Complete Anatomy
A platform app for anatomy in 3D. Specific activation is needed, please read the instructions that follows:
Complete Anatomy is available as app for computers and mobile devices, download and open the program to activate the account and to start using the service. Staff with an ORU-PC will have to download the program from Software Center (on VPN if you are off-campus).
The following instructions is for the first time you use the database. If you download the app to new devices you don't have to activate the account again, just log in with the e-mail and password you registered.
Basic information on how Complete Anatomy works can be found on their own website ”Quickstart guide”.
Activate account each school year
Students need to activate their account each academic year (before the fall semester) with a new activation code. The new code will be in the instructions below, see step 4 and 5 below. The login details and all saved information will remain.