Evelina Pantzar
Evelina Pantzar Befattning: Affilierad forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: ZXZlbGluYS5wYW50emFyO29ydS5zZQ==
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Om Evelina Pantzar
Specialist i ortopedi med inriktning barnortopedi, arbetar på universitetssjukhuset i Örebro. Kombinerar det kliniska arbetet med forskning samt är involverad i läkarutbildningen och sitter med i temagruppen för Neurologi och Rörelse.
Sedan 2014/2015 arbetar Evelina med sitt avhandlingsarbete inom barnortopedi. Barn med cerebral pares och deras gångförmåga. Titel: Crouch gait in bilateral Cerebral Palsy.
Artiklar i tidskrifter |
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Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Silvano, P. , Pantzar-Castilla, E. & Lundqvist, E. (2024). Arthrodesis of distal interphalangeal and thumb interphalangeal joint: a retrospective cohort study of 149 cases. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pantzar-Castilla, E. , Balta, D. , Croce, U. D. , Cereatti, A. & Riad, J. (2024). Feasibility and usefulness of video-based markerless two-dimensional automated gait analysis, in providing objective quantification of gait and complementing the evaluation of gait in children with cerebral palsy. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Bergkvist, A. , Lundqvist, E. & Pantzar-Castilla, E. (2023). Distal radius fractures in children aged 5-12 years: a Swedish nationwide register-based study of 25 777 patients. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pantzar, E. , Wretenberg, P. & Riad, J. (2021). Knee flexion contracture impacts functional mobility in children with cerebral palsy with various degree of involvement: a cross-sectional register study of 2,838 individuals. Acta Orthopaedica, 92 (4), 472-478. [BibTeX]
- Pantzar-Castilla, E. , Chen, B. P. , Miller, F. & Riad, J. (2021). The influence of preoperative knee flexion contracture severity on short-term outcome of orthopedic surgery in ambulatory children with bilateral cerebral palsy. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 22 (1). [BibTeX]
- Pantzar-Castilla, E. , Cereatti, A. , Figari, G. , Valeri, N. , Paolini, G. , Della Croce, U. , Magnuson, A. & Riad, J. (2018). Knee joint sagittal plane movement in cerebral palsy: a comparative study of 2-dimensional markerless video and 3-dimensional gait analysis. Acta Orthopaedica, 89 (6), 656-661. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Pantzar-Castilla, E. (2021). Knee flexion contracture and flexed knee gait in children with cerebral palsy. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Cocchi, I. , Figari, G. , Valeri, N. , Paolini, G. , Della Croce, U. , Cereatti, A. , Pantzar-Castilla, E. , Magnuson, A. & et al. (2019). A 2D markerless gait analysis protocol to estimate the sagittal joint kinematics of children with cerebral palsy. I: 2019 IEEE 23RD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CONSUMER TECHNOLOGIES (ISCT). Konferensbidrag vid 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Technologies (ISCT 2019), Ancona, Italy, June 19-21, 2019. (ss. 192-196). IEEE. [BibTeX]
- Pantzar-Castilla, E. , Baltab, D. , Cereattib, A. & Riada, J. Video-based markerless two-dimensional gait analysis with automated processing is feasible, provides objective quantification of gait and complements the follow-up of children with cerebral palsy. [BibTeX]