Swedish Manufacturing Firms in the 1990s (with Nannan Lundin), Review of World Economics (formerly Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), 140(3), pp. 415-445, 2004. Working paper version.
Other recent publications
Är Sverige fortfarande attraktivt för näringslivet att bedriva forskning och utveckling i? (Is Sweden Still Attractive for the Business Sector to Conduct Research and Development in?), with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt, 52(5), 44-56, 2024.
Location of Research and Development within Swedish Multinational Enterprises, with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2022:07.
Strukturomvandling och omställningspolitik i svenskt näringsliv (Structural Change and Adjustment Policy in the Swedish Business Sector) with Kent Eliasson, Ismail Ouraich and Ulf Tynelius, Ekonomisk Debatt, 49(5), pp. 50-64, 2021.
Funktionell specialisering inom multinationella företag i svenskt näringsliv (Functional Specialization within Multinationals the Swedish Business Sector) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt, 49(1), pp. 28-42, 2021.
Effekter av direktinvesteringar på svenskt näringsliv (Effects of Foreign Direct Investments in the Swedish Business Sector) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2020:03.
Utländska uppköp - hot eller möjlighet? (Foreign Acquisitions - Threat or Opportunity?) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt, 45(7), pp. 41-55, 2017.
Är anställda i branscher exponerade för internationell handel mer sårbara? (Are Workers More Vulnerable in Industries Exposed to International Trade?) with Kent Eliasson, Ekonomisk Debatt, 43(1), pp. 40-48, 2015.
Global Value Chains and International Competitiveness, with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Growth Analysis WP/PM 2012:23.
Tjänsteexporten allt viktigare för Sverige (Services Exports is Becoming More Important in Sweden) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt, 39(7), pp. 28-40, 2011.
Direktinvesteringar inom tjänstesektorn och offshoring av tjänster (Direct Investments within the Service Sector and Offshoring of Services) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Tillväxtanalys WP/PM 2011:51.
Är exportfrämjandet motiverat? (Are Export Promotions Justified?) with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Ekonomisk Debatt 38(1), pp. 31-45, 2010.
Svenskt näringsliv i en globaliserad värld. Effekter av internationaliseringen på produktivitet och sysselsättning (Swedish Business Sector in a Globalised World. Effects of Internationalisation on Productivity and Employment) with Patrik Karpaty, Markus Lindvert, Lars Lundberg, Andreas Poldahl and Lihong Yun, ITPS A2007:004, 2007. Summary in English.
Unpublished works
Regional Location of Business Sector Research and Development, with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert, Örebro School of Business Working Paper 2024:4.
Foreign Aquisitions − A Shortcut to Higher Productivity and Expansion in Smaller Firms? (with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert) Örebro School of Business Working Paper 2020:4
Regional Employment Effects of MNE Offshoring (with Kent Eliasson and Markus Lindvert) Örebro School of Business Working Paper 2019:1
Lectures and seminars
Regional Location of Business Sector Research and Development.
Örebro University April 18, 2024, and SNEE May 24, 2024.
Location of R&D within Swedish Multinational Enterprises.
23rd Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group, University of Groningen, September 9, 2022.
Regional employment effects of MNE offshoring.
59th Annual European Regional Science Association, Lyon, August 30, 2019.
Decomposing value chains within Swedish multinationals. SNEE Malmö, October 25, 2017, and NOITS Stockholm University, May 25, 2018.
Utländska uppköp i svenskt näringsliv - hot eller möjlighet?
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Stockholm, June 14, 2017.
Flyttar forskningen från Sverige?
Swedish Entrepreneurship Summit, Malmö, April 7, 2016.
Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D and high-skill activities.
Linköping University, March 16, 2016 and KTH, April 19, 2016.
Are workers more vulnerable in tradable industries?
26th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists, University of Ljubljana, September 20, 2014.
Globala värdekedjor och internationell konkurrenskraft.
Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Stockholm, January 23, 2013.
Svensk tjänstehandel − omfattning, utveckling och betydelse.
Statistics Sweden (SCB) Örebro, March 1, 2011.
Jobs and exposure to international trade within the service sector.
12th Annual SNEE European Integration Conference, Grand Hotel Mölle, May 20, 2010.
Do firms learn by exporting or learn to export?
11th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group, University of Rome, September 10, 2009.
Research projects
Global Value Chains and the Costs of Structural Change, with Kent Eliasson, Markus Lindvert and Olle Westerlund, Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte), 2013-2015.
Globalization and the Labor Market: Effects of Foreign Direct Investments and Offshoring, with Roger Bandick, Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (FAS), 2006-2009.
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2024). Är Sverige fortfarande attraktivt för näringslivet att bedriva forskning och utveckling i?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 52 (5), 44-56. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2022). Patterns of employment, skills, and tasks within MNEs associated with offshoring. The World Economy, 45 (4), 944-970. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2021). Funktionell specialisering inom multinationella företag i svenskt näringsliv. Ekonomisk Debatt, 49 (1), 28-42. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. , Ouraich, I. & Tynelius, U. (2021). Strukturomvandling och omställningspolitik i svenskt näringsliv. Ekonomisk Debatt, 49 (5), 50-64. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2017). Effects of foreign acquisitions on R&D and high-skill activities. Small Business Economics, 49 (1), 163-187. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2017). Utländska uppköp: hot eller möjlighet?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 45 (7), 41-55. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. & Hansson, P. (2016). Are workers more vulnerable in tradable industries?. Review of World Economics, 152 (2), 283-320. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. & Hansson, P. (2015). Är anställda i branscher exponerade för internationell handel mer sårbara?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 43 (1), 40-48. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2012). Do firms learn by exporting or learn to export?: Evidence from small and medium-sized enterprises. Small Business Economics, 39 (2), 453-472. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2012). Jobs and exposure to international trade within the service sector in Sweden. The World Economy, 35 (5), 578-608. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2011). Tjänsteexporten allt viktigare för Sverige. Ekonomisk Debatt, 39 (7), 28-40. [BibTeX]
- Eliasson, K. , Hansson, P. & Lindvert, M. (2010). Är exportfrämjandet motiverat?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 38 (1), 31-45. [BibTeX]
- Bandick, R. & Hansson, P. (2009). Inward FDI and demand for skills in manufacturing firms in Sweden. Review of World Economics, 145 (1), 111-131. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (2005). Skill upgrading and production transfer within Swedish multinationals. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107 (4), 673-692. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Lundin, N. (2004). Exports as an indicator on or promoter of successful Swedish manufacturing firms in the 1990s. Review of World Economics, 140 (3), 415-445. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (2000). Relative demand for skills in Swedish manufacturing: trade or technology?. Review of International Economics, 8 (3), 533-555. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, P. , Hansson, P. & Lundberg, L. (1999). Technology, resource endowments and international competitiveness. European Economic Review, 43 (8), 1501-1530. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1994). A new framework for testing the effect of government spending on growth and productivity. Public Choice, 81 (3-4), 381-401. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1994). Catching up in industrialized countries: a disaggregated study. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, 3 (2), 129-145. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1994). What makes a country socially capable of catching up?. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 130 (4), 760-783. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1992). Do rich countries grow more slowly?. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Quarterly Review, 21 (1-2), 3-12. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Krafft, K. & Lundberg, L. (1992). Internationalisering och produktivitet. Ekonomisk Debatt, 20 (1), 39-51. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (1992). The discipline of imports: the case of Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 94 (4), 589-597. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1991). Den svenska tillväxten: Blir vi omsprungna eller bara upphunna?. Ekonomisk Debatt, 19 (3), 261-266. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (1991). Determinants of intra-industry specialisation in Swedish foreign trade. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 93 (3), 391-405. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Karpaty, P. , Lindvert, M. , Lundberg, L. , Poldahl, A. & Yun, L. (2007). Svenskt näringsliv i en globaliserad värld: Effekter av internationaliseringen på produktivitet och sysselsättning. Östersund: Institutet för tillväxtpolitiska studier (ITPS A 2007:004). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Lundberg, L. (1995). Från basindustri till högteknologi?: Svensk näringsstruktur och strukturpolitik. Stockholm: SNS förlag. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Krafft, K. , Lundberg, L. & Swedenborg, B. (1991). Internationalisering och produktivitet. Stockholm: Allmänna Förlaget (Expertrapport till Produktivitetsdelegationen 8). [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Hansson, P. & Henrekson, M. (1997). Catching up, social capability, government size and economic growth. In: Bergström, Villy, Government and growth (pp. 61-126). Oxford: Clarendon Press. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (1997). Satsar Sverige tillräckligt på forskning och utveckling?. In: Bergström, Villy, Arbetsmarknad och tillväxt: Tio års forskning med facket (pp. 129-162). Stockholm: Ekerlids förlag. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, P. , Hansson, P. & Lundberg, L. (1997). Technical progress, capital accumulation and changing international competitiveness. In: Fagerberg, Jan; Hansson, Pär; Lundberg, Lars and Melchior, Arne, Technology and international trade (pp. 20-37). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (1997). Trade, technology and changes in employment of skilled labour in Swedish manufacturing. In: Fagerberg, Jan; Hansson, Pär; Lundberg, Lars; Melchior, Arne, Technology and international trade (pp. 200-216). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. (1993). The effects of trade barriers on domestic market performance: Evidence from the Swedish and Norwegian manufacturing industries. In: Fagerberg, Jan and Lundberg, Lars, European economic integration: a Nordic perspective (pp. 107-128). Aldershot: Avebury. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. & Lundberg, L. (1989). Comparative costs and elasticities of substitution as determinants of inter- and intra-industry trade. In: Kol, Jacob and Tharakan, P.K.M., Intra-industry trade: theory, evidence and extensions (pp. 31-50). Basington: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.. [BibTeX]
- Lundberg, L. & Hansson, P. (1987). The country pattern of Swedish trade in manufactured products: an econometric analysis. In: Andersson, Jan Otto, Nordic studies on intra-industry trade (pp. 103-130). Åbo: Åbo Academy Press. [BibTeX]
- Lundberg, L. & Hansson, P. (1986). Intra-industry trade and its consequences for adjustment. In: Greenaway, David and Tharakan, P.K.M., Imperfect competition and international trade: the policy aspects of intra-industry trade (pp. 129-147). Brighton: Wheatsheaf. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Fagerberg, J. (ed.) , Hansson, P. (ed.) , Lundberg, L. (ed.) & Melchior, A. (ed.) (1997). Technology and international trade. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Hansson, P. (1989). Intra-industry trade: measurements, determinants and growth: a study of Swedish foreign trade. (Doctoral dissertation). Umeå, Sweden: Umeå University. [BibTeX]
- Bandick, R. & Hansson, P. Inward FDI and demand for skills in Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Eliasson, K. & Lindvert, M. (2024). Lokalisering av forskning och utveckling i multinationella koncerner i svenskt näringsliv. Östersund: Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser (Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2024:02). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Eliasson, K. & Lindvert, M. (2023). Regional lokalisering av näringslivets forskning och utveckling. Östersund: Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser (Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2023:09). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Eliasson, K. & Lindvert, M. (2022). Location of R&D within Swedish Multinational Enterprises. Östersund: Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser (Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2022:07). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, P. , Eliasson, K. & Lindvert, M. (2020). Effekter av direktinvesteringar på svenskt näringsliv. Östersund: Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser (Tillväxtanalys Rapport 2020:03). [BibTeX]