Laura Ervo
Laura Ervo Position: Professor School/office: School of Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesEmail: bGF1cmEuZXJ2bztvcnUuc2U=
Phone: +46 19 302135
Room: L2505
About Laura Ervo
Laura Ervo is professor of law at Örebro University since 2011. The same year, she was appointed excellent teaching practitioner. She obtained her doctoral degree from University of Turku, Finland, in 2005 with a thesis on fair trials and is docent at University of Turku, University of Helsinki and University of Eastern Finland. For the period 2020–2022, she serves as the director of the law division Juridicum at Örebro University.
Laura Ervo has practitioner experience within procedural law from Turku District Court, Finland, where she has worked as a law clerk and judge.
Laura Ervo specialises in and conducts research within all three fields of procedural law (civil, criminal and insolvency law), with a special focus on human and basic rights within the field of procedural law. A great deal of her research focuses on different procedural elements of fair trials. Other research interests include for instance law of evidence, paternity cases and litigation costs. She often uses comparative methods and compares, in particular, legal positions and practice in Sweden and Finland. She has also published papers on forensic linguistics and on teaching and learning in higher education.
Her 180 scientific publications include monographs, edited monographs, textbooks, papers, book reviews and case analyses. Laura Ervo writes mainly in English, but has also been published in Finnish, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Estonian, Hungarian, and Italian.
Laura Ervo teaches procedural law and is also involved in the doctoral programme in law – both teaching courses and supervising doctoral students. She is principal supervisor of one doctoral student (Eija Tiukukvaara) and assistant supervisor of two (Therese Johnstone and Linus Pentikäinen). She has been involved in supervision of five further doctoral students who have all obtained their doctoral degrees (Anna-Liisa Autio, Satu Saarensola, Elisa Silvennoinen, Hannele Tolonen and Jeanette Andersson as well as Liisa Sippel (lic.).
Laura Ervo has taught within higher education since 1989 and has contributed to teaching at all levels of the law programme, from undergraduate level to further training. She has over 30 years of experience of course coordination at university level, mostly within the field of procedural law.
Her qualifications within teaching and learning in higher education include courses on teaching law; creative use of technology in teaching; and Örebro University’s course on doctoral supervision.
Collaboration and assignments
She is appointed Master of Laws with court training in Finland.
In 2011–2012, she was visiting professor at University of Valencia, Spain.
She is an active member of several Nordic and international associations; she is, for instance, a board member of International Association for Procedural Law.
Research projects
Active projects
Completed projects
- A Child as a Victim
- Coercive care orders. Participation as a dilemma between the child's need for protection, respect for evolving capacities and vulnerability
- The meaning of language, behaviour and culture in a fair trial
- Civil and commercial mediation in Europe
- E-Discourse and the Dynamics of Violence, Gender Discrimination and Abuse as a Dominant Discourse: Communicating through Rumours and Visual Images
- Focus on Collective Redress
- From Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure - The law of evidence
- Between North and East - Comparative studies on pre-trial procedure between the Nordic and Former East European countries
- Menu for Justice - Toward an European Curriculum Studiorum on Judicial Studies
- Legal costs
- La protección de las víctimas en la UE: La orden Europea de Protección
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Ervo, L. (2024). Väktarvåldet – lagligt tvångsmedel eller brottsligt övervåld?. Texter om våld (1), 37-47. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2023). Language Rights to Strengthen the Status of Minorities – the Linguistic Identity of Finno-Swedes as an Example. Iles d Imesli. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2023). Svenska och finska funderingar kring den europeiska skyddsorden: Effektiv eller bara tomt prat. Texter om våld (1), 36-44. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2023). The Code of Judicial Procedure from the year 1734 – An example of Finnish-Swedish co-operation. Baltic Rim Economies (3), 33-34. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Autio, A. (2022). Pandemian ja digitalisaation vaikutukset käräjäoikeuksien toimintaan. Lakimies (5), 701-728. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2022). SUSTAINABILITY IN EAST-NORDIC PROCEDURAL LAW. Revista eletrônica de direito processual, 23 (1), 713-732. [BibTeX]
- Danesi, M. , Ervo, L. , Kindberg, L. & Nordlöf, K. (2021). The #MeToo Movement as an e-Discourse: Social and Legal Effects. HumaNetten (46), 56-74. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2020). Constitution, Judiciary and Public Powers Structure: Finnish Perspective. Revista Eletrônica de Direito Processual, 21 (1), 207-226. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2020). Corona-jurisdiction in Finland. Septentrio Reports (5), 20-22. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2020). Debtor protection and enforcement efficiency according to Finnish law. Access to Justice in Eastern Europe (AJEE) (4), 265-282. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2020). The impact of the Directive on Representative Actions for the Protection of the Collective Interests of Consumers on the East-Nordic countries’ legislation. Revista Ítalo-Española de Derecho Procesal (2), 141-161. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2018). The Status of the Case-Law from the European Court of Human Rights in the National Legal Practice – a Question of the Local Legal Culture?: East-Scandinavian Comparisons. Teisės apžvalga / Law review, 18 (2), 46-59. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Le procedure di appello in Svezia, nel confronto con l’ordinamento finlandese. Judicium, il processo civile in Italia e in Europa (4), 395-422. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Välimiesmenettely vaihtoehtoisena riidanratkaisumenettelynä Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Defensor Legis (4), 661-679. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Facing people through language use - linguistic tools to make proceedings fair. International Journal of Legal Discourse, 1 (2), 277-293. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). The hidden meanings in the case law of the European Court for Human Rights. Semiotica, 209, 209-230. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2015). 《北欧司法改革后的法官角色与当事人地位》. Law Journal, 48 (06), 56-59. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2015). 《北欧国家民事诉讼新变革》. 《法律与社会》2015年第5期,总第171期,第31-37页。, 171 (05), 31-37. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Plea Bargaining as an Example of the Recent Changes in the Finnish Criminal Procedural Paradigm. Baltic Journal of Law & Politics, 7 (1), 97-112. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Religious Affects in Civil Procedure = Влияние религии на гражданский процесс: East-Scandinavian Perspective = восточноскандинавская перспектива. Herald of Civil Procedure = Vestnik Grazdanskogo Protsessa (4), 35-50. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). The current challenges in fair trial: how to take multiculturalism into consideration?. International Forum of Teaching and Studies, 9 (2), 11-17. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Öiglase kohtupidamise väljavaated kriminaalasjades: tulevikuvisiooniid ja praegune olukord Skandinaavias ja Europas. Juridica (1), 47-55. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & García, E. M. (2012). Class action - a solution to access to justice problems in consumer cases?: Some thoughts between the North, South and Europe. Zeitschrift für Zivilprozess International, 17, 207-229. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Rasia, C. (2012). Legal bilingualisation and factual multilingualisation: a comparative study of the protection of linguistic minorities in civil proceedings between Finland and Italy. International Journal of Law, Language and Discourse, 2 (4), 62-98. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2012). Oikeudenmukaisen oikeudenkäynnin uudet haasteet: monikulttuurisuuden huomioon ottaminen oikeudenkäynnissä. Oikeus (4), 603-609. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Oikeudenmukaisuusvaatimus toimitusmenettelyssä: EIS 6 artiklan ja PL 21:n soveltuminen ja vaatimukset pesänjakajan toimittaessa osituksen tai perinnönjaon. Defensor legis (4), 494-509. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Oikeustapauskilpailu asiantuntijuuden kehittämisen välineenä: [The moot cout as a tool for developing expertise]. Defensor legis (2), 177-194. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Tarvitaanko lautamiesjärkeä? (Do we need common sense). Ex Nunc (1), 5-6. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Tárgyalás-előkészítő eljárások skandináv modelljei polgári ügyekben (The Scandinavian models of pre-trial in civil law). Jogtudományi Közlöny (2), 56-64. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Kansainvälistymisestä jatutkimuksista (Internationalization and researches). Ex Nunc (3), 6-7. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2007). Scandinavian Trends in Civil Pre-Trial Proceedings. Civil Justice Quarterly, 466-483. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2006). Förhållandet mellan Europadomstolen och nationella domstolar – några aspekter ur finländsk synvinkel (The Relation Between the European Court of human rights and Finnish Courts - Finnish Prespectives). Tidskrift : utgiven av Juridiska föreningen i Finland (4), 411-422. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2006). Oikeudenkäynnin oikeudenmukaisuutta jäljittämässä (Looking for a fair trial). Calonian Kutsu, 21-22. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2006). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Court´s decision KKO 2005:90). Lakimies (2), 270-286. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2005). Mvs. yliopistonlehtori esittäytyy ja hyvästelee (University Lecturer vic. presents herself and says goodbye). Ex nunc (2), 7. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Hämäläinen, M. (2005). Nordic jurists på Island (The Scandinavian Lawyers in Iceland). Lakimiesuutiset : Juristbladet (10), 44-45. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2005). Oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti keskusteluna (“A Fair Trial seen as a discussion”). Lakimies (3), 452-455. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2002). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, Nikulav. Finland). Lakimies (5), 810-829. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2001). Kirkon työntekijän vaitiolovelvollisuuden rajat vaikeasti hahmotettavissa (The problematical limits to the professional secrecy of the employees of the Church). Diakonia (1), 20-21. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2001). Kirkon työntekijän vaitiolovelvollisuus pohdittavana. (Reflections on the professional secrecy of the employees of the Church). Crux (1), 35-37. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2001). Pappi todistajana (The priest as a witness). Lakimies (3), 407-433. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the decision of European Court of Human Rights Kuopila v. Finland). Defensor Legis (6), 1079-1092. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the decision of the European Court of Human Rights). Defensor Legis (6), 1073-1078. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Court's decision 2000:71.). Lakimies (6), 980-996. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Perustuslaki jaoikeuden saatavuus (The Constitution and access to justice). Lakimies (7-8), 1085-1105. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1999). Rikosoikeudenkäynnin joutuisuus asianomistajan ihmisoikeutena. (The reasonable time for criminal proceedings as a victimìs human right). Defensor Legis (6), 1094-1098. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1999). Rikosprosessin tehokkuus ja syytetyn läsnäolo (The effectiveness in criminal proceedings and the presence of the defendant). Defensor Legis (3), 566-576. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1998). Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksenmerkitys suomalaisessa lainkäytössä - erityisesti määrättäessä avustajamaksuttoman oikeudenkäynnin yhteydessä (The importance of the ECHR in the Finnish legal practice - especially in situations where the counsel has been appointed by legal aid). Defensor Legis (1), 108-116. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1998). Prosessin joutuisuusihmis- ja perusoikeutena (The reasonable time for legal proceedings as a human and fundamental right). Defensor Legis (4), 676-687. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1996). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Courtìs decision KKO 1995:178). Lakimies (4), 672-680. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). The Reform of Civil Procedure in Finland. Civil Justice Quarterly, 14, 56-64. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1992). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Court´s decision KKO 1991:110). Defensor Legis (11-12), 134-142. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1992). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Courtìs decision KKO 1991:64). Lakimies, 4, 555-565. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1992). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the Supreme Courtìs decision KKO 1992:25). Lakimies, 8, 1346-1353. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1991). Oikeustapauskommentti (Case commentary on the supreme Court´s decision 1991:53). Defensor Legis, 62-69. [BibTeX]
Articles, book reviews
- Ervo, L. (2023). Oikeudenmukainen todistelu: Jurkka Jämsä. Fair Trial Rules of Evidence. The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights. Lakimies (5), 811-815. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Pekka Määttä: Rikosasian joutuisa käsittely: Perusoikeus ja tuomarin velvollisuus. Lakimies (3), 469-496. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Book review on Tuomarinesteellisyys by Tapanila, Antti.. Lakimies (2), 316-327. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2007). Book review on Oikeudentekstit diskursseina: by Niemi-Kiesiläinen,Honkatukia, Karma, Ruuskanen. Lakimies (1), 162-170. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Ervo, L. (2023). Privatperson anses ha rätt till ersättning för rättegångskostnad avseende eget arbete – analys: Högsta domstolen 2023-02-16, mål Ö 1026-22. JP Infonet, 5. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Oikeudenkäynnin oikeudenmukaisuusvaatimus: Käsikirja lainkäyttäjille. Helsinki: WSOY. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2007). Pääsykoekirja 1/2007. Turku: The University of Turku. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2005). Oikeudenmukainen oikeudenkäynti. Helsinki: WSOY. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Esitutkinnan optimaalisuus oikeudellisessa viitekehyksessä. Espoo: Poliisiammattikorkeakoulu (Poliisiammattikorkeakoulun oppikirjat 5). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Pääsykoekirja 2/2000. Turku: The University of Turku. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Eerola, R. (1997). Pääsykoekirja 5/1997. Turku: The University of Turku. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1996). Ylimmät prosessiperiaatteet: oikeudenmukaisen oikeudenkäynnin osatekijät. Helsinki: Lakimiesliiton Kustannus. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Ervo, L. (2024). Den europeiska skyddsordern som ett processrättsligt instrument inom EU-rätt. In: Alexander Hardenberger; Lotta Maunsbach, Festskrift till Peter Westberg (pp. 163-180). . Juristförlaget, Lund. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2024). The Modern Rule of Law in Civil Proceedings – New Swedish and Finnish Components. In: Rigmor Argren, Rule of Law in a Transitional Spectrum (pp. 271-286). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2023). Facilitating ADR and settlements: an extension of the co-operation principle (Rules 9–10, 141). In: Astrid Stadler; Vincent Smith; Fernando Gascón Inchausti, European Rules of Civil Procedure: A Commentary on the ELI/UNIDROIT Model Rules (pp. 93-107). . Edward Elgar Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2023). Föräldraansvaret som process – finns det något juridiskt i det?. In: Andreas Anderberg; Laura Ervo; Eleonor Kristoffersson, Med unga i fokus: Festskrift till Kerstin Nordlöf (pp. 107-133). . Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2022). Insolvency Law and Covid-19: The Finnish Example on Tackling the Pandemic. In: Nadia Mansour; Lorenzo M. Bujosa Vadell, Finance, Law, and the Crisis of COVID-19: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (pp. 123-138). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Andrews, N. , Ferrand, F. , Harsági, V. , Gascón Inchausti, F. & Stürner, M. (2021). Access to information and evidence. In: European Law Institute and UNIDROIT, ELI – Unidroit Model European Rules of Civil Procedure: From Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure (pp. 136-173). . Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Culture and Mentality in East-Nordic Courts. In: Laura Ervo; Pia Letto-Vanamo; Anna Nylund, Rethinking Nordic Courts (pp. 89-106). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Dagens öst-nordiska brottmålsprocess – trender och funktioner. In: Torbjörn Andersson; Eric Bylander; Henrik Bellander, Processrättsliga studier tillägnade Bengt Lindell (pp. 103-125). . Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Group Actions in East-Nordic Legal Culture. In: Alan Uzelac; Stefaan Voet, Class Actions in Europe: Holy Grail or a Wrong Trail? (pp. 177-199). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Sutter-Somm, T. , Besso, C. , Fricero, N. , Kern, C. & Higgins, A. (2021). Judgment, res judicata and lis pendens. In: European Law Institute and UNIDROIT, ELI – Unidroit Model European Rules of Civil Procedure: From transnational principles to European rules of civil procedure (pp. 174-197). . Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Pandemic and Digitalization – The Situation in the Finnish Lower Courts. In: Bart Krans, Anna Nylund, Civil Courts Coping with Covid-19 (pp. 73-82). The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Plea Bargaining Changing Nordic Criminal Procedure: Sweden and Finland as Examples. In: Laura Ervo; Pia Letto-Vanamo; Anna Nylund, Rethinking Nordic Courts (pp. 255-269). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2021). Sustainability in East-Nordic Procedural Law. In: Eleonor Kristoffersson; Mais Qandeel, Law and Sustainable development: Swedish Perspectives (pp. 215-233). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2020). The Finnish Way of Understanding Procedural Autonomy: A Practical Approach to Implementing EU Civil Procedural Law. In: Bart Krans and Anna Nylund, Procedural Autonomy across Europe (pp. 57-80). . Intersentia. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2019). Harmonisation or Fragmentation of National Law?: An East Nordic Perspective. In: Anna Nylund and Magne Strandberg, Civil Procedure and Harmonisation of Law: The Dynamics of EU and International Treaties (pp. 77-98). . Intersentia. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2019). International cooperation and evidence in the Nordic, Baltic, and former socialist countries continental Europe, and common law Europe. In: Hermes Zaneti Jr. e Marco Antonio Rodrigues, Cooperação Internacional (pp. 167-192). . Editora Jus Podivm. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2018). Current consumer problems and alternative dispute resolution in banking: East-Scandinavian comparisons. In: Beatriz Belando Garin och Carmen Boldó Roda, Vías Extrajudiciales de Protección del Inversor e Instrumentos en la Financiación de Empresas (pp. 145-161). . Forlaget Thomson. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Efficiency in the East-Scandinavian Civil Proceedings. In: Vytautas Negrosius, Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time (pp. 288-298). . Vilnius University Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Non-controversial jurisdiction in Finland and Sweden. In: Argounov, V. V., Voluntary (Non-Contentious) Jurisdiction Around The World (pp. 168-186). Moscow, Russia: Gorodets. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Parental responsibilities as procedures: anything legal in it?. In: Azcárraga Monzonís, C. & Quinzá Redondo, P., Tratado de Mediación: Tomo III: Mediación en conflictos de familia (pp. 97-123). Valencia, Italy: Tirant lo Blanch. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2017). Should fair trial rights be redefined?: civil litigation as a societal discussion. In: A. Uzelac and C.H. van Rhee, Revisiting Procedural Human Rights: Fundamentals of Civil Procedure and the Changing Face of Civil Justice (pp. 77-92). Cambridge, UK: Intersentia. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Communication in a fair trial and the significance of the interpreter. In: A. Briguglio, R. Martino, A. Panzarola, B. Sassani, Scritti in onore di Nicola Picardi: Tomo II (pp. 989-1002). Pisa: Pacini Editore. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Comparative Analysis between East-Scandinavian Countries. In: Josef Zila, Juridicums Årsbok 2014-2015 (pp. 59-75). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Conclusions. In: Laura Ervo, Anna Nylund, Current trends in preparatory proceedings: comparative studies between Nordic and former communist countries (pp. 233-245). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). La Orden Europea de Protección: eficacia Europea o un simple diálogo de besugos. In: Freixes Sanjuán, Teresa Martínez García, Elena Vegas Aguilar, Juan Carlos, La Orden de Protección Europea: la protección de víctimas de violencia de género y cooperación judicial penal en Europa (pp. 195-210). Valéncia, Spain: Editorial Tirant Lo Blanch. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). 'Opt-In is Out and Opt-Out is In': Dimensions Based on Nordic Options and the Commission's Recommendation. In: Burkhard Hess, Maria Bergström, Eva Storskrubb, EU Civil Justice: Current Issues and Future Outlook (pp. 185-200). . Hart Publishing Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Plea Bargaining as an Example of the Recent Changes in the Finnish Criminal Procedural Paradigm. In: Josef Zila, Juridicums Årsbok 2014-2015 (pp. 77-94). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2016). Swedish-Finnish Preparatory Proceedings: Filtering and Process Techniques. In: Laura Ervo, Anna Nylund, Current trends in preparatory proceedings: comparative studies of Nordic and former communist countries (pp. 19-56). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2015). Comparative analysis between East-Scandinavian countries. In: Scandinavian studies in law (pp. 135-152). Stockholm: Stockholm Institute for Scandinavian Law. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2015). Eurooppalainen suojelumääräys - eurooppalaista tehokkuutta vai tyhjää puhetta?. In: Anssi Keinänen, Reima Kukkonen, Mia Kilpeläinen, Oikeustieteiden moniottelija: Matti Tolvanen 60 vuotta (pp. 1-11). Helsinki: Edita Publishing Oy. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2015). Pitäisikö oikeus oikeudenmukaiseen oikeudenkäyntiin määritellä uudelleen?: Riitaprosessi yhteiskunnallisena keskusteluna. In: Petteri Korhonen, Timo Saranpää, Isännän ääni: Juhlakirja Erkki Kustaa Rintala (pp. 157-175). . Talentum. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Persson, A. (2015). The Finnish and Swedish legislation in the light of the ARD-directive: boards and ombudsmen. In: Eva Lein, Duncan Fairgrieve, Marta Otero Crespo, Vincent Smith, Collective redress in Europe: why and how? (pp. 455-478). . British Institute of International and Comparative Law. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Dahlqvist, A. (2014). Delays in civil proceedings: comparative studies between Finland and Sweden. In: The Future of Civil Litigation: Access to courts and court-annexed mediation in the Nordic Countries (pp. 249-280). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). East-Scandinavian court culture from the religious point of view: secularized or quasi secularized civil litigation?. In: Anna Piszcz, Court culture: contemporary problems (pp. 53-70). Bialystok: Bialystok University. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Group actions in Sweden: a moderate start. In: Viktória Harsági, C. H. van Rhee, Multi-party redress mechanisms in Europe: squeaking mice? (pp. 243-259). Cambridge: Intersentia. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Introduction. In: Laura Ervo och Anna Nylund, The Future of Civil Litigation: Access to courts and court-annexed mediation in the Nordic Countries (pp. 1-6). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). The Nordic Court Culture in Progress: Historical and Futuristic Perspectives. In: Laura Ervo och Anna Nylund, The Future of Civil Litigation: Access to courts and court-annexed mediation in the Nordic Countries (pp. 383-407). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Voluntary jurisdiction in East-Scandinavia. In: Lotti Ryberg-Welander och Annina H. Persson, I rättens utkanter: Festskrift till Catharina Calleman (pp. 101-112). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Добровольная юрисдикция в восточной Скандинавии. In: V.V.Argounov, ДОБРОВОЛЬНАЯ (БЕССПОРНАЯ) ЮРИСДИКЦИЯВ РОССИИ И ЗА РУБЕЖОМ(Восточная и Западная Европа, Латинская Америка, Китай)- Voluntary Jurisdiction in Russia an abroad (Europe, South America, China). (pp. 271-293). Moskva: Статут. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Changing civil proceedings: court service or state economy?. In: Catharina Calleman, Juridicums Årsbok 2011-2013 (pp. 63-89). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Changing Civil Proceedings: Court Service or State Economy?. In: Recent Trends in Economy and Efficiency of Civil Procedure (pp. 51-71). Vilnius: Vilnius University Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Institutional autonomy, barriers to change and innovation and innovative methods in graduate legal studies: lessons learned. In: Daniela Piana, Philip Langbroek, Tomas Berkmanas, Ole Hammerslev, Otilia Pacurari, Legal education and judicial training in Europe: the menu for justice project report (pp. 85-92). . Eleven International Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Legal bilingualisation and factual multilingualisation: a comparative study of the protection of linguistic minorities in civil proceedings between Finland and Italy. In: Catharina Calleman, Juridicums Årsbok 2011-2013 (pp. 92-132). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Liability and social control of Scandinavian judges. In: Monika Giżyńska, Anna Piszcz, Liability of public officers: selected issues (pp. 117-132). Plock: Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Wyższej im. Pawła Włodkowica. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Multiculturalism in the fact gathering. In: Cheng, L.; Hale, L.; He, Q; Sun, L., Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Law, Translation and Culture. May 31 - June 2, 2013, Hangzhou, China. (pp. XXV-XXX). Marietta: The American Scholars Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Ne bis in idem-problematiken i Norden: varför är det så svårt att acceptera Europadomstolens rättspraxis?. In: Andreas Anderberg, Festskrift till Josef Zila (pp. 37-62). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Berkmanas, T. , Cavallini, D. , Hammerslev, O. , Kiikeri, M. , Langbroek, P. & Pacurari, O. (2013). Recommendations for policymakers and course development in legal and judicial training. In: Daniela Piana, Philip Langbroek, Tomas Berkmanas, Ole Hammerslev, Otilia Pacurari, Legal education and judicial training in Europe: the menu for justice project report (pp. 283-292). . Eleven International Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Sippel, L. (2013). Scandinavian countries. In: Carlos Esplugues, José Luis Iglesias, Guillermo Palao, Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe. Vol. 1: National mediation rules and procedures (pp. 371-425). . Intersentia. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). The role of judges and party-autonomy in court-facilitated settlement: a Scandinavian perspective. In: Catharina Calleman, Juridicums Årsbok 2011-2013 (pp. 131-155). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2012). Human rights perspectives on debtors' obligations to provide information in Finland and Sweden. In: Catharina Calleman, Rätten i den ekonomiska krisen (pp. 85-115). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Tolonen, H. (2012). The dimensions of a fair trial with reference to children. In: Farhad Malekian, Kerstin Nordlöf, The sovereignty of children in law (pp. 332-345). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2012). Tie totuuteen. In: Tatu Hyttinen, Rikoksesta rangaistukseen: Juhlajulkaisu Pekka Viljanen 1952 - 26/8 - 2012 (pp. 1-16). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Class actions in consumer cases: a Finnish start. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, Comparative studies on business tort litigation. . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Enforcement in Finland: some special views. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, Comparative studies on enforcement and provisional measures. . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Enforcement procedure in Finland: an overview based on the questionnaire. In: Miklós Kengyel, Viktória Harsági, Grenzüberschreitende vollstreckung in der Europäischen Union (pp. 49-116). . Sellier European Law Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Oikeustieteen opetus murroksessa: Turku Law Schoolin mahdollisuudet. In: Tatu Hyttinen, Katja Weckström, Turun yliopiston oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta 50 vuotta (pp. 25-42). Turku: University of Turku. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Kosonen, H. , Nystén-Haarala, S. , Suhonen, O. & Romppanen, S. (2011). Scandinavian countries. In: Carlos Esplugues, José-Luis Iglesias, Guillermo Palao, Application of foreign law (pp. 327-344). . Sellier European Law Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). Substantive law and the newest procedural trends in Scandinavia. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, International contract litigation, arbitration and judicial responsibility in transnational disputes (pp. 147-167). . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). The concept of ordre public and the situation in Finland. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, Cross border insolvency, intellectual property litigation, arbitration and ordre public (pp. 327-344). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). The Finnish system of provisional measures: a forest of norms. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, Comparative studies on enforcement and provisional measures. . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). The Nordic bankruptcy convention. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, Cross border insolvency, intellectual property litigation, arbitration and ordre public (pp. 89-96). . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2011). The role of judges and party-autonomy in court-facilitated settlement: a Scandinavian perspective. In: Rolf Stürner, Masanori Kawano, International contract litigation, arbitration and judicial responsibility in transnational disputes (pp. 336-357). . Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2010). Oikeustapauskommentti KKO 2010:31. In: KKO:n ratkaisut kommentein. . Talentum. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2010). Recent novelties in Finnish civil litigation and the changes in court culture. In: Piotr Pogonowski, Paweł Cioch, Edyta Gapska, Joanna Nowińska, Wspólczesne przemiany postepowania cywilnego (pp. 145-157). . Wolters Kluwer. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Adduction of evidence. In: Laura Ervo, Civil justice in Finland (pp. 113-143). Tokyo: Jigakusha. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Class actions: Scandinavian novelties. In: Rolf Stürner and Masanori Kawano, Current Topics of International Litigation (pp. 118-126). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuin ja kansallinen päätösvalta. In: Erkki J. Hollo, Kansallinen oikeus ja liitovaltioistuva Eurooppa (National Law and Europeanisation) (pp. 239-254). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Fact gathering. In: Laura Ervo, Civil justice in Finland (pp. 101-112). Tokyo: Jigakusha. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Blake, L. & Pointing, J. (2009). Fair trials as discourse: reforms in Scandinavian procedural law contrasted with reform in England and Wales. In: Susan Šarčević, Legal language in action: translation, terminology, drafting and procedural issues (pp. 361-376). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Mediación en los Países Escandinavos. In: Silvia Barona Vilar, Mediación penal para adultos: una realidad en los ordenamientos jurídicos (Conciliation in Criminal Matters in Scandinavian Countries) (pp. 125-180). Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Preclusive effects of foreign judgments according to Finnish law. In: Rolf Stürner and Masanori Kawano, Current Topics of International Litigation (pp. 256-261). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Some comments on civil provisional measures to prohibit specific actions according to Finnish law. In: Rolf Stürner and Masanori Kawano, Current Topics of International Litigation (pp. 69-80). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). Taking evidence abroad according to Finnish law. In: Rolf Stürner and Masanori Kawano, Current Topics of International Litigation (pp. 220-224). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2009). The Characteristics of procedure. In: Laura Ervo, Civil justice in Finland (pp. 55-100). Tokyo: Jigakusha. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Gräns, M. & Jokela, A. (2009). The party-autonomy and the access to justice. In: Laura Ervo, Minna Gräns and Antti Jokela, Europeanization of procedural law and the new challenges to fair trial (pp. 21-41). Groningen: Europa Law Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Sorvari, K. (2009). The System of provisional measures. In: Laura Ervo, Civil justice in Finland (pp. 232-255). Tokyo: Jigakusha. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Laillisuusvalvonta. In: Tiedä oikeutesi, pidä puolesi (pp. 81-83). Helsinki: Oy Valitut Palat. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Oikeudenkäynti. In: Tiedä oikeutesi, pidä puolesi (pp. 68-78). Helsinki: Oy Valitut Palat. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Perusasioita oikeudenkäynnin oikeudenmukaisuudesta. In: Antti Savela, Rovaniemen hovioikeuspiirin tuomioistuinten laatuhankkeen työryhmäraportteja IX: 11 Rovaniemen hovioikeuspiirin laatuhankkeen julkaisuja (pp. 143-167). Rovaniemi: Rovaniemen hovioikeuspiiri. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2008). Ulosotto. In: Tiedä oikeutesi, pidä puolesi (pp. 79-80). Helsinki: Oy Valitut Palat. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2007). Esteellisyysväitteen merkitys tuomioistuimen puolueettomuudelle. In: Havansi, E., Koulu, R. & Lindfors, H., Oikeudenkäyntejä ja tuomioistuimia: juhlakirja Juha Lappalainen 60 vuotta (pp. 43-67). Helsinki: COMI. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2005). Kommunikation i en rättvis rättegång, speciellt muntlighetens betydelse vid domstol (Communication in a fair trial, especially the significance of oral court proceedings). In: Eric Bylander & Per Henrik Lindblom, Muntlighet vid domstol i Norden: en rättsvetenskaplig, rättspsykologisk och rättsetnologisk studie av presentationsformernas betydelse i förfarandet vid domstol i Norden (pp. 221-266). Uppsala: Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2005). Oikeudenkäynnin kohtuuttoman keston huomioon ottaminen asiaa ratkaistaessa: erityisesti pitkäkestoisuuden vaikutuksesta seuraamusharkinnassa. In: Ari-Matti Nuutila ja Elina Pirjatanniemi, Rikos, rangaistus ja prosessi: Juhlajulkaisu Eero Backman 1945-14/5-2005 (pp. 1-18). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2004). Suomalaisen prosessin kompastuskivet Euroopan ihmisoikeustuomioistuimen oikeuskäytännössä. In: Prosessioikeudellisia erityiskysymyksiä: juhlajulkaisu Antti Jokela 26.1.2005 (pp. 11-29). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2003). Nemo tenetur se ipsum accusare: myötävaikuttamattomuusperiaatteen sisältö ja rajat. In: Matkalla Pohjoiseen: professori Jyrki Virolaisen juhlakirja 26.2.2003 (Festschrift för Professor Jyrki Virolainen 26.2.2003) (pp. 1-26). Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopiston oikeustieteiden tiedekunta. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2003). Todistelun avoimuus. In: Oikeuden tavoitteet ja menettelyt: muistokirja Hannu Tapani Klamille (pp. 163-185). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2001). Materiaalinen prosessinjohto rikosprosessissa ja menettelyn diskursiivisuus. In: In The University of Turku, Faculty of Law 40 years (pp. 25-43). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2001). Order for Payment. In: Walter H. Rechberger and Georg E. Kodek, Orders for Payment in the European Union: Mahnverfahren in der Europäischen Union : L'injunction de payer dans l'Union européenne (pp. 103-111). The Hague: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1999). Oikeudenkäyntikulut ja oikeudenmukaisuus. In: Oikeus ja oikeudenmukaisuus: oikeustieteen päivät 3.-4.6.1999 Joensuussa (pp. 62-74). Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1998). Asianosaisten roolikehitys uudistuneessa rikosprosessissa. In: Anne Kumpula, The Festschrift for Leena Kartio 1938 - 30/8 - 1998 (Juhlajulkaisu Leena Kartio 1938 -30/8 - 1998) (pp. 47-57). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Haastemies. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 95-. Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Kantaja. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 147-148). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Myöntäminen. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 300-302). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Oikeusapu. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 341-342). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Perusteluvelvollisuus. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 386-389). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Prosessuaalinen määräaika. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 435-437). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Tuomarin harkintavalta. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 721-723). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Tuomio. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 727-729). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Tuomiolauselma. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 733-734). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Tuomiovalta. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 736-739). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Vastaaja. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 827-828). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1995). Yksipuolinen tuomio. In: Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica: IV (pp. 887-889). Helsinki: Suomalainen Lakimiesyhdistys. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1993). Suullinen käsittely ja valituslupajärjestelmä hovioikeuksissa Euroopan ihmisoikeussopimuksen näkökulmasta. In: Laura Vilkkonen, Yhdentyminen ja Suomi (Integration and Finland): kirjoituksia yhdentymisen vaikutuksista Suomen oikeusjärjestykseen (pp. 170-206). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1991). Aineellisen totuuden tavoite ja miehen oikeusturva isyysasioissa. In: Turun yliopiston oikeustieteellinen tiedekunta 30 vuotta (University of Turku, Faculty of Law 30 Years) (pp. 41-59). Turku: Turun yliopisto. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Anderberg, A. (ed.) , Ervo, L. (ed.) & Kristoffersson, E. (ed.) (2023). Med unga i fokus: Festskrift till Kerstin Nordlöf.. Iustus förlag. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) (2023). Vi talar om lagar: Hur kan vi skydda kvinnor och barn? (1ed.). Örebro: Centrum för våldsstudier, Örebro universitet (Texter om våld 2023:1). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) , Letto-Vanamo, P. (ed.) & Nylund, A. (ed.) (2021). Rethinking Nordic Courts.. Springer (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice 90). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) & Nylund, A. (ed.) (2016). Current Trends in Preparatory Proceedings: A Comparative Study of Nordic and Former Communist Countries.. Springer International Publishing. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) & Nylund, A. (ed.) (2014). The Future of Civil Litigation: access to courts and court-annexed mediation in the Nordic Countries.. Springer. [BibTeX]
- Lahti, R. (ed.) , Ervo, L. (ed.) & Siro, J. (ed.) (2012). Perus- ja ihmisoikeudet rikosprosessissa. Helsingfors: Helsingin hovioikeus. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) (2009). Civil justice in Finland. Tokyo: Jigakusha (Nagoya University comparative study of civil justice 2). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (ed.) , Gräns, M. (ed.) & Jokela, A. (ed.) (2009). Europeanization of procedural law and the new challenges to fair trial. Groningen: Europa Law Publishing. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Ervo, L. (2018). International cooperation and evidence in the Nordic, Baltic, and former socialist countries; continental Europe and common law Europe. In: La prueba en el proceso Evidence in the process. Paper presented at II Conferencia Internacional & XXVI Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Derecho Procesal, Salamanca, Spain, October 17-19, 2018. (pp. 555-580). Atelier. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Law of Enforcement: National report: Finland. In: International Association of Procedural Law. Paper presented at IAPL Seoul Conference on Constitution and Proceedings, October 1-4 2014. (pp. 789-841). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2014). Constitution, Judiciary and Public Powers Structure: National report: Finland. In: International Association of Procedural Law Seoul Conference 2014. Paper presented at IAPL Seoul Conference on Constitution and Proceedings, October 1-4 2014. (pp. 165-175). [BibTeX]
- Persson, A. H. & Ervo, L. (2014). The Finish and the Swedish legislation in the light of the ARD-directive – boards and ombudsmen. Paper presented at International Environmental Mass Litigation - Lessons for Europe, 8 th Dec 2014, London. (pp. 1-14). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). Between legal and social control: Scandinavian ombudsmen. Paper presented at Annual conference of British Institute for International and Comparative Law 2013. The British Institute for International and Comparative Law: [BibTeX]
- Persson, A. H. , Ervo, L. & Lindblom, T. (2013). Collective redress mechanism in Sweden. Paper presented at The Commission recommendation on collective redress, British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Annual Conference, 11 June 2013 at BMA House, Tavistock Square, London. (pp. 22- [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2013). The current challenges in fair trial: How to take multiculturalism into consideration?. In: Chneg, L.; Hale, L; He, Q; Sun, L., Proceedings of the Third International Conference On Law, Translation and Culture. Paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Law, Translation and Culture (LTC3,Zheijiang Sci-Tech Univ, Hangzhou, PEOPLES R CHINA, MAY 31-JUN 02, 2013. (pp. 399-406). The American Scholars Press. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2010). The protection of fundamental human rights in criminal process. In: Jorge Sánchez Cordero, The impact of uniform law on national law limits and possibilities. Paper presented at First Intermediate Congress, Mexico. (pp. 419-441). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (1997). The Principle of the Free Reception of Evidence in Finland. In: J.F. Nijboer and J.M. Reijntjes, Proceedings of the First World Conference on New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence. Paper presented at World Conference on New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, The Hague, The Netherlands, December 1 - 5, 1995. (pp. 295-299). Lelystad: Koninklijke Vermande. [BibTeX]
- Persson, A. H. & Ervo, L. (2017). The Swedish Goup proceedings. London: British Institute of International and Comparative Law. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. , Lavapuro, J. & Ojanen, T. (2009). Thematic Legal Study on assessment of Access to Justice in Civil Cases in European Union. Finland.. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. (2000). Vaitiolosta ilmiantoon: A) Pappi tai muu kirkon työntekijä todistajana. B) Pappi tai muu kirkon työntekijä ilmiantajana. Helsinki: Kirkkohallitus. [BibTeX]
- Ervo, L. & Lähdesmäki, U. (1994). Lex archaeologica - työryhmän muistio. Helsinki: Opetusministeriö (Opetusministeriön työryhmien muistioita 1994: 7). [BibTeX]