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Ines Trindade

Ines Trindade Befattning: Biträdande lektor Organisation: Institutionen för beteende-, social- och rättsvetenskap

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Ines Trindade
Forskningsämne Forskningsmiljöer

Om Ines Trindade

Inês is a clinical psychologist, lecturer, and researcher with expertise in behavioural medicine. She holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology (2018), a MSc in Clinical and Health Psychology (2013), and a BSc in Psychological Sciences (2011) from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Inês was a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Coimbra (2019-2021) and, later, at the Institute of Medicine of the University of Gothenburg (2021-2023). She has also worked as Invited Assistant Professor of the Portuguese Institute for Psychology and Other Sciences (Inspsic), since 2019.

Her research and teaching focuses on contextual behavioural science (or third wave Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, mindfulness, compassion-based interventions) and health psychology topics, in particular, psycho-gastroenterology and psycho-oncology. She is currently the course responsible for Health Psychology T2 at Örebro University, where she also supervises MSc theses and leads the EMBRACE Lab (Exploring Mind-Body Relationships And Contextual-bEhavioural interventions in illness).

Inês' research interests relate to the determinants of psychological and physical health/illness, and to the development and evaluation (efficacy and cost-effectiveness) of face-to-face and digital contextual behavioural interventions. Her research so far has mostly involved persons with Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, COVID-19, and chronic pain. She is currently the Principal Investigator of several multidisciplinary research projects (mostly Randomized Controlled Trials), being conducted in Sweden and Portugal. 

Inês has attracted over 1.2 million euros (13 million SEK) in competitive research funding as main applicant, and over 600.000 euros (6.5 million SEK) as co-applicant. She has published over 80 peer-reviewed papers (e.g., British Journal of Health Psychology, American Journal of Gastroenterology, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Quality of Life Research, Appetite), resulting in over 2500 citations (g.scholar: h-index 31; i10-index 61).

Inês serves as Associate Editor for the British Journal of Health Psychology and the Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.


Artiklar i tidskrifter |  Artiklar, forskningsöversikter |  Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar |  Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier |  Konferensbidrag |  Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar |  Övrigt | 

Artiklar i tidskrifter

Artiklar, forskningsöversikter

Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar

Kapitel i böcker, del av antologier


  • Nogueira, M. R. , Menezes, P. , Carvalho, S. , Patrão, B. , Trindade, I. A. , Guiomar, R. , Duarte, J. , Lapa, T. & et al. (2020). Design and Usability of an E-Health Mobile Application. I: Aaron Marcus, Elizabeth Rosenzweig,  Design, User Experience, and Usability. Case Studies in Public and Personal Interactive Systems 9th International Conference, DUXU 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part III. Konferensbidrag vid 22nd HCI International Conference (HCII 2020), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020. (ss. 314-328). Springer. [BibTeX]

Licentiatavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
