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Additiv Tillverkning för metaller, 7,5 hp



  • Maskinteknik




Course content

The course covers the processes that today are in focus for academy and industry, i.e. powder bed fusion (SLM, EBM, ..) and directed energy deposition (wire and blown powder, spray forming). It covers both design, inspection and shape aspects of importance for the different processes. It also give future aspects (industrial and scientific).

The course is directed to methods that are used to manufacture metal components directly. It will not cover indirect methods aimed at green body manufacturing or manufacturing of sand molds for castings.

The course contains the following topics:

  • Introduction to metal AM, including overview of technologies, materials and inspection methods.
  • Manufacturing preparation and design for metal AM, including cost for analysis of competing technologies, standards.
  • Typical applications today, e.g. repair, remanufacturing, prototypes, new designs, etc.
  • Each technology pro’s and con’s, i.e. benefits, special considerations, limitations, etc through theory and lab
    - EBM
    - SLM
    - Blown powder (laser based powder nozzle)
    - Wire deposition
    - Spray forming
  • Implications on the production system(s), qualifications, control
  • Summary, discussions, future for metal AM.