21 May: Workshop about Food and Health collaboration possibilities


Are you interested in exploring how you as a researcher can promote more sustainable and healthy production and consumption of food? And how can the Food and Health collaboration platform support such possibilities? This workshop is open to researchers at Örebro University.

The Food and Health collaboration platform invites you to this workshop where we together with external guests define current national needs, ongoing work, and possibilities. You will get the opportunity to discuss your potential research-based outreach and knowledge transfer, including innovation work, with us at the platform, other researchers and the innovation support at ORU Holding.

We welcome researchers passionate about outreach activities that align with our Food and Health vision – "Sustainably produced food with health benefits will be the consumers’ preferred choice". We encourage participation from diverse subject areas, also those not previously involved in Food and Health activities.



10.30 – 12.00

• Welcome and introduction to the Food and Health platform

• Presentation by Karin Fritz at Swedish Food Agency

• Insights from the platforms' advisory board
- Magnus Börjesson - AgroÖst
- Marie Gidlund - Sweden Food Arena
- Stina Algotsson - BFUF
- Hannes van Lunteren - KrinovaFood

• Preparation for the workshop

12.00 – 12.45 LUNCH

12.45 – 14.30

• Workshop led by Katarina Wetter Edman - ORU Holding

• Closing session - Mischa Billing and Lavinia Gunnarsson

Please register here

By registering, I agree that my information in the registration form is handled by Örebro University for this workshop during the time that the workshop is in progress. Submitted information can be corrected and even deleted by contacting the person responsible for the workshop.

More information about how Örebro University handles personal data can be found on the page Behandling av personuppgifter vid Örebro universitet.

I understand and agree that Örebro University processes my personal data in accordance with the purpose stated above and applicable data protection legislation.


Lavinia Gunnarsson

Lavinia Gunnarsson Befattning: Samverkanskoordinator Organisation: Kommunikation och samverkansstöd

Profilsida: Lavinia Gunnarsson

E-post: bGF2aW5pYS5ndW5uYXJzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==

Telefon: 019 303715

Rum: E2251

Lavinia Gunnarsson