Altmetric Explorer
Portal for how research publications have been cited in altmetric sources, as complement to bibliometric analysis.
Through the Altmetric Explorer database, you as a researcher or research administrator get a full overview of which altmetric sources mention and cite publications from Örebro University or a specific researcher. The sources include policy documents, news channels, social media, blogs, Wikipedia, reference managers, etc.
Save and monitor searches
Through a personal account with Altmetric Explorer, you can save searches, as well as sign up to receive updates every day, week or month.
To create an account, click the plus-icon at the bottom left of the menu. Use your address, after which an email will be sent to you with an invitation where you can register your account.
Getting started with Altmetric Explorer
A video on how to get started with the service can be found on Altmetric Explorer's own pages.
Read more about altmetrics on Örebro University's pages for research support. Altmetrics is a complement to traditional bibliometrics, which measures, for example, citations and h-index. Here you can read more about bibliometrics at the university.
Available within Örebro University or via login for teachers/students.