With databases you can access articles and scientific publication, as well as search for subject and content type.
When using the databases, you can typically refine and specialize your searches with advanced search techniques. This way, you can retrieve material that is relevant to the subject area you are investigating.
Databases in All areas
ACM Digital Library
A comprehensive collection of full-text articles and bibliographic records covering the fields of computing and information technology.
Agricola is a bibliographic database of citations to agricultural literature.
Altmetric Explorer
Portal for how research publications have been cited in altmetric sources, as complement to bibliometric analysis.
Alvin is a national platform for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digitised collections and digital cultural heritage from Swedish cultural heritage institutions. It is also a catalogue of material that has not yet been digitised.
The older collections from Örebro University Library are catalogued in Alvin.
American Chemical Society
Full-text of selected publications of the American Chemical Society.
American Physical Society
Journals in physics published by the American Physical Society (APS).
American Physiological Society
Journals in physiology published by the American Physiological Society.
Bibliographic references to articles in Swedish newspapers and magazines. Some of the articles are also available in full text. (In Swedish)
ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts
An indexing and abstracting tool covering health, social services, psychology, sociology, economics, politics, race relations and education.
Read more about ASSIA: Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts
Bibliography of the Swedish History of Literature
Contains references to monographs and collections, articles in collections, periodicals and annuals, reviews of works on the history of literature, and more. Coverage: 1993-2000. (In Swedish)
Read more about Bibliography of the Swedish History of Literature
BMJ Journals
Contains titles from BMJ Publishing Group in the field of medicine and healthcare.
Brill Online
Full text academic journals, covering the Humanities and International Law, among other disciplines.
With BrowZine you can monitor journals within your subject areas.
Business Source Elite
Full text business database, covering management, economics, finance, accounting and international business.
Cabell's Predatory Reports
Cabell's Predatory Reports helps researchers identify questionable journals.
Cambridge Core
Provides full text for journals published by Cambridge University Press.
Campbell Systematic Reviews
Campbell Systematic Reviews is an open access journal publishing systematic reviews, evidence and gap maps, and methods research papers.
Cinahl with Full Text
An online source for full text nursing and allied health journals.
ClinicalKey Student
Over 300 e-books within clinical medicine. Also includes images and videos. The previous login issue has now been resolved, and you can once again log in with your regular user account at Örebro University.
Cochrane Interactive Learning
Cochrane Interactive Learning is an educational resource about conducting systematic literature reviews. The resource is divided into modules where you walk through the process step by step. You need a personal Cochrane account to use the resource.
Cochrane Library
Cochrane is an organisation that produces systematic reviews in the medical field. Cochrane Library collects resources that are relevant to evidence-based healthcare and associated research.
Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
On COPE's website, you can find useful information and guidance on various types of publication ethics issues.
Communication & Mass Media Complete
CMCC provides the most robust, quality research solution in areas related to communication and mass media.
Complete Anatomy
A platform app for anatomy in 3D. Specific activation is needed, please read the instructions that follows:
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. Follow the instructions under "Getting started" to start using the service.
Criminology Collection
Combines content from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) abstracts database with full-texts of articles and dissertations in a single interface.
Web site of the Court of Justice, General Court, and Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union.
De Gruyter
Journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available.
Dictionary of Swedish National Biography
This biographical dictionary was first published in 1917 and is still in progress. It is a general list, based on first-hand sources, of significant people and their achievements at various stages in the development of Swedish society. (In Swedish)
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
Covering a range of subjects, the Directory of Open Access Books contains peer reviewed open access books.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
The Directory of Open Access Journals indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
A finding tool and an institutional repository for research publications and student theses written at 40 universities and research institutions.
DiVA Örebro University
Research publications and student theses published and registered at Örebro University.
Documents and laws
Find documents and information that enable you to follow the passage of parliamentary business (matters) from the proposal to the decision-making stage. Most of these documents are only available in Swedish
Ebook Central
Ebook Central has our largest collection of eBooks. All books can be read online in your web browser, but to download a complete book you need a personal account as well as a specific reading software.
EBSCO eBook Collection
A collection of approximately 5,000 eBooks. Of these, some 1,900 titles, are within the social sciences.
EconLit is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature. EconLit covers virtually every area related to economics.
References to mainly working papers and articles in economics and statistics.
Education Collection
Combines references and abstracts from the ERIC database with full-texts of articles, dissertations and other types of content, all in a single interface.
Emerald Journals
A cross-disciplinary journal database, primarily covering management and business economics.
Indexes and abstracts materials in education and related fields.
ERIC (ProQuest)
Indexes and abstracts materials in education and related fields.
Espacenet offers free access to patent documents worldwide, containing information about inventions and technical developments from 1836 to today.
Essential Science Indicators
A research tool that allows you to measure scientific impact and identify the influential individuals, institutions, papers, publications, and countries in your field of study.
EU law and other public EU documents.
European Patent Office
The official website of the European Patent Office (EPO), with possibility to search the European Patent Register.
Explore the digital resources of Europe's galleries, museums, libraries, archives and audiovisual collections.
Statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions.
FAR Online
Contains databases in the fields of taxes, company law, associations law, insolvency law, accounting, revision etc. (In Swedish)
Film & Television Literature Index
Subject coverage includes film & television theory, writing, production, cinematography, technical aspects, and reviews.
Fredsarkivet (The Peace Archive) collects, digitizes and makes available documentation about Swedish participation in international peace efforts throughout the ages. (in Swedish)
A database of PhD-theses in Women's Studies, Men's Studies and Gender Research in Sweden. (In Swedish)
Geodata Extraction Tool
Swedish geodata from Lantmäteriet. Please click "Read more" for important copyright information.
An international database of scholarships, funds and grants for individuals and associations.
Google Scholar
Allows you to search across a wide range of academic literature. Use the library link to Google Scholar to access subscriptions already paid by the library.
GreenFILE covers the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and governments and what can be done at each level to minimize negative impacts.
Handbook of Pragmatics
An encyclopedia with up-to-date information on research in the field of linguistic pragmatics.
International legal database with a large number of international journals in full text.
HUDOC provides access to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights.
The International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD) provides a not-for-profit portal to research on tax law.
IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
Database in social science that contains references to the scientific literature in social sciences, humanities and law.
Read more about IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences
The Scandinavian University Press’ (Universitetsforlaget) digital publishing platform for academic and scholarly journals. Some of the journals are published in English.
IEEE Explore
Full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers) publications.
IMF eLibrary
The International Monetary Fund's (IMF) eLibrary simplifies analysis and research with direct access to the IMF’s periodicals, books, working papers and studies, and data and statistical tools.
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics
InCites is a tool for research evaluation. In InCites, productivity, impact, and collaborations can be analyzed using the indexed literature in Web of Science as a basis.
InfoTorg Juridik (Rättsbanken)
Swedish legal database with legislation, preparatory work and case law. (In Swedish)
IOS Press
Multidisciplinary collection of journals from the publisher IOS Press.
iThenticate is a text screening tool researchers can use to check for similarity and potential plagiarism. Uploaded manuscripts are compared against a comprehensive database. The result provides information about the degree of similarity between your work and previously published material.
Journal Citation Reports
Use Journal Citation Reports to evaluate and compare international journals prior to publication. Among other things, you can see the journal's impact, its trend over time and the citation relationship to other journals. You can also choose a subject category and see which journals have the highest impact in different fields.
Older volumes of full text journals in various disciplines. A small number of e-books are also available in full text.
JUNO (previously Karnov and Zeteo) contains Swedish legislation with commentaries, case-law and preparatory documents. (In Swedish)
Older law books in Swedish.
Journals published by Karger, mainly within medicine.
Literature with women's, men's and gender studies, mainly in the humanities and social sciences.
Facts and information about countries around the world. Produced by the Swedish Institute of International Affairs. (In Swedish)
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
A series of books covering research and development from all areas of computer science.
Legislative Observatory
The European Parliament's database for monitoring the EU decision-making process.
Library & Information Science Collection
Combines Library & Information Science Abstracts (LISA), the leading index for library science, with full text for many titles.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
References to articles, books, research reports and proceedings. Subject coverage includes bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, librarianship and more.
Read more about Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts
The national catalogue best used for subject searches of physical books and to see holdings at university libraries
Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts
References to the international literature in linguistics and related disciplines in the language sciences.
Linguistics Collection
The Linguistics Collection is comprised of index and full-text databases covering all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.
MathSciNet offers access to a carefully maintained and easily searchable database of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for mathematical sciences literature.
MatWeb contains data on the material properties of metals, polymers, ceramics and composites.
Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
A comprehensive online resource containing articles from Max Planck Institute.
Read more about Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
A comprehensive online resource containing peer-reviewed articles on every aspect of public international law.
Read more about Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
Medicinhistoriska databasen
Documents about the medical and social conditions in Sweden during the last 250 years (in Swedish).
References to publications in the medical and nursing field.
References to publications in the medical and nursing field.
MLA provides a subject index for books and articles published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Crime and justice-related research.
Encyclopedia in Swedish that also contains a number of dictionaries.
Nationell arkivdatabas (NAD)
NAD publishes information about archives and archival holdings at the Swedish National Archives, municipal and regional archives, archives of popular movements and associations, and archives of museums and libraries etc.
In Swedish.
Nature Journals
Journals from Nature. The University Library has access to a limited number of journals.
National Bureau of Economic Research, USA.
References to articles from Norway and other Nordic countries.
Nordic Base on Early Childhood Education and Care
Scandinavian research on early childhood education.
Read more about Nordic Base on Early Childhood Education and Care
NordMedia Network
Presents current research and events in the Nordic media and communications field.
OECD Economic Outlook
OECD’s twice-yearly analysis of the major economic trends and prospects.
Open Journal Systems
Örebro University offers support for publishing scientific journals using the Open Journal Systems platform. The platform can be used for scholarly journals as well as for single publications from, for example, scientific conferences.
Abstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy and evidence-based practice.
Oxford Academic Journals
Fulltext journals from Oxford University Press.
Oxford Clinical Psychology
A collection of e-books on clinical psychology, covering a broad range of specialty areas, disorders, and treatment modalities.
Oxford English Dictionary
Oxford Handbooks Online Political Science
An e-book collection offering thorough introductions to topics and a critical survey of the current state of scholarship in Political Science.
Oxford Music Online (incl. Grove)
Music reference resources.
Oxford Reference
Oxford Reference contains dictionaries, language reference and subject reference works covering a variety of subjects.
Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL)
Full text reference works and treatises on international law, published by Oxford University Press.
Read more about Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law (OSAIL)
Oxford Scholarship Online Law
A collection of e-books in the field of law, published by Oxford University Press.
PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service)
Find references to articles, books, government documents, research reports, conference papers and more, in the fields of public policy and international relations.
Abstracts and references to research on physiotherapy.
Politics Collection
Joint search in PAIS, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, Political Science Database and Policy File Index.
Project MUSE
Full-text versions of scholarly journals, primarily in the humanities and social sciences. The University Library has access to a selection of the journals available on the platform.
Fulltext articles in psychology.
Abstracts of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations in behavioral science and mental health.
Streaming psychotherapy demonstration videos from American Psychological Association (APA).
PTSDpubs (former name: PILOTS)
Bibliographic database covering the published international literature on traumatic stress. Previously known as PILOTS.
Citations and abstracts include the fields of medicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
Research Catalogue
The Research Catalogue is a platform for publishing artistic projects and research on both artistic and scientific grounds.
Retriever Business
Company data (in Swedish)
Retriever Mediearkivet
Archive of Swedish newspapers and magazines.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature is a comprehensive bibliography on writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes.
SAGE Journals
Provides full text for journals published by SAGE Publishing.
SAGE Knowledge
SAGE Knowledge contains reference works and encyclopaedias within the social sciences. The University Library has access to some 60 e-books on the platform.
SAGE Research Methods
Sage Research Methods supports research at all levels by providing material to guide users through every step of the research process.
Science Direct
Provides full text for some 2,000 journals published by Elsevier.
SciFree Journal Search Tool
Using SciFree, research staff can easily check if a journal is included in any of the University's publisher agreements, where open access charges are prepaid or discounted. A small number of journals that does not charge any fee for publishing open access are also in SciFree.
Abstract and citation database.
SiS Standards
Standards directory from the Swedish Standards Institute.
Social Science Premium Collection
This collection provides access to databases covering international literature in social sciences, including politics, public policy, sociology, social work, criminology, linguistics, informatics, and education.
Social Services Abstracts
Bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development.
Sociological Abstracts
Abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
Sociology Collection
Combines abstracts and references from the ASSIA and Sociological Abstracts databases with full-text coverage of publications in sociology and social services, and related fields.
International database with citations for materials in sports medicine, exercise physiology, physical education and related fields.
Full-text journals from Springer. A number of e-book collections in multiple subject areas are also available.
Statistical Database
Contains official statistics from Statistics Sweden and a number of other government agencies. The statistics cover many subject areas, and often over a long period of time, so-called time series.
SVAR, Digital Research Room
SVAR contains Swedish archive information from the department of the National Archives. (In Swedish).
SveMed+ contains references to articles in Scandinavian journals within medicine, dentistry, health care services, occupational therapy, nursing care and physical therapy. Starting January 2020, this database is no longer updated.
Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
References to articles, studies, reports, etc. 1663-1967 (in Swedish).
Read more about Svensk Medicinalhistorisk Bibliografi (Medorg)
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog (previously ELSA) is the online catalogue of the Swedish Institute for Children's Books.
Read more about Svenska barnboksinstitutets bibliotekskatalog
Swedish Bibliography of General Education
A retrospective database (1850-1950) containing references to monographs and articles in periodicals, annuals and collections.
Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
This database consists of Government Official Reports (SOU) from 1922 onwards.
Read more about Swedish Government Official Reports (SOU) 1922 -
Swedish Historical Bibliography
Swedish Historical Bibliography (in Swedish).
Swedish House of Finance Data Center
Several smaller databases within finance, mainly with Nordic focus and several with historical data.
Swedish Media Database
Search service for the audiovisual collections at the National Library of Sweden (KB). The database contains information about TV, radio, video, movies presented in theatre's, CDs, and multimedia.
Swedish MeSH
Database with Swedish translations of the subject headings, known as MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings) used in, for instance, PubMed. In Swedish.
Swedish Patent Database
Covers Swedish patents, Swedish public patent applications, European patents (EP patents) validated in Sweden and more.
Swedish Press Register
A register of articles from circa 15 Swedish big city newspapers from 1880 and onwards. As from 1903 the register is a database, complete until 1911. The years 1880 to 1902 are available in print. (In Swedish)
SwePub makes it possible to search among articles, conference papers, dissertations etc. published at Swedish universities and authorities. Use SwePub for an overview of what is published in your research area, to get titles in full text, abstracts and citations.
Taylor & Francis eBooks
On the Taylor & Francis platform the Library has access to some one hundred eBooks, primarily within the humanities and social sciences.
Taylor & Francis Online
A multidisciplinary journal package from Taylor & Francis, including titles from CRC Press, Garland Science, Psychology Press och Routledge.
The Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women (SKBL)
The dictionary contains biographies of women who, across several centuries and in many different ways, have contributed to society’s development, both within Sweden and beyond.
Read more about The Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women (SKBL)
The Demographic Data Base
Historical statistics mainly based on Swedish church records from the 1700's and 1800's. (in Swedish)
The Nordic Africa Institute's e-resources
Africa-focused e-resources such as e-books, newspapers, magazines and bibliographies, mainly in social sciences. An application is required to gain access.
The Swedish Film Database
Contains information about all Swedish feature films since 1897, all international films that have had Swedish theatrical premieres, and more.
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching explores the theoretical and practical aspects of English language instruction. It provides an essential, go-to reference resource for educators, professionals, researchers, and students.
Read more about The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching
Medical search engine with emphasis on evidence based medicine (EBM) and clinical guidelines and queries.
A source of detailed information on academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, and more.
A search service for degree projects and student theses in full-text, from Swedish universities and university colleges (in Swedish).
UR Access
TV and radio programs from Utbildningsradion (UR), the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company.
USPTO Patent Databases
The database consists of information about all US patents (including utility, design, reissue, plant patents and SIR documents) from the first patent issued in 1790. Full-text patents from 1976 to present are included in this database.
Web of Science
Web of Science consists of multiple databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, reports, and more.
Westlaw International Materials
Legal and regulatory information. Covers most areas of the world, also international organisations such as EU, United Nations, WTO and international tribunals.
Westlaw UK
Legal and regulatory information from the United Kingdom, and EU. The texts include case law, legislation, law reviews, treaties, directories, journal articles, commentaries and other texts, full text or summaries.
WHO IRIS covers material published by the WHO from 1950 onwards.
Wiley Online
Multidisciplinary collection of journals covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities.
Worldwide Political Science Abstracts
International political science and international relations. Contains abstracts of journal articles, books, dissertations and working papers.