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Ståle Holgersen

Ståle Holgersen Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskap

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Ståle Holgersen

Om Ståle Holgersen

I am a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Örebro University. After submitting my Master's thesis at University of Bergen, Norway, (2007) I worked three years as a city planner in the municipality of Bergen. I defended my PhD in human geography at Lund University 2014, and worked as a post-doc, teacher and researcher in Uppsala between 2015 and 2022. I became Docent at Uppsala University in 2020

My current research interests include urban planning and urban development, class and crises, urban and social geography, and sustainable development and climate denialism. My two latest books “Staden och Kapitalet” (2017) and “Krisernas tid” (2022) have both focused on economic and ecological crises, in different ways and contexts. While I am still working on the (ecological-economic) crisis, even in an urban context, I am also working on a broader front with class, housing, fossil industries and far right ideologies and anti-feminism.

I am currently working within four research projects.

Two project concerns Swedish housing. One is called “The Housing Question in Times of Crisis: searching for socially sustainable solutions”. As Sweden is confronting one of its worst housing crises in modern times, this project will investigate how the housing system has changed through two previous crisis – notably i) the interwar period and ii) the banking crisis of the early 1990s. The other is called “Searching for sustainable alternatives in a time of crisis”. The aim of this project is to discuss housing alternatives in relation to the provision of socially sustainable housing and, crucially, to assess the viability of said alternatives. I am currently finishing some papers and a co-authored book on the topics, with other members of the research projects.

The two other projects are concerned with climate denialism, far right movements and anti-genderism. One is called “White skin, black fuel: Investigating the (anti-)climate politics of European right-wing populism” and the other “An ethnographic exploration of anti-genderism: ideas, identities and political practices in the Nordic region”. The right-wing populist parties that currently exercising increasing influence in Europe have negative attitudes to immigration as their main selling point and they tend to have anti-genderist/anti-feminist agendas, but they also tend to be critical of the scientific consensus on climate change. These projects will investigate how this relates. 

The two housing-projects ends 2023/2024, and the two projects on far right/climate denialism/anti-genderism ends around 2026/2027. In the future I want to shift my attention back to urban development, focusing on class, cities, segregation and urban “green” development.


Pågående projekt


Artiklar i tidskrifter |  Artiklar, forskningsöversikter |  Artiklar, recensioner |  Böcker |  Dagstidningar |  Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier |  Konferensbidrag |  Samlingsverk (redaktör) |  Övrigt | 

Artiklar i tidskrifter

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

  • Foroughanfar, L. , Holgersen, S. , Kefala, L. , Kings, L. , Kotze, S. & Tahvilzadeh, N. (2023). Introduction.  Urban Matters (September). [BibTeX]

Artiklar, recensioner



Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier


Samlingsverk (redaktör)
