Gustav Jarl
Gustav Jarl Position: Affiliated Researcher School/office: School of Health SciencesEmail: Z3VzdGF2Lmphcmw7b3J1LnNl
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About Gustav Jarl
Gustav Jarl is an associate professor of medicine at Örebro university and member of the research environment Research Enabling an Active Life (REAL) .
His main research interest is diabetic foot complications. Current projects aim to bring forth effective assistive devices to prevent and heal foot ulcers, study regional variations in lower limb amputations in Sweden, and study socioeconomic and other risk factors for lower limb amputation. Other projects are related to biomechanical theory, patient adherence to wearing therapeutic footwear to prevent foot ulcers and validation of instruments for evaluation of function in children, youth and adults with disability.
Gustav Jarl has an active international research collaboration, including participation in the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot’s work with systematic reviews and international guidelines for offloading and healing of diabetic foot ulcers. He is also engaged as a reviewer for international research journals and meetings.
Collaborations and commitments
- Member of the Research committee, Region Örebro county.
- Member of Kompetensgrupp Sår (Wound competence group), Region Örebro county.
- International Working group on the Diabetic Foot.
Research projects
Active projects
- Lower extremity amputations in Sweden
- Boosting resource efficiency and circular industry by additive manufacturing (BRECIAM)
- Physical exercise as treatment for post-stroke fatigue
- A sealed therapeutic shoe or cast as treatment of diabetic foot ulcers - a randomized controlled trial
- Sealed Therapeutic shoes - a qualitative analysis of user experiences
- Predictors of prosthetic embodiment in people with prosthetic arms
- Motion-based interactive technology for improved quality of life in individuals with cognitive impairment
- Silicone sock as treatment of heel fissures among people with diabetes - a randomized controlled trial
- The stroke project in Kumla
- Two-point force systems in orthotics: theory and applications
- Experiences of prosthetic embodiment in people with prosthetic arms
- Validation of the self-report version of IPPA (Individually Prioritized Problem Assessment)
Completed projects
- Effect of a powered assistive device for people with low grip force in the hand
- Comparison of drop-in and scheduled appointments for people in need of foot orthoses.
- Psychometric properties of two assessment tools for use in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy - Childrens Hand-use Experience Questionnaire and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory
- Risk och protective factors for adherence to wearing therapeutic shoes among people with diabetic foot complications
Articles in journals
- Jarl, G. , Hulshof, C. M. , Tijhuis, K. A. , Busch-Westbroek, T. E. , Bus, S. A. & van Netten, J. J. (2024). Adherence to wearing prescribed footwear in people at risk of diabetes-related foot ulcers. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 17 (3). [BibTeX]
- Hellstrand Tang, U. , Jarl, G. , Eriksson, M. , Johannesson, G. A. & Rusaw, D. F. (2024). Clinical guidelines recommending prosthetics and orthotics in Sweden: Agreement between national and regional guidelines. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 48 (3), 284-289. [BibTeX]
- Ramstrand, S. , Carlberg, M. , Jarl, G. , Johannesson, A. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jansson, S. (2024). Exploring potential risk factors for lower limb amputation in people with diabetes - A national observational cohort study in Sweden. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 17 (3). [BibTeX]
- Bus, S. A. , Armstrong, D. G. , Crews, R. T. , Gooday, C. , Jarl, G. , Kirketerp-Moller, K. , Viswanathan, V. & Lazzarini, P. A. (2024). Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2023 update). Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 40 (3). [BibTeX]
- Björck, A. , Matérne, M. , Arvidsson Lindvall, M. & Jarl, G. (2024). Investigating cognitive impairment, biopsychosocial barriers, and predictors of return to daily life among older stroke survivors. Frontiers in Neurology, 15. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Hulshof, C. M. , Busch-Westbroek, T. E. , Bus, S. A. & van Netten, J. J. (2023). Adherence and Wearing Time of Prescribed Footwear among People at Risk of Diabetes-Related Foot Ulcers: Which Measure to Use?. Sensors, 23 (3). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , van Netten, J. J. & Lazzarini, P. A. (2023). Fragile Feet and Trivial Trauma: Communicating the Etiology of Diabetic Foot Ulcers to Patients. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association (Print), 113 (1). [BibTeX]
- Gigante, I. , Sigurjónsdóttir, E. D. , Jarl, G. & Hellstrand Tang, U. (2023). Offloading of diabetes-related neuropathic foot ulcers at Swedish prosthetic and orthotic clinics. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 39 (4), e3611. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Rusaw, D. F. , Terrill, A. J. , Barnett, C. T. , Woodruff, M. A. & Lazzarini, P. A. (2023). Personalized Offloading Treatments for Healing Plantar Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 17 (1), 99-106. [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Hermansson, L. , Jarl, G. , Kamusiime, S. , Forssberg, H. , Andrews, C. , Kakooza-Mwesige, A. & Eliasson, A. C. (2023). Validity and test-retest reliability of the Ugandan version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI-UG) in children and youth with cerebral palsy. Child Care Health and Development, 49 (3), 464-484. [BibTeX]
- Matérne, M. , Simpson, G. , Jarl, G. , Appelros, P. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2022). Contribution of participation and resilience to quality of life among persons living with stroke in Sweden: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17 (1). [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Alomari, M. A. , Jarl, G. , Ajarmeh, M. M. , Migdadi, F. , Eliasson, A. & Hermansson, L. (2022). Cross-cultural adaptation and reliability of the Arabic version of Children's Hand-use Experience Questionnaire (CHEQ). Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 35 (1), 84-95. [BibTeX]
- Zügner, R. , Jarl, G. , Sundberg, L. & Tang, U. H. (2022). Experiences of using a digital tool, the D-foot, in the screening of risk factors for diabetic foot ulcers. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 15 (1). [BibTeX]
- Skogsberg, M. , Jarl, G. & Matérne, M. (2022). Health care workers' need for support from managers during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Johannesson, G. A. , Carlberg, M. , Jansson, S. P. O. & Hiyoshi, A. (2022). Incidence of lower-limb amputations in Sweden from 2008-2017. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, 64 (2-3), 266-273. [BibTeX]
- Svantesson, M. , Durnell, L. , Hammarström, E. , Jarl, G. & Sandman, L. (2022). Moral and exhausting distress working in the frontline of COVID-19: a Swedish survey during the first wave in four healthcare settings. BMJ Open, 12 (7). [BibTeX]
- Appelros, P. , Matérne, M. , Jarl, G. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2021). Comorbidity in Stroke-Survivors: Prevalence and Associations with Functional Outcomes and Health. Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases, 30 (10). [BibTeX]
- Van Netten, J. J. , Jarl, G. , Postema, K. & Williams, A. E. (2020). A toolkit for prosthetists and orthotists to facilitate progress in professional communication over the next 50 years. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 44 (6), 408-415. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Lundqvist, L. (2020). An alternative perspective on assistive technology: the Person-Environment-Tool (PET) model. Assistive technology, 32 (1), 47-53. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Rusaw, D. F. & Johannesson, A. (2020). Comment on van Netten, et al: Definitions and criteria for diabetic foot disease. Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism. [BibTeX]
- Bus, S. A. , Armstrong, D. G. , Gooday, C. , Jarl, G. , Caravaggi, C. , Viswanathan, V. , Lazzarini, P. A. & International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot, (. (2020). Guidelines on offloading foot ulcers in persons with diabetes (IWGDF 2019 update). Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 36 (Suppl 1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Gooday, C. , Lazzarini, P. A. & Bus, S. A. (2020). Practical considerations for implementing the new IWGDF guidelines for offloading diabetic foot ulcers. The Diabetic Foot Journal, 23 (2), 14-20. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Tranberg, R. , Johansson, U. , Alnemo, J. & Lundqvist, L. (2020). Predictors of adherence to wearing therapeutic footwear among people with diabetes. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 13 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Hermansson, L. (2019). A modified walk-in clinic for shoe insoles: Follow-up of non-attendants. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43 (6), 597-600. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Commitment devices in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Alnemo, J. , Tranberg, R. & Lundqvist, L. (2019). Gender differences in attitudes and attributes of people using therapeutic shoes for diabetic foot complications. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Ramstrand, N. (2018). A model to facilitate implementation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health into prosthetics and orthotics. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42 (5), 468-475. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Hermansson, L. (2018). A modified walk-in system versus scheduled appointments in a secondary-care prosthetic and orthotic clinic. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 42 (5), 483-489. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2018). Decision trees for risk stratification of the diabetic foot. The Diabetic foot journal, 21 (4), 218-223. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2018). Methodological considerations of investigating adherence to using offloading devices among people with diabetes. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 1767-1775. [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Kakooza-Mwesige, A. , Jarl, G. , Tumwine, J. K. , Forssberg, H. , Eliasson, A. & Hermansson, L. (2018). The Ugandan version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI-UG). Part II: Psychometric properties. Child Care Health and Development, 44 (4), 562-571. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Tranberg, R. (2017). An innovative sealed shoe to off-load and heal diabetic forefoot ulcers: a feasibility study. Diabetic Foot & Ankle, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Lundqvist, L. (2017). Beyond dichotomous thinking: a process perspective on diabetic foot disease. Diabetic Foot & Ankle, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. , Heinemann, A. W. , Lindner, H. Y. & Hermansson, L. M. N. (2015). Cross-cultural validity and differential item functioning of the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users’ Survey with Swedish and American users of lower-limb prosthesis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 96 (9), 1615-1626. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Holmefur, M. & Hermansson, L. M. N. (2014). Test-retest reliability of the Swedish version of the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 38 (1), 21-26. [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Jarl, G. M. & Hermansson, L. M. N. (2014). The effect of insoles on foot pain and daily activities. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 38 (6), 474-480. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. , Heinemann, A. W. & Norling Hermansson, L. M. N. (2012). Validity evidence for a modified version of the Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 7 (6), 469-478. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. & Norling Hermansson, L. M. (2009). Translation and linguistic validation of the Swedish version of Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 33 (4), 329-338. [BibTeX]
Articles, reviews/surveys
- Lazzarini, P. A. , Armstrong, D. G. , Crews, R. T. , Gooday, C. , Jarl, G. , Kirketerp-Moller, K. , Viswanathan, V. & Bus, S. A. (2023). Effectiveness of offloading interventions for people with diabetes-related foot ulcers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 40 (3). [BibTeX]
- Lazzarini, P. A. & Jarl, G. (2021). Knee-High Devices Are Gold in Closing the Foot Ulcer Gap: A Review of Offloading Treatments to Heal Diabetic Foot Ulcers. Medicina, 57 (9). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , van Netten, J. J. , Lazzarini, P. A. , Crews, R. T. , Najafi, B. & Mueller, M. J. (2021). Should weight-bearing activity be reduced during healing of plantar diabetic foot ulcers, even when using appropriate offloading devices?. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 175. [BibTeX]
- Lazzarini, P. A. , Jarl, G. , Gooday, C. , Viswanathan, V. , Caravaggi, C. F. , Armstrong, D. G. & Bus, S. A. (2020). Effectiveness of offloading interventions to heal foot ulcers in persons with diabetes: a systematic review. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 36 (Suppl. 1). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Hellstrand Tang, U. , Nordén, E. , Johannesson, A. & Rusaw, D. F. (2019). Nordic clinical guidelines for orthotic treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: A systematic review using the AGREE II instrument. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43 (5), 556-563. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Lundqvist, L. (2016). Adherence to wearing therapeutic shoes among people with diabetes: a systematic review and reflections. Patient Preference and Adherence, 10, 1521-1528. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Appelros, P. , Matérne, M. , Jarl, G. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2023). Comorbidity in Stroke Survivors in a Medium-Sized Swedish Municipality. Paper presented at 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland, March 29 April, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Appelros, P. , Matérne, M. , Jarl, G. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2023). Comorbidity in stroke survivors in a medium-sized Swedish municipality. In: Brain Injury. Paper presented at 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland, March 29 April, 2023. (pp. 135-136). Informa Healthcare. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, S. P. O. , Ramstrand, S. , Carlberg, M. , Johannesson, G. A. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jarl, G. (2023). Exploring potential risk factors for lower limb amputation in people with diabetes: an observational cohort study of 66,565 individuals with diabetes in Sweden. In: Diabetologia. Paper presented at 59th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Hamburg, Germany, October 2-6, 2023. (pp. S114-S115). Springer. [BibTeX]
- Matérne, M. , Simpson, G. , Jarl, G. , Appelros, P. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2023). Stroke Survivors expericence of quality of life, participation and resilience. Paper presented at 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland, March 29-April 1, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Matérne, M. , Simpson, G. , Jarl, G. , Appelros, P. & Arvidsson Lindvall, M. (2023). Stroke survivors experience of quality of life, participation and resilience. In: Brain Injury. Informa Healthcare. [BibTeX]
- Matérne, M. , Eriksson, O. , Arvidsson-Lindvall, M. & Jarl, G. (2023). The effect of fatigue on social life after stroke. In: Brain Injury. Paper presented at 14th World Congress on Brain Injury, Dublin, Ireland, March 29-April 1, 2023. (pp. 94-94). Informa Healthcare. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Hulshof, C. M. , Busch-Westbroek, T. , Bus, S. & van Netten, J. (2022). Comparison of measures of adherence and wearing time of prescribed footwear among people at risk of diabetes-related foot ulcers. In: Abstracts DFCon 2022. Paper presented at DFCon 2022:22nd edition of the Interdisciplinary Global Diabetic Foot Conference, Los Angeles, USA, September 29-October 1, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Ramstrand, S. , Carlberg, M. , Jarl, G. , Johannesson, A. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jansson, S. P. O. (2022). RISK FACTORS FOR AMPUTATION IN PERSONS WITH DIABETES IN ASWEDISH CONTEXT: A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT DESIGN. In: Programme and abstracts Diabetic Foot Study Group. Paper presented at Diabetic Foot Study Group: 8th Scientific Meeting, Bratislava, Slovakia, 16-18 September, 2022. (pp. 37-37). Diabetic Foot Study Group. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Hiyoshi, A. , Carlberg, M. , Johannesson, A. & Jansson, S. P. O. (2021). Lower limb amputations in Sweden: incidence; time trends; and regional variations. Paper presented at DFSG,17th meeting of the Diabetic Foot Study Group, Virtual Conference, 24-25 September, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Jansson, S. , Jarl, G. , Hiyoshi, A. , Carlberg, M. & Johannesson, A. (2021). Lower limb amputations in Sweden: Incidence, time trends, and regional variations. Paper presented at Ortopediveckan, Digital, 6-9 September, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Hiyoshi, A. , Jarl, G. , Johannesson, A. , Jansson, S. & Carlberg, M. (2021). Lower Limb Amputations in Sweden: Incidence, Time Trends, and Regional Variations. Paper presented at The 12th Nordic Congress of Prosthetics and Orthotits (virtual), 13-17 September, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Johannesson, A. , Jansson, S. , Carlberg, M. & Hiyoshi, A. (2021). Lower Limb Amputations in Sweden: Incidence, Time Trends, and Regional Variations. Paper presented at The 18th World Congress of the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (virtual, 1-4 November, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Jansson, S. , Johannesson, A. , Hiyoshi, A. & Carlberg, M. (2021). Lower Limb Amputations in Sweden: Incidence, Time Trends, and Regional Variations. Paper presented at Diabetic Global Foot Conference, San Francisco, USA/virtual conference, 28-30 October, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Johannesson, A. , Jansson, S. , Carlberg, M. , Hiyoshi, A. & Jarl, G. (2021). Lower limb amputations in Sweden: incidence, time trends and regional variations. Paper presented at The 31th Conference of the European Wound Management Association (virtual), 26-27 Oct., 2021. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Tranberg, R. , Johansson, U. , Alnemo, J. & Lundqvist, L. (2020). Predictors of therapeutic footwear adherence among people with diabetes. Paper presented at Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG) virtual meeting 2020, September 18-19, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Tranberg, R. (2019). An innovative sealed therapeutic shoe to offload and heal diabetic forefoot ulcers. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, Hague, Netherlands, 22-25 May, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Tranberg, R. & Jarl, G. (2019). An innovative sealed therapeutic shoe to offload and heal diabetic forefoot ulcers. Paper presented at EWMA - European Wound Management Association, 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-7 June, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Alnemo, J. , Tranberg, R. , Lundqvist, L. & Jarl, G. (2019). Are the left and right limbs unequally affected by diabetic foot complications?. Paper presented at EWMA 2019 - European Wound Management Association, Gothenburg, Sweden, 5-7 June, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Alnemo, J. , Tranberg, R. , Lundqvist, L. & Jarl, G. (2019). Are the left and right limbs unequally affected by diabetic foot complications?. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Conference of the Diabetic foot, Haag, Netherlands, 22-25 May, 2019. (pp. 140-140). [BibTeX]
- Alnemo, J. , Lundqvist, L. , Tranberg, R. & Jarl, G. (2019). Attitudes and attributes of women and men using therapeutic shoes for diabetic foot complications. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Absttaract book. Paper presented at 8th International conference ot the Diabetic Foot, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 117-117). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Changing concepts–changing minds: Ulysses contracts in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with non-removable offloading devices. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot 2019, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 89-89). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Decision trees to facilitate risk stratification of the diabetic foot. In: 8th International Symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot 2019, Hauge, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 72-72). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Is it necessary to restrict weight-bearing physical activity during treatment of diabetic foot ulcers?. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot 2019, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 108-108). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Methodological considerations of investigating adherence to using offloading devices among people with diabetic foot complications. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, 2019, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 90-90). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Predictors of adherence to using therapeutic shoes among people with diabetic foot complications. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th international Conference of the Diabetic Foot, Haag, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 108-109). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. (2019). Too little or too much fear and avoidance of activities: should we start learning from the other side?. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, 2019, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 133-134). [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Hermansson, L. , Eliasson, A. & Jarl, G. (2019). Translation and Cross-cultural Validation of Children’s Hand-use Experience Questionnaire (CHEQ) 2.0: Arabic Language Version. In: Prosthetics and Orthotics International. Paper presented at ISPO 17th World Congress, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 5-8 October, 2019. (pp. 233-233). Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Lundqvist, L. (2019). Understanding patients: a process perspective on diabetic foot disease. In: 8th International symposium on diabetic foot Abstract book. Paper presented at 8th International Symposium on the Diabetic Foot, Hague, Netherlands, May 22-25, 2019. (pp. 133-133). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Tranberg, R. (2018). An innovative sealed therapeutic shoe to off-load and heal diabetic forefoot ulcers. Paper presented at 15th Annual Meeting of the Diabetic Foot Study Group (DFSG), Berlin, September 28-30, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. & Tranberg, R. (2018). Gender differences in attitudes and attributes of people using therapeutic shoes for diabetic foot complications. Paper presented at 15th Meeting of the Diabetic Foot Study Group of EASD, Berlin, Germany, September 28-30, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. , Holmefur, M. & Hermansson, L. M. N. (2013). Test-retest reliability of the Orthotics and prosthetics users´ survey. In: ISPO 2013 World Congress Inclusion, Participation & Empowerment. Paper presented at ISPO 2013 World Congress - Inclusion, Participation & Empowerment, Hyderabad, India, 4-7 February 2013. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. (2011). Den ortopedtekniska processen. In: Ortopedteknik 2011. Paper presented at Ortopedteknik, Göteborg, 31 mars-2 april 2011. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. , Heinemann, A. W. & Norling Hermansson, L. M. N. (2010). Validity of the Swedish version of Orthotics and Prosthetics Users’ Survey. Paper presented at 13th ISPO World Congress, Leipzig, Tyskland, 10-15 maj 2010. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. & Hermansson, L. M. N. (2009). Översättning och språklig validering av svenska versionen av Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey. In: 8:e Nordiska ortopedtekniska kongressen 2009. Paper presented at 8:e Nordiska ortopedtekniska kongressen, Göteborg, 8-10 oktober 2009. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. & Norling Hermansson, L. (2008). Translation and linguistic validation of the Swedish version of Orthotics and prosthetics users’ survey. Paper presented at 5th Regional Central European ISPO Conference, Portorož, Slovenien, 19-21 sept 2008. [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. M. & Hermansson, L. M. (2008). Translation and linguistic validation of the Swedish version of Orthotics and Prosthtics User’s Survey. In: 5th Regional Central European ISPO Conference. Paper presented at 5th Regional Central European ISPO Conference, Portorose, Slovenia, September 19-21, 2008. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, comprehensive summaries
- Jarl, G. M. (2014). The Orthotics and Prosthetics Users' Survey: translation and validity evidence for the Swedish version. (Doctoral dissertation). (Comprehensive summary) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Alomari, M. , Hermansson, L. , Eliasson, A. & Jarl, G. Cross-cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Arabic Version of Children’s Hand-use Experience Questionnaire (CHEQ). [BibTeX]
- Jarl, G. , Heinemann, A. W. , Lindner, H. Y. & Norling Hermansson, L. M. Cross-cultural validity and differential item functioning of theOrthotics and Prosthetics Users’ Survey with Swedish and Americanusers of lower limb prosthesis. [BibTeX]
- Amer, A. , Hermansson, L. , Jarl, G. , Andrews, C. , Kakooza-Mwesige, A. & Eliasson, A. Validity and test-retest reliability of the Ugandan version of the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI-UG) in children and youth with cerebral palsy. [BibTeX]