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Kajsa Hult

Position: Doctoral Student School/office: School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science

Email: a2Fqc2EuaHVsdDtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 302042

Room: K1108

Kajsa Hult

About Kajsa Hult

Kajsa Hult is a PhD student in meal science at Örebro University since 2019. Her research project aims to highlight the creative and inspiring facets of the services performed in the dining room, as opposed to most previous research where focus tends to shift into the kitchen. The purpose is to understand the individuals performing these tasks to a greater extent, to portray how hospitality is performed, and to examine the importance of contemporary restaurants in relation to the gastronomical development. Furthermore, the project also serves to develop and deepen knowledge of hospitality by studying the day-to-day operations at restaurants, as well as identifying the role a restaurant environment plays in forming meaning and identity with the hospitality worker. In a broader sense, the ambition is also for the project to contribute to a future improvement of the hospitality worker’s status.     

Kajsa has a one-year master from Umeå University and has previously worked as assistant lecture with teaching areas in hospitality and beverages. In addition to her academic interest in restaurant research, she occasionally works practically in the restaurant industry.


Articles in journals |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Other | 

Articles in journals

Collections (editor)

Conference papers
