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Datavetenskaplig orientering, 7,5 hp



  • Datavetenskap




09 oktober 2025 - 29 januari 2026


Course content

The aim of this course is to provide all doctoral students with a common layer of knowledge and understanding about the fundamental concepts, principles and methods of contemporary computer science. The course is meant to be accessible to students with different backgrounds and possibly with limited previous exposure to computer science. It will bring these students to the level at which they can profitably follow the more advanced courses of the computer science curriculum.

To achieve this aim, the course will consist of two complementary parts. The first part will provide the basic notions and vocabulary of computer science. This part will cover the following topics:

  • Classical models of computation
  • Formal languages and grammars
  • Decidability
  • Proofs of computational properties
  • Computing architectures

The second part will part will use the above notions and vocabulary to explore some advanced topics that characterize modern developments of computer science. Examples of these topics are:

  • Massively distributed systems, including ubiquitous computing, the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems
  • Unconventional models of computation, including spatial computing, amorphous computing, dynamic system models, quantum computing
  • Formal models of computation, including modal, temporal and dynamic logics
  • Self-*(self-star) properties, including autonomic computing and aware computing

The selection of the specific advanced topics to be addressed in the course will be made on a year-by-year basis, depending on the background, the educational needs and the research interests of the participating students.

Course information 

The course will run on Thursdays at 09:15 - 12:00 from October 9, 2025 to January 29, 2026 (except December 18 - January 8). 

The plan for the course is to be in physical presence at Örebro university and attendance to lectures is required.

There is a limited number of students (8) who can take the course. 

How to register interest for the course

Register your interest for the course by filling out this form. The last day to sign up for the course is September 5, 2025. If any questions, please contact the research administration.