Tomas Jerlström
Tomas Jerlström Befattning: Affilierad forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: dG9tYXMuamVybHN0cm9tO29ydS5zZQ==
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Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Holmberg, L. , Skogmar, S. , Garmo, H. , Hagberg, O. , Häggström, C. , Gårdmark, T. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. & et al. (2024). Cumulative incidence of and risk factors for BCG infection after adjuvant BCG instillations. BJU International, 134 (2), 229-238. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Andrén, O. , Falini, V. , Gårdmark, T. , Ströck, V. & Jerlström, T. (2024). Cystectomy for bladder cancer in Sweden: short-term outcomes after centralization. Scandinavian journal of urology, 59, 84-89. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Ströck, V. , Söderkvist, K. & et al. (2024). Diagnostic pathways and treatment strategies in upper tract urothelial carcinoma in Sweden between 2015 and 2021: a population-based survey. Scandinavian journal of urology, 59, 19-25. [BibTeX]
- Abuhasanein, S. , Chaves, V. , Mohsen, A. M. , Al-Haddad, J. , Sunila, M. , Ströck, V. , Jerlström, T. , Liedberg, F. & et al. (2024). Diagnostic value of repeated comprehensive investigation with CT urography and cystoscopy for recurrent macroscopic haematuria. BJUI Compass, 5 (2), 253-260. [BibTeX]
- Oedorf, K. , Haug, E. S. , Liedberg, F. , Järvinen, R. , Gudjonsson, S. , Boström, P. J. , Jerlström, T. , Gudbrandsdottir, G. & et al. (2024). Perioperative management of upper tract urothelial carcinoma in the Nordic countries. BMC Urology, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Vikerfors, A. , Davidsson, S. , Carlsson, J. & Jerlström, T. (2024). Plasma Levels of Pentraxin 3: A Potential Prognostic Biomarker in Urinary Bladder Cancer Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25 (6). [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Ströck, V. , Hosseini, A. , Malmström, P. , Söderkvist, K. & et al. (2024). Treatment Related to Urinary Tract Infections Is Associated with Delayed Diagnosis of Urinary Bladder Cancer: A Nationwide Population-based Study. European Urology Oncology. [BibTeX]
- Lind, A. K. , Liedberg, F. , Aljabery, F. , Bläckberg, M. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jerlström, T. , Ströck, V. & et al. (2023). Health-related quality of life prior to and 1 year after radical cystectomy evaluated with FACT-G and FACT-VCI questionnaires. Scandinavian journal of urology, 58 (1), 76-83. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Häggström, C. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2023). Preoperative upper tract invasive diagnostic modalities are associated with intravesical recurrence following surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma: A population-based study. PLOS ONE, 18 (2). [BibTeX]
- Bergengren, O. , Belozerov, A. , Bill-Axelson, A. , Garmo, H. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jahnson, S. & et al. (2023). Short term outcomes after robot assisted and open cystectomy: A nation-wide population-based study. European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 49 (4), 868-874. [BibTeX]
- Udumyan, R. , Botteri, E. , Jerlström, T. , Montgomery, S. , Smedby, K. E. & Fall, K. (2022). Beta-blocker use and urothelial bladder cancer survival: a Swedish register-based cohort study. Acta Oncologica, 61 (8), 922-930. [BibTeX]
- Bobjer, J. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Sherif, A. , Simoulis, A. & et al. (2022). Bladder cancer recurrence in papillary urothelial neoplasm of low malignant potential (PUNLMP) compared to G1 WHO 1999: a population-based study. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (1), 14-18. [BibTeX]
- Häggström, C. , Hagberg, O. , Gårdmark, T. , Aljabery, F. , Ströck, V. , Hosseini, A. , Sherif, A. , Malmstrom, P. & et al. (2022). Cohort profile: Bladder Cancer Data Base Sweden (BladderBaSe) 2.0. BMJ Open, 12 (12). [BibTeX]
- Abuhasanein, S. , Jahnson, S. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jerlström, T. , Liedberg, F. , Sherif, A. , Ströck, V. & et al. (2022). Do not throw out the baby with the bath water. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (3), 235-236. [BibTeX]
- Holmberg, L. , Hagberg, O. , Häggström, C. , Gårdmark, T. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. , Jahnson, S. , Hosseini, A. & et al. (2022). Number of transurethral procedures after non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer and survival in causes other than bladder cancer. PLOS ONE, 17 (9). [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2022). Re: Preventing Parastomal Hernia after Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh: A Randomised Study. Journal of Urology, 207 (1), 205-205. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2022). Re: Preventing Parastomal Hernia after Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh: A Randomised Study. Journal of Urology, 208 (1), 204-205. [BibTeX]
- Russell, B. , Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Ullén, A. , Söderkvist, K. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. & et al. (2022). Risk of bladder cancer death in patients younger than 50 with non-muscle-invasive and muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (1), 27-33. [BibTeX]
- Abuhasanein, S. , Jahnson, S. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jerlström, T. , Liedberg, F. , Sherif, A. , Ströck, V. & et al. (2022). Standardized care pathways for patients with suspected urinary bladder cancer: the Swedish experience. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (3), 227-232. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kjellström, S. , Lind, A. , Sherif, A. , Söderkvist, K. , Falkman, K. , Thulin, H. , Aljabery, F. & et al. (2022). Swedish National Guidelines on Urothelial Carcinoma: 2021 update on non-muscle invasive bladder cancer and upper tract urothelial carcinoma. Scandinavian journal of urology, 56 (2), 137-146. [BibTeX]
- Bobjer, J. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Sherif, A. , Ströck, V. & et al. (2021). A population-based study on the effect of a routine second-look resection on survival in primary stage T1 bladder cancer. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (2), 108-115. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Montgomery, A. , Sherif, A. & et al. (2021). Cumulative incidence of midline incisional hernia and its surgical treatment after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion for bladder cancer: A nation-wide population-based study. PLOS ONE, 16 (2). [BibTeX]
- Magnusson, J. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Sherif, A. , Söderkvist, K. & et al. (2021). Cumulative incidence of ureteroenteric strictures after radical cystectomy in a population-based Swedish cohort. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (5), 361-365. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2021). Reply to Amit Bansal, Ruchir Maheshwari, and Anant Kumar's Letter to the Editor re: Fredrik Liedberg, Petter Kollberg, Marie Allerbo, et al. Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh. European Urology, 79 (3), e79-e80. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2021). Reply to Deepansh Dalela, Isaac Palma-Zamora, and Craig Rogers' Letter to the Editor re: Fredrick Leidberg, Petter Kollberg, Marie Allerbo, et al. Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh. European Urology, 79 (4), E117-E118. [BibTeX]
- Vikerfors, A. , Davidsson, S. , Janusz, F. , Jerlström, T. & Carlsson, J. (2021). Soluble PD-L1 in Serum and Urine in Urinary Bladder Cancer Patients. Cancers, 13 (22). [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. , Malmström, P. & et al. (2021). Survival after radical cystectomy during holiday periods. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (4), 276-280. [BibTeX]
- Jahnson, S. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jerlström, T. , Liedberg, F. , Malmström, P. , Hagberg, O. , Sherif, A. & et al. (2021). Thromboembolism in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: A Population-based Nationwide Study. Bladder Cancer, 7 (2), 161-171. [BibTeX]
- Körner, S. K. , Dreyer, T. , Haug, E. S. , Jerlström, T. , Boström, P. J. , Gudjonsson, S. & Jensen, J. B. (2021). Which data are available in central registries on bladder cancer patients in the five Nordic countries. Scandinavian journal of urology, 55 (2), 135-141. [BibTeX]
- Jerlström, T. , Ruoqing, C. , Liedberg, F. , Andrén, O. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. A. S. , Hosseini, A. , Sherif, A. & et al. (2020). No increased risk of short-term complications after radical cystectomy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer among patients treated with preoperative chemotherapy: a nation-wide register-based study. World journal of urology, 38 (2), 381-388. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2020). Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh: A Randomised Study. European Urology, 78 (5), 757-763. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Kollberg, P. , Allerbo, M. , Baseckas, G. , Brändstedt, J. , Gudjonsson, S. , Hagberg, O. , Håkansson, U. & et al. (2020). Reply to Alireza Ghoreifi and Hooman Djaladat's Letter to the Editor re: Fredrik Liedberg, Petter Kollberg, Marie Allerbo, et al. Preventing Parastomal Hernia After Ileal Conduit by the Use of a Prophylactic Mesh. European Urology, 78 (5), E186-E187. [BibTeX]
- Aljabery, F. , Liedberg, F. , Häggström, C. , Ströck, V. , Hosseini, A. , Gårdmark, T. , Sherif, A. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2020). Treatment and prognosis of bladder cancer patients with other primary cancers: A nationwide population-based study in the Bladder Cancer Data Base Sweden (BladderBaSe). BJU International, 126 (5), 625-632. [BibTeX]
- Aljabery, F. , Liedberg, F. , Häggström, C. , Ströck, V. , Hosseini, A. , Gårdmark, T. , Sherif, A. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2019). Management and outcome of muscle-invasive bladder cancer with clinical lymph node metastases. A nationwide population-based study in the bladder cancer data base Sweden (BladderBaSe). Scandinavian journal of urology, 53 (5), 332-338. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jancke, G. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2019). Period-specific mean annual hospital volume of radical cystectomy is associated with outcome and perioperative quality of care: a nationwide population-based study. BJU International, 124 (3), 449-456. [BibTeX]
- Böös, M. , Jerlström, T. , Beckman, E. , Bläckberg, M. , Brändstedt, J. , Kollberg, P. , Löfgren, A. , Malmström, P. & et al. (2019). Who should record surgical complications?: Results from a third-party assessment of complications after radical cystectomy. Scandinavian journal of urology, 53 (5), 339-343. [BibTeX]
- Jerlström, T. , Gardmark, T. , Carringer, M. , Holmang, S. , Liedberg, F. , Hosseini, A. , Malmström, P. , Ljungberg, B. & et al. (2014). Urinary bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy: Perioperative parameters and early complications prospectively registered in a national population-based database. Scandinavian journal of urology, 48 (4), 334-340. [BibTeX]
- Jerlström, T. , Andersson, G. & Carringer, M. (2010). Functional outcome of orthotopic bladder substitution: a comparison between the S-shaped and U-shaped neobladder. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology, 44 (4), 197-203. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Boström, P. J. , Jensen, J. B. , Jerlström, T. , Arum, C. , Gudjonsson, S. , Ettala, O. & Syvänen, K. T. (2020). Clinical markers of morbidity, mortality and survival in bladder cancer patients treated with radical cystectomy: A systematic review. Scandinavian journal of urology, 54 (4), 267-276. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Jerlström, T. (2019). Clinical aspects of cystectomy and urinary diversion. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Holmberg, L. , Skogmar, S. , Garmo, H. , Hagberg, O. , Häggstrom, C. , Gårdmark, T. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. & et al. (2024). Cumulative incidence of and risk factors for BCG-infection after adjuvant BCGinstillations. I: European Urology. Konferensbidrag vid 39th Annual EAU Congress (EAU 24), Paris, France, April 5-8, 2024. (ss. S1696-S1696). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Haggström, C. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2023). Preoperative upper tract invasive diagnostic modalities are associated with intravesical recurrence following surgery for upper tract urothelial carcinoma: A population-based study. I: European Urology. Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Russell, B. , Leidberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Ullén, A. , Söderkvist, K. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. & et al. (2021). Risk of bladder cancer death in patients younger than 50 with non-muscle-invasive and muscle-invasive bladder cancer. I: European Urology. Konferensbidrag vid 36th Annual EAU Congress (EAU21), (Virtual Congress), July 8-12, 2021. (ss. S1014-S1015). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Carlsson, J. , Vikerfors, A. , Frey, J. , Jerlström, T. & Davidsson, S. (2019). Is soluble PD-L1 a potential biomarker for urothelial bladder cancer?. Konferensbidrag vid Keystone Symposia Conference 2019: Cancer metastasis: The role of metabolism, immunity and the microenvironment, Florens, Italy, March 15-19, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Liedberg, F. , Hagberg, O. , Aljabery, F. , Gårdmark, T. , Hosseini, A. , Jahnson, S. , Jancke, G. , Jerlström, T. & et al. (2019). Period-specific mean annual hospital volume of radical cystectomy is associated with outcome and perioperative quality of care in Sweden: a nationwide population-based study. I: Scandinavian journal of urology. Konferensbidrag vid 32nd NUF Congress, Reykjavik, Iceland, June 5-8, 2019. (ss. 20-20). Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Carlsson, J. , Vikerfors, A. , Frey, J. , Jerlström, T. & Davidsson, S. (2019). Är nivåer av cirkulerande CD163 associerat med kliniska parametrar för urinblåsecancer?. I: Svensk Urologi. Konferensbidrag vid Urologidagarna 2019, Västerås, Sweden, 2-4 October, 2019. (ss. 53-53). Svensk Urologisk Förening. [BibTeX]
- Jerlström, T. , Ruoqing, C. , Liedberg, F. , Ströck, V. , Aljabery, F. A. , Hosseini, A. , Sherif, A. , Malmström, P. & et al. No increased risk of short-term complications after radical cystectomy for muscle invasive bladder cancer among patients treated with preoperative chemotherapy : a nationwide register-based study. [BibTeX]
- Böös, M. , Jerlström, T. , Beckman, E. , Bläckberg, M. , Brändstedt, J. , Kollberg, P. , Löfgren, A. , Malmström, P. & et al. Who should record surgical complications? Results from a third-party assessment of complications after radical cystectomy. [BibTeX]