Mats Eriksson
Mats Eriksson Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: bWF0cy5oLmVyaWtzc29uO29ydS5zZQ==
Telefon: 019 303362
Rum: P2444

Om Mats Eriksson
Mats Eriksson är professor i omvårdnadsvetenskap och specialistsjuksköterska i intensivvård. Mats bedriver omfattande forskning om barn och unga. Han leder forskargruppen PEARL - Pain in Early Life både vid Örebro universitet och den internationella PEARL-gruppen. Han ingår också i styrgruppen för SANNI-projektet som
Mats ingår också i forskargruppen Just-in-TIME som arbetar med barns och ungas psykiska hälsa. Dessa tre forskargrupper är alla en del av forskningsmiljön FAMN, liksom gruppen Beröring i vård och utbildning. En nystartad forskargrupp och projekt är InMotion som studerar kreativ rörelse för personer med schizofreni.
Övriga nationella och internationella samverkansprojekt gäller stödinsatser för föräldrar till för tidigt födda barn, samt olika aspekter på hud-mot-hudvård. Han samarbetar med forskare i bl a USA, Kanada, Frankrike, Storbritannien och alla de nordiska länderna.
Övriga uppdrag
Mats Eriksson är huvudhandledare för fyra forskarstuderande och har uppdrag som opponent, sakkunnig och betygsnämndsledamot. Han är vetenskapligt råd i Socialstyrelsen. Han är biträdande redaktör för Pediatric and Neonatal Pain och har revieweruppdrag för en mängd vetenskapliga tidsskrifter. Han ingår i vetenskapliga kommittéer för ett flertal internationella konferenser och har ett styrelseuppdrag i Stiftelsen Högskolan i Jönköping.
Mats Eriksson är inriktningsansvarig för inriktningen hälso- och vårdvetenskap i forskarutbildningsämnet medicinsk vetenskap.
Mats Eriksson är medlem i International Association for the Study of Pain - Special Interest Group on Pain in Childhood, European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensvive Care m.fl. vetenskapliga samfund samt vetenskaplig rådgivare i European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants. Han är också fellow i Europan Academy of Nursing Science.
Pågående projekt
- CloROP - klonidin som smärtlindring vid ögonundersökning av för tidigt födda barn
- En jämförelse av interventioner för att minska procedursmärta hos nyfödda barn: en systematisk litteraturgenomgång och nätverksmetaanalys
- Föräldraskap efter neonatalvård - PANC
- Just-In-TIME - Intervention med dans och yoga för flickor med återkommande psykosomatisk buksmärta
- Livet efter vaccination mot svininfluensa - livskvalitet och behov av stöd hos barn och ungdomar med narkolepsi och deras familjer
- Narkolepsi efter vaccination mot svininfluensa - tilltro till hälso- och sjukvården samt sociala mediers betydelse
- NEOPAM - ett utbildningsprogram för sjuksköterskor om neonatalt smärtomhändertagande
- POP - Föräldraledd smärtlindring
- PRICOV-19 - vårdkvalitet och patientsäkerhet i primärvården under en pandemi
- SANNI - Safe analgesia for neonatal intensive care
- START-Stöd i aktivitet, rörelse och träning för vuxna personer med ADHD - en interventionsstudie med RCT-design
- SWEpap - Föräldrar, en smärtlindrande resurs i neonatalvården
- TAPE - smärta i samband med självhäftande medicinska material
- Vaccinationsvilja och tilltro till det nationella barnvaccinationsprogrammet med särskilt fokus på HPV-vaccinering
- Översättning och validering av the Quality Of Life In Chronic Child's Disease Questionnaire (QLCCDQ)
Avslutade projekt
- Effekter av tidigt stöd till föräldrar vars barn behöver neonatalvård
- Evidensbaserad omvårdnad - hur når vi dit?
- Fysisk beröring i professionsutbildningar? förekomst och behov
- Förutsättningar och villkor i vardagslivet för vuxna med ryggmärgsbråck
- Föräldrars roll i neonatalt smärtomhändertagande - en global enkät
- Föräldrars upplevelser av hud-mot-hud-vård av nyfödda barn. En metastudie
- Hud-mot-hud vård som smärtlindring till underburna barn - mätt med NIRS - Near Infrared Spectroscopy
- Ljusbehandling i hemmet för barn med okomplicerad nyföddhetsikterus
- Musikterapeutisk interaktiv spädbarnsriktad sång som smärtlindring vid provtagning av för tidigt födda och sjuka fullgångna spädbarn.
- Naturalförlopp, livskvalitet, ärftlighet och mortalitet hos barn och ungdomar som debuterade med krampanfall för 50 år sedan i Uppsala län
- NeoOpioid - smärtlindring i nyföddhetsperioden
- Sjuksköterskans roll för föräldramedverkan i omvårdnad vid smärta hos nyfödda som vårdas inom neonatal intensivvård
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Runngren, E. , Blomberg, K. , Schollin Ask, L. , Appelquist, E. , Danielsson, M. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Children’s and parents’ attitudes to and knowledge about HPV vaccination following a targeted information intervention. Journal of Child Health Care. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Blomberg, K. , Arvidsson, E. , Van Poel, E. , Ares-Blanco, S. , Astier-Peña, M. P. , Collins, C. , Gabrani, J. & et al. (2024). Did the organization of primary care practices during the COVID-19 pandemic influence quality and safety? an international survey. BMC Health Services Research, 24. [BibTeX]
- Arribas, C. , Cavallaro, G. , Gonzalez, J. , Lagares, C. , Raffaeli, G. , Smits, A. , Simons, S. H. P. , Villamor, E. & et al. (2024). Global cross-sectional survey on neonatal pharmacologic sedation and analgesia practices and pain assessment tools: impact of the sociodemographic index (SDI). Pediatric Research. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Inte kan väl plåster göra ont?. Barnbladet (3), 6-7. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Beken, S. , Campbell-Yeo, M. , Cavallaro, G. , Decembrino, N. , Durrmeyer, X. , Garrido, F. , Kristjansdottir, G. & et al. (2024). Parents in Neonatal Pain Management: An International Survey of Parent-Delivered Interventions and Parental Pain Assessment. Children, 11 (9). [BibTeX]
- Persson, C. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Salari, R. & Flacking, R. (2024). Quality of couple relationship and associated factors in parents of NICU-cared infants during the first year after birth. Journal of Perinatology, 44, 1738-1745. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Runngren, E. (2024). Tilltro och förtroende till hälso- och sjukvården: Studier med fokus på vaccinationer. Skolhälsan (3), 18-19. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Farnik, M. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Translation, adaptation, and psychometric evaluation of the Quality of Life in a Child's Chronic Disease Questionnaire for the Swedish context. European Journal of Pediatrics, 184 (1). [BibTeX]
- Högström, S. , Eriksson, M. , Mörelius, E. & Duberg, A. (2023). “A source of empowerment and well-being”: Experiences of a dance and yoga intervention for young girls with functional abdominal pain disorders. Frontiers in Pediatrics , 11. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2023). Children's nursing: why diluting skill sets would be a mistake. Nursing Children & Young People. [BibTeX]
- ten Barge, J. A. , van den Bosch, G. E. , Meesters, N. J. , Allegaert, K. , Arribas, C. , Cavallaro, G. , Garrido, F. , Raffaeli, G. & et al. (2023). Current pain management practices for preterm infants with necrotizing enterocolitis: a European survey. Pediatric Research, 94 (2), 555-563. [BibTeX]
- Poikonen, H. , Duberg, A. , Eriksson, M. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Lund, M. , Möller, M. & Msghina, M. (2023). “InMotion”—Mixed physical exercise program with creative movement as an intervention for adults with schizophrenia: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17. [BibTeX]
- Persson, C. , Ericson, J. , Salari, R. , Eriksson, M. & Flacking, R. (2023). NICU parents' mental health: A comparative study with parents of term and healthy infants. Acta Paediatrica, 112 (5), 954-966. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Blomberg, K. (2023). Parental experiences of home phototherapy for neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Journal of Child Health Care, 27 (4), 562-573. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Ryen, L. , Eriksson, M. & Ohlin, A. (2023). The cost‑effectiveness of home phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia in neonates: results from a randomized controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 13. [BibTeX]
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. & Benoit, B. (2022). Assessment and Management of Pain in Preterm Infants: A Practice Update. Children, 9 (2). [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Eriksson, M. & Blomberg, K. (2022). Balancing Between Being Proactive and Neutral: School Nurses’ Experiences of Offering Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination to Girls. Journal of School Nursing, 38 (3), 270-278. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Eriksson, M. , Normann, E. , Pettersson, M. , Blomqvist, Y. & Olsson, E. (2022). Clonidine as analgesia during retinopathy of prematurity screening in preterm infants (cloROP): protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 12 (9). [BibTeX]
- Högström, S. , Philipson, A. , Ekstav, L. , Eriksson, M. , Fagerberg, U. L. , Falk, E. , Möller, M. , Sandberg, E. & et al. (2022). Dance and Yoga Reduced Functional Abdominal Pain in Young Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial. European Journal of Pain, 26 (2), 336-348. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Odlind, A. & Ohlin, A. (2022). Home phototherapy of term neonates improves parental bonding and stress: findings from a randomised controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 111 (4), 760-766. [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Eriksson, M. & Blomberg, K. (2022). Parents’ reasoning about HPV vaccination in Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36 (4), 1113-1122. [BibTeX]
- Karlberg-Traav, M. , Forsman, H. & Eriksson, M. (2022). Registered nurses' self‐rated research utilization in relation to their work climate: Using cluster analysis to search for patterns. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 28 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Odlind, A. & Ohlin, A. (2022). Response to letter by Brendan O'Shea concerning "Home phototherapy of term neonates improves parental bonding and stress: Findings from a randomised controlled trial". Acta Paediatrica, 111 (7), 1452-1453. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Odlind, A. & Ohlin, A. (2022). Response to letter by Gowda Prashanth concerning 'Randomised controlled trial of home phototherapy in term neonates: Pertinent issues'. Acta Paediatrica, 111 (7), 1456-1457. [BibTeX]
- Ilhan, E. , Pacey, V. , Brown, L. , Spence, K. , van Ganzewinkel, C. , Pillai Riddell, R. , Campbell-Yeo, M. , Stevens, B. J. & et al. (2022). What is the definition of acute episodic and chronic pain in critically ill neonates and infants? A global, four-stage consensus and validation study. BMJ Open, 12 (3). [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Saman, R. , Boykens, K. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Factors associated with insufficient nasogastric tube visibility on X-ray: a retrospective analysis. European Radiology, 31 (4), 2444-2450. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Albinsson, E. & Ohlin, A. (2021). Home phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia in term neonates: an unblinded multicentre randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Pediatrics, 180 (5), 1603-1610. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Andersen, R. D. , Strand, S. , Eriksson, M. & Olsson, E. (2021). Nurses' perception, knowledge, and use of neonatal pain assessment. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain, 3 (2), 68-74. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Johansson, S. , Nilsson, S. & Wigert, H. (2021). Socialstyrelsen behöver utreda tungbandsklipp. Dagens medicin (16 juni). [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Saman, R. , Boeykens, K. , Duysburgh, I. , Eriksson, M. , Verheaghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Accuracy of the corrected nose-earlobe-xiphoid distance formula for determining nasogastric feeding tube insertion length in intensive care unit patients: A prospective observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 110. [BibTeX]
- Bendt, M. , Gabrielsson, H. , Riedel, D. , Hagman, G. , Hultling, C. , Franzén, E. , Eriksson, M. & Seiger, Å. (2020). Adults with spina bifida: A cross-sectional study of health issues and living conditions. Brain and Behavior, 10 (8). [BibTeX]
- Philipson, A. , Särnblad, S. , Ekstav, L. , Eriksson, M. , Fagerberg, U. , Möller, M. , Mörelius, E. & Duberg, A. (2020). An Intervention With Dance and Yoga for Girls With Functional Abdominal Pain Disorders (Just in TIME): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 9 (12). [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Comment on Rigobello MCG, Elias Junior J, Bonacim CAG, et al. Accuracy of the combined method (auscultation and pH measurement) and ultrasonography for confirmation of gastric tube placement: a study protocol for a prospective study. BMJ Open, 10. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Eriksson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2020). Comment on Taylor SJ, Allan K, Clemente R. Undetected Cortrak tube misplacements in the United Kingdom 2010–17: An audit of trace interpretation. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2019 Dec;55:102766. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 58. [BibTeX]
- Falk, A. , Eriksson, M. & Stenman, M. (2020). Depressive and/or anxiety scoring instruments used as screening tools for predicting postoperative delirium after cardiac surgery: A pilot study. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 59. [BibTeX]
- Beeckman, D. , Blomberg, K. , Ericsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2020). Frånvaron av bevis inget bevis för frånvaro av samband. Läkartidningen. [BibTeX]
- Schmöker, A. , Flacking, R. , Udo, C. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Ericson, J. (2020). Longitudinal cohort study reveals different patterns of stress in parents of preterm infants during the first year after birth. Acta Paediatrica, 109 (9), 1778-1786. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Carlsen Misic, M. , Dovland Andersen, R. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Thernström Blomqvist, Y. & Ullsten, A. (2020). Study protocol: parents as pain management in Swedish neonatal care - SWEpap, a multi-center randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Campbell-Yeo, M. (2019). Assessment of pain in newborn infants. Seminars in Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 24 (4). [BibTeX]
- Maastrup, R. , Haeik, L. N. , Lubbe, W. , Yael Meerkin, D. , Wolff, L. , Hatasaki, K. , Alsumaie, M. A. , De Leon-Mendoza, S. & et al. (2019). Compliance with the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative for Neonatal Wards (Neo-BFHI): A cross-sectional study in 36 countries. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 15 (2). [BibTeX]
- Flacking, R. , Breili, C. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Facilities for presence and provision of support to parents and significant others in neonatal units. Acta Paediatrica, 108 (12), 2186-2191. [BibTeX]
- Brorson, L. , Eriksson, M. , Blomberg, K. & Stenninger, E. (2019). Fifty years' follow-up of childhood epilepsy: Medical outcome, morbidity, and medication. Epilepsia, 60 (3), 381-392. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Brorson, L. , Stenninger, E. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Fifty-year follow-up of childhood epilepsy: Social, psychometric, and occupational outcome. Epilepsy & Behavior, 96, 224-228. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Olsson, E. , Ohlin, A. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioral measures of pain during neonatal hip examination. Paediatric and Neonatal Pain, 1 (1), 15-20. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. & Axelin, A. (2019). O Parent, Where Art Thou?. Paediatric & Neonatal Pain, 1 (2), 53-55. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Ohlin, A. (2019). Oral sweet solution to prevent pain during neonatal hip examination: a randomized controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 108 (4), 626-629. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Ericsson, E. , Eriksson, M. , Idvall, E. & Bramhagen, A. (2019). Psychometric evaluation of the Post Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire for Ambulatory Surgery and postoperative behavior and recovery inchildren undergoing tonsil surgery. Journal of Perioperative Practice, 29 (4), 94-101. [BibTeX]
- Bergh, C. , Hiyoshi, A. , Eriksson, M. , Fall, K. & Montgomery, S. (2019). Shared unmeasured characteristics among siblings confound the association of Apgar score with stress resilience in adolescence. Acta Paediatrica, 108 (11), 2001-2007. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Böö, R. & Grönlund, Å. (2019). Using a Facebook Forum to Cope With Narcolepsy After Pandemrix Vaccination: Infodemiology Study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21 (4). [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Hoddinot, P. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Flacking, R. (2018). Breastfeeding and risk for ceasing in mothers of preterm infants: Long‐term follow‐up. Maternal and Child Nutrition, 14 (4). [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Attladottir, S. M. , Axelin, A. , Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. , Kristjánsdóttir, G. , Peltonen, E. & et al. (2018). Cultural adaptation and harmonization of four Nordic translations of the revised Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP-R). BMC Pediatrics, 18. [BibTeX]
- Arenhall, E. , Eriksson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Steinke, E. & Fridlund, B. (2018). Decreased sexual function in partners after patients’ first-time myocardial infarction. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 17 (6), 521-526. [BibTeX]
- Karlberg-Traav, M. , Forsman, H. , Eriksson, M. & Cronqvist, A. (2018). First line nurse managers' experience of opportunities and obstacles to support evidence-based nursing. Nursing Open, 5 (4), 634-641. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Eriksson, M. & Odencrants, S. (2018). Holding It Together - Patients' Perspectives on Postoperative Recovery When Using an e-Assessed Follow-Up: Qualitative Study. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 20 (5). [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström-Westas, L. , Hoddinott, P. & Flacking, R. (2018). Proactive telephone support provided to breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants after discharge: a randomised controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 107 (5), 791-798. [BibTeX]
- Montgomery, S. , Bergh, C. , Udumyan, R. , Eriksson, M. , Fall, K. & Hiyoshi, A. (2018). Sex of older siblings and stress resilience. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 9 (4), 447-455. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2018). Singing, sharing, soothing: Biopsychosocial rationales for parental infant directed singing in neonatal pain management: A theoretical approach. Music & Science, 1, 1-13. [BibTeX]
- Anand, K. J. S. , Eriksson, M. , Boyle, E. M. , Avila-Alvarez, A. , Dovland Andersen, R. , Sarafidis, K. , Pölkki, T. , Matos, C. & et al. (2017). Assessment of continuous pain in newborns admitted to NICUs in 18 European countries. Acta Paediatrica, 106 (8), 1248-1259. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Hugosson, P. , Forsberg, M. , Forzelius, L. , Klässbo, M. , Olsson, E. , Volgsten, U. , Westrup, B. & et al. (2017). Efficacy of Live Lullaby Singing During Procedural Pain in Preterm and Term Neonates. Music and Medicine, 9 (2), 73-85. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). Evaluation of postoperative recovery in day surgery patients using a mobile phone application: a multicentre randomized trial. British Journal of Anaesthesia, 119 (5), 1030-1038. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2017). Live music therapy with lullaby singing as affective support during painful procedures: a case study with microanalysis. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 26 (2), 142-166. [BibTeX]
- Andersen, R. D. , Axelin, A. , Kristjánsdóttir, G. & Eriksson, M. (2017). PEARL—Pain in Early Life: A New Network for Research and Education. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 31 (2), 91-95. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Carlsson, A. A. , Hagberg, L. , Jonsson, Ö. , Leissner, L. & Eriksson, M. (2017). Quality of life and trust among young people with narcolepsy and their families, after the Pandemrix® vaccination: Protocol for a case-control study. BMC Pediatrics, 17 (1). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Bramhagen, A. , Idvall, E. & Ericsson, E. (2017). Self-reported postoperative recovery in children after tonsillectomy compared to tonsillotomy. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 96, 47-54. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Eriksson, M. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2017). Skin-to-Skin Contact Facilitates More Equal Parenthood: A Qualitative Study From Fathers' Perspective. Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families, 34 (May-Jun 2017), e2-e9. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Flacking, R. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Changes in the prevalence of breast feeding in preterm infants discharged from neonatal units: a register study over 10 years. BMJ Open, 6 (12). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2016). Evaluation of the Swedish Web-Version of Quality of Recovery (SwQoR): Secondary Step in the Development of a Mobile Phone App to Measure Postoperative Recovery. JMIR Research Protocols, 5 (3). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Odencrants, S. , Grönlund, Å. , Hagberg, L. & Eriksson, M. (2016). RAPP, a systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery in patients undergoing day surgery: study protocol for a mixed-methods study design including a multicentre, two-group, parallel, single-blind randomised controlled trial and qualitative interview studies. BMJ Open, 6 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bramhagen, A. , Eriksson, M. , Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Harden, S. & Idvall, E. (2016). Self-reported post-operative recovery in children: development of an instrument. Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 22 (2), 180-188. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Ahlsén, G. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Skin-to-skin contact reduces near-infrared spectroscopy pain responses in premature infants during blood sampling. Acta Paediatrica, 105 (4), 376-380. [BibTeX]
- Ulveseter Lode, I. , Dovland Andersen, R. & Eriksson, M. (2015). Bruk av hud-mot-hud-kontakt i norske nyfødt intensivavdelinger. Sykepleien Forskning, 10 (2), 152-160. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2015). Good news for Spanish neonates! [¡Buenas noticias para los neonatos españoles!]. Anales de Pediatría, 83 (2), 73-74. [BibTeX]
- Axelin, A. , Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Eriksson, M. , Pölkki, T. , Korhonen, A. R. & Franck, L. (2015). Neonatal intensive care nurses' perceptions of parental participation in infant pain management: a comparative focus group study. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 29 (4), 363-374. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Eriksson, M. , Courtois, E. & Anand, K. (2015). Pratiques de sédation et d’analgésie dans les unités de réanimation néonatale européennes. Archives de pédiatrie, 22 (5, Suppl. 1), 95-96. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Eriksson, M. , Courtois, E. , Boyle, E. , Avila-Alvarez, A. , Dovland-Andersen, R. , Sarafidis, K. , Pölkki, T. & et al. (2015). Sedation and analgesia practices in neonatal intensive care units (EUROPAIN): results from a prospective cohort study. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 3 (10), 796-812. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Grönlund, Å. & Nilsson, U. (2015). The developement of the recovery assessment by phone points (RAPP): A mobile phone application for postoperative recovery monitoring and assessment. JMIR mhealth and uhealth, 3 (3). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Flacking, R. & Mörelius, E. (2014). Neonatal omvårdnad viktigt forskningsområde. Läkartidningen, 111 (39), 1666-1666. [BibTeX]
- Scherman, E. , Johansson, L. , Gradin, M. , van den Berg, J. & Eriksson, M. (2014). Procedural pain in neonates: Do nurses follow national guidelines? A survey to Swedish neonatal units. Journal of Neonatal Nursing, 10 (1), 31-36. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, M. , Eriksson, M. , Andersson, J. & Norén, T. (2014). Transmission of Clostridium difficile spores in isolation room environments and through hospital beds. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica (APMIS), 122 (9), 800-803. [BibTeX]
- Bohman, B. , Eriksson, M. , Lind, M. , Ghaderi, A. , Forsberg, L. & Rasmussen, F. (2013). Infrequent attention to dietary and physical activity behaviours in conversations in Swedish child health services. Acta Paediatrica, 102 (5), 520-524. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström-Westas, L. , Hagberg, L. , Hoddinott, P. & Flacking, R. (2013). The effectiveness of proactive telephone support provided to breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Pediatrics, 13, 1-9. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Dovland-Andersen, R. , Axelin, A. , Jonsdottir, R. B. , Maastrup, R. & Eriksson, M. (2012). Skin-to-skin care in neonatal intensive care units in the Nordic countries: a survey of attitudes and practices. Acta Paediatrica, 101 (10), 1140-1146. [BibTeX]
- Gradin, M. & Eriksson, M. (2011). Neonatal pain assessment in Sweden: a fifteen-year follow up. Acta Paediatrica, 100 (2), 204-208. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2011). Oral glucose for pain relief during eye examinations for retinopathy of prematurity. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 20 (7-8), 1054-9. [BibTeX]
- Häggström-Nordin, E. , Borneskog, C. , Eriksson, M. & Tydén, T. (2011). Sexual behaviour and contraceptive use among Swedish high school students in two cities: comparisons between genders, study programmes, and over time. European journal of contraception & reproductive health care, 16 (1), 36-46. [BibTeX]
- Forsgren, L. M. & Eriksson, M. (2010). Delirium-awareness, observation and interventions in intensive care units: a national survey of Swedish ICU head nurses. Intensive & Critical Care Nursing, 26 (5), 296-303. [BibTeX]
- Sjöberg, M. & Eriksson, M. (2010). Hand disinfectant practice: the impact of an education intervention. Open Nursing Journal, 4 (1), 20-24. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2008). Commentary on Arikan D et al. (2008) Effectiveness of massage, sucrose solution, herbal tea or hydrolysed formula in the treatment of infantile colic. Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 1754-1761.. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17 (21), 2945-2947. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Kenner, C. (2008). Neonatal nursing research: an international perspective—the Swedish view. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews, 8 (3), 120-122. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Gradin, M. (2008). Pain management in Swedish neonatal units: a national survey. Acta Paediatrica, 97 (7), 870-874. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Storm, H. , Fremming, A. & Schollin, J. (2008). Skin conductance compared to a combined behavioural and physiologicalpain measure in newborn infants. Acta Paediatrica, 97 (1), 27-30. [BibTeX]
- Bergqvist, L. , Eriksson, M. , Kronsberg, S. , Schollin, J. , Barton, B. & Anand, K. (2007). Seeing through the blind!: ability of hospital staff to differentiate morphine from placebo, in neonates at a placebo controlled trial. Acta Paediatrica, 96 (7), 1004-1007. [BibTeX]
- Anand, K. J. S. , Hall, R. W. , Desai, N. , Shephard, B. , Bergqvist, L. L. , Young, T. E. , Boyle, E. M. , Carbajal, R. & et al. (2004). Effects of morphine analgesia in ventilated preterm neonates: primary outcomes from the NEOPAIN randomised trial. The Lancet, 363 (9422), 1673-82. [BibTeX]
- Shields, L. , Kristensson-Hallström, I. , Andershed, B. , Jackson, K. & Eriksson, M. (2002). Nursing and health care in Sweden. The Australian journal of advanced nursing, 20 (1), 20-26. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Ullsten, A. , Campbell-Yeo, M. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Parent-led neonatal pain management: a narrative review and update of research and practices. Frontiers in Pain Research, 5. [BibTeX]
- Hofman, H. , Duljic, T. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Patients' experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review. BMJ Open, 14 (10). [BibTeX]
- Johansson, S. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Nytt forskningsprojekt om medicinsk häfta. Sårjournalen (1), 12-12. [BibTeX]
- Hofman, H. , Beeckman, D. , Duljic, T. , Al Gilani, S. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Patients’ experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review protocol. BMJ Open, 13 (6). [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Van Noort, H. H. J. , Taylor, S. , Eriksson, M. , Verhaeghe, S. & Beeckman, D. (2022). The accuracy of methods for determining the internal length of a nasogastric tube in adult patients: A systematic review. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 116 (3), 798-811. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2021). Lilla Barnsmärtguiden: for painless injections to children 0-6 years old. Suomen Neonataalihoitajat, 28 (55), 40-40. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Andreasson, M. & Eriksson, M. (2021). State of the Art in Parent-Delivered Pain-Relieving Interventions in Neonatal Care: A Scoping Review. Frontiers in Pediatrics , 9. [BibTeX]
- Dovland Andersen, R. , Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2021). The Evidence Supporting the Association Between the Use of Pain Scales and Outcomes in Hospitalized Children: a Systematic Review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 115. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Ahl, H. , Bengtsson, K. , Vejayaram, D. N. , Norman, E. , Bruschettini, M. & Eriksson, M. (2021). The use and reporting of neonatal pain scales: a systematic review of randomized trials. Pain, 162 (2), 353-360. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Rombo, K. & Mader, S. (2019). Föräldrarollen i neonatalvården behöver anpassas och utvecklas: [Need for improvements in neonatal care]. Läkartidningen, 116. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2019). Pediatrisk omvårdnadsforskning: inte bara en ”sjuksköterskegrej”. Barnläkaren (1), 14-15. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2019). Standarder för neonatalvård lanserade i EU-parlamentet. Kontakt - en tidning från Svenska prematurförbundet (1), 3-3. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2018). Standarder för neonatalvård lanserade i EU-parlamentet. Barnbladet (6), 32-32. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Dovland Andersen, R. (2016). Nytt nordiskt nätverk stärker arbetet mot smärta tidigt i livet. Barnbladet, 41 (2), 6-7. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Dovland Andersen, R. (2016). Nytt nordiskt nätverk stärker arbetet mot smärta tidigt i livet. Tidsskrift for barnesykepleiere (2), 9-10. [BibTeX]
- Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Carvalho Lamy, Z. & Eriksson, M. (2014). Parental experiences of providing skin-to-skin care to their newborn infant: Part 1: A qualitative systematic review. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9. [BibTeX]
- Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Carvalho Lamy, Z. , Tingvall, M. & Eriksson, M. (2014). Parental experiences of providing skin-to-skin care to their newborn infant: Part 2: A qualitative meta-synthesis. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 9. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Gradin, M. (2014). Söta lösningar och specifikt neonatalt omhändertagande. Information från Läkemedelsverket, 25 (3), 45-47. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2013). Söta lösningar som smärtlindring till små och nyfödda barn. Barnbladet, 38 (2), 38-40. [BibTeX]
- Wallin, L. & Eriksson, M. (2009). Newborn individual development care and assessment program (NIDCAP): a systematic review of the literature. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 6 (2), 54-69. [BibTeX]
- Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Ericsson, E. , Johansson, M. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Jendle, J. , Eriksson, M. , Karlsson, M. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Johansson, M. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Jendle, J. (ed.) , Eriksson, M. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) & Möller, M. (ed.) (2018). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2018. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Venizelos, N. , Sirsjö, A. , Andersson, S. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Karlsson, M. , Ericsson, E. , Söderquist, B. , Eriksson, M. & et al. Venizelos, N. (ed.) , Sirsjö, A. (ed.) , Andersson, S. (ed.) , Hjelmqvist, H. (ed.) , Karlsson, M. (ed.) , Ericsson, E. (ed.) , Söderquist, B. (ed.) , Eriksson, M. (ed.) & Möller, M. (ed.) (2017). Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities: Book of abstracts, 2017. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Johansson, S. , Sandman, L. & Svantesson, M. (2021). Oetiskt att vägra vård till vaccinmotståndare. Dagens Nyheter. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. & Benoit, B. (2024). Pain in the Neonate. I: Twycross A, Stinson J, Zempsky W, Jordan A, Managing Pain in Children and Young People: A Clinical Guide (ss. 220-240). . John Wiley & Sons. [BibTeX]
- Norman, E. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Smärta i nyföddhetsperioden. I: Stefan Lundeberg, Smärta och smärtbehandling hos barn och ungdomar (ss. 215-240). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Bueno, M. , Eriksson, M. & Stevens, B. J. (2021). Neonatal and infant pain assessment. I: Bonnie J. Stevens; Gareth Hathway; William T. Zempsky, Oxford Textbook of Pediatric Pain. . Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Norman, E. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Nyfödda barns smärta. I: Lundeberg Stefan, Olsson Gunnar L., Smärta och smärtbehandling hos barn och ungdomar (ss. 205-226). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2014). Forskning om barn. I: Elisabeth Hamrin, Mona Kihlgren, Alice Rinell Hermansson, Gerthrud Östlinder, När omvårdnad blev vetenskap: de första decennierna 1970–2000 (ss. 156-162). Stockholm: Liber. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Lindh, M. (2013). Etik i neonatalvården. I: Pia Lundqvist, Omvårdnad av det nyfödda barnet (ss. 301-314). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Anderzén-Carlsson, A. & Eriksson, M. (2013). Hud-mot-hudvård. I: Karin Jackson, Helena Wigert, Familjecentrerad neonatalvård (ss. 97-110). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Axelin, A. , Eriksson, M. & Gradin, M. (2013). Smärta. I: Karin Jackson, Helena Wigert, Familjecentrerad neonatalvård (ss. 111-124). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. , Bueno, M. & Muirhead, R. (2024). Building Relations to Stop Pain in the NICU. Konferensbidrag vid COINN 2024 - 11th Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, May 6-8, 2024. Aalborg: [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Eriksson, M. , Normann, E. , Pettersson, M. , Thernström-Blomqvist, Y. & Olsson, E. (2024). Clonidine as analgesia during retinopathy of prematurity screening in preterm infants -cloROP. Konferensbidrag vid Swedish Conference on Ultra-Early Intervention, Lund, March 21, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Duberg, A. , Högström, S. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Funktionell buksmärta - aktuellt kunskapsläge och behandlingsalternativ: Inklusive prova på Just-in-Time-metoden. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt barnsmärtsymposium, 11-12 april, Örebro. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Olsson, E. , Beeckman, D. & Karlberg Traav, M. (2024). Life Stage qnd Cross-Population Nursing Research: From Evidence to Application. I: CARE4 2024 Abstract Book. Konferensbidrag vid CARE4 2024 -International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Antwerp, 5-6 February 2024. CARE4 2024. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Pain and the Brain - att värna om de allra minsta. Konferensbidrag vid Avskedssymposium för Elisabeth Norman - Lunds universitet. Lund: [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Pain Management - Partnering In Pain Management. Konferensbidrag vid COINN 2024 - 11th Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, May 6-8, 2024. Aalborg: [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Thernström-Blomqvist, Y. & Ullsten, A. (2024). Parents as pain management in Swedish neonatal care – SWEpap. Konferensbidrag vid Swedish Conference on Ultra-Early Intervention, Lund, March 21, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Thernström-Blomqvist, Y. & Ullsten, A. (2024). Parents as pain management in Swedish neonatal care - SWEpap. Konferensbidrag vid The 10th SCENE Symposium, Uppsala, May 10-11, 2024. Uppsala: [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Parents as partners in pain management. Konferensbidrag vid Swedish Conference on Ultra-Early Intervention, Lund, March 21, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Parents in neonatal pain management. Konferensbidrag vid 31.landssymposium i neonatologi, Skørping, Danmark, Oktober 3-5, 2024. Skørping, Danmark: [BibTeX]
- Hoffman, H. , Duljic, T. , Johansson, S. , Kottner, J. , Kinnaer, L. , Beeckman, D. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Patients’ experiences with the application of medical adhesives to the skin: a qualitative systematic review. I: Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities Book of Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities. Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). PEARL - Pain in Early Life research group. Konferensbidrag vid InterSurg - tverrfaglig forskningskonferanse om på barn på sykehus, profesjonell samhandling og kvalitet, Oslo, September 26, 2024. Oslo: [BibTeX]
- Persson, C. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Salari, R. & Flacking, R. (2024). Quality of couple-relationship and associated factors among parents of NICU-cared infants during the first year after birth. Konferensbidrag vid COINN 2024 - 11th Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, May 6-8, 2024. Aalborg, Denmark: [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Revision of the European Standards of Care for Newborn Health. Konferensbidrag vid COINN 2024 - 11th Council of International Neonatal Nurses Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, May 6-8,2024. Aalborg: [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Carlsen Misic, M. & Eriksson, M. (2024). Smärtskattning med neurofysiologiska metoder. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt barnsmärtsymposium, 11-12 april, Örebro. Örebro: [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2024). Understanding the unique aspects of wound-related pain in children. Konferensbidrag vid EWMA 2024, 34th conference of the European Wound Management Association, London, UK, May 1-3, 2024. London: The European Wound Management Association. [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Blomberg, K. , Schollin-Ask, L. , Appelqvist, E. , Danielsson, M. & Eriksson, M. (2023). Attitudes and knowledge about HPV vaccination of school children and their parents following use of a targeted information. Konferensbidrag vid 35th International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic, Clinical and Public Health Scientific Workshops (IPVC 2023), Washington DC, USA, April 17-21, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Eriksson, M. , Ericson, J. & Ullsten, A. (2023). “Having my boy on my chest, humming to him, made us both very calm.”: Parents to new-born infants rated parent-delivered pain management as significantly meaningful during venepuncture. Konferensbidrag vid International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, October 1-4, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Ohlin, A. (2023). Home phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia in neonates: an unblinded multicentre randomised controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid jENS 2023. 5th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies. Rome, Italy, 19-23 September 2023. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Albinsson, E. , Odlind, A. , Blomberg, K. , Ryen, L. & Ohlin, A. (2023). Home phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia in neonates: an unblinded multicentre randomised controlled trial. I: Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities Book of Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Nobel Day Festivites. [BibTeX]
- Poikonen, H. , Duberg, A. , Eriksson, M. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Lund, M. , Möller, M. & Msghina, M. (2023). InMotion – Mixed physical exercise with creative movement as an intervention for people with schizophrenia. Konferensbidrag vid 5th Body Representation Network Conference 2023, 14-15 September 2023, Majorca, Spain. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2023). Lilla Barnsmärtguiden (translates to “The small guide about pain in small children): A responsive e-health application for health professionals and parents. Konferensbidrag vid International Symposium on Pediatric Pain 2023 (ISPP 2023), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, October 1-4, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Persson, C. , Ericson, J. , Salari, R. , Eriksson, M. & Flacking, R. (2023). NICU parents’ mental health: A comparative study with parents of term and healthy infants, 1 month after discharge. Konferensbidrag vid 11th MAINN conference - Maternal and Infant Nutrition and Nurture Unit, Lancashire, United Kingdom, April 19-21, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Andersen, R. D. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. & Thernström Blomqvist, Y. (2023). O parent where art thou?: Family-integrated music therapy forneonatal procedural support. Konferensbidrag vid The 17th World Congress of Music Therapy, Vancouver, Canada, July 24–29, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Eriksson, M. , Ericson, J. & Ullsten, A. (2023). Parents to new-born infants rated parent-delivered pain management as significantly meaningful during venepuncture. I: Örebro University's Nobel Day Festivities Book of Abstracts. Konferensbidrag vid Nobel Day Festivites. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2023). State of the Art-Interventions for Functional Abdominal Pain in Children and Adolescents. Konferensbidrag vid International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, October 1-4, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Appelqvist, E. , Blomberg, K. , Danielsson, M. , Schollin Ask, L. & Eriksson, M. (2022). Attitudes and knowledge about HPV vaccination of school children and their parents following a targeted information. Konferensbidrag vid Nobel Day Festiviteis, Örebro, Sweden, December 8, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Ullsten, A. , Olsson, E. , Andersen, R. D. , Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. & Thernström Blomqvist, Y. (2022). Balancing power by including parents as co-researchers: Live parental singing, breastfeeding, skin-to-skin-contact as procedural support in Swedish neonatal pain care. Konferensbidrag vid The 12th European Music Therapy Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland,[DIGITAL] June 8-12, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2022). Best evidence on non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions. Konferensbidrag vid 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies, EAPS, Barcelona & Online, Spain, October 7-11, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Stinson, J. (2022). Designing and Conducting Clinical Trials. Konferensbidrag vid 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain(ISPP 2022) New Zealand,[DIGITAL], March 24-27, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2022). Facetime with your baby: new technolgies in neonatal and paediatric care. Konferensbidrag vid CARE4 International Scientific Nursing and Midwifery Conference, Ghent, [DIGITAL], February 9-10, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. & Harrison, D. (2022). Neonatal pain. Konferensbidrag vid 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain(ISPP 2022), New Zealand,[DIGITAL], March 24-27, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Carlsen Misic, M. , Olsson, E. , Ericson, J. , Thernström Blomqvist, Y. , Andersen Dovland, R. , Eriksson, M. & Ullsten, A. (2022). Parent-delivered pain-relieving interventions in Swedish neonatal care, a mixed methods study. Konferensbidrag vid 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain(ISPP 2022), New Zealand,[DIGITAL], March 24-27, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2022). Redefining PCA to Parent-Controlled Analgesia. Konferensbidrag vid 13th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain(ISPP 2022) New Zealand,[DIGITAL], March 24-27, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Olsson Duse, B. & Eriksson, M. (2021). Aj, måste det göra ont!: procedursmärta hos barn och unga. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2021, Stockholm, [HYBRID], September 27-30, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Högström, S. , Philipson, A. , Ekstav, L. , Eriksson, M. , Fagerberg, U. , Falk, E. , Möller, M. , Sandberg, E. & et al. (2021). Dance and Yoga Reduced Functional Abdominal Pain in Young Girls: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Konferensbidrag vid Fysioterapi 2021, [DIGITAL], October 19-20, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Högström, S. , Philipson, A. , Ekstav, L. , Eriksson, M. , Fagerberg, U. , Falk, E. , Möller, M. , Sandberg, E. & et al. (2021). Dance and yoga reduced functional abdominal pain in young girls: A randomized controlled trial. I: Johanna Hulldin, Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities Book of abstracts, 2021. Konferensbidrag vid Örebro University’s Nobel Day Festivities, Örebro, [DIGITAL], December 9, 2021. (ss. 13-13). Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2021). Evidence-based Nursing: how do we get there?. Konferensbidrag vid 10th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Management (BALTANEST), [DIGITAL], October 7-8, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Albinsson, E. & Ohlin, A. (2021). Home phototherapy for hyperbilirubinemia in term neonates: a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid Pediatric Academic Societies (PAS) 2021 Virtual, Phase I: April 30 - May 4, Phase II: May 10 - June 4, 2021 [Digital]. [BibTeX]
- Olsson Duse, B. , Duvhök, C. , Lundeberg, S. & Eriksson, M. (2021). Lillla Barnsmärtguiden: ett evidensbaserat verktyg mot vaccinationssmärta. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2021, Stockholm, [HYBRID], September 27-30, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2021). Modernt tänk i neonatal smärta. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt barnsmärtsymposium [DIGITAL], March 18, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Andreasson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Ullsten, A. (2021). State of the art in parent-delivered pain-relieving interventions in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid The 8th SCENE Symposium, Tallin, Estonia, May 19-20, 2021 [Hybrid: Digital and on site]. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2021). Working together against children's pain. Konferensbidrag vid 10th International Baltic Congress of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care and Pain Management (BALTANEST), [DIGITAL], October 7-8, 2021. [BibTeX]
- Brorson, L. , Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Stenninger, E. (2020). Fifty years’ follow up of childhood epilepsy - medical and psycho-social outcomes. Konferensbidrag vid 1st North American Epilepsy Congress: Connecting the worldwide epilepsy community virtually. Virtual meeting, September 24-27, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2020). Managing pain in infants, children and adolescents. Konferensbidrag vid EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit, November 6-8, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2020). Principles of pain assessment in infants, children and young people. Konferensbidrag vid EFIC Virtual Pain Education Summit, November 6-8, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Andersen, R. D. , Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2020). The Evidence Supporting the Effect of Pain Intensity Scale Use on Patient and Process Outcomes in Hospitalized Children: a Systematic Review. Konferensbidrag vid IASP World Congress on Pain, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2020 (Conference cancelled). [BibTeX]
- Chaplin, J. E. , Hultgren, B. , Lysholm, J. , Nilsson, E. , Stackelberg, M. , Eriksson, M. , Blomberg, K. , Blomqvist, I. & et al. (2020). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of ten paediatric PROMIS® item banks into Swedish. Konferensbidrag vid 27th annual ISOQOL conference (virtual conference), October 19-23, 2020. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Böö, R. & Grönlund, Å. (2019). Coping with narcolepsy after Pandemrix®vaccination using a Facebook forum. Konferensbidrag vid 6th Nordic Narcolepsy Symposium, Uppsala, Sweden, 7-8 februari, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Stenninger, E. , Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Brorson, L. (2019). Epilepsi: 50 års uppföljning. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2019, Örebro, Sweden, 1-4 April, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Odencrants, S. (2019). Holding it together – patients’ perspectives on postoperative recovery when using an e-assessed follow-up. Konferensbidrag vid 5th International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses (ICPAN 2019), Cancun, Mexico, November 5-8, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Philipsson, A. , Sandberg, E. , Högström, S. , Eriksson, M. , Särnblad, S. , Ekstav, L. , Lorentzon Fagerberg, U. , Mörelius, E. & et al. (2019). ”Just in TIME” - Intervention med dans och yoga för flickor med funktionell magsmärta och IBS. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan, Örebro, Sweden, April 1-4, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Volgsten, U. , Klässbo, M. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Live lullaby singing during painful procedures in preterm and term infants. Konferensbidrag vid 12th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (ISPP 2019), Basel, Switzerland, June 16-20, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. & Norman, E. (2019). Modernt tänk i neonatal smärtbehandling. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt smärtforum, Malmö, Sweden, October 17-18, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Pettersson, M. , Olsson, E. & Ohlin, A. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioural measures of pain during neonatal hip examination. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt smärtforum, Malmö, Sweden, October 17-18, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioural measures of pain during neonatal hip examination. Konferensbidrag vid RPA & RSOG 1st Joint Scientific Conference, Kigali, Rwanda, 11-13 September, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Olsson, E. , Ohlin, A. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioural measures of pain during neonatal hip examination. Konferensbidrag vid 12th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (ISPP), Basel Switzerland, June 16-20, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Pettersson, M. , Olsson, E. , Ohlin, A. & Eriksson, M. (2019). Neurophysiological and behavioural measures of pain during neonatal hip examination. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan, Örebro, Sweden, April 1-4, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2019). Nurses as chief investigators for clinical studies. Konferensbidrag vid 30th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Congress (ESPNIC), Salzburg, Austria, Jine 18-21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Axelin, A. , Dovland Andersen, R. , Eriksson, M. , Kristjánsdóttir, G. & Weis, J. (2019). Pain in early life (pearl) – a network for pain research and education. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd jENS Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies, Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 17-21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Ahl, H. , Bengtsson, K. , Bruschettini, M. , Norman, E. , Olsson, E. & Naidu Vejayaram, D. (2019). Pain scales in clinical trials in newborn infants: a mapping of the evidence. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd jENS Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies, Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 17-21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Ahl, H. , Bengtsson, K. , Bruschettini, M. , Norman, E. , Olsson, E. & Vejayaram, D. (2019). Pain scales in clinical trials in newborn infants: a mapping of the evidence. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt smärtforum, Malmö, Sweden, October 17-18, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2019). Parents as a pain management resource. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd jENS Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies, Maastricht, the Netherlands, September 17-21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2019). Parents as the primary caregivers in the NICU. Konferensbidrag vid 30th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care Congress (ESPNIC). Salzburg, Austria, June 18-21, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Eriksson, M. & Blomberg, K. (2019). School nurse’s experiences of offering HPV vaccination to young girls in a Swedish vaccination program. Konferensbidrag vid School Nurses International Conference (SNI), Stockholm, Sweden, 22-26 July, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Breili, C. , Eriksson, M. & Flacking, R. (2019). Support to parents during and after discharge from Swedish neonatal units. Konferensbidrag vid Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives, Grange-over-Sands, UK, June 10-12, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Hellström-Westas, L. , Eriksson, M. , Hodinott, P. & Flacking, R. (2018). Breastfeeding duration in preterm infants and the effects of a proactive telephone support: a randomized controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid The 24th Annual International Breastfeeding Conference & Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives, January 9-12, 2018, Deerfi eld Beach, Florida. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2018). Family-centred music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid PEARL/PICH2Go-meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 25-27, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2018). Family-centred music therapy during painful procedures in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid 9th Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, August 8-12, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Pettersson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Ohlin, A. (2018). Glukos som smärtlindring vid neonatal höftledsundersökning: En randomiserad kontrollerad studie. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2018, Västerås, 23-26 April, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Bendt, M. , Gabrielsson, H. , Riedel, D. , Hagman, G. , Hulting, C. , Franzén, E. , Eriksson, M. & Seiger, Å. (2018). Living and health conditions for adults with spina bifida in Sweden – a comprehensive prevalence group study. Konferensbidrag vid 57th ISCoS Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, Australia, September 13-15, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2018). Pain reduction - does a partnership with parents reduce pain in newborns?. Konferensbidrag vid XXVI European Congress of Perinatal Medicine, St. Petersburg, September 5-8, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2018). Smärtskattning av nyfödda barn. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt barnsmärtsymposium, Umeå, 12-13 april, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Chaplin, J. , Lysholm, J. , Hultgren, B. , Nilsson, E. , Lindqvist, H. , Wenemark, M. , Dennhag, I. , Wuttge, D. & et al. (2018). Varför ska du använda PROMIS?: Nytt system för patientrapporterad utfallsmått. Konferensbidrag vid Nationella patientsäkerhetskonferensen, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-20 September, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Sahlberg, L. , Eriksson, M. & Bernhardsson, B. (2018). Översättning och kulturell anpassning av bedömningsinstrumentet Malignant Wound Assessment Tool – Clinical version (MWAT-C) till svenska förhållanden. Konferensbidrag vid Onkologidagarna, 19 – 22 mars 2018, Jönköping. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Hugoson, P. , Forsberg, M. , Forzelius, L. , Klässbo, M. , Olsson, E. , Volgsten, U. , Westrup, B. & et al. (2017). Efficacy of Live Lullaby Singing During Procedural Pain in Preterm and Term Neonates. Konferensbidrag vid Forum Värmland 2017, Landstinget i Värmland och Karlstads universitet, Karlstad, Sweden, February 14, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Bramhagen, A. , Harden, S. , Idvall, E. & Eriksson, M. (2017). Experiences of a new self-report instrument for post-operative recovery in children. Konferensbidrag vid XXXIII Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 31 - June 3, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Idvall, E. , Bramhagen, A. & Eriksson, M. (2017). Experiences of a new self-report instrument for post-operative recovery in children. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Pediatric Pain Symposium 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, March 30-31, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Montgomery, S. , Hiyoshi, A. , Bergh, C. , Udumyan, R. , Eriksson, M. & Fall, K. (2017). Foetal risks for low stress resilience are exacerbated by childhood exposures. Konferensbidrag vid Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies conference, Stirling, Scotland, UK, October 11-13, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). How are you?: A systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid 4th International Conference for PeriAnesthesia Nurses (ICPAN), Sydney, Australia, November 1-4, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). How are you?: A systematic e-assessment of postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid Kirurgveckan, Jönköping, Sweden, August 21-25, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2017). Live music therapy with lullaby singing during painful procedures in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid Man and Sound Environment 2017, Ljudmiljöcentrum, Lunds universitet, Lund, November 16, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2017). Parents & professionals partnering against pediatric pain. Konferensbidrag vid 11th International Forum on Pediatric Pain, White Point Beach, NS, Canada. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). RAPP, en IT-lösning för uppföljning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid ANIVA Vårkongress 2017, Örebro, Sweden, April 27-28, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. & Kyolole, O. (2017). Redefining and implementing parent controlled analgesia through active parent engagement in neonatal pain treatment. Konferensbidrag vid 11th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain (ISPP 2017), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, July 6-9, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Bramhagen, A. , Idvall, E. & Eriksson, M. (2017). Self-reported postoperative recovery in children after tonsillectomy compared to tonsillotomy. Konferensbidrag vid XXXIII Congress of the Nordic Association of Otolaryngology, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 31 - June 3, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Idvall, E. , Bramhagen, A. & Eriksson, M. (2017). Self-reported postoperative recovery in children after tonsillectomy compared to tonsillotomy. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Pediatric Pain Symposium 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, March 30-31, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Montgomery, S. , Bergh, C. , Udumyan, R. , Eriksson, M. , Fall, K. & Hiyoshi, A. (2017). Sex of older siblings and cognitive function. Konferensbidrag vid Nobel Day's Festivities, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden December 7, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Montgomery, S. , Bergh, C. , Udumyan, R. , Eriksson, M. , Fall, K. & Hiyoshi, A. (2017). Sex of older siblings and cognitive function. Konferensbidrag vid 10th World Congress, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD 2017), Rotterdam, The Netherlands, October 15-18, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2017). The process of development and testing of an IT-solution for measuring postoperative recovery. Konferensbidrag vid The 2017 European Conference in Nursing and Nursing Research, "Future Direction of European Nursing and Nursing Research", Malmö, Sweden, July 4-5, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2017). Working with parents to build better pain management for newborn infants. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies. Venice, Italy, 30 oct - 4 nov, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Flacking, R. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Decreased Breastfeeding prevalence in Preterm Infants Discharged from Swedish Neonatal Units. Konferensbidrag vid Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives, Dalarna, Sweden, 23-25 August, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Nilsson, U. , Bramhagen, A. , Harden, S. , Idvall, E. & Ericsson, E. (2016). Experiences of a new self-report instrument for post-operative recovery in children. I: 13th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Konferensbidrag vid 13th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO 2016), Lisbon, Portugal, June 18-21, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2016). Hot Topics in Neonatal Nursing. Konferensbidrag vid The 6th conference of the Europan Academy of Paediatric Societies, Geneva, Switzerland, 21-25 October, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Karlberg-Traav, M. , Cronqvist, A. , Forsman, H. , Johansson, G. , Möller, M. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Leading for research: an intervention to facilitate research utilization. I: Nordic Conference in Nursing Research Methods and Networks for the future. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Conference in Nursing Research 2016, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-17 June. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2016). Live music therapy with lullaby singing as affective support during venepuncture. A case study with microanalysis of two premature born infants. I: Lars Berglund, Musikforskning i dag, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 14–16 juni 2016. Konferensbidrag vid Musikforskning i dag, Linnéuniversitetet, Växjö, 14–16 juni, 2016. (ss. 31-31). Växjö, Sweden: Linnéuniversitetet. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2016). Live music therapy with lullaby singing during painful procedures in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid 10th European Music Therapy Conference Vienna 2016, Vienna, Austria, July 5-9, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2016). Live music therapy with lullaby singing during painful procedures in neonatal care. I: Nordisk tidskrift for musikkterapi - Nordic Journal of Music Therapy. Konferensbidrag vid 10th European Music Therapy Conference Vienna 2016, 5-9 July, 2016, Vienna, Austria. (ss. 79- Oxon, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2016). Live music therapy with lullaby singing during painful procedures in neonatal care. Konferensbidrag vid Vårmöte i Perinatologi. 14 April, 2016, Örebro. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Courtois, E. , Eriksson, M. , Boyle, E. , Avila-Alvarez, A. , Dovland-Andersen, R. , Sarafidis, K. , Polkki, T. & et al. (2016). Pain Assessment in Ventilated and Non-Ventilated Neonates in NICUS across Europe: Results from the EUROPAIN Study. Konferensbidrag vid 16th World Congress on Pain, Yokohama, Japan, Sep 26-30, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Eriksson, M. & Anderzén-Carlsson, A. (2016). Pappors upplevelser av att vårda sitt för tidigt födda barn hud-mot-hud. Konferensbidrag vid Vårmöte i Perinatologi, Örebro, Sweden, 14-15 april 2016. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2016). PEARL: a new network for research and education about pain in early life. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd Lecture day on pain in early Life, Oslo, Norway, Jan. 26, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Andersen Dovland, R. , Axelin, A. , Eriksson, M. & Kristjánsdóttir, G. (2016). PEARL: Pain in early life. A new network for research and education. Konferensbidrag vid Scandiavian Association for the Study of Pain annual meeting, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 26-27, 2016. (ss. 117-118). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. (2016). Potential collaboration with Pain in EARLy Life (PEARL) research group. Konferensbidrag vid SCENE symposium, Drammen, Norway, January 25, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Stackelberg, M. , Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. & Chaplin, J. (2016). Progress in the cultural adaptation of four PROMIS® pediatric item banks for use in Sweden. Konferensbidrag vid 2016 PROMIS Health Organization Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 23-24 October, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Eriksson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2016). RAPP, en IT-lösning för uppföljning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid Medicinteknik dagarna 2016, Örebro, 5-6 Oktober, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Flacking, R. (2016). Risk Factors for Not Breastfeeding at Discharge in Mothers of Preterm Infants. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd European Spontaneous Preterm Birth Congress, Gothenburg, Sweden, 26-28 May, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, E. , Nilsson, U. , Bramhagen, A. , Idvall, E. & Eriksson, M. (2016). Self-reported post-operative recovery in children after tonsillotomy and tonsillectomy . I: 13th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology. Konferensbidrag vid 13th Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Lisbon, Portugal, June 18-21, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Hellström-Westas, L. , Eriksson, M. , Hodinott, P. & Flacking, R. (2016). The effectiveness of proactive telephone support provided to breastfeeding mothers of preterm infants: a randomized controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives, Dalarna, Sweden, Tuesday 23-25 August, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Lamy, Z. C. , Tingall, M. & Anderzén-Carlsson, A. (2015). Becoming a parent under unfamiliar circumstances: restorative and energy-draining experiences of skin-to-skin care. Konferensbidrag vid Neo-BFHI 2015, Uppsala, 19-20 May, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2015). Can skin-to-skin contact work as pain relief in premature infants?. Konferensbidrag vid Svenskt barnsmärtsymposium, Lund, 23-24 april, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Flacking, R. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Eriksson, M. (2015). Decrease in Breast Milk intake in Preterm Infants Discharged from Swedish Neonatal Units 2004-2013. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2015, Stockholm, 20-23 april, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Ericson, J. , Flacking, R. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Eriksson, M. (2015). Factors Associated with the Decrease in Breast Milk Intake in Preterm Infants Discharged from Swedish Neonatal Units 2004-2013. Konferensbidrag vid Neo-BFHI,Uppsala, 19-20 May, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2015). Live music therapy with lullaby singing as affective support during venepuncture. A case study with microanalysis of two premature born infants.. Konferensbidrag vid The 8th Nordic Music Therapy Congress, Oslo, Norway, 5th - 8th August, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2015). Live music therapy with lullaby singing as affective support during venepuncture. A case study with microanalysis of two premature born infants.. Konferensbidrag vid The 10th International Forum on Pediatric Pain (IFPP), Nova Scotia, Canada, October 1-4th, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Ullsten, A. , Eriksson, M. , Klässbo, M. & Volgsten, U. (2015). Live music therapy with lullaby singing as affective support during venepuncture: A case study with microanalysis of two premature born infants. Konferensbidrag vid Nobel Day Festivities at School of Health and Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, December 10, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Axelin, A. , Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Eriksson, M. , Pöllki, T. , Korhonen, A. & Franck, L. S. (2015). NICU Nurses’ Perceptions of Parental Participation in Infant Pain Management: a Comparative Focus Group Study. Konferensbidrag vid The 28th Annual Gravens Conference on the Physical & Developmental Environment of the Hight Risk Infant, Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, March 4-7, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Forsner, M. , Hedén, L. , Krekmanova, L. , Wive-Lipsker, C. , Eriksson, M. & Karlsson, S. (2015). Stegvis analys och behandling vid smärtsamma procedurer på barn. Konferensbidrag vid Barnveckan 2015, Stockholm, 20-23 april, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2015). The development of a smartphone app for self-reporting postoperative recovery after day surgery. I: 3rd International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses ICPAN 2015. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd International Conference for PeriAnaesthesia Nurses ICPAN 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark September 9–12, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Atladóttir, S. M. A. , Axelin, A. , Campbell-Yeo, M. , Eriksson, M. , Peltonen, E. , Stevens, B. , Yamada, J. & et al. (2015). Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the revised version of the Premature Infant Pain Profile: An effort to improve pain assessment in infants in the Nordic countries. Konferensbidrag vid 10th International Forum on Pediatric Pain, Nova Scotia, Canada, 1-4 October, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Eriksson, M. , Grönlund, Å. , Jonsson, Ö. & Leissner, L. (2015). Trust and mistrust, quality-of-life and need for support: essons from narcolepsy-afflicted children and adolescents after the swine flu vaccination. I: 3rd Nordic Symposium on Narcolepsy. Konferensbidrag vid 3rd Nordic Symposium on Narcolepsy, Örebro 5-6 October, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Eriksson, M. , Jaensson, M. & Nilsson, U. (2015). Utveckling av en smartphoneapp för patientrapporterad postoperativ återhämtning efter dagkirurgi. Konferensbidrag vid Kirurgveckan, Örebro, 17-21 augusti, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. & Eriksson, M. (2014). Can skin-to-skin contact work as pain relief in premature infants?. Konferensbidrag vid 1st International and multidisciplinary children’s critical care research summer school, 26th-27th August 2014, UCLAN, Preston, Lancashire, UK. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, J. , Flacking, R. , Hellström-Westas, L. & Eriksson, M. (2014). Decrease in Breast Milk intake in Preterm Infants Discharged from Swedish Neonatal Units 2004-2013. Konferensbidrag vid 17th ISRHML Conference, From Human Milk Molecules to Population Health: Research Advances, South Carolina, USA, October 23-27, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Ericsson, J. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström-Westas, L. , Hagberg, L. & Flacking, R. (2014). Is proactive breastfeeding effective?: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Conference on Advances in Health Care Science Research, Turkku University, Turkku, Finland, 12-13 November, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Eriksson, M. , Courtois, E. , Dovland Andersen, R. , Avila-Alvarez, A. , Boyle, E. , Lago, P. , Sarafidis, K. & et al. (2014). Pain Assessment in Ventilated and Non-Ventilated Neonates in NICUs across Europe: EUROpean Pain Audit in Neonates (EUROPAIN Survey). Konferensbidrag vid 2014 Pediatric Academic Societies and Asian Society for Pediatric Research (PAS/ASPR) Joint Meeting, Vancouver Canada, May 3-6, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Eriksson, M. , Courtois, E. , Andersen, R. D. , Avila-Alvarez,, A. , Boyle, E. , Lago, P. , Sarafidis, K. & et al. (2014). Pain Assessment In Ventilated And Non-ventilated Neonates In Nicus Across Europe: European Pain Audit In Neonates (europain Survey). I: Archives of Disease in Childhood. Konferensbidrag vid The 5th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS), Barcelona, Spain, October 17-21, 2014. (ss. A68-A68). London, United Kingdom: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Boyle, E. M. , Courtois, E. , Eriksson, M. , Lagercrantz, H. & Carbajal, R. (2014). Pain assessment in ventilated and non-ventilated neonates in NICUs across the UK: European Pain Audit in Neonates (Europain). Konferensbidrag vid Perinatal Medicine 2014, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 June, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Courtois, E. , Eriksson, M. , Lagercrantz, H. & Boyle, E. M. (2014). Sedation and analgesia for neonates in NICUs across the United Kingdom: The Europain survey.. I: Archives of Disease in Childhood Fetal and Neonatal Edition. Konferensbidrag vid Perinatal Medicine 2014, Harrogate, UK, 9-11 June, 2014. (ss. A62-A62). London, United Kingdom: BMJ Group. [BibTeX]
- Carbajal, R. , Eriksson, M. , Courtois, E. , Avila-Alvarez,, A. , Berger, A. , Lago, P. , Van Overmeire, B. , Papadouri, T. & et al. (2014). Sedation And Analgesia For Neonates In Nicus Across Europe: The Europain Survey. I: Archives of Disease in Childhood. Konferensbidrag vid The 5th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies (EAPS), Barcelona, Spain, October 17-21, 2014. (ss. A64-A64). London, United Kingdom: BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. [BibTeX]
- Sundell, I. , Carbajal, R. , Anand, K. & Eriksson, M. (2013). National guidelines for neonatal pain management: occurance and content. Konferensbidrag vid 9th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, June 17-20, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Axelin, A. , Franck, L. S. , Anderzén-Carlsson, A. , Eriksson, M. , Korhonen, A. & Pölkki, T. (2013). NICU Nurses’perceptions regarding parental involvement in infant pain management. Konferensbidrag vid 9th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain, June 17-20, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Baños, J. , Guardiola, E. , Gradin, M. & Eriksson, M. (2013). Skin-to-skin contact for pain relief: a bibliometric analysis. Konferensbidrag vid 9th International Symposium on Pediatric Pain,June 17-20, 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Anderzen-Carlsson, A. , Lamy, Z. C. , Tingvall, M. & Eriksson, M. (2013). The nursing contribution in facilitating health and well-being in parents and infants in neonatal skin-to-skin care. Konferensbidrag vid International Council of Nurses Congress, May 18-23, 2013, Melbourne, Australia. [BibTeX]
- Karlberg-Traav, M. , Eriksson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Cronqvist, A. Is the patient’s perspective taken into account? – Interventions to improve evidence-based nursing : An integrative literature review. [BibTeX]
- Runngren, E. , Eriksson, M. & Blomberg, K. Schoolboys’ experiences of information and communication regarding the HPV vaccination. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, M. , Gradin, M. & Expertgrupp, _. (2014). Behandling av barn i samband med smärtsamma procedurer i hälso- och sjukvård: kunskapsdokument. Uppsala: Läkemedelsverket (Information från Läkemedelsverket 3). [BibTeX]
- Björklund, L. , Eriksson, M. , Hellström Westas, L. , Håkansson, S. , Norman, M. , Polberger, S. , Soop, M. , Wagner, A. & et al. (2014). Vård av extremt för tidigt födda barn: en vägledning för vård av barn födda före 28 fullgångna graviditetsveckor. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen. [BibTeX]
- Olsson, E. , Ahl, H. , Eriksson, M. , Lundeberg, S. & Norman, E. (2022). Nationella riktlinjer för prevention och behandling av smärta i nyföddhetsperioden. Svensk barnsmärtförening. [BibTeX]
- Torsy, T. , Van Noort, H. , Taylor, S. J. , Eriksson, M. & Beeckman, D. (2021). Accuracy of methods for determining the internal length of the nasogastric feeding tube to enable a safe blind placement procedure: a systematic review. York: National institute for health research. [BibTeX]
- Campbell-Yeo, M. , Johnston, C. , Disher, T. , Benoit, B. , Dol, J. , Busse, J. , Cameron, C. , Ali, S. & et al. (2020). Comparative effectiveness of pain relieving interventions to reduce procedural pain in neonates: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. [BibTeX]
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