Emma Nilsing Strid
Emma Nilsing Strid Befattning: Affilierad forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: ZW1tYS5uaWxzaW5nLXN0cmlkO29ydS5zZQ==
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Rum: L2544

Om Emma Nilsing Strid
Emma är docent och affilierad forskare vid Institutionen för Medicinska vetenskaper vid Örebro Universitet. Hon arbetar som fysioterapeut vid Arbets- och miljömedicin och forskningshandledare vid Universitetssjukvårdens forskningscentrum, Region Örebro län.
Emma disputerade 2013 vid Linköpings universitet med ett avhandlingsarbete som belyste sjukskrivningsprocessen. Forskningsintresset berör långvarig smärta, arbetsliv och implementering med metodologisk kompetens inom kvalitativ metod. Emma är huvudhandledare till två doktorander vid Örebro universitet samt bihandledare till tre doktorander, varav en vid Linköpings universitet.
Emma är återkommande seminarieledare på forskarutbildningskurserna General Scientific Methods in Medical Sciences och Research Ethics samt på Arbetsterapeutprogrammet. Tidigare handledare på Vetenskapligt förhållningssätt, kurs för ST-läkare, basgruppshandledare på läkarprogrammet Örebro universitet och har handlett fysioterapistudenter på magister- och masternivå vid Linköpings universitet. Under flera år undervisat vid Fysioterapeutprogrammet vid Linköpings universitet.
Anlitas som refereegranskare i vetenskapliga tidskrifter inom främst occupational health och rehabilitering. Ledamot i Forskningskommittén, Region Örebro län.
Pågående projekt
- Act in Time - Implementering av ett mer hälsofrämjande arbetssätt i primärvården
- En kvalitativ studie om äldres, anhörigas och vårdpersonals upplevelser av vården av äldre
- Kvalitativa studier om upplevelser av arbetsförmåga och arbetssituation samt av att ha deltagit i ett internetbaserat träningsprogram för långvariga besvär efter whiplashskada
- ReActivate: Fysioterapeutledd intervention för unga med smärta och psykiska besvär
- Vård och arbetsskador - avvikelserapportering samt vårdpersonals erfarenheter av riskfyllda situationer för patient och vårdpersonal
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Peterson, G. , Nilsing Strid, E. , Jönsson, M. , Hävermark, J. & Peolsson, A. (2024). Effect of neck-specific exercises with and without internet support on cervical range of motion and neck muscle endurance in chronic whiplash-associated disorders: analysis of functional outcomes of a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 56. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Wallin, L. & Nilsagård, Y. (2024). Exploring expectations and readiness for healthy lifestyle promotion in Swedish primary health care: a qualitative analysis of managers, facilitators, and professionals. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 42 (1), 201-213. [BibTeX]
- Westerling, U. , Hellgren, M. , Hermansson, L. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2024). Informal caregivers' experiences of support from a tailored primary healthcare unit for older adults: A focus group study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 38 (3), 730-744. [BibTeX]
- Peolsson, A. , Nilsing Strid, E. & Peterson, G. (2024). Novel Internet Support for Neck-Specific Rehabilitation Improves Work-Related Outcomes to the Same Extent as Extensive Visits to a Physiotherapy Clinic in Individuals with Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders: A Prospective Randomised Study. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 34 (4), 873-883. [BibTeX]
- Tofiq, a. , Eriksson Crommert, M. , Zakrisson, A. , von Euler, M. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2024). Physical functioning post-COVID-19 and the recovery process: a mixed methods study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 46 (8), 1570-1579. [BibTeX]
- Wåhlin, C. , Buck, S. , Enthoven, P. , Andreassen, M. , Sandqvist, J. , Haraldsson, P. , Fock, J. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2024). Risk assessment of healthcare workers' exposure to physical load in relation to patient handling and movement: a feasibility study of the instrument TilThermometer. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 25 (1). [BibTeX]
- Wåhlin, C. , Buck, S. , Sandqvist, J. , Enthoven, P. , Fock, J. , Andreassen, M. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2023). Evaluation of the implementation and effectiveness of a multifactorial intervention strategy for safe patient handling and movement in the healthcare sector: a study protocol of a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open, 13 (2). [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Wallin, L. & Nilsagård, Y. (2023). Expectations on implementation of a health promotion practice using individually targeted lifestyle interventions in primary health care: a qualitative study. BMC Primary Care, 24 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Gustafson, F. , Peolsson, A. & Hermansen, A. (2023). Physiotherapists' experiences of internet-based neck-specific exercises for patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders. Digital Health, 9. [BibTeX]
- Peterson, G. , Carlfjord, S. , Nilsing Strid, E. , Ask, S. , Jönsson, M. & Peolsson, A. (2022). Evaluation of implementation and effectiveness of neck-specific exercise for persistent disability and pain after whiplash injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled study using a hybrid 2 design. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Wallin, L. & Nilsagård, Y. (2022). Implementation of a Health Promotion Practice Using Individually Targeted Lifestyle Interventions in Primary Health Care: Protocol for the "Act in Time" Mixed Methods Process Evaluation Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11 (8). [BibTeX]
- Westerling, U. , Hellgren, M. , Hermansson, L. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2022). In safe hands: a qualitative study on older adults' experiences of a tailored primary health care unit. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 40 (2), 271-280. [BibTeX]
- Buck, S. , Sandqvist, J. , Nilsing Strid, E. , Knibbe, H. J. J. , Enthoven, P. & Wåhlin, C. (2022). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the risk assessment instrument TilThermometer for a Swedish version: patient handling in the healthcare sector. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Wåhlin, C. , Ros, A. & Kvarnström, S. (2021). Health care workers' experiences of workplace incidents that posed a risk of patient and worker injury: a critical incident technique analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Peolsson, A. , Hermansen, A. , Peterson, G. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2021). Return to work a bumpy road: a qualitative study on experiences of work ability and work situation in individuals with chronic whiplash-associated disorders. BMC Public Health, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. & Ekelius-Hamping, M. (2020). Experiences of sexual health in persons with hip and knee osteoarthritis: a qualitative study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 21 (1). [BibTeX]
- Ohlsson Nevo, E. , Andersson, G. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2020). In the hands of nurses: A focus group study of how nurses perceive and promote inpatients' needs for physical activity. Nursing Open, 7 (1), 334-344. [BibTeX]
- Wåhlin, C. , Kvarnström, S. , Öhrn, A. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2020). Patient and healthcare worker safety risks and injuries: Learning from incident reporting. European Journal of Physiotherapy, 22 (1), 44-50. [BibTeX]
- Carlfjord, S. , Nilsing-Strid, E. , Johansson, K. , Holmgren, T. & Öberg, B. (2019). Practitioner experiences from the structured implementation of evidence-based practice in primary care physiotherapy: A qualitative study. Journal of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 25 (4), 622-629. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Söderberg, E. & Öberg, B. (2014). Sickness certificates: what information do they provide about rehabilitation?. Disability and Rehabilitation, 36 (15), 1299-1304. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Söderberg, E. , Berterö, C. & Öberg, B. (2013). Primary Healthcare Professionals' Experiences of the Sick Leave Process: A Focus Group Study in Sweden. Journal of occupational rehabilitation, 23 (3), 450-461. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Söderberg, E. & Öberg, B. (2012). Sickness certificates in Sweden: did the new guidelines improve their quality?. BMC Public Health, 12. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Söderberg, E. , Normelli, H. & Öberg, B. (2011). Description of functioning in sickness certificates. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 39 (5), 508-516. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Wåhlin, C. , Stigmar, K. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2022). A systematic review of work interventions to promote safe patient handling and movement in the healthcare sector. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 28 (4), 2520-2532. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Nilsing Strid, E. (2013). The Sick Leave Process: Sick Leave Guidelines, Sickness Certificates, and Experiences of Professionals. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press. [BibTeX]
- Buck, S. , Sandqvist, J. , Nilsing Strid, E. , Knibbe, H. J. , Enthoven, P. & Wåhlin, C. (2022). Risk assessment of physical exposure among healthcare workers when performing patient handling - Translation and cross-cultural validation of the TilThermometer for a Swedish version. I: SH@W Safety and Health at Work. Konferensbidrag vid 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022), (Digital congress), February 6-10, 2022. (ss. S215-S215). Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. [BibTeX]
- Nilsing Strid, E. , Wahlin, C. , Ros, A. & Kvarnström, S. (2022). Safe health care for both patients and workers - what can we learn from health care workers' narratives of workplace incidents posing risk for patient and worker injury?. I: SH@W Safety and Health at Work. Konferensbidrag vid 33rd International Congress on Occupational Health 2022 (ICOH 2022), (Digital congress), February 6-10, 2022. (ss. S211-S211). Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute. [BibTeX]
- Wåhlin, C. , Nilsing Strid, E. & Stigmar, K. (2019). Säkrare personförflyttningar: Åtgärder i arbetsmiljön för medarbetare inom hälso- och sjukvård samt omsorg. Konferensbidrag vid Fysioterapi 2019, Stockholm, Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, October 23-25, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Wåhlin, C. , Stigmar, K. & Nilsing Strid, E. (2019). Säkrare personförflyttningar: Åtgärder i arbetsmiljön för medarbetare inom hälso- och sjukvård samt omsorg.. Arbetsmiljöverket (Kunskapssammanställning 2019:6). [BibTeX]