Sarah Granberg
Sarah Granberg Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: c2FyYWguZ3JhbmJlcmc7b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 019 302154
Rum: P2149

Om Sarah Granberg
Sarah Granberg (1973), med. dr och leg. audionom, arbetar som lektor och forskare vid Örebro universitet och Audiologiskt forskningscentrum, Universitetssjukhuset i Örebro.
Sarah Granberg undervisar främst inom områdena audiologisk rehabilitering av vuxna, hälsa, Klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (ICF), evidensbaserad vård (EBP) och forskningsmetodik. Sarah har ett särskilt intresse för Person-Centrerad Audiologiskt Rehabilitering (PCAR) och hur man på olika sätt kan utveckla svensk hörselvård i denna riktning och har även externa uppdrag inom detta område.
Sarah handleder för närvarande två doktorander. Hennes forskning rör arbetslivet i relation till hörselnedsättning, hälsa och livskvalitet, audiologisk rehabilitering av personer med grav hörselnedsättning, äldre personer med kombinerad svår syn-och hörselnedsättning (dual-sensory loss, DSL), och forskning inom området Klassifikation av funktionstillstånd, funktionshinder och hälsa (ICF). Sarah ingår i flera internationella samarbetskonstellationer inklusive Department of Speech & Hearing, Manipal College of Health Professions, Manipal Academy of Higher Education in Manipal i Karnataka, Indien; Department of Speech and Hearing Science, Lamar University i Texas, USA; Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, University of Pretoria, South Africa; École d’optométrie, Université de Montréal, Kanada och Deparment of Psychology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Kanada; ICF Research Branch, Nottwil, Schweiz; Audiologi, Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU), Norge.
Sarah har granskningsuppdrag åt flera vetenskapliga tidskrifter såsom BMJ Journal, Disability & Rehabilitation, International journal of Audiology, Ear and Hearing och Trends in Hearing. Hon har agerat bedömare vid halvtidsgranskning av ett avhandlingsarbete vid Karolinska Instituet (KI) där arbetet handlade om ICF inom allmänmedicin. Hon har dessutom agerat internationell examinator för en avhandling i Australien. Denna avhandling handlade om anhörigperspektivet vid vestibulära hälsotillstånd.
Priser och utmärkelser
Sarah Granbergs avhandling "Functioning and Disability in adults with hearing loss: The preparatory studies in the ICF Core sets for Hearing loss project" mottog 2015 Arnbrinks Utmärkelse. Denna utmärkelse ges till en doktorsavhandling av hög kvalité inom hörselvetenskap/audiologi. Priset ges av Svenska Audiologiska Sällskapet och Gunnar Arnbrinks Stiftelse
Sarah Granberg har ett nära samarbete med Hörselskadades Riksförbund (HRF) och är en flitigt anlitad föreläsare när det gäller att hålla populärvetenskapliga föreläsningar som riktar sig till olika målgrupper för hennes forskning. Sarah har också givit flertalet populärvetenskapliga intervjuer i både radio och tidningar.
Pågående projekt
- Ett salutogent perspektiv på hörselnedsättning i arbetslivet - friskfaktorer för en hållbar arbetssituation
- Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ)
- Rehabilitering och livskvalitet hos vuxna med grav hörselnedsättning
- Supported employment och genus - hur påverkar kön och genus en arbetslivsinriktad rehabiliteringsprocess för män och kvinnor med psykiska och intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar?
Avslutade projekt
- Hörselnedsättning och sömnstörning
- ICF Core Sets for Hearing Loss
- ICF- core sets for hearing loss; validation and operationalization of Brief ICF-Core set for hearing loss into a self-assessment instrument
- Utvärdering av samverkan kring barn som far eller riskerar att fara illa - en longitudinell utvärderingsstudie
- Äldre med kombinerad svår hörsel och synnedsättning (dual sensory loss). Prevalens, etiologi och intervention
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Wittich, W. , Dumassais, S. , Jaiswal, A. , Paramasivam, A. , Budhiraja, S. , Lopez, R. & Granberg, S. (2024). Development of core sets for deafblindness: an international expert survey on functioning and disability of individuals living with deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60 (2), 382-390. [BibTeX]
- Wittich, W. , Dumassais, S. , Prain, M. , Ogedengbe, T. O. , Gravel, C. , Jaiswal, A. , Minhas, R. , Lopez, R. & et al. (2024). Development of core sets for deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: the perspectives of individuals with lived experience. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60 (6), 1060-1069. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Manchaiah, V. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Dahlström, Ö. & Widén, S. (2024). Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Psychometric Evaluation and Revision. American Journal of Audiology, 33 (2), 330-342. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Widén, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2024). How to remain in working life with hearing loss: health factors for a sustainable work situation. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 79 (3), 1391-1406. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Widén, S. , Manchaiah, V. , Swarnalatha Nagaraj, V. , Pichora-Fuller, K. M. , Selb, M. & et al. (2023). Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire: Development and Validation of an ICF-Based Instrument. Ear and Hearing, 44 (6), 1498-1506. [BibTeX]
- Oosthuizen, I. , Kumar, L. M. S. , Nisha, K. V. , Swanepoel, D. W. , Granberg, S. , Karlsson, E. & Manchaiah, V. (2023). Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Hearing Aid Benefit and Satisfaction: Content Validity and Readability. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 66 (10), 4117-4136. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. & Skagerstrand, Å. (2022). Enhancing Person-Centered Audiologic Rehabilitation: Exploring the Use of an Interview Tool Based on the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Core Sets for Hearing Loss. Frontiers in rehabilitation sciences, 3. [BibTeX]
- Manchaiah, V. , Nisha, K. , Prabhu, P. , Granberg, S. , Karlsson, E. , Andersson, G. & Beukes, E. W. (2022). Examining the consequences of tinnitus using the multidimensional perspective. Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 142 (1), 67-72. [BibTeX]
- Lundin, E. , Widén, S. E. , Wahlqvist, M. , Granberg, S. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2022). Experiences of rehabilitation services from the perspective of older adults with dual sensory loss: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 17 (1). [BibTeX]
- Lundin, E. , Widén, S. , Wahlqvist, M. , Granberg, S. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2022). Experiences of rehabilitation services from the perspective of older adults with dual sensory loss: a qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Research on Health and Well-being., 17 (1). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Widén, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Manchaiah, V. , Mahomed-Asmail, F. , Swanepoel, D. W. , Yerraguntla, K. & et al. (2021). Validation of the Brief International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core set for hearing loss: an international multicentre study. International Journal of Audiology, 60 (6), 412-420. [BibTeX]
- Lundin, E. , Widén, S. , Wahlqvist, M. , Anderzen-Carlsson, A. & Granberg, S. (2020). Prevalence, diagnoses and rehabilitation services related to severe dual sensory loss (DSL) in older persons: a cross-sectional study based on medical records. International Journal of Audiology, 59 (12), 921-929. [BibTeX]
- Manchaiah, V. , Granberg, S. , Grover, V. , Saunders, G. H. & Ann Hall, D. (2019). Content validity and readability of patient-reported questionnaire instruments of hearing disability. International Journal of Audiology, 58 (9), 565-575. [BibTeX]
- Manchaiah, V. , Beukes, E. W. , Granberg, S. , Durisala, N. , Baguley, D. M. , Allen, P. M. & Andersson, G. (2018). Problems and Life Effects Experienced by Tinnitus Research Study Volunteers: An Exploratory Study Using the ICF Classification. Journal of american academy of audiology, 29 (10), 936-947. [BibTeX]
- Durisala, N. , Manchaiah, V. , Granberg, S. & Möller, K. (2017). Determination and classification of the problems experienced by adults with single-sided deafness using ICF classification: an exploratory study using 26 participants. Clinical Otolaryngology, 42 (3), 748-752. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Pronk, M. , Swanepoel, D. W. , Kramer, S. E. , Hagsten, H. , Hjaldahl, J. , Möller, C. & Danermark, B. (2014). The ICF core sets for hearing loss project: Functioning and disability from the patient perspective. International Journal of Audiology, 53 (11), 777-786. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Swanepoel, D. W. , Englund, U. , Möller, C. & Danermark, B. (2014). The ICF core sets for hearing loss project: International expert survey on functioning and disability of adults with hearing loss using the International classification of functioning, disability, and health (ICF). International Journal of Audiology, 53 (8), 497-506. [BibTeX]
- Danermark, B. , Granberg, S. , Kramer, S. E. , Selb, M. & Möller, C. (2013). The Creation of a Comprehensive and a Brief Core Set for Hearing Loss Using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. American Journal of Audiology, 22 (2), 323-328. [BibTeX]
- Jansson-Fröjmark, M. , Linton, S. J. , Flink, I. K. , Granberg, S. , Danermark, B. & Norell-Clarke, A. (2012). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia co-morbid with hearing impairment: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings, 19 (2), 224-234. [BibTeX]
- Danermark, B. , Cieza, A. , Gangé, J. , Gimigliano, F. , Granberg, S. , Hickson, L. , Kramer, S. , McPherson, B. & et al. (2010). International classification of functioning, disability, and health core sets for hearing loss: A discussion paper and invitation. International Journal of Audiology, 49 (4), 256-262. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Danermark, B. & Gagné, J. (2010). The Development of ICF Core Sets for Hearing Loss. PERSPECTIVES ON AUDIOLOGY, 6 (1), 20-23. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Elmazoska, I. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. & Widén, S. (2024). Associations Between Recreational Noise Exposure and Hearing Function in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 67 (2), 688-710. [BibTeX]
- Jaiswal, A. , Paramasivam, A. , Budhiraja, S. , Santhakumaran, P. , Gravel, C. , Martin, J. , Ogedengbe, T. O. , James, T. G. & et al. (2024). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core sets for deafblindness, part II of the systematic review: linking data to the ICF categories. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60 (5), 893-902. [BibTeX]
- Witte, I. , Strandberg, T. , Granberg, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2023). Intersectional perspectives on the employment rate in Supported Employment for people with psychiatric, neuropsychiatric, or intellectual disabilities: A scoping review. Work: A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation, 74 (2), 435-454. [BibTeX]
- Paramasivam, A. , Jaiswal, A. , Budhiraja, S. , Holzhey, P. , Santhakumaran, P. , Ogedengbe, T. , Martin, J. , DAS, S. & et al. (2023). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Set for deafblindness. Part I: a systematic review of outcome measures. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 59 (5), 615-627. [BibTeX]
- Warnicke, C. & Granberg, S. (2022). Interpreter-mediated interactions between people using a signed respective spoken language across distances in real time: a scoping review. BMC Health Services Research, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wittich, W. , Granberg, S. , Wahlqvist, M. , Pichora-Fuller, M. K. & Mäki-Torkko, E. (2021). Device abandonment in deafblindness: a scoping review of the intersection of functionality and usability through the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health lens. BMJ Open, 11 (1). [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. & Gustafsson, J. (2021). Key findings about hearing loss in the working-life: a scoping review from a well-being perspective. International Journal of Audiology, 60 (S2), 60-70. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Dahlström, J. , Möller, C. , Kähäri, K. & Danermark, B. (2014). The ICF Core Sets for hearing loss - researcher perspective. Part I: Systematic review of outcome measures identified in audiological research. International Journal of Audiology, 53 (2), 65-76. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, S. , Möller, K. , Skagerstrand, Å. , Möller, C. & Danermark, B. (2014). The ICF Core Sets for hearing loss: researcher perspective, Part II: Linking outcome measures to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). International Journal of Audiology, 53 (2), 77-87. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Granberg, S. (2015). Functioning and disability in adults with hearing loss: the preparatory studies in the ICF Core sets for hearing loss project. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro university. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Granberg, S. (2017). Functioning in adults with hearing loss. I: Vinaya Manchaiah, Berth Danermark, The experience of hearing loss: Journey through aural rehabilitation (ss. 17-28). New York, USA: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Wittich, W. , Dumassais, S. , Prain, M. , McVilly, K. , Anze, D. , Lopez, R. , Minhas, R. , van de Molengraft, S. & et al. (2024). Perspectives from individuals living with deafblindness on priorities for the development of WHO ICF Core Sets. I: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Konferensbidrag vid Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO 2024), Seattle, WA, USA, May 5-9, 2024. Lippincott-Raven Publishers. [BibTeX]
- Wittich, W. , Jaiswal, A. , Lopez, R. , van de Molengraft, S. , Minhas, R. , Dumassais, S. , Budhiraja, S. , Paramasivam, A. & et al. (2023). Expert Survey for the Development of a Core Set for Deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. I: Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. Konferensbidrag vid Annual Meeting of the Association-for-Research-in-Vision-and-Ophthalmology (ARVO), New Orleans, LA, USA, April 23-27, 2023. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. [BibTeX]
- Hjaldahl, J. , Granberg, S. , Widén, S. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2023). Utilization of Audiological Rehabilitation Interventions: Contextual Factors that Matter. Konferensbidrag vid American Academy of Audiology (AAA) HearTech), Seattle, USA, April 19-22, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Widén, S. , Gustafsson, J. , Manchaiah, V. , Mahomed-Asmail, F. , Yerraguntla, K. & Granberg, S. (2021). Validation of the Brief (ICF) core set for hearing loss. Konferensbidrag vid American Auditory Society Scientific and Technology Meeting, Online, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA,March 4 - 6, 2021. Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Manchaiah, V. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Gustafsson, J. & Widén, S. Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) : Construct validity, internal consistency reliability and floor and ceiling effects. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, E. , Mäki-Torkko, E. , Granberg, S. , Widén, S. , Manchaiah, V. , Vinay, M. , Pichora-Fuller, K. , Selb, M. & et al. Hearing and Functioning in Everyday Life Questionnaire (HFEQ) : Development and Validation of an ICF-based Instrument. [BibTeX]