Introduktion till vetenskapsfilosofi, 2,5 hp
- Biologi
- Datavetenskap
- Kemi
- Maskinteknik
- Matematik
Ingela Fransson, Utbildnings- och forskningsadministratör
019 303390 -
Stefan Karlsson, Professor emeritus
Course content
The course serves as an introduction to the philosophy of science, with a particular reference to science and technology. The focus is on the generation of knowledge, principles and systems of the scientific method. Emphasis is paid to the concept of facts, theories as structures and the new experimentalism. Here, the theories of Thomas Kuhns paradigm, Imre Lakatos research program and Deborah G Mayos new experimentalism are in focus and discussed from the experience of an emerging researcher. In addition, the perspectives of Paul Feyerabends anarchistic view as well as the influence of Bayesianism are included. The course also provides a time line for the major scientific achievements in the light of the development of the philosophy of science. In this context, different views on the relationships between the development of science, society and the scientist are discussed.
Course information
Information will be posted on this webpage when it is time to sign up for the course .
Next start date is planned to spring 2024