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Jakob Heydorn Lagerlöf

Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Medical Sciences

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About Jakob Heydorn Lagerlöf

Jakob Heydorn Lagerlöf is a medical physicist, with a background in experimental physics and automotive engineering. He has university diplomas in mathematics and environmental science, a MSc in physics and medical physics and a PhD in medical physics.

Jakob has been working with R&D in various contexts since 2001, with a particular interest in mathematical modelling. His major research interest is within radiophysical and radiobiological modelling and analysis of medical images. He is currently affiliated to Örebro University. He is also a research leader at the centre for clinical research and education at Region Värmland.

Jakobs clinical expertise is in the physics of MRI, radiology and nuclear medicine and he is registered as radiation safety expert, approved by the swedish radiation safety authority (SSM).

Jakob has taught primary school, postgraduate and everything in between and is very interested in popularisation of science. His main teaching has been on the subject of Monte Carlo methods and as supervisor of resident physicians as well as bachelor, master and doctoral thesis workers in radiography, engineering physics, medical physics and medical science. He is a regular guest lecturer at Karlstad University.

As an independent consultant, he investigates, educates, measures and calculates within the area of radiation physics for a variety of customers in industry and medicine.


Articles in journals |  Conference papers | 

Articles in journals

Conference papers