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Sören Andersson

Sören Andersson Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaper

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Sören Andersson
Forskningsämne Forskningsmiljöer

Om Sören Andersson

Sören Andersson has a long term interest in global health and infectious disease control. He has held positions at the World Health Organization, the Public Health Agency of Sweden (then Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, SMI), Karolinska Institute (KI) and Örebro University Hospital. A common theme throughout these years has been the follow up of public health interventions, particularly vaccination programs and diagnostic services. Ever since the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic he has been involved in various aspects of research for improvement of knowledge about the epidemic, the virus involved, how to diagnose and follow up. The PhD thesis project was based on projects at SMI/KI and field work performed in Guinea Bissau, West Africa, and included preparations for HIV vaccine field trials. This has later evolved into studies of sexually transmitted and blood borne infections in wider terms. There are common risks for acquiring these infections and having one may increase the risk of getting another. The studies have been performed in Sweden as well as in various parts of Africa. The research efforts have more recently been focused on development of new vaccines. This includes new means of production and delivery, especially on mucosal surfaces, as well as vaccines for diseases where currently no vaccines are available. One example is a new vaccine candidate against Chlamydia trachomatis infection which is approaching clinical trials. 

Sören Andersson has recently joined the Public Health Agency of Sweden for work on the national vaccination program. This includes responsibilities in the process of planning for introduction of the new vaccines against covid-19 in Sweden. He remains at Örebro University as researcher and professor.  




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Artiklar i tidskrifter


  • Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Andersson, S. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Karlsson, M. , Ericsson, E. , Söderquist, B. , Eriksson, M. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Andersson, S. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Söderquist, B. (ed.) , Eriksson, M. (ed.) & Möller, M. (ed.) (2017). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2017. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
  • Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Grenegård, M. , Karlsson, M. , Andersson, S. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Ericsson, E. , Kihlgren, A. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Grenegård, M. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) , Andersson, S. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Kihlgren, A. (ed.) & Söderquist, B. (ed.) (2016). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2016. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]


