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Maria Ojala

Maria Ojala Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences

Email: bWFyaWEub2phbGE7b3J1LnNl

Phone: No number available

Room: L2620

About Maria Ojala

Maria is associate professor (docent) and senior lecturer in psychology (20% until December 2026). 

From August 2024 Maria Ojala is working 80% as Professor of Socio-Ecological Resilience at University of Oulu, Finland. She is affiliated with the FRONT (Frontiers of Arctic and Global Resilience) program, Faculty of Education and Psychology.

Maria’s main research interest concerns how young people think, feel, act, learn, and communicate about global environmental problem, with a specific focus on climate change.

More information about Maria's research and collaboration with external actors can be find at this link 

Current research projects

What role does climate change worry play in young people’s life and learning processes? A longitudinal study about protective and transformational factors and implications for climate change education. Grant from the Swedish Research Council VR. Main applicant/ principal investigator: Maria Ojala. 5 954 500 SEK. 2022 (Aug)-2026

To trust or not to trust? Youth’s attitudes, emotions, and trust in climate change science. Grant from the Swedish Research Council Forte. Main applicant/ principal investigator: Maria Ojala. 3 945 021 SEK. Co-applicant Karin Gustafsso.n. 2022-2025

Prefiguring sustainable futures through food activism: How young people deal with border tensions between the sustainable and unsustainable in everyday lifeAs principal investigator. Financed by the Swedish Research Council Formas. 3 000 0000 SEK. 2018-2022.

Sedvänjor att undervisa om kontroversiella hållbarhetsfrågor och elevernas lärandeAs participant. Principal Investigator is Professor Leif Östman, Uppsala University. Financed by The Swedish Research Council VR. 2018-2022

Recent finished projects:

Mobility, informal learning and citizenship in mobile preschools. As participant. Principal Investigator is Associate Professor Danielle van der Burgt. Financed by The Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences (RJ)

Young people´s communication with parents, friends, and teachers about global environmental problems: Emotions, coping, and self-efficacy. As principal investigator. Financed by the Swedish Research Council Formas.



Articles in journals |  Articles, book reviews |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Chapters in books |  Conference papers |  Daily newspapers |  Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries |  Reports | 

Articles in journals

Articles, book reviews

Articles, reviews/surveys


Chapters in books

Conference papers

Daily newspapers

Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
