Register for course

By using this form, you can register interest in taking the course "Topics in contemporary computer science, 7,5 hp". The last day to sign up for the course is September 30, 2024. Thereafter, the admission process starts and you will get notified if you may attend the course. There is a limited number of students who can take the course.

Register interest in taking Topics in contemporary computer science, 7,5 hp

The parts marked with (*) are mandatory to fill in. 

Enrolled at: 

If you are enrolled at another university than Örebro, you must submit a registration certificate (where registration for the current halft year is shown) when you apply for the course. 

If applicable, please upload your registration certificate: 

Dataprocessing policy at Örebro university 

Once your registration form has been submitted, Örebro university will process your personal data, with the aim of handling and administer your registration. The data will be processed during the time when the registration and admission process is ongoing and until the course is finished. 

More information about how Örebro university handles personal data can be found on this page Processing of personal data at Örebro university

I understand and approve*

Press the "Skicka"-button to send your registration