Jeanette Wahlberg
Jeanette Wahlberg Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: amVhbmV0dGUud2FobGJlcmc7b3J1LnNl
Telefon: Telefonnummer saknas
Rum: X4513
Om Jeanette Wahlberg
Jeanette Wahlberg är docent i endokrinolog/internmedicin och universitetslektor vid Örebro universitet sedan 2020, med en kombinerad anställning som överläkare i Region Örebro Län. Hennes forskningsinriktning är främst diabetes och endokrina sjukdomar.
Under utbildningen till biomedicinsk analytiker började Jeanette Wahlberg 19 år gammal forska inom transplantationsbiologi vid Uppsala universitet under professor Olle Korsgren. Efter sin första artikel om ö-cells transplantation utbildade hon sig till läkare vid Karolinska institutet, med specialisering i Linköping inom endokrinologi, diabetologi och internmedicin. Hennes doktorsavhandling handlar om riskfaktorer hos barn för att utveckla typ 1-diabetes.
Ett projekt handlar om betydelsen av exponering för infektioner och antibiotika före debuten av typ 1-diabetes i barndomen (doktorand Malin Belteky) och komplikationer vid typ 1-diabetes med debut i barndomen (doktorand Evangelia Baldimtsi och postdok Nektaria Papadopolou).
Jeanette Wahlberg forskar också om könshormoner och dess betydelse vid olika tillstånd som behandlas med östrogen eller testosteronsubstitution. Studierna handlar också om testosteron som doping. Andra studier omfattar östradiol som används för kvinnor med så kallad hypogonadism och till kvinnor som saknar ena X kromosomen (Turners syndrom). Testosteron används i sin tur vid behandling av hypogonadism hos män.
Ett annat projekt (doktorand Kajsa Lethin) handlar om att hitta bättre behandlingar med hormoner för personer med könsdyfori. Testosteron ges till de personer som är biologiska kvinnor som har en manlig könsidentitet (kvinna-till-man, transsexualism). Östradiol ges till personer som är biologiska män men har en kvinnlig könsidentitet (man-till-kvinna, transsexualism).
Ett annat område är missbruket av anabola androgena steroider (AAS), som är spritt även utanför elitidrotten. Testosteron är en AAS som missbrukas frekvent visar urinanalyserna som utförs i av Rättsmedicinalverket (RMV) i Linköping. Det finns därför ett stort behov att ta fram referensvärden för testosteron för att kunna jämföra med resultat från dopning med höga doser. Det finns också ett behov att ta fram nya metoder (doktorsavhandling Yvonne Lood 2021) för att mäta testosteron i saliv (bland annat med LC MS/MS (liquid chromatography-tandem mass-spectrometry).
Ytterligare forskning rör hypofyssjukdomar och innefattar ett nationellt och internationellt projekt för att studera aggressiva hypofystumörer och Cushings sjukdom (doktorsavhandling Daniel Bengtsson 2021). Jeanette Wahlberg forskare också om effekten av hypofyshormonet prolaktin på bland annat immunsystem och på livskvalitet.
Jeanette Wahlberg använder artificiell Intelligens, AI, för att, utveckla ett beslutsstöd för behandlingsval för patienter med hyperthyreos, alltså när sköldkörteln producerar för mycket hormon. Resultatet visar att en AI-modell skulle kunna leda till ökad livskvalitet.
Hon studerar också hur omfattningen av sjukskrivning och graden av sjukdom hos patienter med hyperthyreos varierar med behandlingsmetod och hur detta påverkar utfallet samhällsekonomiskt.
Jeanette Wahlberg delar utöver sina huvudlinjer i forskningen också i flera kliniska forskningsprojekt och registerstudier på regional, nationell och internationell nivå. Dessa innefattar immunologiska och kliniska aspekter vid Addisons sjukdom, Turners syndrom, hypofyssjukdomar, graviditetsdiabetes, tillväxthormonbehandling och långverkande hydrokortisonbehandling.
Jeanette Wahlberg undervisar främst inom endokrinologi/diabetes och medicinsk vetenskap inom ”Professionell utveckling” vid Läkarprogrammet vid Örebro Universitet.
Hon har lång erfarenhet av undervisning på grundnivå och avancerad nivå. För närvarande är hon huvudhandledare för fyra doktorander. Hon har haft två doktorander som disputerat under 2021. Hon handleder även mastersarbeten.
Uppdrag och samarbeten
Jeanette Wahlberg är kliniskt temaansvarig för temagruppen NME (nutrition, metabolism och elimination) och ansvarig för medicinsk vetenskap inom gruppen Professionell utveckling vid Läkarprogrammet.
Jeanette Wahlberg samarbetar med Linköpings universitet (gästlärare), Rättsmedicinalverket, Nationellt Forensiskt centrum, Karolinska Institutet, Svenska hypofysgruppen, Svenska Addisonregistret. Hon har också flera internationella samarbeten (USA, Grekland, Norge).
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Thunström, S. , Thunström, E. , Naessén, S. , Berntorp, K. , Laczna Kitlinski, M. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Bergström, I. & et al. (2025). All-cause mortality and death by aortic dissection in women with Turner syndrome: a national clinical cohort study. American Heart Journal, 281, 1-9. [BibTeX]
- Mossberg, K. , Garwicz, M. , Henriksson, P. , Möller, R. , Naumburg, E. , Wahlberg, J. & M Wallerstedt, S. (2025). Läkarstudenters beredskap för vetenskapligt baserat arbete: Enkätstudie hos sistaterminsstudenter på läkarprogrammet [Preparing for patient work founded on evidence in medical school - a questionnaire study on final-year medical students]. Läkartidningen, 122. [BibTeX]
- Arlien‐Søborg, M. C. , Dal, J. , Heck, A. , Stochholm, K. , Husted, E. , Feltoft, C. L. , Rasmussen, Å. K. , Feldt‐Rasmussen, U. & et al. (2024). Acromegaly management in the Nordic countries: A Delphi consensus survey. Clinical Endocrinology, 101 (3), 263-273. [BibTeX]
- Lind, A. , Cao, Y. , Hesser, H. , Hårdstedt, M. , Jansson, S. P. O. , Lernmark, Å. , Sundqvist, M. , Tevell, S. & et al. (2024). Anxiety, depression and quality of life in relation to SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in individuals living with diabetes during the second wave of COVID-19. Diabetes epidemiology and management, 13. [BibTeX]
- Naessén, S. , Eliasson, M. , Berntorp, K. , Kitlinski, M. , Trimpou, P. , Amundson, E. , Thunström, S. , Ekman, B. & et al. (2024). Autoimmune disease in Turner syndrome in Sweden: An up to 25 years´ controlled follow-up study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 109 (2), e602-e612. [BibTeX]
- Lethin, K. , Aardal, E. , Lood, Y. , Ekman, B. & Wahlberg, J. (2024). Effects of 12 Months' Treatment with Testosterone Undecanoate on Markers for Erythropoietic Activity and Safety Aspects in Transgender and Cisgender Hypogonadal Men. The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine, 9 (2), 223-236. [BibTeX]
- Billeson, K. , Baldimtsi, E. , Wahlberg, J. & Whiss, P. A. (2024). Growth Differentiation Factor 15 and Matrix Metalloproteinase 3 in Plasma as Biomarkers for Neuropathy and Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25 (13). [BibTeX]
- Baldimtsi, E. , Amezcua, S. , Ulander, M. , Hyllienmark, L. , Olausson, H. , Ludvigsson, J. & Wahlberg, J. (2024). HbA1c and the risk of developing peripheral neuropathy in childhood-onset type 1 diabetes: A follow-up study over 3 decades. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 40 (5). [BibTeX]
- Lakshmikanth, T. , Consiglio, C. , Sardh, F. , Forlin, R. , Wang, J. , Tan, Z. , Barcenilla, H. , Rodriguez, L. & et al. (2024). Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment. Nature, 633 (8028), 155-164. [BibTeX]
- Thunström, S. , Wide, U. , Landin-Wilhelmsen, K. , Berntorp, K. , Bryman, I. , Krantz, E. , Wahlberg, J. , Ekman, B. & et al. (2024). Psychiatric disorders and comorbidity in women with Turner Syndrome: a retrospective national cohort study. Translational Psychiatry, 14 (1). [BibTeX]
- Saevik, A. B. , Ueland, G. , Akerman, A. , Methlie, P. , Quinkler, M. , Jorgensen, A. P. , Hoybye, C. , Debowska, A. W. J. & et al. (2023). Altered biomarkers for cardiovascular disease and inflammation in autoimmune Addison's disease - a cross-sectional study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 189 (4), 438-447. [BibTeX]
- Thunström, S. , Thunström, E. , Naessén, S. , Berntorp, K. , Kitlinski, M. L. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Bergström, I. & et al. (2023). Aortic size predicts aortic dissection in turner syndrome: A 25-year prospective cohort study. International Journal of Cardiology, 373, 47-54. [BibTeX]
- Özel, F. , Indremo, M. , Karamanis, G. , Elofsson, U. , Beckman, U. , Fazekas, A. , Frisén, L. , Isaksson, M. & et al. (2023). Exploring gender dysphoria and related outcomes in a prospective cohort study: protocol for the Swedish Gender Dysphoria Study (SKDS). BMJ Open, 13 (4). [BibTeX]
- Himonakos, C. , Burman, P. , Borg, H. , Dahlqvist, P. , Engström, B. E. , Ekman, B. , Emilsson, L. , Olsson, D. S. & et al. (2023). Long-term Follow-up of 84 Patients With Giant Prolactinomas: A Swedish Nationwide Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 108 (12), e1506-e1514. [BibTeX]
- Åkerman, A. , Sævik, Å. B. , Thorsby, P. M. , Methlie, P. , Quinkler, M. , Jørgensen, A. P. , Höybye, C. , Debowska, A. J. & et al. (2023). Plasma-Metanephrines in Patients with Autoimmune Addison's Disease with and without Residual Adrenocortical Function. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12 (10). [BibTeX]
- Axfors, C. , Iliadis, S. I. , Rasmusson, L. L. , Beckman, U. , Fazekas, A. , Frisén, L. , Sandström, L. , Thelin, N. & et al. (2023). Preferences for Gender Affirming Treatment and Associated Factors Among Transgender People in Sweden. Sexuality Research & Social Policy, 20, 479-490. [BibTeX]
- Ernersson, Å. , Bachrack-Lindström, M. , Landberg, E. , Ekman, B. & Wahlberg, J. (2023). Reduced Health Related Quality of Life, Increased Fatigue and Daytime Sleepiness in Women with Hyperprolactinemia. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 55 (4), 266-272. [BibTeX]
- Lundtoft, C. , Eriksson, D. , Bianchi, M. , Aranda-Guillén, M. , Landegren, N. , Rantapää-Dahlqvist, S. , Söderkvist, P. , Meadows, J. R. S. & et al. (2023). Relation between HLA and copy number variation of steroid 21-hydroxylase in a Swedish cohort of patients with autoimmune Addison's disease. European Journal of Endocrinology, 189 (2), 235-241. [BibTeX]
- Thunström, S. , Thunström, E. , Naessén, S. , Berntorp, K. , Kitlinski, M. L. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Bergström, I. & et al. (2023). Reply to "Comment on aortic size predicts aortic dissection in turner syndrome - A 25-year prospective cohort study" by Salman Khazaei. International Journal of Cardiology, 380, 56-56. [BibTeX]
- Bäcklund, N. , Brattsand, G. , Lundstedt, S. , Aardal, E. , Bartuseviciene, I. , Berinder, K. , Höybye, C. , Burman, P. & et al. (2023). Salivary cortisol and cortisone in diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome: a comparison of six different analytical methods. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 61 (10), 1780-1791. [BibTeX]
- Öster, S. , Esposito, D. , Aranda-Guillén, M. , Åkerman, A. , Wahlberg, J. , Husebye, E. S. , Kämpe, O. , Botusan, I. R. & et al. (2023). Self-management and hospitalization in 615 Swedish patients with Addison's disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 188 (2). [BibTeX]
- Baldimtsi, E. , Whiss, P. A. & Wahlberg, J. (2023). Systemic biomarkers of microvascular alterations in type 1 diabetes associated neuropathy and nephropathy: A prospective long-term follow-up study. Journal of diabetes and its complications, 37 (12). [BibTeX]
- Baldimtsi, E. , Papadopoulou-Marketou, N. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Wahlberg, J. (2023). The role of chemokines in type 1 diabetes-associated neuropathy. Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism, 6 (3). [BibTeX]
- Dietrich, F. , Barcenilla, H. , Tavira, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Achenbach, P. , Ludvigsson, J. & Casas, R. (2022). Immune response differs between intralymphatic or subcutaneous administration of GAD-alum in individuals with recent onset Type 1 diabetes. Diabetes/Metabolism Research Reviews, 38 (3). [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, D. , Ragnarsson, O. , Berinder, K. , Dahlqvist, P. , Edén Engström, B. , Ekman, B. , Höybye, C. , Järås, J. & et al. (2022). Increased Mortality Persists after Treatment of Cushing's Disease: A Matched Nationwide Cohort Study. Journal of the Endocrine Society, 6 (6). [BibTeX]
- Casas, R. , Dietrich, F. , Puente-Marin, S. , Barcenilla, H. , Tavira, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Achenbach, P. & Ludvigsson, J. (2022). Intra-lymphatic administration of GAD-alum in type 1 diabetes: long-term follow-up and effect of a late booster dose (the DIAGNODE Extension trial). Acta Diabetologica, 59 (5), 687-696. [BibTeX]
- Nowak, C. , Lind, M. , Sumnik, Z. , Pelikanova, T. , Chavez, L. N. , Lundberg, E. , Rica, I. , Martínez-Brocca, M. A. & et al. (2022). Intralymphatic GAD-alum (Diamyd®) improves glycaemic control in Type 1 diabetes with HLA DR3-DQ2. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 107 (9), 2644-2651. [BibTeX]
- Petersson, M. , Berinder, K. , Eden Engström, B. , Tsatsaris, E. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Burman, P. , Borg, H. & et al. (2022). Natural history and surgical outcome of Rathke's cleft cysts: A study from the Swedish Pituitary Registry. Clinical Endocrinology, 96 (1), 54-61. [BibTeX]
- Van't Westeinde, A. , Ström, S. , Hirvikoski, T. , Dahlqvist, P. , Wahlberg, J. , Gezelius, A. , Kämpe, O. , Bensing, S. & et al. (2022). Young adult Swedish patients with autoimmune Addison's disease report difficulties with executive functions in daily life despite overall good cognitive performance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 140. [BibTeX]
- Hirschberg, D. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. & Landberg, E. (2021). Altered immunoglobulin G glycosylation in patients with isolated hyperprolactinaemia. PLOS ONE, 16 (2). [BibTeX]
- Lood, Y. , Aardal, E. , Ahlner, J. , Ärlemalm, A. , Carlsson, B. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. & Josefsson, M. (2021). Determination of testosterone in serum and saliva by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: An accurate and sensitive method applied on clinical and forensic samples. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 195. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, D. , Røyrvik, E. C. , Aranda-Guillén, M. , Berger, A. H. , Landegren, N. , Artaza, H. , Hallgren, Å. , Grytaas, M. A. & et al. (2021). GWAS for autoimmune Addison’s disease identifies multiple risk loci and highlights AIRE in disease susceptibility. Nature Communications, 12 (1). [BibTeX]
- Barcenilla, H. , Pihl, M. , Wahlberg, J. , Ludvigsson, J. & Casas, R. (2021). Intralymphatic GAD-alum Injection Modulates B Cell Response and Induces Follicular Helper T Cells and PD-1+ CD8+ T Cells in Patients With Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes. Frontiers in Immunology, 12. [BibTeX]
- Ludvigsson, J. , Sumnik, Z. , Pelikanova, T. , Nattero Chavez, L. , Lundberg, E. , Rica, I. , Martínez-Brocca, M. A. , Ruiz de Adana, M. & et al. (2021). Intralymphatic Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase With Vitamin D Supplementation in Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Phase IIb Trial. Diabetes Care, 44 (7), 1604-1612. [BibTeX]
- Papadopoulou-Marketou, N. , Whiss, P. A. , Eriksson, A. C. , Hyllienmark, L. , Papassotiriou, I. & Wahlberg, J. (2021). Plasma levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus associate with early diabetic neuropathy and nephropathy. Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research, 18 (2). [BibTeX]
- Bengtsson, D. , Ragnarsson, O. , Berinder, K. , Dahlqvist, P. , Edén Engström, B. , Ekman, B. , Höybye, C. , Burman, P. & et al. (2021). Psychotropic drugs in patients with Cushing's disease before diagnosis and at long-term follow-up: a nationwide study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 106 (6), 1750-1760. [BibTeX]
- Bothou, C. , Anand, G. , Li, D. , Kienitz, T. , Seejore, K. , Simeoli, C. , Ebbehoj, A. , Ward, E. G. & et al. (2020). Current Management and Outcome of Pregnancies in Women With Adrenal Insufficiency: Experience from a Multicenter Survey. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105 (8). [BibTeX]
- Papakokkinou, E. , Olsson, D. S. , Chantzichristos, D. , Dahlqvist, P. , Segerstedt, E. , Olsson, T. , Petersson, M. , Berinder, K. & et al. (2020). Excess Morbidity Persists in Patients With Cushing’s Disease During Long-term Remission: A Swedish Nationwide Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105 (8), 2616-2624. [BibTeX]
- Casas, R. , Dietrich, F. , Barcenilla, H. , Tavira, B. , Wahlberg, J. , Achenbach, P. & Ludvigsson, J. (2020). Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Injection Into Lymph Nodes: Beta Cell Function and Immune Responses in Recent Onset Type 1 Diabetes Patients. Frontiers in Immunology, 11. [BibTeX]
- Ewerman, L. , Landberg, E. , Hellberg, S. , Hovland, M. , Sundin, A. , Jenmalm, M. C. , Ekman, B. , Ernerudh, J. & et al. (2020). Immunomodulating Effects Depend on Prolactin Levels in Patients with Hyperprolactinemia. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 52 (04), 228-235. [BibTeX]
- Espiard, S. , McQueen, J. , Sherlock, M. , Ragnarsson, O. , Bergthorsdottir, R. , Burman, P. , Dahlqvist, P. , Ekman, B. & et al. (2020). Improved Urinary Cortisol Metabolome in Addison Disease: A Prospective Trial of Dual-Release Hydrocortisone. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 106 (3), 814-825. [BibTeX]
- Bélteky, M. , Wahlberg, J. & Ludvigsson, J. (2020). Maternal respiratory infections in early pregnancy increases the risk of type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, 21 (7), 1193-1201. [BibTeX]
- Iliadis, S. I. , Axfors, C. , Friberg, A. , Arinell, H. , Beckman, U. , Fazekas, A. , Frisen, L. , Sandström, L. & et al. (2020). Psychometric properties and concurrent validity of the Transgender Congruence Scale (TCS) in the Swedish setting. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bäcklund, N. , Brattsand, G. , Israelsson, M. , Ragnarsson, O. , Burman, P. , Edén Engström, B. , Høybye, C. , Berinder, K. & et al. (2020). Reference intervals of salivary cortisol and cortisone and their diagnostic accuracy in Cushing’s syndrome. European Journal of Endocrinology, 182 (6), 569-582. [BibTeX]
- Sævik, Å. B. , Åkerman, A. , Methlie, P. , Quinkler, M. , Jørgensen, A. P. , Höybye, C. , Debowska, A. J. , Nedrebø, B. G. & et al. (2020). Residual Corticosteroid Production in Autoimmune Addison Disease. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 105 (7), 2430-2441. [BibTeX]
- Ragnarsson, O. , Olsson, D. S. , Papakokkinou, E. , Chantzichristos, D. , Dahlqvist, P. , Segerstedt, E. , Olsson, T. , Petersson, M. & et al. (2019). Overall and Disease-Specific Mortality in Patients With Cushing Disease: A Swedish Nationwide Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 104 (6), 2375-2384. [BibTeX]
- Schill, F. , Nilsson, M. , Olsson, D. S. , Ragnarsson, O. , Berinder, K. , Edén Engström, B. , Dahlqvist, P. , Wahlberg, J. & et al. (2019). Pituitary Metastases: A Nationwide Study on Current Characteristics With Special Reference to Breast Cancer. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 104 (8), 3379-3388. [BibTeX]
- Ragnarsson, O. , Olsson, D. S. , Chantzichristos, D. , Papakokkinou, E. , Dahlqvist, P. , Segerstedt, E. , Olsson, T. , Petersson, M. & et al. (2019). The incidence of Cushing’s disease: a nationwide Swedish study. Pituitary, 22 (2), 179-186. [BibTeX]
- Sævik, Å. B. , Åkerman, A. , Grønning, K. , Nermoen, I. , Valland, S. F. , Finnes, T. E. , Isaksson, M. , Dahlqvist, P. & et al. (2018). Clues for early detection of autoimmune Addison's disease: myths and realities. Journal of Internal Medicine, 283 (2), 190-199. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, D. , Bianchi, M. , Landegren, N. , Dalin, F. , Skov, J. , Hultin-Rosenberg, L. , Mathioudaki, A. , Nordin, J. & et al. (2018). Common genetic variation in the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) locus is associated with autoimmune Addison’s disease in Sweden. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). [BibTeX]
- Tavira, B. , Barcenilla, H. , Wahlberg, J. , Achenbach, P. , Ludvigsson, J. & Casas, R. (2018). Intralymphatic Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-Alum Administration Induced Th2-Like-Specific Immunomodulation in Responder Patients: A Pilot Clinical Trial in Type 1 Diabetes. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Bertil, E. & Arnqvist, H. J. (2018). Most Women with Previous Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Have Impaired Glucose Metabolism after a Decade. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19 (12). [BibTeX]
- Vouzouneraki, K. , Franklin, K. A. , Forsgren, M. , Wärn, M. , Tiberg Persson, J. , Wik, H. , Dahlgren, C. , Nilsson, A. & et al. (2018). Temporal relationship of sleep apnea and acromegaly a nationwide study: a nationwide study. Endocrine, 62 (2), 456-463. [BibTeX]
- Dalin, F. , Nordling Eriksson, G. , Dahlqvist, P. , Hallgren, Å. , Wahlberg, J. , Ekwall, O. , Söderberg, S. , Rönnelid, J. & et al. (2017). Clinical and Immunological Characteristics of Autoimmune Addison Disease: A Nationwide Swedish Multicenter Study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 102 (2), 379-389. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, D. , Dalin, F. , Eriksson, G. N. , Landegren, N. , Bianchi, M. , Hallgren, Å. , Dahlqvist, P. , Wahlberg, J. & et al. (2017). Cytokine Autoantibody Screening in the Swedish Addison Registry Identifies Patients With Undiagnosed APS1. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 103 (1), 179-186. [BibTeX]
- Ludvigsson, J. , Wahlberg, J. & Casas, R. (2017). Intralymphatic Injection of Autoantigen in Type 1 Diabetes. New England Journal of Medicine, 376 (7), 697-699. [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, A. G. , Bergthorsdottir, R. , Burman, P. , Dahlqvist, P. , Ekman, B. , Engström, B. E. , Ragnarsson, O. , Skrtic, S. & et al. (2017). Long-term safety of once-daily, dual-release hydrocortisone in patients with adrenal insufficiency: a phase 3b, open-label, extension study. European Journal of Endocrinology, 176 (6), 715-725. [BibTeX]
- Papadopoulou-Marketou, N. , Margeli, A. , Papassotiriou, I. , Chrousos, G. P. , Kanaka-Gantenbein, C. & Wahlberg, J. (2017). NGAL as an Early Predictive Marker of Diabetic Nephropathy in Children and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Lood, Y. , Aardal‐Eriksson, E. , Webe, C. , Ahlner, J. , Ekman, B. & Wahlberg, J. (2017). Relationship between testosterone in serum, saliva and urine during treatment with intramuscular testosterone undecanoate in gender dysphoria and male hypogonadism. Andrology, 6 (1), 86-93. [BibTeX]
- Svanberg, C. , Norevall, L. , Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. & Bågesund, M. (2016). Cephalometric analysis of adults with Turner syndrome. Swedish Dental Journal, 40 (1), 33-41. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, D. , Bianchi, M. , Landegren, N. , Nordin, J. , Dalin, F. , Mathioudaki, A. , Eriksson, G. N. , Hultin-Rosenberg, L. & et al. (2016). Extended exome sequencing identifies BACH2 as a novel major risk locus for Addison's disease. Journal of Internal Medicine, 280 (6), 595-608. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Ekman, B. , Nyström, L. , Hanson, U. , Persson, B. & Arnqvist, H. J. (2016). Gestational diabetes: Glycaemic predictors for fetal macrosomia and maternal risk of future diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 114, 99-105. [BibTeX]
- Burman, P. , Edén-Engström, B. , Ekman, B. , Karlsson, F. A. , Schwarcz, E. & Wahlberg, J. (2016). Limited value of cabergoline in Cushing's disease: a prospective study of a 6-week treatment in 20 patients. European Journal of Endocrinology, 174 (1), 17-24. [BibTeX]
- Landegren, N. , Sharon, D. , Freyhult, E. , Hallgren, Å. , Eriksson, D. , Edqvist, P. , Bensing, S. , Wahlberg, J. & et al. (2016). Proteome-wide survey of the autoimmune target repertoire in autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1. Scientific Reports, 6. [BibTeX]
- Ekman, B. , Wahlberg, J. & Landberg, E. (2015). Urine oligosaccharide pattern in patients with hyperprolactinaemia. Glycoconjugate Journal, 32 (8), 635-641. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Alstrand, N. , Bachrach-Lindström, M. , Jenmalm, M. C. & Wahlberg, J. (2014). Altered Chemokine Th1/Th2 Balance in Addison's Disease: Relationship with Hydrocortisone Dosing and Quality of Life. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 46 (1), 48-53. [BibTeX]
- Mitchell, A. L. , Macarthur, K. D. R. , Gan, E. H. , Baggott, L. E. , Wolff, A. S. B. , Skinningsrud, B. , Platt, H. , Short, A. & et al. (2014). Association of autoimmune Addison's disease with alleles of STAT4 and GATA3 in European cohorts. PLOS ONE, 9 (3). [BibTeX]
- Nilsson, A. G. , Marelli, C. , Fitts, D. , Bergthorsdottir, R. , Burman, P. , Dahlqvist, P. , Ekman, B. , Engström, B. E. & et al. (2014). Prospective evaluation of long-term safety of dual-release hydrocortisone replacement administered once daily in patients with adrenal insufficiency. European Journal of Endocrinology, 171 (3), 369-377. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. & Ekman, B. (2013). Atypical or typical adrenocorticotropic hormone-producing pulmonary carcinoids and the usefulness of 11C-5-hydroxytryptophan positron emission tomography: two case reports. Journal of Medical Case Reports, 7. [BibTeX]
- Burman, P. , Mattsson, A. F. , Johannsson, G. , Höybye, C. , Holmer, H. , Dahlqvist, P. , Berinder, K. , Engström, B. E. & et al. (2013). Deaths among adult patients with hypopituitarism: hypocortisolism during acute stress, and de novo malignant brain tumors contribute to an increased mortality. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 98 (4), 1466-1475. [BibTeX]
- Hyllienmark, L. , Alstrand, N. , Jonsson, B. , Ludvigsson, J. , Cooray, G. & Wahlberg, J. (2013). Early electrophysiological abnormalities and clinical neuropathy: a prospective study in patients with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 36 (10), 3187-3194. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Tillmar, L. , Ekman, B. , Lindahl, T. L. & Landberg, E. (2013). Effects of prolactin on platelet activation and blood clotting. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 73 (3), 221-228. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Sydsjö, G. , Ledin, T. , Bågesund, M. & Ekman, B. (2013). Impaired Postural Balance in Turner Syndrom. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 45 (7), 537-540. [BibTeX]
- Ónnestam, L. , Berinder, K. , Burman, P. , Dahlqvist, P. , Engström, B. E. , Wahlberg, J. & Nyström, H. F. (2013). National incidence and prevalence of TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas in Sweden. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 98 (2), 626-635. [BibTeX]
- Ekman, B. , Bachrach-Lindström, M. , Lindström, T. , Wahlberg, J. , Blomgren, J. & Arnqvist, H. J. (2012). A randomized, double-blind, crossover study comparing two- and four-dose hydrocortisone regimen with regard to quality of life, cortisol and ACTH profiles in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency. Clinical Endocrinology, 77 (1), 18-25. [BibTeX]
- Johansson, G. , Nilsson, A. G. , Bergthorsdottir, R. , Burman, P. , Dahlqvist, P. , Ekman, B. , Engström, B. E. , Olsson, T. & et al. (2012). Improved cortisol exposure-time profile and outcome in patients with adrenal insufficiency: a prospective randomised trial of a novel hydrocortisone dual-release formulation. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97 (2), 473-481. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Waarala, O. , Ludvigsson, J. & ABIS Study Group, -. (2011). Asthma and allergic symptoms and type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies in 2.5-yr-old children. Pediatric Diabetes, 12 (7), 604-610. [BibTeX]
- Dahlqvist, P. , Bensing, S. , Ekwall, O. , Wahlberg, J. , Bergthorsdottir, R. & Hulting, A. (2011). Nationellt kort vid binjurebarkssvikt: Nytt varningskort kan leda till bättre handläggning och ökad patientsäkerhet: [A national medical emergency card for adrenal insufficiency. A new warning card for better management and patient safety]. Läkartidningen, 108 (44), 2226-2227. [BibTeX]
- Gullstrand, C. , Wahlberg, J. , Ilonen, J. , Vaarala, O. & Ludvigsson, J. (2008). Progression to type 1 diabetes and autoantibody positivity in relation to HLA-risk genotypes in children participating in the ABIS study. Pediatric Diabetes, 9 (3 Pt 1), 182-190. [BibTeX]
- Landberg, E. , Wahlberg, J. , Rydén, I. , Arvidsson, B. & Ekman, B. (2007). Detection of molecular variants of prolactin in human serum, evaluation of a method based on ultrafiltration. Clinica Chimica Acta, 376 (1-2), 220-225. [BibTeX]
- Holmberg, H. , Wahlberg, J. , Vaarala, O. , Ludvigsson, J. & ABIS Study Group, -. (2007). Short duration of breast-feeding as a risk-factor for beta-cell autoantibodies in 5-year-old children from the general population. British Journal of Nutrition, 97 (1), 111-116. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Vaarala, O. & Ludvigsson, J. (2006). Dietary risk factors for the emergence of type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies in 2½-year-old Swedish children. British Journal of Nutrition, 95 (3), 603-608. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Fredriksson (Walldén), J. , Nikolic, E. , Vaarala, O. , Ludvigsson, J. & The ABIS-Study Group, -. (2005). Environmental factors related to the induction of beta-cell autoantibodies in 1-yr-old healthy children. Pediatric Diabetes, 6 (4), 199-205. [BibTeX]
- Sepa, A. , Wahlberg, J. , Vaarala, O. , Frodi, A. & Ludvigsson, J. (2005). Psychological stress may induce diabetes-related autoimmunity in infancy. Diabetes Care, 28 (2), 290-295. [BibTeX]
- Ludvigsson, J. F. , Wahlberg Topp, J. & Ludvigsson, J. (2005). Tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies in cord-blood from children of healthy mothers. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, 39 (1), 80-81. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Fredriksson, J. , Vaarala, O. , Ludvigsson, J. & ABIS Study Group, -. (2003). Vaccinations may induce diabetes-related autoantibodies in one-year-old children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1005 (1), 404-408. [BibTeX]
- Ludvigsson, J. , Wahlberg, J. & ABIS Study Group, -. (2002). Diabetes-related autoantibodies in cord blood from children of healthy mothers have disappeared by the time the child is one year old. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 958 (1), 289-292. [BibTeX]
- Wahlberg, J. , Korsgren, O. , Welsh, N. & Jansson, L. (1998). Evidence of a negative feedback system regulating the total beta-cell volume in nondiabetic rats that received pancreas transplants. Transplantation, 66 (10), 1392-1394. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Papakokkinou, E. , Piasecka, M. , Carlsen, H. K. , Chantzichristos, D. , Olsson, D. S. , Dahlqvist, P. , Petersson, M. , Berinder, K. & et al. (2021). Prevalence of Nelson's syndrome after bilateral adrenalectomy in patients with cushing's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pituitary, 24 (5), 797-809. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Wahlberg, J. (2005). Environmental determinants associated with Type 1 diabetes-related autoantibodies in children. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Linköping: Linköpings universitet. [BibTeX]
- Fransén, K. & Wahlberg, J. (2024). Integration mellan biomedicin och professionell utveckling på läkarprogrammet vid Örebro Universitet. Konferensbidrag vid NU2024,SUHF:s nationella högskolepedagogiska konferens, Umeå, 17-19 juni, 2024. [BibTeX]
- Consiglio, C. , Tadepally, L. , Sardh, F. , Forlin, R. , Wang, J. , Tan, Z. , Barcenilla, H. , Rodriguez, L. & et al. (2023). Immune system adaptation during gender-affirming testosterone treatment. I: Journal of Reproductive Immunology. Konferensbidrag vid 12th International Workshop Reunion Island Reproductive Immunology, Immunological tolerance and Immunology of preeclampsia, Electronic Network, December 12-15, 2022. (ss. 29-30). Elsevier. [BibTeX]
- Bergthorsdottir, R. , Nilsson, A. G. , Gillberg, P. , Ekman, B. & Wahlberg, J. (2015). Health-Related Quality of Life In Patients With Adrenal Insufficiency Receiving Plenadren Compared With Immediate-Release Hydrocortisone. I: Value in Health. Elsevier. [BibTeX]