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Book requests and reservations for distance learners living outside of Örebro municipality

Photo of a desk with a bulletin board, books, and notebooks.

If you are enrolled in a summer course or another distance course at Örebro University and live outside Örebro, you can have your books sent to your home. You can order the books yourself via the discovery search service Primo.

First, you need to get a University Card. Activate the University Card as a library card on Studentjänster.

Before placing your first book order, you need to contact the library to access the service. Email the library at and inform us that you are a distance learner and want to start borrowing books. After receiving confirmation from the library, you can request your books through the discovery search service Primo.

Borrowing books available at Örebro University Library

Find the book in the discovery search service Primo. Reserve the book in Primo. Choose the option to have the book sent home as the pickup location. If the book is checked out, you will be placed in the queue and the book will be sent to you as soon as it becomes available for you to borrow.

The book will be sent to your home address free of charge. You will need to pay for the return postage. Remember to send the books back in good time, as they need to be returned to the library by the due date. The loan period for course literature (7 days) is extended by 6 days for distance students to allow for postal delivery.

The Main Library

Postal Address

Örebro universitet
701 82 Örebro

Packages over 2 kg

Örebro universitet
Godsmottagning F, Fakultetsgatan 1
701 82 Örebro

The Medical Library

Postal Address

Örebro universitet
Medicinska biblioteket
Campus USÖ
701 82 Örebro

Packages over 2 kg

Örebro universitet
Medicinska biblioteket
Campus USÖ
Södra Grev Rosengatan 50
703 62 Örebro

The School of Hospitality, Culinary Arts and Meal Science Library

Postal Address

Örebro universitet
Campus Grythyttan
Restaurang- och hotellhögskolans bibliotek
Box 1
712 02 Grythyttan

Packages over 2 kg

Örebro universitet
Campus Grythyttan, Måltidens Hus i Norden
Restaurang- och hotellhögskolans bibliotek
Sörälgsvägen 2
712 60 Grythyttan

Ordering journal articles that the University Library holds in print

Printed journals can be found in the discovery search service Primo. Articles from journals available in print at the University Library can be ordered by contacting Malin Widén, tel: +46 19-30 13 88, or the Information Desk at +46 19-30 32 40, email: Copies of articles are sent free of charge. Copies of articles are also sent outside the Nordic countries.

Ordering a book/article that the University Library does not have

Books not available in the University Library's collections can be borrowed from another library through interlibrary loan.