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Annica Kihlgren

Annica Kihlgren Position: Professor School/office: School of Health Sciences

Email: YW5uaWNhLmtpaGxncmVuO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 301496

Room: P2452

Annica Kihlgren
Research subject

About Annica Kihlgren

Annica Kihlgren is a registered nurse and graduated with her PhD in 2005 at the Karolinska Institute with her thesis "Older Patients in Transition- from Home Care towards Emergency Care". Annica currently works as a professor of Nursing Science in the Department of Health Sciences.

Research focus / current projects

The focus in ongoing research is on the older person's health and living conditions, based on the person's own subjective experience and the care provided to the elderly, with a connection to person-centered care. The studies also shed light on care staff and leaders' views on their work situation and organizational aspects in elderly care. Great emphasis is placed on developing instruments, disseminating and implementing new knowledge in elderly care, in which Annica works closely with the various actors.

The importance of age-associated gastrointestinal problems during aging is studied through interdisciplinary research in collaboration with the graduate school NUPARC, "The Örebro Nutrition and Physical Activity Research Center for Optimal Health and Functionality through Life" and the research environment Nutrition Gut Brain Interaction.

The focus in national projects includes older people in the care chain as well as older people's care needs, and international studies are being conducted on the importance of serenity during aging, in which collaboration takes place with researchers in Norway and Spain.

Methodologically, Annica has primarily knowledge in qualitative research and action research as well as in planning, leading and implementing major projects.


Annica teaches and supervises students at undergraduate and advanced level and she supervises doctoral students during postgraduate education.

Other roles

Annica has often been appointed as a reviewer of Nordic research applications, educational programs and she has been an opponent and member of grading committees at several national and Nordic dissertations.

Advisory Board member of the project “Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud)” in collaboration with the University of Stavanger, University of Agdir and the University of Söröst in Norway.                                     


Articles in journals |  Articles, reviews/surveys |  Books |  Conference papers |  Manuscripts | 

Articles in journals

Articles, reviews/surveys


Conference papers
