Karin Hugelius
Karin Hugelius Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: a2FyaW4uaHVnZWxpdXM7b3J1LnNl
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Rum: P2357

Om Karin Hugelius
Karin Hugelius är universitetslektor, docent i medicinsk vetenskap med inriktning mot hälso- och vårdvetenskap och specialistsjuksköterska inom anestesi- och ambulanssjukvård. Hon undervisar och forskar inom katastrofhantering, katastrofmedicin och ambulanssjukvård. Hon har en förenad anställning och arbetar kliniskt som ambulanssjuksköterska i Region Örebro län.
Karin är lärare i specialistsjuksköterskeprogrammet med inriktning mot ambulanssjukvård men undervisar och handleder även på andra program, i fristående kurser och i forskningsmetodik.
Karins forskning handlar om människors behov och hälsa i samband med katastrofer och hur sjukvården och andra samhällsaktörer på ett effektivt sätt kan möta dessa behov. Ledning, ledarskap och beslutsfattande är i fokus för flera studier, liksom förberedelser, kompetens och krisstöd till både drabbade och personal i samband med särskilda händelser och katastrofer.
Karin är huvudhandledare för doktorand Anna Slettmyr och Anja Westman samt bihandledare för doktorand Magnus Vking.
Karin har i drygt 20 år arbetat för Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap (MSB), FN och EU i internationella och nationella insaster i kris- och konfliktområden runt om i världen. Hon ingår i MSB:s och EU:s expertpool för katastrofinsatser, liksom i Svenska Röda korsets delegatpool.
Hösten 2020 spelades en programserie för UR Samtiden in vid Örebro universitet. Karins föreläsning "När katastrofen är framme" kan Du se här: https://urplay.se/program/219597-ur-samtiden-forelasningar-fran-orebro-universitet-nar-katastrofen-ar-framme
Övriga uppdrag:
- Styrelseledamot i World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) sjuksköterskesektion 2019-2025.
- Svenskt nationellt råd inom katastrofmedicin.
- Medlem i Ambulance Health Research network (AHRN).
- Europeiska Unionens Civilskyddsmekanism Expert.
- Medverkande i Centrum för Hälsokriser, Karolinska universitetet. (se https://ki.se/samverkan/natverk-och-samarbeten-pa-centrum-for-halsokriser)
Pågående projekt
- Etik och pandemi - sjuksköterskors villighet och förutsättningar att arbeta i en krissituation
- Frekventa användare i ambulanssjukvården (FRAM)
- Förberedd eller redo för katastrofer?
- Hot och våld i ambulansen- Workplace Violence in the Ambulance (WASP)
- Kompetens och beslutsfattande inom katastrofmedicinsk ledning
- REALE: Om relationen mellan förberedelser, erfarenheter och hälsa vid arbete i kriser och katastrofer
- Ökad professionell medvetenhet hos hälsoprofessioner: Enkätbaserat erfarenhetsbaserat lärande på Balkan.
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Hugelius, K. (2025). Trust: an essential component in nursing crisis leadership; a hybrid concept analysis. BMC Nursing, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Murphy, J. & Blomberg, K. (2024). Health problems among disaster responders to the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake: a cross-sectional study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Viking, M. , Hugelius, K. , Höglund, E. & Kurland, L. (2024). One year cumulative incidence and risk factors associated with workplace violence within the ambulance service in a Swedish region: a prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 14 (9). [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. , Murphy, J. & Hugelius, K. (2024). Self-care strategies used by disaster responders after the 2023 earthquake in Turkey and Syria: a mixed methods study. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Jaensson, M. , Nilsson, U. & Hugelius, K. (2024). The Transition Between Surgery and Ward: Patients’ Experiences of Care in a Postoperative Care Unit. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 39 (2), 288-293. [BibTeX]
- Westman, A. , Kurland, L. & Hugelius, K. (2024). Valued technical and non-technical skills among disaster responders: a cross sectional study of disaster responders involved in the earthquake in Türkiye and Syria January 2023. BMC Emergency Medicine, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Blomberg, K. & Hugelius, K. (2023). Health and well-being after being deployed in a major incident; how do Swedish ambulance nurses perceive their health recover process? A qualitative study. BMJ Open, 13 (7). [BibTeX]
- Slettmyr, A. , Arman, M. , Andermo, S. , Malmberg, C. , Hällström, Å. , Hugelius, K. & Schandl, A. (2023). Intensive care nurses' lived experience of altruism and sacrifices during the Covid-19 pandemic: A phenomenological study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 79 (1), 244-253. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Semrau, M. & Holmefur, M. (2023). Use of the HESPER Web to assess perceived needs immediately after multiple disaster events in Fiji. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17. [BibTeX]
- Viking, M. , Hugelius, K. & Kurland, L. (2022). Experiences of exposure to workplace violence among ambulance personnel. International Emergency Nursing, 65. [BibTeX]
- Westman, A. , Hugelius, K. , Weinstein, E. & Kurland, L. (2022). Facilitators and barriers for effective staff work in Swedish National governmental crisis response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Kurland, L. (2022). Medical Experiences from a Consular Repatriation and Evacuation Operation from Afghanistan in August 2021: A Field Report. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 37 (1), 139-141. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Rådestad, M. , Al-Dhahir, H. & Kurland, L. (2021). Decision-making by medical officer in charge during major incidents: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 29 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Edelbring, S. & Blomberg, K. (2021). Prehospital major incident management: how do training and real-life situations relate? A qualitative study. BMJ Open, 11 (9). [BibTeX]
- Hodza-Beganovic, R. , Berggren, P. , Hugelius, K. & Edelbring, S. (2021). Survey-based experiential learning as a new approach to strengthening non-technical skills in LMIC health care settings. BMC Medical Education, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Nandain, C. , Semrau, M. & Holmefur, M. (2021). The Reliability and Feasibility of the HESPER Web to Assess Perceived Needs in a Population Affected by a Humanitarian Emergency. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (4). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Lidberg, J. , Ekh, L. & Örtenwall, P. (2021). Vital and Clinical Signs Gathered Within the First Minutes After a Motorcycle Accident on a Racetrack: an Observational Study. Sports Medicine, 7 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Johansson, S. & Sjölin, H. (2021). "We Thought We Were Prepared, but We Were Not": Experiences from the Management of the Psychosocial Support Response during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden. A Mixed-Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (17). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Hugelius, K. , Arakelian, E. & Dahlberg, K. (2020). A journey to a new stable state-further development of the postoperative recovery concept from day surgical perspective: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 10 (9). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2020). Consular Crisis Management Operations: Special Considerations and Challenges. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 35 (4), 447-450. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Semrau, M. & Holmefur, M. (2020). HESPER web - development and reliability evaluation of a web-based version of the humanitarian emergency settings perceived needs scale. BMC Public Health, 20 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Semrau, M. & Holmefur, M. (2020). Perceived Needs Among Asylum Seekers in Sweden: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (4). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, U. , Jaensson, M. , Dahlberg, K. & Hugelius, K. (2019). Postoperative recovery after general and regional anesthesia in patients undergoing day surgery: A mixed methods study. Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing, 34 (3), 517-528. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Adolfsson, A. , Örtenwall, P. & Gifford, M. (2017). Being Both Helpers and Victims: Health Professionals' Experiences of Working During a Natural Disaster. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 32 (2), 117-123. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Adolfsson, A. , Gifford, M. & Örtenwall, P. (2017). Facebook Enables Disaster Research Studies: The Use of Social Media to Recruit Participants in a Post-Disaster Setting. PLOS Currents, 9. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Gifford, M. , Örtenwall, P. & Adolfsson, A. (2017). Health among disaster survivors and health professionals after the Haiyan Typhoon: a self-selected Internet-based web survey. International Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Gifford, M. , Örtenwall, P. & Adolfsson, A. (2016). Disaster Radio for Communication of Vital messages and Health-related Information: Experiences from the Haiyan typhoon, The Philippines. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 10 (4), 591-597. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Gifford, M. , Örtenwall, P. & Adolfsson, A. (2016). "To silence the deafening silence": Survivor's needs and experiences of the impact of disaster radio for their recovery after a natural disaster. International Emergency Nursing, 28, 8-13. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Berg, S. , Westerberg, E. , Gifford, M. & Adolfsson, A. (2014). Swedish ambulance managers descriptions of crisis support for ambulance staff after potentially traumatic events. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 29 (6), 589-592. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Hugelius, K. & Becker, J. (2024). Common Challenges in the Prehospital Management of Mass-Casualty Incidents: A Systematic Integrative Review. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 39 (4), 301-309. [BibTeX]
- Westman, A. , Kurland, L. & Hugelius, K. (2024). Non-technical skills needed by medical disaster responders: a scoping review. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 32 (1). [BibTeX]
- Becker, J. , Kurland, L. , Höglund, E. & Hugelius, K. (2023). Dynamic ambulance relocation: a scoping review. BMJ Open, 13 (12). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2022). Measurement of perceived needs in humanitarian contexts using the HESPER scale: a scoping study with reflections on the collaboration between researchers and humanitarian actors. Conflict and Health, 16 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Harada, N. & Marutani, M. (2021). Consequences of visiting restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 121. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2021). Disaster nursing research: A scoping review of the nature, content, and trends of studies published during 2011–2020. International Emergency Nursing, 59. [BibTeX]
- Becker, J. & Hugelius, K. (2021). Driving the ambulance: an essential component of emergency medical services. BMC Emergency Medicine, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Becker, J. & Adolfsson, A. (2020). Five Challenges When Managing Mass Casualty or Disaster Situations: A Review Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (9). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Adolfsson, A. (2019). The HOPE model for disaster nursing: A systematic literature review. International Emergency Nursing, 45, 1-9. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Adams, M. & Romo-Murphy, E. (2019). The Power of Radio to Promote Health and Resilience in Natural Disasters: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (14). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2023). Omvårdnad vid katastrofer och särskilda händelser (1ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Tapani, J. (2017). Krishantering i praktiken (1ed.). Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur AB. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Hugelius, K. (2017). Disaster response for recovery: survivors experiences, and the use of disaster radio to promote health after natural disasters. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro university. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2025). Omvårdnad vid katastrofer och särskilda händelser. Konferensbidrag vid Akutsjuksköterskedagarna 2025. Stockholm: [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2024). Att vårda i katastrofer: Tre utmaningar för sjuksköterskor. Konferensbidrag vid VFU + SJUKSKÖTERSKEDAGARNA 2024, Stockholm, 26-27 november, 2024. Stockholm: [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Kako, M. & Gyllenkreutz, L. (2023). How can the health care services better prepare for vulnerable populations in the community?: What is community resilience in a time of climate change?. Konferensbidrag vid MIRAI 2.0 R&I Week 2023, Umeå, Sweden, 13-17 November, 2023. Umeå: [BibTeX]
- Dahlberg, K. , Sundqvist, A. , Nilsson, U. , Hugelius, K. & Jaensson, M. (2023). Nurse competence and care in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU): Nurse’s and patient’s perspectives. Konferensbidrag vid 6th International Conference for Perianaesthesia Nurses - ICPAN, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 20-22 September, 2023. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Blomberg, K. (2022). Att leda prehospital sjukvård vid särskild händelser: en utmaning som kräver återhämtning. Konferensbidrag vid Flisakongressen[Föreningen för Ledningsansvariga inom Svensk Ambulanssjukvård], Pite Havsbad, Sweden, September 20-22, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. & Kurland, L. (2022). Passningsuppdrag i Region Örebro län: en analys av befolkningstäckning med fokus på tidskritiska tillstånd. Konferensbidrag vid Flisakongressen[Föreningen för Ledningsansvariga inom Svensk Ambulanssjukvård], Pite Havsbad, Sweden, September 20-22, 2022. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2019). HESPER Web; A web based survey to assess experienced needs in disasters and humanitarian emergencies. Konferensbidrag vid WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, May 7-10, 2019. Brisbane, Australia: World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM). [BibTeX]
- Hodza-Beganovic, R. , Berggren, P. , Hugelius, K. & Edelbring, S. (2019). Survey-based experiential learning - means of raising professional awareness in developing countries. I: European Journal of Public Health. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2019). The HOPE model for disaster nursing: a result from a systematic literature review. Konferensbidrag vid WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane, Australia, May 7-10, 2019. Brisbane, Australia: World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM). [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. (2018). The link between disaster radio and health in disaster affected commmunities. I: World Radio Day, UN Geneva. Konferensbidrag vid World Radio Day 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, February 13, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Adolfsson, A. , Gifford, M. & Örtenwall, P. (2016). Social media can be used to recruit study participants in disaster research. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing & Trauma Care, Sitges, Spain, 22-24 September, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Gifford, M. , Örtenwall, P. & Adolfsson, A. (2016). ”The turning point of everything”: Health professionals experiences of working during a natural disaster. Konferensbidrag vid 2nd Global Conference on Emergency Nursing & Trauma Care, Sitges, Spain, 22-24 September, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Hugelius, K. , Gifford, M. , Örtenwall, P. & Adolfsson, A. (2015). Disaster radio: A tool to meet experienced needs after the Haiyan typhoon. Konferensbidrag vid 19th World Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Cape Town, South Africa, 21-24 April, 2015. [BibTeX]