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InCites Benchmarking & Analytics

InCites is a tool for research evaluation. In InCites, productivity, impact, and collaborations can be analyzed using the indexed literature in Web of Science as a basis.

Analysis can be done at several levels - researcher/research group, organization, research area, publication channel, or funding agency.

Bibliometric tools should be used in an informed and responsible manner. Therefore, we recommend users of InCites to familiarize themselves with the guide "Using InCites Responsibly: A Guide to Interpretation and Good Practice".

A personal account needs to be created to start using InCites. If you already have a personal account on any other Web of Science resource, you can use that account.

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InCites self-guided learning

A series of lessons that guides you through the essential features you'll need to start building analyses.

Getting started with InCites

Continuous training opportunities are offered.

Web of Science & InCites - Training tutorials
Recordings on, among other things, InCites at basic and advanced levels.