Hans Hjelmqvist
Hans Hjelmqvist Position: Professor School/office: School of Medical SciencesEmail: aGFucy5oamVsbXF2aXN0O29ydS5zZQ==
Phone: +46 19 302209
Room: X4301

Research subject
Research projects
Active projects
Research groups
Articles in journals |
Articles, reviews/surveys |
Books |
Conference papers |
Manuscripts |
Articles in journals
- Pettersson, A. , Karlgren, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Meister, B. & Silén, C. (2024). An exploration of students' use of digital resources for self-study in anatomy: a survey study. BMC Medical Education, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wilnerzon Thörn, R. , Forsberg, A. , Stepniewski, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Magnuson, A. , Ahlstrand, R. & Ljungqvist, O. (2024). Immediate mobilization in post-anesthesia care unit does not increase overall postoperative physical activity after elective colorectal surgery: A randomized, double-blinded controlled trial within an enhanced recovery protocol. World Journal of Surgery, 48 (4), 956-966. [BibTeX]
- Hedlund, J. , Blomberg, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Jaensson, M. (2024). Nurse anaesthetists' experiences of student nurse anaesthetist learning during clinical practice: a qualitative interview study. BMC Nursing, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Gummesson, C. , Alm, S. , Cederborg, A. , Ekstedt, M. , Hellman, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Hultin, M. , Jood, K. & et al. (2023). Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for undergraduate medical education - development and exploration of social validity. BMC Medical Education, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, A. F. , Karlgren, K. , Al-Saadi, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Meister, B. , Zeberg, H. & Silén, C. (2023). How students discern anatomical structures using digital three-dimensional visualizations in anatomy education. Anatomical sciences education, 16 (3), 452-464. [BibTeX]
- Otterbeck, A. , Skorup, P. , Hanslin, K. , Larsson, A. , Stålberg, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Lipcsey, M. (2022). Intravenous anti-P. aeruginosa IgY-antibodies do not decrease pulmonary bacterial concentrations in a porcine model of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Innate Immunity, 28 (7-8), 224-234. [BibTeX]
- W. Thörn, R. , Stepniewski, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Forsberg, A. , Ahlstrand, R. & Ljungqvist, O. (2022). Supervised Immediate Postoperative Mobilization After Elective Colorectal Surgery: A Feasibility Study. World Journal of Surgery, 46 (1), 34-42. [BibTeX]
- Silén, C. , Karlgren, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Meister, B. , Zeberg, H. & Pettersson, A. (2022). Three-dimensional visualisation of authentic cases in anatomy learning: An educational design study. BMC Medical Education, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Otterbeck, A. , Skorup, P. , Hanslin, K. , Larsson, A. , Stålberg, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Lipcsey, M. (2021). Bronchially instilled IgY-antibodies did not decrease pulmonary P. aeruginosa concentration in experimental porcine pneumonia. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 65 (5), 656-663. [BibTeX]
- Falk, W. , Gupta, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Bass, G. A. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. (2021). Epidural analgesia and mortality after colorectal cancer surgery: A retrospective cohort study. Annals of Medicine and Surgery, 66. [BibTeX]
- Fredholm, A. , Manninen, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Silen, C. (2019). Authenticity made visible in medical students' experiences of feeling like a doctor. International Journal of Medical Education, 10, 113-121. [BibTeX]
- von Bahr Greenwood, T. , Palmkvist-Kaijser, K. , Chiang, S. C. , Tesi, B. , Bryceson, Y. T. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Henter, J. (2019). Elevated ferritin and soluble CD25 in critically ill are associated with parameters of (hyper)inflammation and lymphocyte cytotoxicity. Minerva Anestesiologica, 85 (12), 1289-1298. [BibTeX]
- Edelbring, S. , Allvin, R. , Karlsson, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Hjelm, C. , Brandt, J. & Tamás, É. (2019). Interprofessionell simulering är engagerande och relevant: Utbildningsstrategi som tränar samverkan över yrkesgränser, visar enkätstudie [Interprofessional simulation: an engaging and relevant technique for teamwork practice]. Läkartidningen, 116. [BibTeX]
- Laake, J. H. , Tønnessen, T. I. , Chew, M. S. , Lipcsey, M. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Wilkman, E. , Pettilä, V. , Hoffmann-Petersen, J. & et al. (2018). The SSAI fully supports the suspension of hydroxyethyl-starch solutions commissioned by the European Medicines Agency. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 62 (6), 874-875. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Hedlund, J. , Blomberg, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Jaensson, M. (2024). Student Nurse Anesthetists' and Supervisors' Perspectives of Learning in the Operating Room: An Integrative Review. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 39 (2), 303-310.e8. [BibTeX]
- Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Ericsson, E. , Johansson, M. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Jendle, J. , Eriksson, M. , Karlsson, M. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Johansson, M. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Jendle, J. (ed.) , Eriksson, M. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) & Möller, M. (ed.) (2018). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2018. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Andersson, S. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Karlsson, M. , Ericsson, E. , Söderquist, B. , Eriksson, M. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Andersson, S. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Söderquist, B. (ed.) , Eriksson, M. (ed.) & Möller, M. (ed.) (2017). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2017. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Grenegård, M. , Karlsson, M. , Andersson, S. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Ericsson, E. , Kihlgren, A. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Grenegård, M. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) , Andersson, S. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Kihlgren, A. (ed.) & Söderquist, B. (ed.) (2016). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2016. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Greenwood, T. v. B. , Chiang, S. C. , Wang, Y. , Tesi, B. , Pålsson, S. , Mellström, A. , Holzgraefe, B. , Oldner, A. & et al. (2023). HYPERINFLAMMATION IN CRITICALLY ILL PATIENTS IN INTENSIVE CARE. In: Pediatric Blood & Cancer. Paper presented at 38th Annual Meeting of the Histiocyte Society, Stockholm, Sweden and virtually held, September 18–22, 2022. (pp. S46-S47). Wiley-Interscience Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Hedlund, J. , Blomberg, K. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Jaensson, M. (2023). Student nurse anesthetists’ learning during clinical practice in the operating room. Paper presented at 6th International Conference for Perianaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-22 September, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Särnblad, S. , Lidskog, M. , Walfridsson, H. , Hjelmqvist, H. & Duberg, A. (2018). Will Early Clinical Training improve the professional skills?: Experience from a New Medical Education in Sweden. Paper presented at AMEE (An International Association for Medical Education), Basel, Switzerland, 25-29 August, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Falk, W. , Gupta, A. , Forssten, M. P. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Bass, G. A. , Matthiessen, P. & Mohseni, S. Epidural Analgesia and Mortality after Colorectal Cancer Surgery : A Retrospective Cohort Study. [BibTeX]