Ingemar Elander
Ingemar Elander Befattning: Professor emeritus Organisation: Institutionen för humaniora, utbildnings- och samhällsvetenskapE-post: aW5nZW1hci5lbGFuZGVyO29ydS5zZQ==
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Rum: F2231

Om Ingemar Elander
Ingemar Elander är professor emeritus i statskunskap vid Örebro universitet. Hans forskningsintressen täcker urban politik i bred mening exemplifierat i en rad publikationer med fokus på hur städer och regioner hanterar klimatförändringar, miljö och demokrati, trosbaserade organisationer och politik, urbana partnerskap och folkhälsa, migration och bilder av säkerhet/osäkerhet.
Elander var tillsammans med Rolf Lidskog (professor i sociologi) tidigt ute med att analysera svensk miljöpolitik i ett jämförande perspektiv och har med honom och andra kollegor publicerat en rad artiklar och bokkapitel med fokus på det intrikata förhållandet mellan politik, styrning ("governance") och demokrati i relation till de utmaningar som ställs av en rad sammanflätade kriser relaterade till klimat och miljö i vid mening. Förutom Lidskog har Elander samarbetat med och publicerat artiklar och bokkapitel med bland andra kulturgeograf Eva Gustavsson och ekolog Ulf G. Sandström. Han är medredaktör för Urban Governance in Europe (Eckardt & Elander 2009), och medförfattare till Faith-based Organizations and Social Exclusion in Sweden (Elander & Fridolfsson 2011), den senare en omfattande rapport som inspirerat till artiklar och bokkapitel på temat religion och politik samskrivna med statsvetare Charlotte Fridolfsson (Linköpings universitet) 2012-2021.
Nyligen publicerade artiklar och pågående arbeten inkluderar egna och samförfattade manuskript om politikens utmaningar att hantera säkerhet, motsäkerhet och osäkerhet i en tid av sammanfallande kriser relaterade till klimatförändringar, religion, hälsa med mera (Elander, Granberg & Montin 2022; Elander 2022; Eimermann & Elander 2024; Johansson & Elander 2024 in press).
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Elander, I. , Granberg, M. & Montin, S. (2022). Governance and planning in a ‘perfect storm’: Securitising climate change, migration and Covid-19 in Sweden. Progress in Planning, 164. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2022). Urban Renewal, Governance and Sustainable Development: More of the Same or New Paths?. Sustainability, 14 (3). [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. & Elander, I. (2021). Between Securitization and Counter-Securitization: Church of Sweden Opposing the Turn of Swedish Government Migration Policy. Politics, Religion & Ideology, 22 (1), 40-63. [BibTeX]
- Sandström, U. G. & Elander, I. (2021). Biodiversity, road transport and urban planning: A Swedish local authority facing the challenge of establishing a logistics hub adjacent to a Natura 2000 site. Progress in Planning, 148. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2021). Favorit i ständig repris? Planering i gränslandet mellan representativ och deltagande demokrati. Plan (Våren), 73-78. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. , Elander, I. & Standring, A. (2020). COVID-19, the Climate, and Transformative Change: Comparing the Social Anatomies of Crises and Their Regulatory Responses. Sustainability, 12 (16). [BibTeX]
- Sandström, U. G. & Elander, I. (2020). Kompensation eller kapitulation? Ett lokalpolitiskt dilemma. Biodiverse (2), 16-17. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2019). From policy community to issue networks: Implementing social sustainability in a Swedish urban development programme. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 37 (6), 1082-1101. [BibTeX]
- Fell, T. , Guziana, B. & Elander, I. (2019). Klass, rumslig segregation och livskvalitet i två svenska städer: [Class, Spatial Segregation and Residents’ Life Chances in Two Swedish Cities]. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift, 121 (1), 65-93. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2017). Behaving Clean without Having to Think Green?: Local Eco-Technological and Dialouge-Based, Low-Carbon Projects in Sweden. The Journal of urban technology, 24 (1), 93-116. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2016). Sustainability potential of a redevelopment initiative in Swedish public housing: The ambiguous role of residents’ participation and place identity. Progress in Planning, 103, 1-25. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2015). A community-based participatory research process in a poor Swedish neighbourhood. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 28 (1), 19-36. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2015). Nyanser av grönt i den urbana hållbarhetskören: några aktuella exempel. Biodiverse (2), 5-7. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Fridolfsson, C. & Gustavsson, E. (2015). Swedish muslims and secular society: faith-based engagement and place. Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, 26 (2), 145-163. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. & Elander, I. (2013). Faith and place: constructing muslim identity in a secular lutheran society. Cultural Geographies, 20 (3), 319-337. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Households as role models for sustainable consumption: the case of local climate dialogues in two Swedish towns. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 56 (2), 194-210. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Geidne, J. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2013). Towards sustainable structures for neighbourhood development?: Healthy city research in four Swedish municipalities 2003‐2009. Journal of Health Organization & Management, 27 (2), 225-245. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2012). Cocky and climate smart?: Climate change mitigation and place-branding in three Swedish towns. Local Environment: the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 17 (8), 769-782. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2012). Ecological modernization in practice?: the case of sustainable development in Sweden. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 14 (4), 411-427. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. & Elander, I. (2012). Faith-based organizations and welfare state retrenchment in Sweden: substitute or complement?. Politics and Religion, 5 (3), 634-654. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2012). Neighbourhood development and public health initiatives: who participates?. Health Promotion International, 27 (1), 102-116. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2012). Sweden and the Baltic Sea pipeline: between ecology and economy. Marine Policy, 36 (2), 333-338. [BibTeX]
- Sayuli Fransson, A. , Elander, I. & Lidskog, R. (2011). Framing issues and forming opinions: the Baltic Sea pipeline in the Swedish media. European Spatial Research and Policy, 18 (2), 95-110. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2011). Le développement durable en Suède: la rhétorique, les politiques et la pratique. Télescope - Revue d'analyse comparée en administration publique, 17 (2), 71-91. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2010). Addressing climate change democratically: Multi-level governance, transnational networks and governmental structures. Sustainable Development, 18 (1), 32-41. [BibTeX]
- Eckardt, F. , Elander, I. & Nyström, L. (2009). Looking back on FUTURE and further: experiences from a FP 6-mobility programme on urban research and practice. Urban Research & Practice, 2 (2), 222-225. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. , Elander, I. & Lundmark, M. (2009). Multilevel governance, networking cities and the geography of climate-change mitigation: two Swedish examples. Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy, 27 (1), 59-74. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Eriksson, C. & Elander, I. (2008). Partnership for healthy neighbourhoods: city networking in multilevel context. European Urban and Regional Studies, 15 (4), 317-331. [BibTeX]
- Granberg, M. & Elander, I. (2007). Local governance and climate change: reflections on the Swedish experience. Local Environment: the International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 12 (5), 537-548. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2007). Representation, participation or deliberation?: Democratic responses to the environmental challenge. Space & Polity, 11 (1), 75-94. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Lundgren Alm, E. , Malbert, B. & Sandström, U. G. (2005). Biodiversity in urban governance and planning: Examples from Swedish cities. Planning Theory & Practice, 6 (3), 283-301. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, R. & Elander, I. (2003). Selectieve armenzorg: asmoedebestrijding en gemeentelijk welzijnsbeleid in Zweden. Agora : tijdschrift voor sociaal-ruimtelijke vraagstukken, 19 (1), 23-26. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2003). Urban governance and central-local government relations: the metropolitan development initiative in Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2002). Partenariats et gouvernance urbaine. Revue internationale des sciences sociales (172), 215-230. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2002). Partnerships and urban governance. International Social Science Journal, 54 (172), 191-204. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, J. & Elander, I. (2001). Consensus, democracy and the land surveyor in the Swedish cadastral executive procedure. Planning Theory & Practice, 2 (3), 325-340. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2000). Towards a green welfare economy?: The Green Party in Sweden since the 1998 parliamentary election. Environmental Politics, 9 (3), 137-144. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1997). Between centralism and localism: on the development of local self-government in postsocialist Europe. Environment and Planning. C, Government and Policy, 15 (2), 143-159. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Montin, S. (1995). Citizenship, consumerism and local government in Sweden. Scandinavian Political Studies, 18 (1), 25-51. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1995). Policy networks and housing regeneration in England and Sweden. Urban Studies, 32 (6), 913-934. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustafsson, M. (1993). The re-emergence of local self-government in Central Europe: some notes on the first experience. European Journal of Political Research, 23 (3), 295-322. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1991). Analysing central-local government relations in different systems: a conceptual framework and some empirical illustrations. Scandinavian Political Studies, 14 (1), 31-58. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Strömberg, T. , Danermark, B. & Söderfeldt, B. (1991). Locality research and comparative analysis: the case of local housing policy in Sweden. Environment and planning A, 23 (2), 179-196. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Montin, S. (1990). Decentralisation and control: central-local government relations in Sweden. Policy and politics (Print), 18 (3), 165-180. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & von Schéele, A. (1989). Evaluating housing renewal policy in Sweden: an interest-oriented approach. Journal of Urban Affairs, 11 (4), 397-410. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, recensioner
- Elander, I. (2020). Nostalgi som utopi: Recension av Zygmunt Bauman, Retrotopia. Årsbok Kristen Humanism 2020, 81, 120. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1994). Hugo Priemus and Gerard Metselaar: Urban renewal policy in a European perspective. Jay M. Stein (ed.): Growth management. Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 11 (1), 59-62. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Fridolfsson, C. (2011). Faith-based organisations and social exclusion in Sweden (1ed.). Leuven: Acco. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1978). Det nödvändiga och det önskvärda: en studie av socialdemokratisk ideologi och regionalpolitik 1940-72. (Doctoral dissertation). Stockholm: Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia. [BibTeX]
Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier
- Eimermann, M. & Elander, I. (2024). Vem jobbar i norr? Utmaningar och möjligheter för arbete: [Who Works in the North? Challenges and Opportunitiesfor Employment]. I: Linda Lundmark; Marco Eimermann; Dean B. Carson, Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd (ss. 84-104). . Arktiskt centrum vid Umeå universitet. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2022). Vad göms i Carrie Hepple's trädgård? Hot- och motbilder i den perfekta stormens tid. I: Rolf Lidskog; Eric Löfmarck, En mänsklig natur: Risker, reglering och representationer (ss. 17-37). Örebro: Örebro universitet, sociologiämnet. [BibTeX]
- Eimermann, M. & Elander, I. (2020). Who Works in the North?: Challenges and Opportunities for Employment. I: Linda Lundmark, Dean Bradley Carson, Marco Eimermann, Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas (ss. 133-150). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Blanc, M. (2019). Partnerships and democracy: A happy couple in urban governance?. I: Governing European Cities: Social Fragmentation, Social Exclusion and Urban (ss. 93-124). . Taylor & Francis. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2015). Greenest of them all?: climate change mitigation and place branding in three Swedish towns. I: Marco Eimermann & Anders Trumberg, Place and identity: a new landscape of social and political change in Sweden (ss. 76-96). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. & Elander, I. (2015). Place and religion: Swedish Muslim identity formation. I: Marco Eimermann & Anders Trumberg, Place and identity: a new landscape of social and political change in Sweden (ss. 118-140). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Fridolfsson, C. (2013). Faith community works in Sweden. I: Paul Cloke, Justin Beaumont & Andrew Williams, Working faith: faith-based organizations and urban social justice (ss. 185-200). Milton Keynes: Paternoster Press. [BibTeX]
- Dierckx, D. , Vranken, J. & Elander, I. (2012). Changing policies: how faith-based organisations participate in poverty policies. I: Justin Beaumont, Paul Cloke, Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European cities (ss. 155-172). Bristol: Policy Press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Davelaar, M. & Walliser, A. (2012). FBOs, urban governance and welfare state retrenchment. I: Justin Beaumont, Paul Cloke, Faith-based organisations and exclusion in European cities (ss. 81-104). . Policy Press. [BibTeX]
- Bachora, L. , Elander, I. & Fridolfsson, C. (2011). Faith-based organizations and social exclusion in Denmark. I: Faith-based organisations and social exclusion in Ireland and Denmark (ss. 27-66). Leuven: Acco. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Granberg, M. & Gustavsson, E. (2010). Kommunen - klimataktör med stor potential. I: Birgitta Johansson, Sverige i nytt klimat - våtvarm utmaning (ss. 389-400). Stockholm: Forskningsrådet Formas. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Elander, I. & Montin, S. (2010). Lärande och kunskapsbildning byggs in. I: Charli Eriksson, Eva Järliden, Annika Larsson, Solveig Sandberg, Partnerskap för hållbar välfärdsutveckling: utveckling och forskning under sex år i fyra städer (ss. 23-37). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2010). Vem deltar i områdesutveckling?. I: Charli Eriksson, Eva Järliden, Annika Larsson, Solveig Sandberg, Partnerskap för hållbar välfärdsutveckling: utveckling och forskning under sex år i fyra städer (ss. 189-198). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Fridolfsson, C. , Elander, I. , Granberg, M. & Amnå, E. (2009). FBOs and social exclusion in Sweden. I: Danielle Dierckx, Jan Vranken, Wendy Kerstens, Faith-based organisations and social exclusion in European cities: national context reports (ss. 161-196). Leuven: Acco. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Uggla, Y. (2009). Inledning. I: Ylva Uggla, Ingemar Elander, Global uppvärmning och lokal politik (ss. 7-14). Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. [BibTeX]
- Eckardt, F. & Elander, I. (2009). Introduction. I: Frank Eckardt, Ingemar Elander, Urban governance in Europe (ss. 7-20). Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. , Elander, I. & Lundmark, M. (2009). Klimatpolitikens lokala geografi: exempel från svenska kommuner. I: Ylva Uggla, Ingemar Elander, Global uppvärmning och lokal politik (ss. 83-108). Stockholm: Santérus Förlag. [BibTeX]
- Uggla, Y. & Elander, I. (2009). Kommunerna och klimatet: tendenser, möjligheter och problem. I: Ylva Uggla, Ingemar Elander, Global uppvärmning och lokal politik (ss. 129-136). Stockholm: academic press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Eriksson, C. & Fröding, K. (2009). Lokalt partnerskap för folkhälsa: innovation med djupa rötter i det svenska samhället. I: Gun Hedlund, Stig Montin, Governance på svenska (ss. 179-200). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press Sweden. [BibTeX]
- Lidskog, R. & Elander, I. (2006). Representation, deltagande eller samtal?: Demokratiteoretiska svar på dagens miljöproblem. I: Mats Ekström et al., Om demokratins villkor: Volym 1 (ss. 245-276). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Larsson, K. , Strömberg, T. & Elander, I. (2005). Vardagsliv och urbana regimer: Från urbana välfärdsregimer till fragmenterad stadspolitik. I: Ann-Catrin Andersson, Ingemar Elander, Staden som livsmiljö - vision och verklighet: Slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram (ss. 5-21). Örebro: Örebro universitet. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Åquist, A. (2001). Den motsägelsefulla staden. I: Ingemar Elander, Den motsägelsefulla staden: vardagsliv och urbana regimer (ss. 13-49). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Blanc, M. (2001). Partnerships and democracy: a happy couple in urban governance?. I: Hans Thor Andersen, Ronald van Kempen, Governing European cities: social fragmentation, social exclusion and urban governance (ss. 93-124). Aldershot: Ashgate. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Lidskog, R. (2000). The Rio Declaration and subsequent global initiatives. I: Nicholas Low, Brendan Gleeson, Ingemar Elander, Rolf Lidskog, Consuming cities: the urban environment in the global economy after the Rio Declaration (ss. 30-53). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Montin, S. (1994). European integration, regionalism and local self-government in Sweden. I: Udo Bullmann, Die Politik der dritten Ebene: Regionen im Europa der Union (ss. 281-309). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Danermark, B. (1994). Introduction. I: Berth Danermark & Ingemar Elander, Social Rented Housing in Europe: Policy, Tenure and Design (ss. 1-20). Delft, Netherlands: Delft University Press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1994). Paradise lost?: Desubsidization and social housing in Sweden. I: Berth Danermark & Ingemar Elander, Social Rented Housing in Europe: Policy, Tenure and Design (ss. 95-122). Delft, Netherlands: Delft University Press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1992). Whatever happened to Social Democracy and planning in Sweden? The case of local land and housing policy. I: Lennart J. Lundqvist, Policy, organization, tenure: a comparative history of housing in small welfare states. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (1991). Socialdemokratin och samhällsplaneringen. I: Thomas Hall, Perspektiv på planering: frågeställningar och frontlinjer inom planeringshistorisk forskning (ss. 75-108). Stockholm: Humanistisk-samhällsvetenskapliga forskningsrådet. [BibTeX]
- Kristianssen, A. , Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2015). Citizen-centred innovations between responsive and inclusive democracy.: Examples from a Swedish city.. Konferensbidrag vid Local Government and Urban governance: Citizen Responsive Innovations in Europe and in Africa. Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 9-10 April 2015. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. , Fridolfsson, C. & Gustavsson, E. (2013). Faith-based engagement and place: Searching for a Swedish muslim identity. Konferensbidrag vid Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies; session Faith, social justice and the city, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 1-3 July 2013. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Killing three birds with one stone?: Participatory planning and the challenge of multi-dimensional sustainability. Konferensbidrag vid EURA Conference Cities as Seedbeds for Innovation, organized by the European Urban Research Association Conference (EURA), the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 3-6 July 2013. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Eriksson, C. & Elander, I. (2012). Delaktighet för utvecklingen av en hälsosam stadsdel: metodutveckling och forskning. I: Folkhälsostämman 2012 folkhälsa för en hållbar framtid. Konferensbidrag vid Folkhälsostämman 2012 23-25 april, Stockholm. (ss. 80-80). Östersund: Statens folkhälsoinstitut. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2012). ‘My Green Neighbourhood’: potentials and limits of a redevelopment initiative in a stigmatized housing estate. Konferensbidrag vid Lund Conference on Earth System Governance, 18-20 April 2012. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2011). Community-academic partnership through a community-based participatory research process as knowledge production and action for a healthy and sustainable neighborhood. I: European Journal of Public Health. Konferensbidrag vid 4th European Public Health Conference. Public Health and Welfare – Welfare Development and Health. Copenhagen , 9-12 November, 2011. (ss. 59-59). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Geidne, J. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. (2011). Partnership for sustainable welfare development in four Swedish cities 2003-2009. I: European Journal of Public Health. Konferensbidrag vid 4th European Public Health Conference. Public Health and Welfare – Welfare Development and Health, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 9-12, 2011. (ss. 17-18). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2009). Local and Regional Climate Change Mitigation in the Financial Crisis: Burden or Opportunity?. I: The 15th ISDR Conference 2009 in Utrecht. Konferensbidrag vid The 15th ISDR Conference 2009 in Utrecht, NL, March 26-29, 2009. [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. & Gustavsson, E. (2007). Urban Governance, Networking Cities and Climate Change: The Swedish Context. I: SURF 2007. Konferensbidrag vid International Workshop Reproducing City-Regions: Rethinking Urbanism in an Era of Climate Change and Resource Constraint, SURF, Manchester, UK 19-20 July, 2007. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Elander, I. , Fröding, K. & Johansson, B. (2004). Healthy cities, social inclusion and urban governance: a research program. Konferensbidrag vid Conference on Public Space, Design Center, Lund University. February 5-6, 2004. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Elander, I. , Fröding, K. & Johansson, B. (2003). Research for healthy cities: theoretical and empirical perspectives on social inclusion, urban governance and sustainable welfare development. Konferensbidrag vid From evidence to policy to practice at the International Healthy Cities Conference, Session The Solid Facts, Belfast, Northern Ireland. UK, 19-22 October 2003. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. Community-academic partnership : a community-based participatory research process as knowledge production and action for a healthy and sustainable neighbourhood. [BibTeX]
- Fröding, K. , Geidne, J. , Elander, I. & Eriksson, C. Towards sustainable structures for neighbourhood development? : Healthy city research in four Swedish municipalities 2003 – 2009. [BibTeX]
- Edberg, K. , Fransson, A. & Elander, I. (2017). Island and the Pipeline: Gotland Facing the Geopolitical Power of Nord Stream. Örebro: Örebro University (Centrum för urbana och regionala studiers skriftserie 71). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2014). Social hållbarhet i stadsutveckling?: Uppföljning av tio projekt i svenska städer. Örebro: Örebro Universitet (Centrum för urbana och regionala studiers skriftserie 70). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). "My Green Neighbourhood": sustainability potential of a redevelopment initiative in a stigmatized housing estate. Örebro: (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 68). [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (2013). På väg mot en sammanhållen nationell stadspolitik-: önskedröm eller möjlighet?. Karlskrona: Boverket, Myndigheten för samhällsplanering, byggande och boende (Bilaga 4 till rapporten Främjande av hållbar stadsutveckling – slutrapportering av ett regeringsuppdrag till Boverket, Riksantikvarieämbetet, Formas och Arkitekturmuseet. ). [BibTeX]
- Gustavsson, E. & Elander, I. (2013). Social hållbarhet inte bara "sustainababble"?: Från mångtydig vision till analytiskt redskap vid uppföljning av stadsbyggnadsprojekt. Örebro: (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 69). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, A. & Elander, I. (2005). Staden som livsmiljö: vision och verklighet: slutrapport från ett forskningsprogram. Örebro: Örebro universitet (Centrum för Urbana och Regionala Studiers skriftserie 59). [BibTeX]
Samlingsverk (redaktör)
- Elander, I. (ed.) (2022). Urban Renewal, Governance and Sustainable Development: More of the Same or New Paths?.. MDPI. [BibTeX]
- Uggla, Y. (ed.) & Elander, I. (ed.) (2009). Global uppvärmning och lokal politik (1ed.). Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press. [BibTeX]
- Eckardt, F. (ed.) & Elander, I. (ed.) (2009). Urban governance in Europe. Berlin: BWV Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag (Future urban research in Europe 2). [BibTeX]
- Elander, I. (ed.) (2001). Den motsägelsefulla staden: vardagsliv och urbana regimer (1ed.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. [BibTeX]
- Low, N. (ed.) , Gleeson, B. (ed.) , Elander, I. (ed.) & Lidskog, R. (ed.) (2000). Consuming cities: the urban environment in the global economy after the Rio Declaration (1ed.). London: Routledge. [BibTeX]
- Danermark, B. (ed.) & Elander, I. (ed.) (1994). Social Rented Housing in Europe: Policy, Tenure and Design (1ed.). Delft, Netherlands: Delft University Press (Housing and urban policy studies 9). [BibTeX]