Lisa Kurland
Lisa Kurland Befattning: Professor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: bGlzYS5rdXJsYW5kO29ydS5zZQ==
Telefon: 019 303680
Rum: X2103

Om Lisa Kurland
Lisa Kurland är akutläkare, Professor i Akutsjukvård och forskningsgruppledare för forskargruppen i Akutsjukvård vid Örebro Universitet.
Forskning inom Akutsjukvård
En utmaning inom akutsjukvård är att identifiera de patienter som är i omedelbart behov av vård och behandling och att skilja dem från de som kan vänta. Det kan vid första anblicken förefalla självklart, men idag saknar vi kunskap och evidensbaserade metoder för detta. Lisa Kurlands forskning kan sammanfattas röra sig kring dessa frågor; dvs. hur kan vi identifiera de som är i behov av vård akut och skilja dem från de som kan vänta.
Akutsjukvård är en medicinsk specialitet som innefattar kunskap och kompetens inom den akuta vårdkedjan, dvs. från patientens första kontakt med larmfunktionen, ambulanssjukvården, dvs den prehospitala vården till sjukhusets akutmottagning och kan också omfatta det akuta omhändertagandet på intermediärvårds- eller akutvårdsavdelningar. Akutsjukvård omfattar kompetens inom området både under normala omständigheter och vid förhöjt beredskap, dvs. katastrofmedicin ingår i ämnet akutsjukvård.
Lisa Kurland är delkursansvarig inom akut-aniva på termin 11 på läkarprogrammet och är examinator på kurser på specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet vid Örebro universitet.
Det är viktigt att alla blivande läkare har god kompetens inom det akuta omhändertagandet och grundläggande förståelse för katastrofmedicinska principer oavsett framtida val av specialitet. Det är därför viktigt att lärande inom akutsjukvård också finns på läkarprogrammet och som del av AT/BT. Teamarbete är en självklarhet både inom den kliniska vardagen såväl som i den interprofessionella undervisningen. I rollen som Professor i Akutsjukvård samarbetar Lisa Kurland med kollegor på Institutionen för HV och bidrar till specialistsjuksköterskeutbildningen i akutsjukvård och prehospital sjukvård.
- Ordförande NPO Akut vård
- Ordförande Universitetssjukvårdsenheten (USVE) i akutsjukvård, Region Örebro Län och Örebro Universitet.
- Vetenskaplig sekreterare Svensk Förening för Akutsjukvård
- Medlem, European Society for Emergency Medicine’s Research Committee
- Immediate past-president of the UEMS Section and Board of Emergency Medicine
- Ordförande Svensk Akutregister
- Vetenskaplig rådgivare Sepsis Fonden
- Vetenskaplig rådgivare Center för Interprofessionell Samverkan och Sambruk inom akutvård, CISA
- Socialstyrelsens vetenskapliga råd i Akutsjukvård.
Pågående projekt
- Akutmottagningsflödet
- Epidemiologiska studier av samhällsförvärvad sepsis
- Frekventa användare i ambulanssjukvården (FRAM)
- Geriatric Emergency Medicine, GEMs Örebro
- Hot och våld i ambulansen- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance (WASP)
- Katastrofberedskap på akutmottagningen
- Kompetens och beslutsfattande inom katastrofmedicinsk ledning
- Larmfunktionen
- Mångbesökare på akutmottagningen
- Ospecifika presentationer
- Processmått på akutmottagningen
- REALE: Om relationen mellan förberedelser, erfarenheter och hälsa vid arbete i kriser och katastrofer
- Reglering och tidiga tecken på immunsuppression i sepsis
- Sepsis och machine learning
- Svenska Akutvårdsregister, SVAR
- Tidig identifiering av sepsis- PREDICT SEPSIS
- X-HiDE
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Murphy, J. P. , Hörberg, A. , Rådestad Rn, M. , Kurland, L. & Jirwe, M. (2025). Does the "state of disaster" response have a downside? Hospital incident command group leaders' experiences of a terrorist-induced major incident: a qualitative study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nikula, A. , Rinder, M. R. , Lundeberg, S. , Lääperi, M. , Sandholm, K. , Castrén, M. & Kurland, L. (2024). A randomized clinical trial of intranasal dexmedetomidine versus inhaled nitrous oxide for procedural sedation and analgesia in children. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nikula, A. , Lundeberg, S. , Ryd Rinder, M. , Lääperi, M. , Sandholm, K. , Castrén, M. & Kurland, L. (2024). A randomized double-blind trial of intranasal dexmedetomidine versus intranasal esketamine for procedural sedation and analgesia in young children. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32 (1). [BibTeX]
- Salihovic, S. , Eklund, D. , Kruse, R. , Wallgren, U. , Hyötyläinen, T. , Särndahl, E. & Kurland, L. (2024). Exploring the circulating metabolome of sepsis: metabolomic and lipidomic profiles sampled in the ambulance. Metabolomics, 20 (5). [BibTeX]
- Viking, M. , Hugelius, K. , Höglund, E. & Kurland, L. (2024). One year cumulative incidence and risk factors associated with workplace violence within the ambulance service in a Swedish region: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 14 (9). [BibTeX]
- Garcia-Castrillo, L. , Cadamuro, J. , Dodt, C. , Lauwaert, D. , Hachimi-Idrissi, S. , Van Der Linden, C. , Bergs, J. , Costelloe, S. & et al. (2024). Recommendations for blood sampling in emergency departments from the European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM), European Society for Emergency Nursing (EuSEN), and European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM) Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase. Executive summary. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 62 (8), 1538-1547. [BibTeX]
- Ivic-Morén, R. , Bohm, K. , Vicente, V. , Arvidsson, E. , Castrén, M. & Kurland, L. (2024). Serious conditions among conveyed and non-conveyed patients presenting with nonspecific chief complaints to the ambulance service. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Westman, A. , Kurland, L. & Hugelius, K. (2024). Valued technical and non-technical skills among disaster responders: a cross sectional study of disaster responders involved in the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria January 2023. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Tsegai, A. & Kurland, L. (2023). A Retrospective Geospatial Simulation Study of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services' Potential Time Benefit Over Ground Ambulance Transport in Northern South Africa.. Air Medical Journal, 42 (6), 440-444. [BibTeX]
- Strålin, K. , Linder, A. , Brink, M. , Benjaminsson-Nyberg, P. , Svefors, J. , Bengtsson-Toni, M. , Abelson, C. , Offenbartl, K. & et al. (2023). Design of a national patient-centred clinical pathway for sepsis in Sweden. Infectious Diseases, 55 (10), 716-724. [BibTeX]
- Brown, R. , Kurland, L. & Lojo Rial, C. (2023). How should we train emergency physicians for Quality and Safety activities?. European journal of emergency medicine, 30 (6), 391-392. [BibTeX]
- Tuerxun, K. , Eklund, D. , Wallgren, U. , Dannenberg, K. , Repsilber, D. , Kruse, R. , Särndahl, E. & Kurland, L. (2023). Predicting sepsis using a combination of clinical information and molecular immune markers sampled in the ambulance. Scientific Reports, 13 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wu, L. , Chen, X. , Khalemsky, A. , Li, D. , Zoubeidi, T. , Lauque, D. , Alsabri, M. , Boudi, Z. & et al. (2023). The Association between Emergency Department Length of Stay and In-Hospital Mortality in Older Patients Using Machine Learning: An Observational Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 (14). [BibTeX]
- Schell, C. O. , Wellhagen, A. , Lipcsey, M. , Kurland, L. , Bjurling-Sjöberg, P. , Stålsby Lundborg, C. , Castegren, M. & Baker, T. (2023). The burden of critical illness among adults in a Swedish region-a population-based point-prevalence study. European Journal of Medical Research, 28 (1). [BibTeX]
- Torlén Wennlund, K. , Kurland, L. , Olanders, K. , Castrén, M. & Bohm, K. (2022). A registry-based observational study comparing emergency calls assessed by emergency medical dispatchers with and without support by registered nurses. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 30 (1). [BibTeX]
- Cheng, I. , Andersson, J. , Lundqvist, C. & Kurland, L. (2022). An observational pilot study: Prevalence and cost of high frequency emergency department users at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden. PLOS ONE, 17 (9). [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Järnbert-Pettersson, H. , Sjölin, J. & Kurland, L. (2022). Association between variables measured in the ambulance and in-hospital mortality among adult patients with and without infection: a prospective cohort study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Torlén Wennlund, K. , Kurland, L. , Olanders, K. , Khoshegir, A. , Kamil, H. A. , Castrén, M. & Bohm, K. (2022). Emergency medical dispatchers' experiences of managing emergency calls: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open, 12 (4). [BibTeX]
- Viking, M. , Hugelius, K. & Kurland, L. (2022). Experiences of exposure to workplace violence among ambulance personnel. International Emergency Nursing, 65. [BibTeX]
- Westman, A. , Hugelius, K. , Weinstein, E. & Kurland, L. (2022). Facilitators and barriers for effective staff work in Swedish National governmental crisis response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Kurland, L. (2022). Medical Experiences from a Consular Repatriation and Evacuation Operation from Afghanistan in August 2021: A Field Report. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 37 (1), 139-141. [BibTeX]
- Henricson, J. , Ekelund, U. , Hartman, J. , Ziegler, B. , Kurland, L. & Björk Wilhelms, D. (2022). Pathways to the emergency department: a national, cross-sectional study in Sweden. BMC Emergency Medicine, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ivic, R. , Vicente, V. , Kurland, L. , Svensson, J. , Sahdev Klintemård, R. , Castrén, M. & Bohm, K. (2022). Pre-hospital emergency nurse specialist's experiences in caring for patients with non-specific chief complaints in the ambulance: A qualitative interview study. International Emergency Nursing, 63. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, E. A. , Wallgren, U. M. , Su, A. , Short, J. & Kurland, L. (2022). Presentation of the septic patient to the emergency department with respect to age and sex: a retrospective cross-sectional study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Murphy, J. P. , Hörberg, A. , Rådestad, M. , Kurland, L. , Rüter, A. & Jirwe, M. (2022). Registered nurses' experience as disaster preparedness coordinators during a major incident: A qualitative study. Nursing Open, 9 (1), 329-338. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Rådestad, M. , Al-Dhahir, H. & Kurland, L. (2021). Decision-making by medical officer in charge during major incidents: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 29 (1). [BibTeX]
- Murphy, J. P. , Kurland, L. , Rådestad, M. , Magnusson, S. , Ringqvist, T. & Rüter, A. (2021). Emergency department registered nurses overestimate their disaster competency: A cross-sectional study. International Emergency Nursing, 58. [BibTeX]
- Schell, C. O. , Khalid, K. , Wharton-Smith, A. , Oliwa, J. , Sawe, H. R. , Roy, N. , Sanga, A. , Marshall, J. C. & et al. (2021). Essential Emergency and Critical Care: a consensus among global clinical experts.. BMJ Global Health, 6 (9). [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Larsson, E. , Su, A. , Short, J. , Järnbert-Pettersson, H. & Kurland, L. (2021). Keywords reflecting sepsis presentation based on mode of emergency department arrival: a retrospective cross-sectional study. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 14 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Sjölin, J. , Järnbert-Pettersson, H. & Kurland, L. (2021). Performance of NEWS2, RETTS, clinical judgment and the Predict Sepsis screening tools with respect to identification of sepsis among ambulance patients with suspected infection: a prospective cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 29 (1). [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, A. , Stassen, W. , Loutfi, A. , Wallgren, U. M. , Larsson, E. & Kurland, L. (2021). Predicting mortality among septic patients presenting to the emergency department-a cross sectional analysis using machine learning. BMC Emergency Medicine, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Strålin, K. & Kurland, L. (2021). Sepsislarm, korrekt diagnos och telefonuppföljning i fokus: [Person-centered clinical pathway for sepsis approved for implementation in Sweden]. Läkartidningen, 118, 48-49. [BibTeX]
- Ivic, R. , Nurmi, J. , Kurland, L. , Vicente, V. , Lindström, V. , Djärv, T. , Kaartinen, J. , Castrén, M. & et al. (2021). Soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor and lactate as prognostic biomarkers in patients presenting with non-specific chief complaints in the pre-hospital setting - the PRIUS-study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 29 (1). [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Kurland, L. , Wallis, L. , Castren, M. & Vincent-Lambert, C. (2020). Barriers and facilitators to implementing coronary care networks in South Africa: a qualitative study. African Health Sciences, 20 (1), 338-350. [BibTeX]
- Jacobsson, A. , Kurland, L. & Höglund, E. (2020). Direct in-hospital admission via ambulance (DIVA): A retrospective observational study. International Emergency Nursing, 52. [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Alkzair, S. & Kurland, L. (2020). Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in Trauma Does Not Influence Mortality in South Africa. Air Medical Journal, 39 (6), 479-483. [BibTeX]
- Murphy, J. P. , Kurland, L. , Radestad, M. & Rüter, A. (2020). Hospital incident command groups' performance during major incident simulations: a prospective observational study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 28 (1). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, J. , Nordgren, L. , Cheng, I. , Nilsson, U. & Kurland, L. (2020). Long emergency department length of stay: A concept analysis. International Emergency Nursing, 53. [BibTeX]
- Sjölin, H. , Lindström, V. , Vicente, V. , Hult, H. , Ringsted, C. & Kurland, L. (2020). Prehospital emergency nurses' experiences of care in critical incidents. International Emergency Nursing, 51. [BibTeX]
- Ivic, R. , Kurland, L. , Vicente, V. , Castrén, M. & Bohm, K. (2020). Serious conditions among patients with non-specific chief complaints in the pre-hospital setting: a retrospective cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 28 (1). [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Larsson, E. , Wood, C. & Kurland, L. (2020). Telephonic description of sepsis among callers to an emergency dispatch centre in South Africa. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10 (2), 64-67. [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Olsson, L. & Kurland, L. (2020). The application of optimisation modelling and geospatial analysis to propose a coronary care network model for patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10 (Suppl. 1), S18-S22. [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Sjölin, J. , Järnbert-Pettersson, H. & Kurland, L. (2020). The predictive value of variables measurable in the ambulance and the development of the Predict Sepsis screening tools: a prospective cohort study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 28 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hansen, K. , Boyle, A. , Holroyd, B. , Phillips, G. , Benger, J. , Chartier, L. B. , Lecky, F. , Vaillancourt, S. & et al. (2020). Updated framework on quality and safety in emergency medicine. Emergency Medicine Journal, 37 (7), 437-442. [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Wallis, L. , Castren, M. , Vincent-Lambert, C. & Kurland, L. (2019). A Prehospital Randomised Controlled Trial in South Africa: Challenges and Lessons Learnt. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 9 (3), 145-149. [BibTeX]
- Sjölin, H. , Lindström, V. , Hult, H. , Ringsted, C. & Kurland, L. (2019). Common core content in education for nurses in ambulance care in Sweden, Finland and Belgium. Nurse Education in Practice, 38, 34-39. [BibTeX]
- Murphy, J. P. , Rådestad, M. , Kurland, L. , Jirwe, M. , Djalali, A. & Rüter, A. (2019). Emergency department registered nurses' disaster medicine competencies: An exploratory study utilizing a modified Delphi technique. International Emergency Nursing, 43, 84-91. [BibTeX]
- Aspelund, A. L. , Patel, M. Q. , Kurland, L. , McCaul, M. & van Hoving, D. J. (2019). Evaluating trauma scoring systems for patients presenting with gunshot injuries to a district-level urban public hospital in Cape Town, South Africa. African journal of emergency medicine, 9 (4), 193-196. [BibTeX]
- Cone, D. C. , Serra, J. , Burns, K. , MacMillan, D. S. , Kurland, L. & Van Gelder, C. (2019). Pilot Test of the SALT Mass Casualty Triage System. Prehospital Emergency Care, 13 (4), 536-40. [BibTeX]
- Hruska, K. , Castrén, M. , Banerjee, J. , Behringer, W. , Bjørnsen, L. P. , Cameron, P. , Einav, S. , Holroyd, B. R. & et al. (2019). Template for uniform reporting of emergency department measures, consensus according to the Utstein method. European journal of emergency medicine, 26 (6), 417-422. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, A. , Eng-Larsson, F. , Isaksson, O. , Kurland, L. & Nordberg, M. (2019). The effect of a terrorist attack on emergency department inflow: an observation study using difference-in-differences methodology. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 27 (1). [BibTeX]
- Celik, D. H. , Mencl, F. R. , Debacker, M. , Kurland, L. , Wilber, S. T. & Frey, J. A. (2019). Triage Performance of School Personnel Using the SALT System. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 34 (4), 401-406. [BibTeX]
- Holroyd, B. R. , Beeson, M. S. , Hughes, T. , Kurland, L. , Sherbino, J. , Truesdale, M. & Hersh, W. (2018). Clinical Informatics Competencies in the Emergency Medicine Specialist Training Standards of Five International Jurisdictions. AEM education and training, 2 (4), 293-300. [BibTeX]
- Petrino, R. , Dryver, E. , Brown, R. & Kurland, L. (2018). Collaboration in emergency medical care in Europe: the patient is the winner. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 35 (3), 237-238. [BibTeX]
- Meyer, F. & Kurland, L. (2018). Hög tid att planera undervisning i akutsjukvård på läkarutbildningarna. Läkartidningen, 115. [BibTeX]
- Brink, M. , Cronqvist, J. , Fagerberg, A. , Kurland, L. , Lindgren, P. , Lipcsey, M. , Okas, M. & Petersson, J. (2018). Nu gäller Sepsis-3 för definitioner och diagnostiska kriterier [New definition of and diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Swedish use of Sepsis-3]. Läkartidningen, 115 (15), 660-667. [BibTeX]
- Druwé, P. , Monsieurs, K. G. , Piers, R. , Gagg, J. , Nakahara, S. , Alpert, E. A. , van Schuppen, H. , Élö, G. & et al. (2018). Perception of inappropriate cardiopulmonary resuscitation by clinicians working in emergency departments and ambulance services: The REAPPROPRIATE international, multi-centre, cross sectional survey. Resuscitation, 132, 112-119. [BibTeX]
- Möller, A. , Hunter, L. , Kurland, L. , Lahri, S. & van Hoving, D. J. (2018). The association between hospital arrival time, transport method, prehospital time intervals, and in-hospital mortality in trauma patients presenting to Khayelitsha Hospital, Cape Town. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 8 (3), 89-94. [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Wallis, L. , Vincent-Lambert, C. , Castren, M. & Kurland, L. (2018). The proportion of South Africans living within 60 and 120 minutes for a percutaneous coronary intervention facility. Cardiovascular Journal of Africa, 29 (1), 6-11. [BibTeX]
- Torlén, K. , Kurland, L. , Castrén, M. , Olanders, K. & Bohm, K. (2017). A comparison of two emergency medical dispatch protocols with respect to accuracy. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Stassen, W. , Wallis, L. A. , Vincent-Lambert, C. , Castren, M. & Kurland, L. (2017). Percutaneous Coronary Intervention still not accessible for many South Africans. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 7 (5), 105-107. [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Bohm, K. E. M. & Kurland, L. (2017). Presentations of adult septic patients in the prehospital setting as recorded by emergency medical services: a mixed methods analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. (2017). Sverige: akutsjukvård i nästan 20 år. Finska Läkaresällskapets Handlingar (2), 10-14. [BibTeX]
- Dryver, E. T. , Eriksson, A. , Söderberg, P. & Kurland, L. (2017). The Swedish specialist examination in emergency medicine: form and function. European journal of emergency medicine, 24 (1), 19-24. [BibTeX]
- Rüter, A. , Kurland, L. , Gryth, D. , Murphy, J. , Rådestad, M. & Djalali, A. (2016). Evaluation of Disaster Preparedness Based on Simulation Exercises: A Comparison of Two Models. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 10 (4), 544-548. [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Antonsson, V. E. , Castrén, M. K. & Kurland, L. (2016). Longer time to antibiotics and higher mortality among septic patients with non-specific presentations: a cross sectional study of Emergency Department patients indicating that a screening tool may improve identification. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 24. [BibTeX]
- Madsen, M. M. , Kiuru, S. , Castrèn, M. & Kurland, L. (2016). Research into the evidence basis for widely used emergency department performance indicators should be prioritized. European journal of emergency medicine, 23 (5), 396-7. [BibTeX]
- Madsen, M. M. , Eiset, A. H. , Mackenhauer, J. , Odby, A. , Christiansen, C. F. , Kurland, L. & Kirkegaard, H. (2016). Selection of quality indicators for hospital-based emergency care in Denmark, informed by a modified-Delphi process. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 24. [BibTeX]
- Lo, R. S. L. , Brabrand, M. , Kurland, L. & Graham, C. A. (2016). Sepsis - where are the emergency physicians?. European journal of emergency medicine, 23 (3), 159-159. [BibTeX]
- Ljunggren, M. , Castrén, M. , Nordberg, M. & Kurland, L. (2016). The association between vital signs and mortality in a retrospective cohort study of an unselected emergency department population. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 24. [BibTeX]
- Djärv, T. , Castrén, M. , Mårtenson, L. & Kurland, L. (2015). Decreased general condition in the emergency department: high in-hospital mortality and a broad range of discharge diagnoses. European journal of emergency medicine, 22 (4), 241-246. [BibTeX]
- Bohm, K. , Kurland, L. , Bartholdson, S. & Castrèn, M. (2015). Descriptions and presentations of sepsis: A qualitative content analysis of emergency calls. International Emergency Nursing, 23 (4), 294-298. [BibTeX]
- Ekström, A. , Kurland, L. , Farrokhnia, N. , Castrén, M. & Nordberg, M. (2015). Forecasting emergency department visits using internet data. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 65 (4), 436-442.e1. [BibTeX]
- Nakhaei, M. , Khankeh, H. R. , Masoumi, G. R. , Hosseini, M. A. , Parsa-Yekta, Z. , Kurland, L. & Castren, M. (2015). Impact of disaster on women in Iran and implication for emergency nurses volunteering to provide urgent humanitarian aid relief: A qualitative study. Australasian emergency nursing journal : AENJ, 18 (3), 165-172. [BibTeX]
- Yanagizawa-Drott, L. , Kurland, L. & Schuur, J. D. (2015). Infection prevention practices in Swedish emergency departments: results from a cross-sectional survey. European journal of emergency medicine, 22 (5), 338-42. [BibTeX]
- Castrén, M. , Kurland, L. , Liljegard, S. & Djärv, T. (2015). Non-specific complaints in the ambulance; predisposing structural factors. BMC Emergency Medicine, 15. [BibTeX]
- Lindström, V. , Bohm, K. & Kurland, L. (2015). Prehospital care in Sweden: From a transport organization to advanced healthcare. Notfall & Rettungsmedizin, 18 (2), 107-109. [BibTeX]
- Sjölin, H. , Lindström, V. , Hult, H. , Ringsted, C. & Kurland, L. (2015). What an ambulance nurse needs to know: a content analysis of curricula in the specialist nursing programme in prehospital emergency care. International Emergency Nursing, 23 (2), 127-132. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. & Graham, C. A. (2014). Emergency medicine development in the Nordic countries. European journal of emergency medicine, 21 (3), 163-163. [BibTeX]
- Mäkinen, M. , Niemi-Murola, L. , Ponzer, S. , Kurola, J. , Aune, S. , Kurland, L. & Castrén, M. (2014). Healthcare professionals hesitate to perform CPR for fear of harming the patient. Resuscitation, 85 (11), e181-e182. [BibTeX]
- Wallgren, U. M. , Castrén, M. , Svensson, A. E. V. & Kurland, L. (2014). Identification of adult septic patients in the prehospital setting: a comparison of two screening tools and clinical judgment. European journal of emergency medicine, 21 (4), 260-265. [BibTeX]
- Djalali, A. , Ardalan, A. , Ohlen, G. , Ingrassia, P. L. , Corte, F. D. , Castren, M. & Kurland, L. (2014). Nonstructural Safety of Hospitals for Disasters: A Comparison Between Two Capital Cities. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 8 (2), 179-184. [BibTeX]
- Djalali, A. , Castren, M. , Khankeh, H. , Gryth, D. , Radestad, M. , Öhlen, G. & Kurland, L. (2013). Hospital disaster preparedness as measured by functional capacity: a comparison between Iran and Sweden. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 28 (5), 454-461. [BibTeX]
- Khankeh, H. , Nakhaei, M. , Masoumi, G. , Hosseini, M. , Parsa-Yekta, Z. , Kurland, L. & Castren, M. (2013). Life recovery after disasters: a qualitative study in the Iranian context. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 28 (6), 573-9. [BibTeX]
- Djalali, A. , Castren, M. , Hosseinijenab, V. , Khatib, M. , Ohlen, G. & Kurland, L. (2012). Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) performance in Iran; decision making during disasters. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 20. [BibTeX]
- Cone, D. C. , Serra, J. & Kurland, L. (2011). Comparison of the SALT and Smart triage systems using a virtual reality simulator with paramedic students. European journal of emergency medicine, 18 (6), 314-321. [BibTeX]
- Djalali, A. , Khankeh, H. , Öhlén, G. , Castrén, M. & Kurland, L. (2011). Facilitators and obstacles in pre-hospital medical response to earthquakes: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 19. [BibTeX]
- Ekelund, U. , Kurland, L. , Eklund, F. , Torkki, P. , Letterstål, A. , Lindmarker, P. & Castrén, M. (2011). Patient throughput times and inflow patterns in Swedish emergency departments: A basis for ANSWER, A National SWedish Emergency Registry. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 19. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, J. , Sundström, J. , Kurland, L. , Gustavsson, T. , Hulthe, J. , Elmgren, A. , Zilmer, K. , Zilmer, M. & et al. (2009). The carotid artery plaque size and echogenicity are related to different cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly: the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) study. Lipids, 44 (5), 397-403. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, J. W. , Jansson, P. , Carlberg, B. , Hägg, A. , Kurland, L. , Svensson, M. K. , Ahlström, H. , Ström, C. & et al. (2008). Hydrochlorothiazide, but not Candesartan, aggravates insulin resistance and causes visceral and hepatic fat accumulation: the mechanisms for the diabetes preventing effect of Candesartan (MEDICA) Study. Hypertension, 52 (6), 1030-1037. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Hallberg, P. , Melhus, H. , Liljedahl, U. , Hashemi, N. , Syvänen, A. , Lind, L. & Kahan, T. (2008). The relationship between the plasma concentration of irbesartan and the antihypertensive response is disclosed by an angiotensin II type 1 receptor polymorphism: results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation vs. Atenolol (SILVHIA) Trial.. American Journal of Hypertension, 21 (7), 836-839. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Liljedahl, U. , Karlsson, J. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Melhus, H. , Syvänen, A. C. & Lind, L. (2004). Angiotensinogen gene polymorphisms: relationship to blood pressure response to antihypertensive treatment. Results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation vs Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial.. American Journal of Hypertension, 17 (1), 8-13. [BibTeX]
- Karlsson, J. , Lind, L. , Hallberg, P. , Michaëlsson, K. , Kurland, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. & et al. (2004). Beta1-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms and response to beta1-adrenergic receptor blockade in patients with essential hypertension. Clinical Cardiology, 27 (6), 347-350. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Karlsson, J. , Lind, L. , Michaëlsson, K. , Kurland, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. & et al. (2004). Gender-specific association between preproendothelin-1 genotype and reduction of systolic blood pressure during antihypertensive treatment–results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA). Clinical Cardiology, 27 (5), 287-90. [BibTeX]
- Liljedahl, U. , Lind, L. , Kurland, L. , Berglund, L. , Kahan, T. & Syvänen, A. (2004). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the apolipoprotein B and low density lipoprotein receptor genes affect response to antihypertensive treatment. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 4 (1). [BibTeX]
- Liljedahl, U. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Melhus, H. , Syvänen, A. , Lind, L. & Kurland, L. (2004). Single nucleotide polymorphisms predict the change in left ventricular mass in response to antihypertensive treatment. Journal of Hypertension, 22 (12), 2321-2328. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Lind, L. , Billberger, K. , Michaelsson, K. , Karlsson, J. , Kurland, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. & et al. (2004). Transforming growth factor beta1 genotype and change in left ventricular mass during antihypertensive treatment–results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA). Clinical Cardiology, 27 (3), 169-173. [BibTeX]
- Liljedahl, U. , Karlsson, J. , Melhus, H. , Kurland, L. , Lindersson, M. , Kahan, T. , Nyström, F. , Lind, L. & et al. (2003). A microarray minisequencing system for pharmacogenetic profiling of antihypertensive drug response. Pharmacogenetics, 13 (1), 7-17. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Lind, L. , Michaëlsson, K. , Kurland, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. , Nyström, F. & et al. (2003). Adipocyte-derived leucine aminopeptidase genotype and response to antihypertensive therapy. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 3. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Lind, L. , Michaëlsson, K. , Karlsson, J. , Kurland, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. & et al. (2003). B2 bradykinin receptor (B2BKR) polymorphism and change in left ventricular mass in response to antihypertensive treatment: results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial. Journal of Hypertension, 21 (3), 621-624. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Melhus, H. , Karlsson, J. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, P. , Nyström, F. , Hägg, A. & et al. (2002). Aldosterone synthase (CYP11B2) -344 C/T polymorphism is related to antihypertensive response: result from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial. American Journal of Hypertension, 15 (5), 389-393. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Melhus, H. , Karlsson, J. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, P. , Nyström, F. , Hägg, A. & et al. (2002). Polymorphisms in the angiotensinogen and angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene are related to change in left ventricular mass during antihypertensive treatment: results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation versus Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial. Journal of Hypertension, 20 (4), 657-663. [BibTeX]
- Hallberg, P. , Karlsson, J. , Kurland, L. , Lind, L. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. , Nyström, F. & et al. (2002). The CYP2C9 genotype predicts the blood pressure response to irbesartan: results from the Swedish Irbesartan Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Investigation vs Atenolol (SILVHIA) trial. Journal of Hypertension, 20 (10), 2089-2093. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Melhus, H. , Karlsson, J. , Kahan, T. , Malmqvist, K. , Öhman, K. P. , Nyström, F. , Hägg, A. & et al. (2001). Angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism predicts blood pressure response to angiotensin II receptor type 1 antagonist treatment in hypertensive patients. Journal of Hypertension, 19 (10), 1783-1787. [BibTeX]
- Kurland, L. , Melhus, H. , Sarabi, M. , Millgård, J. , Ljunghall, S. & Lind, L. (2001). Polymorphisms in the renin-angiotensin system and endothelium-dependent vasodilation in normotensive subjects. Clinical Physiology, 21 (3), 343-349. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
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- Andersson, Å. , Dahlkvist, L. & Kurland, L. (2024). Patient-centered outcomes and outcome measurements for people aged 65 years and older-a scoping review. BMC Geriatrics, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
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- Lauque, D. , Khalemsky, A. , Boudi, Z. , Östlundh, L. , Xu, C. , Alsabri, M. , Onyeji, C. , Cellini, J. & et al. (2022). Length-of-Stay in the Emergency Department and In-Hospital Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 (1). [BibTeX]
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