Ann-Catrin Kristianssen
Ann-Catrin Kristianssen Position: Senior Lecturer School/office: School of Humanities, Education and Social SciencesEmail: YW5uLWNhdHJpbi5rcmlzdGlhbnNzZW47b3J1LnNl
Phone: +46 19 303409
Room: F2211

About Ann-Catrin Kristianssen
Research focus
Kristianssen (Ph.D and Associate Professor in Political Science) is currently working with material from several research projects. Kristianssen has since fall 2016 been involved in a research project focusing on global, national and local road safety policy with a focus on Vision Zero. This project contained specific studies on the implementation of Vision Zero in local settings. Kristianssen was also conducting a study on road safety and disability together with Camilla Warnicke, research leader with a focus on Disability studies at the University hospital, Örebro. Kristianssen also managed a project on road safety in Latin America together with Veronica De Majo Ph.D. student in Political Science at Örebro University.
Kristianssen was during 2018 also contributing to a project at the Centre for Climate and Safety at Karlstad University focusing on climate adaptation policies in Swedish municipalites.
During 2019-2023 Kristianssen conducted a study on interreligious councils in Swedish municipalities and has also performed a shadowing study at the interreligious council at Örebro municipality.
Kristianssen was during 2014-2016 involved in a research project studying municipal service centers in Sweden.
The dissertation from 2011 focuses on identity politics and planning in Jerusalem.
Kristianssen's main research interest is the role of ideas and agenda-setting in policy-making in a broad perspective and has previously written about the role of Jerusalem in the Israel/Palestine conflict, identity politics and the state, and good governance as well as reform processes and policy diffusion.
Teaching areas
Main teaching areas are policy analysis, international and comparative politics, planning and planning roles, method, and thesis supervising on all levels.
Kristianssen was during 2017 a visiting scholar at the Centre for Public Safety and the Centre for Climate and Safety, Karlstad University.
Director of studies in Political Science 2012-2013
Member of the Swedish Political Science Association board 2012-2016
Member of the Peace Research in Sweden board 2016-2019
Assistant manager at the unit SKUS 2021-
Coordinator of SafePol (Safety Policy Research Network) financed by the Swedish Transport Administration.
Research projects
Active projects
- Bridge-building in a divided society? Mapping the establishment of interreligious councils in Sweden.
- Integration of road safety in sustainability transformation at the local and regional levels in Sweden
- Local implementation of Vision Zero for road safety
- Social equality and road safety - a pilot study on disability and Vision Zero for road safety
- Road safety work in Latin America
Articles in journals
- Warnicke, C. & Kristianssen, A. (2024). Safety and Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in the Swedish Transport System: Prioritization and Conceptual Boundaries. Disability & Society, 39 (9), 2357-2374. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Granberg, M. (2021). Transforming Local Climate Adaptation Organization: Barriers and Progress in 13 Swedish Municipalities. Climate, 9 (4), 1-18. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, M. , Bosomworth, K. , Moloney, S. , Kristianssen, A. & Fünfgeld, H. (2019). Can Regional-Scale Governance and Planning Support Transformative Adaptation? A Study of Two Places. Sustainability, 11 (24). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. , Andersson, R. , Belin, M. & Nilsen, P. (2018). Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety: A comparative policy content analysis. Safety Science, 103, 260-269. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Olsson, J. (2016). A Municipal Service Center – For What and For Whom?: Understanding the Political Nature of a Public Administration Reform Process. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 20 (3), 33-54. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, J. , Berg, M. , Hysing, E. , Kristianssen, A. & Petersén, A. (2019). Policy i teori och praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Chapters in books
- Kristianssen, A. (2024). Brobyggare i ett uppdelat samhälle? Kommunala interreligiösa forum som mötesplats för samverkan och som kommunikationskanal vid kris. In: Myndigheten för Ungdoms- och Civilsamhällesfrågor, Kunskapskonferensen 2023: Forskning som förändrar civilsamhället – krisberedskap, krishantering och samverkan (pp. 48-. Stockholm: Myndigheten för Ungdoms- och Civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2022). Establishing Vision Zero in New York City: The Story of a Pioneer. In: Karin Edvardsson Björnberg; Matts-Åke Belin; Sven Ove Hansson; Claes Tingvall, The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy. . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2022). Towards a Potential Paradigm Shift? The Role of Vision Zero in Global Road Safety Policy Making. In: Karin Edvardsson Björnberg; Matts-Åke Belin; Sven Ove Hansson; Claes Tingvall, The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy (pp. 647-672). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Andersson, R. (2022). What is a Vision Zero policy? Lessons from a multi-sectoral perspective. In: Karin Edvardsson Björnberg; Matts-Åke Belin; Sven Ove Hansson; Claes Tingvall, The Vision Zero Handbook: Theory, Technology and Management for a Zero Casualty Policy (pp. 151-175). . Springer. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2019). Klimatanpassningsarbete i Göteborgsregionen: Kommuners organisation, policy och lärande. In: Mikael Granberg, Göteborgsregionen och klimatrisker: Klimatanpassning för dåtida och nutida bebyggelse (pp. 90-111). Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, M. , Kristianssen, A. & Nyberg, L. (2019). Klimatförändring, klimatrisker och klimatanpassning. In: Mikael Granberg, Göteborgsregionen och klimatrisker: Klimatanpassning för dåtida och nutida bebyggelse (pp. 2-18). Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2019). The narrative battle of Jerusalem: Analysing the politics of place-making in a contested city. In: Pål Brunnström & Ragnhild Claesson, Creating the city: Identity, Memory and Participation. Conference proceedings (pp. 302-328). Malmö: Malmö universitet. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2010). The role of the city in the state-building process: demos, democracy and the case of Jerusalem. In: Thomas Denk, Perspectives on state-building and democracy: a reseach anthology (pp. 112-138). Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2009). Good governance utan stat - fallet Palestina. In: Gun Hedlund, Stig Montin, Governance på svenska (pp. 57-82). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden. [BibTeX]
Conference papers
- Kristianssen, A. (2021). Municipal interreligious councils as a democratic innovation? Studying the innovative potential of hybrid organizations in a polarized society. Paper presented at Nordic Political Science Association conference (NoPSA 2021), Reykjavik, Iceland, (Virtual conference), August 10-13, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2018). Governing global road safety: progress and obstacles in the management of an evolving global policy area. In: Injury Prevention. Paper presented at 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018), Bangkok, Thailand, November 5-7, 2018. (pp. A154-A154). BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. , Andersson, R. , Belin, M. & Nilsen, P. (2018). Swedish Vision Zero policies for safety: A comparative policy content analysis. In: Injury Prevention. Paper presented at 13th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Safety 2018), Bangkok, Thailand, November 5-7, 2018. (pp. A74-A74). BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2017). From commemorative narratives to city planning policy: The case of Jerusalem. In: Creating the city. Identity, memory and participation Conference Program. Paper presented at Creating the city. Identity, memory and participation. Malmö, Sweden, February 9-10, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2016). Advocates for peace?: The role of the civil society in the planning of Jerusalem. Paper presented at Swedish National Conference on Peace and Conflict Research, Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden, April 14-15, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2016). Understanding the role of narratives in planning policy making: the case of Jerusalem. In: IPA 2016 Hull Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at Interpretative Policy Analysis, 11th International Conference, Hull, UK, July 5-7, 2016. (pp. 38-39). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. , Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2015). Citizen-centred innovations between responsive and inclusive democracy.: Examples from a Swedish city.. Paper presented at Local Government and Urban governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa. Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 9-10 April 2015. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2015). Implementing public management trends: Policy diffusion in the establishment of municipal service centers in Sweden. Paper presented at The annual Conference of the Swedish Political Science Association (SWEPSA), Stockholm, Sweden, October 14-16, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Olsson, J. (2014). Building the boat while at sea: public values and organizational dilemmas when launching a municipal service center. Paper presented at NOPSA 2014 XVII Nordic Political Science Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, August 12-15, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Olsson, J. (2014). Dilemmas and value-priorities when establishing a municipal service center: for what and for whom?. Paper presented at Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöteskonferens, Lund, Sweden, October 8-10, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2014). Governing a contested city: the role of land use planning in the development of Jerusalem. Paper presented at NOPSA 2014 XVII Nordic Political Science Congress, Göteborg, Sweden, August 12-15, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2014). Narratives as an analytical tool in peace and conflict research: The case of Jerusalem in Israeli identity politics. Paper presented at Swedish National Conference for Peace and Conflict studies, Umeå February 27-28, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2009). Israeli identity politics and the planning of Jerusalem: An actor-structure perspective. Paper presented at Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöteskonferens, Örebro 8-9 oktober, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2008). Geopolitical importance of cities. Paper presented at European Consortium for Political Research( ECPR), Joint Sessions, Rennes, France, April 11-16, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2008). The importance of the city in a nation- and state-building process: The case of Jerusalem. Paper presented at NOPSA Conference, Workshop on Political Communication, Tromsö August 6-9, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. (2007). Planning as a tool in divided Jerusalem. Paper presented at Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte, Linköping 17-19 oktober, 2007. [BibTeX]
Doctoral theses, monographs
- Andersson, A. (2011). Identity politics and city planning: the case of Jerusalem. (Doctoral dissertation). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2023). Brobyggare i ett uppdelat samhälle: En kartläggning av framväxten av interreligiösa råd. Stockholm: Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2022). En kartläggning av svenska kommuners trafiksäkerhetsarbete: Vision, organisation och hållbarhet. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. , Andersson, R. , De Majo, V. , Lundgren, B. , Hedegaard Sørensen, C. & Thoresson, K. (2022). Nollvisionen för ett hållbart samhälle: Ett program för styrnings- och policyrelaterad forskning om trafiksäkerhet som hållbarhetsmål i transportsektorn. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Olsson, J. (2017). Från växeltelefoni till "one-stop shops": Framväxten av kommunala servicecenter i Sverige. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Forskarskolan Offentlig Verksamhet i Utvecklings skriftserie 4). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. & Olsson, J. (2016). Att sjösätta ett kommunalt servicecenter: En studie av etableringen av Örebro kommuns servicecenter. Örebro universitet: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap, Örebro universitet (Forskarskolan Offentlig Verksamhet i Utvecklings rapportserie 2). [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. (2015). Narratives as an analytical tool in peace and conflict research: the case of Jerusalem in Israeli identity politics. Lund: Lund University (Working paper series Contested Administrations 5). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. & Elander, I. (2005). Staden som livsmiljö: vision och verklighet: slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 59). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. & Lidskog, R. (2002). The management of radioactive waste: a description of ten countries. Stockholm: Svensk kärnbränslehantering AB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB rapportserie ). [BibTeX]