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Interlibrary loans

Books and articles that are not available at the library can be borrowed from other libraries. This service is available for students or employees at Örebro University or employees at Region Örebro County.

The library only borrows material for study and/or research purposes. What can be ordered includes books, book chapters and articles. First check that the book or article you want to order is not in either the library's online or print collections with the discovery search service Primo.

The library's interlibrary loan service will be limited during summer weeks 27-32.

What can I not order?

  • Materials already in the library. This also applies to material that has been temporarily lent or is available electronically.
  • Materials available at other libraries in Örebro.
  • Reference books.

Entire journal issues or e-books. Individual articles and book chapters in e-books can be ordered.

Delivery and loan period

A book that has been borrowed from another library is usually delivered within 1–2 weeks. You will receive a notification via email when it can be picked up at the library.

The loan period for books is determined by the lending library and can vary. The loan period is usually 3 weeks–6 months.

Article copies are usually delivered within a few days. Employees are sent the copy by internal mail to the workplace (at the moment, copies are also sent by post to the specified postal address). Students will be sent a copy by regular mail to their home address.

Articles that are borrowed rfrom another library are always provided in printed format as the Copyright Act does not allow the library to forward articles in electronic form.

Price list for interlibrary loans

Books from the Nordic countries: Free of charge
Books from outside the Nordic countries: 175 SEK
Article photocopy: Free of charge
Doctoral theses from other countries outside Sweden: the actual price

The cost of interlibrary loans must be paid within one month.

Books from the Nordic countries: Free of charge
Books from outside the Nordic: 175 SEK
Article photocopy: Free of charge
Doctoral theses from other countries outside Sweden: the actual price

Books: Free of charge
Article photocopy: Free of charge
Doctoral theses from other countries outside Sweden: the actual price

500 SEK per book.