Claire Hogarth
Claire Hogarth Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: Y2xhaXJlLmhvZ2FydGg7b3J1LnNl
Phone: No number available
Room: F3156
About Claire Hogarth
Claire Hogarth is senior lecturer in English. She was appointed Excellent Teaching Practitioner in 2015.
Claire Hogarth teaches English in teacher education, where she focuses primarily in on rhetoric, composition studies, and creative reading and writing.
Claire Hogarth has a Ph.D. in English Literature from McGill University, Canada. Her doctoral dissertation focuses on postmodern letter fiction. She currently conducts research in the fields of rhetoric, composition, and writing across the curriculum and explores applications for teaching and learning in secondary and higher education.
Research projects
Active projects
- Sentence Composition - A Developmental Project
- Style Pedagogy for English Language Teaching in Secondary School: A Project in Educational Design
Completed projects
Research groups
Articles in journals
- Hogarth, C. , Matthiesen, C. & Bakken, J. (2022). Advancing citizenship through language arts education: Conceptions of rhetoric in Scandinavian national curricula. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 54 (4), 559-575. [BibTeX]
- Hogarth, C. M. (2019). Summary of the Round-Table Discussion. Utbildning och Demokrati, 28 (2), 125-128. [BibTeX]
- Hogarth, C. M. (2019). Theme Introduction. Utbildning och Demokrati, 28 (2), 5-15. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Hogarth, C. (2022). Kollaborativ problemlösning i seminarier inom retorik. In: Veronica Alfredsson; Noomi Asker; Christel Backman; Sara Uhnoo, Använd rummet: Högskolepedagogiska metoder för aktiva lärosalar (pp. 283-291). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Collections (editor)
- Hogarth, C. M. (ed.) & Rutten, K. (ed.) (2018). Theme: Rhetorical Education and the Democratic Mission of the School: Preparing Students for Academic and Civic Life. Örebro: Utbildning & Demokrati, Örebro University (Education and Democracy: Journal of Didactics and Educational Policy [Utbildning och Demokrati: Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik] 28 (2)). [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Hogarth, C. (2021). Mediating Student Responses to Exploratory Exercises in a Preparatory Course for the Degree Project Essay. Paper presented at Forskning om högre utbildning, Örebro universitet, Örebro, Sweden, May 19-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Hogarth, C. (2018). Writing-to-Engage Pedagogy in Higher Education. Paper presented at NU2018: Det akademiska lärarskapet, Mälardalens högskola, Västerås, Sweden, October 9-10, 2018. [BibTeX]