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Book tutoring in academic writing

Photo of two people sitting by a table with a book.

The Academic Writing Centre offers different types of writing support to all Örebro University students, including tutoring sessions. Academic writing requirements increase as you progress in your studies, and both new and experienced students are welcome to book tutoring sessions.

Tutoring during the summer

If you are writing an assignment or degree project in English and have an August deadline, tutoring slots are available

  • until 25 June
  • from 8 August (slots will be bookable from 7 August)

Read more on booking slots and preparing for a tutoring session below.

A tutoring session complements the support you receive from your teachers or supervisors. We focus on structure, register, and correctness in your texts and can also give advice on citation techniques, referencing, and layout. We offer tutoring on texts written in English or Swedish, but we cannot give guidance on subject content, theory, or method, and we do not proofread your writing.

Read more below on how a tutoring session works before you make an appointment. When you book your slot you can choose between online tutoring via Zoom or meeting the tutor at the Main Library.

Book a session with a writing tutor by clicking the link at the bottom of this page and selecting a slot that suits you. You can choose between tutoring on campus at the Main Library or tutoring via Zoom. Slots are made available 2–3 weeks ahead. If there are no available slots, please email and ask to book tutoring in English. 

You may book two tutoring sessions per semester, but you can only make one appointment at a time. You must attend the first session before booking the next one. If you are writing with a partner, please book a joint session that you both attend. Please remember to cancel your booking if you are no longer able to attend.

Students with a documented learning difficulty or other disability may receive adapted writing support. You are welcome to inform the writing instructor of your disability when you book so that we can adapt the session to your needs. If you are not already in touch with Funka, the university’s unit for special educational support, we recommend contacting them. Students registered with Funka may book tutoring directly through them instead of using our booking system. Funka students may also book more than two tutoring sessions per semester. Tutoring is offered at the Main Library or via Zoom.

After you have booked your slot, the writing instructor will email a Zoom link or information on where the meeting in the Library will take place.

You may receive feedback on an almost finished text or on a draft. If you are working on a draft, we for example discuss the overall structure, writing effective paragraphs or incorporating sources in your text. If your text is almost done, we may instead focus on sentence structure, word choice, or meeting formal requirements.

Your text still needs to be your own work, so we read at the most half of texts shorter than four pages, or around two pages of longer texts. These pages do not have to be consecutive, and you may ask for feedback on different parts of a text. Select these pages and formulate your questions to the writing instructor carefully, because these will form the basis of the tutoring session.

The tutoring session is focused on helping you to help yourself. You will receive concrete suggestions for improving a part of your text as well as advice to continue working on your language and writing. We do not proofread texts.

During the session, we discuss any writing problems you experience and the parts of the text you had asked us to read to see what works well, what could be improved, and how you can continue working on your own.

After the session, you need to review the comments and advice from the writing tutor. Your texts are always your responsibility, so you decide which changes to make. You are always welcome to send the writing instructor short follow-up questions via email. You may also use our guide to academic writing to continue working on your own.

Happy writing!

If you have a short question, please email