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Daniel Eklund

Daniel Eklund Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Medical Sciences

Email: ZGFuaWVsLmVrbHVuZDtvcnUuc2U=

Phone: +46 19 301460

Room: X5510

Daniel Eklund
Research subject

About Daniel Eklund

Daniel Eklund defended his thesis at Linköpings university in 2013, where the research focused on the interaction between human macrophages and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Emphasis was on understanding the role of the intracellular protein complex, the inflammasome, which regulates the production of certain proinflammatory cytokines. During 2014-2016, he continued as a post-doc within immunology and studied the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis and how the underlying inflammation and immune response is modulated during pregnancy. In 2017, he was recruited as an assistant professor to Örebro university and today he works as an senior lecturer within biomedicine.


The research is focused on understanding the interplay between proinflammatory and ant-inflammatory mechanisms and cells and how they contribute to the development and progression of human disease. Especially, the research is based round understanding the role of monocytes and the role of the inflammasome during sepsis, which is characterized by dysregulated inflammation.

Daniels research also includes other conditions where the function of human monocytes and macrophages have an active role, such as surgery, cancer and psychiatric disorders.

The research is also part of Örebro University strategic intiative towards inflammation and the Life Science sector, Exploring Inflammation in Health and Disease (X-HiDE), where Daniel acts as a coordinator for one of the theme groups in the project. More information on X-HiDE.


Daniel Eklund is currently the coordinator on the first semester of the Medical program at Örebro university (MC501G). In addition, he is also an experienced PBL-group tutor. Daniel also teaches advanced immunology, cell biology and laboratory techniques at several courses in the international Master’s program Experimental Medicine.

He has developed and acts as co-coordinator of the PhD course ”Experimentell metodik för kliniska doktorander” (75MV001), where he also teaches and acts as mentor for the enrolled PhD students. He is currently co-supervising five PhD students.

Other assignments

Unit head at the School of Medical Sciences.



Articles in journals |  Books |  Collections (editor) |  Conference papers |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals


Collections (editor)

Conference papers
