Johanna Gustafsson
Johanna Gustafsson Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Health SciencesEmail: am9oYW5uYS5ndXN0YWZzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: +46 19 303948
Room: P2151
About Johanna Gustafsson
Johanna Gustafsson (b. 1975) is a senior lecturer/associate professor at Örebro University. Currently she is a post-doc in a Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship at OsloMet. Johanna has a master's degree in behavioral science with psychology as a major, from 2003 and a PhD in Disability Science from 2014, at Örebro University.
Johanna's main focus in research is vocational rehabilitation and working life for people with disabilities, with a special interest in the Supported employment (SE) methods. She is currently involved as a researcher in several different projects which concern Supported employment and gender, health and wellbeing factors for people with hearing impairment in working life as well as for nurses, implementation of Supported employment, and Solution-focused dialogue methods and health in Upper secondary education, the social services practices concerning people with disabilities experiencing violence in close relationships, and validation of ICF core sets for hearing loss.
Johanna's teaching assignments are both at the undergraduate level in the Audiologist program and in the Occupational Therapist program, and at the advanced level, on doctoral courses in Disability Science. She mainly teaches in subjects related to her research topics and research methods.
Johanna is currently supervising five doctoral students:
Ingrid Witte since 2019 (assistant supervisor)
Lena Uvhagen since 2022 (assistant supervisor)
Sofie Adaszak since 2022 (assistant supervisor)
Filippa Klint since 2022 (assistant supervisor)
Evelina Karvonen since 2023 (assistant supervisor)
Collaborations and assignments
Johanna has several national and international assignments and collaborations. Since 2016, she is the Swedish expert in the Academic Network of Experts in Disability (ANED), which reports to the European Commission. She is also an international expert in INTEGRATE, a research program at Oslo Metropolitan University.
Johanna has been involved in different assignments in the Swedish welfare sector. In recent years, she has had assignments as process support in the project Breddad Rekrytering which is run by SALAR, evaluator of Arvsfonden's Egen Kraft project, evaluator in the Implementation of Supported employment at Jobbtorg Stockholm, co-researcher in "Research project in collaboration to describe and strengthen health among unaccompanied adolescents and staff at HVB homes and in three Swedish municipalities" and in the SIM project (Solution-focused Intervention for Mental Health among students in Upper secondary education). Johanna has also had several different national and international assignments related to disability issues.
Research projects
Active projects
- DIALOGUE: Dialogue support for the social service's assessment of risk for violence in close relationships
- The Effects and Cost-Effectiveness of Supported Employment for Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities
- Hearing loss in the working life - a salutogenic perspective
- Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ)
- Healthy and sustainable work environment for nurses in Swedish health and medical care
- Supported Employment and gender - how do sex and gender influence a vocational rehabilitation process for men and women with mental and intellectual disabilities?
- VISA: Violence In close relationships and the Social service's Adapted work
Completed projects
- Keeping a job: on people with disabilities in the labour market
- ICF Core Sets for Hearing Loss
- ICF- core sets for hearing loss; validation and operationalization of Brief ICF-Core set for hearing loss into a self-assessment instrument
- Rehabilitation, occupation and jobs for people with disabilities
- Supported employment - Sustainable work
Research groups
- AWESOME - Autistic Well-being in Society and Me
- Disability - Society
- Mental health and well-being: from group to population perspective
- SAFe - The Social Services' Work with People with Disability
- Interdisciplinary Research in Clinical Audiology (IRCA)
- Vasa (Welfare, Labour Market Policies, and Social Responsibility)
Articles in journals
- Witte, I. , Strandberg, T. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). Does gender matter in Supported Employment? A qualitative study of participants’ experiences. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 61 (2), 219-234. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Widén, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). How to remain in working life with hearing loss: health factors for a sustainable work situation. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 79 (3), 1391-1406. [BibTeX]
- Witte, I. , Strandberg, T. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). Social representations of gender and their influence in Supported Employment: employment specialists' experiences in Sweden. Disability and Rehabilitation, 46 (15), 3381-3395. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Widén, S. , Manchaiah, V. , Swarnalatha Nagaraj, V. , Pichora-Fuller, K. M. , Selb, M. & et al. (2023). Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Development and Validation of an ICF-Based Instrument. Ear and Hearing, 44 (6), 1498-1506. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Widén, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Manchaiah, V. , Mahomed-Asmail, F. , Swanepoel, D. W. , Yerraguntla, K. & et al. (2021). Validation of the Brief International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set for hearing loss: an international multicentre study. International Journal of Audiology, 60 (6), 412-420. [BibTeX]
- Persson Waye, K. , Fredriksson, S. , Hussain-Alkhateeb, L. , Gustafsson, J. & van Kamp, I. (2019). Preschool teachers' perspective on how high noise levels at preschool affect children's behavior. PLOS ONE, 14 (3). [BibTeX]
- Gustafsson, J. , Peralta, J. & Danermark, B. (2018). Supported Employment and Social Inclusion: Experiences of Workers with Disabilities in Wage Subsidized Employment in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 20 (1), 26-36. [BibTeX]
- Gustafsson, J. , Peralta, J. & Danermark, B. (2013). The employer's perspective: employment of people with disabilities in wage subsidized employments. Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research. [BibTeX]
- Gustafsson, J. , Peralta, J. & Danermark, B. (2013). The employer’s perspective on supported employment for people with disabilities: successful approaches of Supported employment organizations. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 38 (2), 99-111. [BibTeX]
- Germundsson, P. , Gustafsson, J. , Lind, M. & Danermark, B. (2012). Disability and supported employment: impact on employment, income, and allowances. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 35 (3), 263-269. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Witte, I. , Strandberg, T. , Granberg, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2023). Intersectional perspectives on the employment rate in Supported Employment for people with psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, or intellectual disabilities: A scoping review. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 74 (2), 435-454. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. & Gustafsson, J. (2022). Validation of the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) core sets from 2001 to 2019: a scoping review. Disability and Rehabilitation, 44 (14), 3736-3748. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2021). Key findings about hearing loss in the working-life: a scoping review from a well-being perspective. International Journal of Audiology, 60 (S2), 60-70. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Gustafsson, J. (2024). Case Studies. In: Advanced Research Methods for Applied Psychology: Design, Analysis and Reporting (pp. 111-121). . Routledge. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Gustafsson, J. & Öster, S. (2023). A solution-focused coaching approach to promote adolescent mental well-being in a school setting. In: European Journal of Public Health. Paper presented at 16th European Public Health Conference: Our Food, Our Health, Our Earth: A Sustainable Future for Humanity, Dublin, Ireland, November 8–11, 2023. (pp. ii106-ii106). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Adaszak, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Källström, Å. , Holmefur, M. & Farias Vera, L. (2023). Navigating barriers and facilitators to support victims of violence in a close relationship with cognitive disability: Social workers´ perspectives. Paper presented at 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2023), Florence, Italy, September 6-9, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Widén, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Manchaiah, V. , Mahomed-Asmail, F. , Yerraguntla, K. & Granberg, S. (2021). Validation of the Brief (ICF) core set for hearing loss. Paper presented at American Auditory Society Scientific and Technology Meeting, Online, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA,March 4 - 6, 2021. Routledge. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Gustafsson, J. (2014). Supported employment i en svensk kontext: förutsättningarnär personer med funktionsnedsättning når,får och behåller ett arbete. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Witte, I. , Strandberg, T. & Gustafsson, J. Exploring enablers and barriers in Supported Employment processes using qualitative comparative analysis. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Manchaiah, V. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Gustafsson, J. & Widén, S. Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) : Construct validity, internal consistency reliability and floor and ceiling effects. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Widén, S. , Manchaiah, V. , Vinay, M. , Pichora-Fuller, K. , Selb, M. & et al. Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) : Development and Validation of an ICF-based Instrument. [BibTeX]
- Källström, Å. , Amlakie, H. , Yildirim, Z. , Adaszak, S. , Klint, F. , Farias Vera, L. , Gustafsson, J. & Holmefur, M. (2022). Att identifiera och arbeta med utsatthet för våld bland personer med funktionsnedsättning: Lärdomar från kommuner och regioner. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Working Papers and Reports Social work 27). [BibTeX]