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Zara Saeidzadeh

Zara Saeidzadeh Befattning: Forskare Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

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Zara Saeidzadeh

Om Zara Saeidzadeh

Zara Saeidzadeh works as a researcher in the Centre for Feminist Social Studies and Gender Studies Descipling at Örebro University. She is an affiliate assistant professor at Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia Unviersity in Montreal, Canada.

Zara completed her postdoctoral project (2022-2024) on “Violence against Trans* Women within Family and Workplace in Sweden: A Qualitative Analysis of Socio-Legal Status” funded by the Swedish Research Council for Working Life, Healthcare and Welfare (FORTE). She wrote her PhD thesis (2015-2020) on “Trans and Sex Change in Iran: A Socio-Legal Study of Gendered Policies and Practices”  in Gender Studies Descipline at Örebro University where she has since workd as a researcher and  lecturer.


Zara's research falls within the are of law and gender,specifically the fields of social studies of gender, sociology of law, feminist violence studies and trans* studies. In her current work, she focuses on the epistemic injustices and violence against trans* people in intimate relations, family and employment, drawing on the politics of status recognition and trans* citizenship.

Recent projects

Violence against Trans* Women within Family and Work in Sweden: A Qualitative Analysis of Socio-Legal Status(2022-2024).

In this project, Zara conducted qualitiave interview based research to examine how trans* women are recognized in Swedish law and society by focusing on the status and needs of trans* women citizens.

The Politics, Expressions and Prevalence of Violence against Trans* People in the EU(2021-2022). In collaboration with Dr Sofia Strid, associate professor in gender studies, she worked on theorization of violence against trans people at the EU level, looking at policies, activism and academia within the EU.

LAWGEM: New Quality in Education for Gender Equality (2020-2023) In this project Zara was involved in drafting the syllabi and writing textbooks for a master’s programme on law and gender. Moreover, she has been working on forming a legal clinic with Susanne Strand, Professor in criminology.


Apart from being a guest lecturer in disciplines such as anthropology, women’s studies and medicine, Zara Saeidzadeh has been involved in teaching the following courses in gender studies and sociology: Gender Equality and The Nordic Welfare States (undergraduate level); Gender, Power and Politics (undergraduate level); Men’s Violence against Women (undergraduate level), Gender Perspective in Medicine (postgraduate level), Redading course on Feminist Studies on Violence against Women (undergraduate advanced level). Qualitative Methods (undergaraduate level). Zara has superviosed and examined BA theses and Internship Projects in sociology (post-graduate level).



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Artiklar i tidskrifter

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Artiklar, recensioner

Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier

