Magnus Hansson
Magnus Hansson Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitetE-post: bWFnbnVzLmhhbnNzb247b3J1LnNl
Telefon: 019 303971
Rum: N3029

Om Magnus Hansson
Magnus Hansson är Docent och Excellent lärare i Företagsekonomi vid Handelshögskolan, Örebro Universitet. Han ingår även i forskningsmiljön Centre for Empirical Research on Organizational Control (CEROC). Magnus har också uppdrag på Högskolepedagogiskt centrum som Pedagogisk utvecklare för Lärmiljöer och arbetar i Learning Lab vid Örebro universitet
Magnus huvudsakliga forskningsområden är:
- Lärmiljöer i Högre utbildning
- Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Restructuring, including Downsizing and Plant closures
- Business turnarounds
- Gender studies
Magnus undervisar inom följande ämnen/områden:
- Organisationsteori
- Strategi och strategisk utveckling
- Ledning och styrning
- Ekonomistyrning
- Forskningsmetod
- Genus och kritisk teori
- Pedagogik i högre utbildning
Pågående projekt
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Söderlund, C. & Hansson, M. (2021). A visual and rhetorical perspective on management control systems. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 12 (3), 536-552. [BibTeX]
- Arzuaga, S. , Gandolfi, F. , Hansson, M. & Johnston, T. (2021). Downsizing and Affective Organisational Commitment: A Contextual Proximity Perspective. Empirical Economics Letters, 20 (9). [BibTeX]
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. , Hansson, M. & Nilsson, F. (2021). On the use and usefulness of theories and perspectives: A reply to Brunsson. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 37 (4). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Gottfridsson, H. & Raanaes, S. (2019). The Boss and Daddy's Little Girl: On the Costruction of Gender in Swedish Business Media. Gender in Management, 34 (1), 59-76. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2017). Organizational Closedown and the Process of Deconstruction and Creativity. Culture and Organization, 23 (3), 238-256. [BibTeX]
- Gandolfi, F. & Hansson, M. (2015). A Global Perspective on the Non-financial Consequences of Downsizing. Review of International Comparative Management, 16 (2), 185-204. [BibTeX]
- Bell, E. , Tienari, J. & Hansson, M. (2014). Introduction: Organizational death. Culture and Organization, 20 (1), 1-6. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Bell, E. & Tienari, J. (2012). Call for papers: Special issue on Organizational Death, Memory and Loss. Culture and Organization, 18 (3), 275-277. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Hansson, J. (2012). Identité professionnelle individuelle et processus de fermeture d’usine: disbanding and reconnecting the individual work identity under the process of plant closure. Revue francaise de gestion, 220 (1), 117-131. [BibTeX]
- Wigblad, R. , Hansson, M. , Townsend, K. & Lewer, J. (2012). Shifting frontiers of control during closedown processes. Personnel review, 41 (2), 160-179. [BibTeX]
- Hasanen, L. , Hellgren, J. & Hansson, M. (2011). Goal setting and plant closure: when bad things turn good. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 32 (1), 135-156. [BibTeX]
- Gandolfi, F. & Hansson, M. (2010). Reduction-in-force (RIF): new developments and a brief historical analysis of a business strategy. Journal of Management and Organization, 16 (5), 727-743. [BibTeX]
- Wigblad, R. , Lewer, J. & Hansson, M. (2007). A holistic approach to the productivity paradox. Human Systems Management, 26 (2), 85-97. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2006). Pyrrhic victories: anticipating the closedown effect . International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17 (5), 938-958. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2006). Recontextualizing the Hawthorne effect. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 22 (2), 120-137. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Gandolfi, F. & Hansson, M. (2011). Causes and consequences of downsizing: Towards an integrative framework. Journal of Management and Organization, 17 (4), 498-521. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Hansson, M. (2008). On closedowns: towards a pattern of explanations to the closedown effect. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro university. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. , Hansson, M. & Nilsson, F. (2020). Theories and perspectives. I: Eriksson-Zetterquist, U., Hansson, M. and Nilsson, F., Theories and Perspectives in Business Administration. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. , Hansson, M. & Nilsson, F. (2020). Theories and perspectives – analysis and conclusions. I: Eriksson-Zetterquist, U., Hansson, M. and Nilsson, F., Theories and Perspectives in Business Administration. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2017). Sweden - At the end of the road: the process of plant closure. I: Liza Castro Christiansen, Bård Kuvaas, Michal Biron, Elaine Farndale, Global human resource management casebook (ss. 112-124). New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2017). Sweden - At the End of the Road: The Process of Plant Closure: Teaching Notes. I: Castro Chrisiansen, L.; Kuvaas, B.; Biron, M.; Farndale, E., Global Human Resource Management Casebook. New York: Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2012). At the end of the road: the process of a plant closure. I: James C. Hayton, Michal Biron, Lisa Castro - Christiansen, Bård Kuvaas, Global human resource management casebook (ss. 112-124). New York: Taylor & Francis Group. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2012). Developing patterns of explanations: methodological considerations when analyzing qualitative data. I: Peter Dahlin, Peter Ekman, Management and information technology: challenges for the modern organization (ss. 191-205). New York: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Gandolfi, F. , Renz, L. M. , Hansson, M. & Davenport, J. B. (2012). Post-downsizing implications and consequences: a global perspective. I: Cary L. Cooper, Alankrita Pandey, James Campbell Quick, Downsizing: is less still more? (ss. 356-388). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Olsson, A. & Leijon, M. (2024). Room and activity diagrams (RADs) as visual design elements for participatory design and didactical spatial competence in Higher Education. Konferensbidrag vid Nätverk och utveckling (NU 2024), Umeå, Sweden, June 17-19, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, C. , Backman, C. , Björk, J. , Hansson, M. , Leijon, M. , Lindholm, J. , Olsson, A. , Tieva, Å. & et al. (2024). Testbäddar för utveckling av högskolepedagogik i framtidens lärandemijöer. Konferensbidrag vid Nätverk och utveckling (NU 2024), Umeå, Sweden, June 17-19, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Olsson, A. , Leijon, M. , Tieva, Å. & Malvebo, E. (2022). A framework for developing learning environments and teachers’ didactic spatial competence. Konferensbidrag vid Nätverk och Utveckling (NU2022), Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-17, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2022). Developing New Learning Environments: Enabling the development of spatial competencies. Konferensbidrag vid Network of International Business and Economics Schools (NIBES). [BibTeX]
- Olsson, A. & Hansson, M. (2022). Flexibla och hybrida rum – arbetet med utvecklingen av nya lärmiljöer. Konferensbidrag vid Framtidens lärarutbildning - erfarenheter och visioner, Örebro universitet, Örebro, 15-16 mars, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2022). How teachers can become more innovative in entrepreneurship education. Konferensbidrag vid MIRAI 2.0, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, November 15-18, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Olsson, A. (2022). Learning lab – en högskolepedagogisk testmiljö för framtidens lärmiljöer. Konferensbidrag vid Framtidens lärarutbildning - erfarenheter och visioner, Örebro universitet, Örebro, 15-16 mars, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. , Hansson, M. & Nilsson, F. (2022). On the use and usefulness of theories and perspectives: Developing theories through theorizing. Konferensbidrag vid 26th Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF 2022), Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden, August 24-26, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Olsson, A. & Leijon, M. (2022). Room and activity diagrams as enablers for didactical spatial competence. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic educational research association (NERA 2022), Reykjavik, Iceland, June 1-3, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Gottfridsson, H. & Raanaes, S. (2016). The Boss and Daddy’s Little Girl: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Construction of Gender in Business Media. I: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference Proceedings. Konferensbidrag vid 32nd EGOS Colloquium 2016, Organizing in the Shadow of Power, Naples, Italy, July 7-9, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2015). Theory and Method in Downsizing Research. I: Centre for Global HRM, At Gothenburg. Konferensbidrag vid Centrum för Global HRM. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2014). Organizational death and sensemaking: How workers make sense of enhanced efforts. Konferensbidrag vid European Group for Organizational Studies. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Wigblad, R. & Rydell, A. (2014). Plant closures, temporary workers and a management controlled setting: Further evidence on the Closedown effect. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Work Life Conference 2014. (ss. 1-10). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2014). Sensemaking and Organizational Death. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Academy of Management. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Arman, R. & Walter, L. (2013). Call for Papers: Threat and Possibilities in the wakening of corporate restructuring, downsizing and plant closures: A Nordic perspective. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Work Life Conference. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2013). Organizational Death and Sensemaking: How Workers Explain Enhanced Efforts During the Process of Plant Closure. Konferensbidrag vid 22nd Nordic Academy of Management, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 21-23 August, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Arman, R. & Walter, L. (2013). Practicing, Restructuring, Downsizing and Organizational Death: Call for papers at Nordic Academy of Management. Konferensbidrag vid 22nd Nordic Academy of Management, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 21-23 August, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2013). Why Kübler-Ross is Insufficient for Analyzes of Organizational Death. Konferensbidrag vid 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference (NFF). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. , Wigblad, R. & Rydell, A. (2012). Plant closures, temporary workers and a management controlled setting: Further evidence on the Closedown effect. Konferensbidrag vid 30th International Labour Process Conference. [BibTeX]
- Häsänen, L. , Hansson, M. & Hellgren, J. (2011). Contrasting between high-performers’ andlow-performers’ justice perceptions of effort and turnover cognitions: Can you rely on high-performers’ during plant closures?. Konferensbidrag vid 15th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Maastricht, May 25 - May 28, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2011). Practicing Restructuring, Downsizing and Organizational Death.. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Academy of Management (NFF). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Hansson, J. (2010). Sense of the self: on the change in workers identity in closedown contexts. Konferensbidrag vid European Academy of Management (EURAM), 19th-22th may, 2010, Rome, Italy. [BibTeX]
- Häsänen, L. , Hansson, M. & Hellgren, J. (2009). Goal Setting during a Closedown Process: A longitudinal study. Konferensbidrag vid European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2008). Job insecurity and certainty of job loss: a comparative analysis of downsizing and closedown literatures. Konferensbidrag vid European Academy of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2008). When the lights go out. Konferensbidrag vid Academy of Management Annual meeting Anaheim, CA, USA, 2008. [BibTeX]
- Wigblad, R. , Hansson, M. , Townsend, K. & Lewer, J. (2008). When the productivity game is over: the countdown in closedowns. Konferensbidrag vid International Labor Process Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2007). Closedowns, equity theory and work performance: further evidence on the closedown effect. Konferensbidrag vid European Academy of Management, EURAM conference, Paris. [BibTeX]
- Littler, C. & Hansson, M. (2007). Closures and downsizing: integrating overlapping literatures. Konferensbidrag vid Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, USA. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2006). Pyrrhic Victories: Anticipating the Closedown Effect. I: European Academy of Management (EURAM). Konferensbidrag vid European Academy of Management (EURAM). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Littler, C. (2005). Are Closedown Plants High Performance Work Places?: Untangling a Theoretical Paradox. Konferensbidrag vid British Academy of Management (BAM) Conference, Oxford, September 2005. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. (2004). Research on Closedowns. I: European Academy of Management (EURAM). Konferensbidrag vid European Academy of Management (EURAM). [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. & Wigblad, R. (2003). Recontextualizing the Hawthorne Effect. Konferensbidrag vid Nordic Academy of Management (NFF). [BibTeX]
Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Hansson, M. (2005). From dusk till dawn: three essays on organizational closedowns. Lic.-avh. (Sammanläggning) Västra Frölunda: Intelleca DocuSys. [BibTeX]
- Hansson, M. When the lights go out. [BibTeX]
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
- Eriksson-Zetterquist, U. (ed.) , Hansson, M. (ed.) & Nilsson, F. (ed.) (2020). Theories and Perspectives in Business Administration (1ed.).. Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]