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Anna-Eva Olsson

Anna-Eva Olsson Position: Project Coordinator School/office: Campus Services

Email: YW5uYS1ldmEub2xzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==

Phone: +46 19 301053

Room: A2117

Anna-Eva Olsson

About Anna-Eva Olsson

Anna-Eva Olsson with a background as a certified teacher in upper secondary school, works as a coordinator for learning environments at Örebro university, and in that role, she coordinates the various learning environment initiatives undertaken at the university and is responsible for providing information to the operations. Her work also includes highlighting issues in higher education pedagogy and bringing together different departments, roles, and functions in cross-functional teams at the university to create a cohesive whole and establish conditions for joint work based on the current and future needs of the operations regarding learning environments. Anna-Eva is also the team leader for the Learning Lab at Örebro University, where teachers and students can together test new pedagogical methods which are then evaluated and contribute to the research and development of the learning environments of the future.


Conference papers | 

Conference papers