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Stepan Mazur

Stepan Mazur Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet


Telefon: 019 303117

Rum: N4031

Stepan Mazur
Forskningsämne Forskningsmiljöer

Om Stepan Mazur

Stepan is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the Örebro University School of Business. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (2014, Germany). During his Ph.D. program, he worked as a research assistant at the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (2011-2013, Germany), University of Augsburg (2013, Germany), and Humboldt University of Berlin (2014, Germany). He also worked as a PostDoc at Lund University (2014-2016, Sweden) and Aarhus University (2016, Denmark).

The main purpose of his current research is to make a series of theoretical and practical contributions in three major directions. The first direction deals with the theory of random matrices and multivariate analysis. The second direction deals with the mathematical and statistical analysis of optimal portfolio weights and their risk measures. The third direction aims at developing and extending Bayesian VAR models and their applications in macro and financial economics.

Curriculum Vitae (pdf)


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