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Forskningsetik inom naturvetenskap och teknik, 2,5 hp



  • Biologi
  • Datavetenskap
  • Kemi
  • Maskinteknik
  • Matematik






Course content

The course provides an overview of the ethical issues associated with research in natural sciences and engineering. This includes the philosophical, moral and ethical considerations in research. The course includes:
- What is considered good research practices and professionalism
- Ethics in scientific publication
- Ethics of animal and human studies and ethical permits
- Ethical and legal aspects of handling of personal data
- Intellectual property
- Research misconduct and cheating and the responsibility for reporting
- Regulations and legislations associated with research

Course information

The course is offered in English and the number of students is limited to 15. The course will prioritize students from NT but it is open to students from other institutions at Örebro University. Further information will be sent after registration.


To gain access to the course, students in school of science and technology are recommended to have taken the course , “Research and Thesis Planning in Science and Technology, 7.5 credits” ("Forskning och avhandlingsplanering i naturvetenskap och teknik, 7,5 hp”) or equivalent. The students should have some experience in their present research project therefore it is recommended that this course is taken during the second year of their programme

How to register interest for the course

Next start date for the course and application form will be published here.   

If any questions, contact the research adminstration: