Elodie Ponsot
Elodie Ponsot Befattning: Universitetslektor Organisation: Institutionen för hälsovetenskaperE-post: ZWxvZGllLnBvbnNvdDtvcnUuc2U=
Telefon: 019 301094
Rum: G2120
Om Elodie Ponsot
Elodie Ponsot är docent i idrottsvetenskap (2013). Sedan augusti 2019 är Elodie också enhetschef för enheten Idrott. Sedan 2021 leder hon forskargruppen EPSM (Exercise Physiology and Sport Medicine).
År 2004 tog hon sin doktorsexamen vid Strasbourgs universitet, Frankrike. Hennes avhandling handlade om mitokondriell muskelfunktions plasticitet till följd av träning under hypoxi hos elitidrottare (med stöd av Internationella olympiska kommittén) och förmånsanvändning av energiska substrat.
Mellan 2005 och 2011 var hon postdoktor vid Örebro universitet, först som forskningsassistent, sedan som universitetslektor. Hon är anställd som universitetslektor sedan 2012. Hennes forskning fokuserar på akuta och kroniska träningsinducerade anpassningar med ett integrerande tillvägagångssätt, dvs. från fysisk funktion till molekylära och cellulära mekanismer. Med detta tillvägagångssätt har hon erfarenhet av och har ett starkt intresse för att utveckla studier som är utformade för att bättre förstå användningen av träning för att 1) optimera prestanda i sport (t.ex. träningsinterventioner, återhämtningsstrategier), 2) främja hälsa i livsstadier (t.ex. hälsosamt åldrande) och 3) förbättra hälsotillståndet hos patienter med kroniska sjukdomar (t.ex. neuromuskulära störningar, diabetes) eller i rehabiliteringsprocessen.
Elodie Ponsot har genom åren även bidragit mycket till utvecklingen av plattformen Sport Science lab.
Hon har 20 års erfarenhet av undervisning på universitetsnivå inom idrottsfysiologi, molekylära bedömningar och vetenskapliga metoder på kandidat-, magister- och forskarnivå. Hon har också varit programansvarig för idrottsvetenskap och tränarprogrammet (2017-2019) vid enheten för idrottsvetenskap.
Pågående projekt
- Att förebygga med precision: en individanpassad metod för att skapa livslång hälsa på arbetet
- Patofysiologi och fysisk aktivitet
- Återhämtning inom idrott
Avslutade projekt
- Epidemilogical and molecular links between chronic inflammation, physical activity, diet and muscle mass in elderly
- Exercise therapy in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy - Integration of physical training in lifestyle to induce functional, tissue and quality of life benefits
- Fysiologiska förändringar och anpassningar till träning
- New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of elderly population for an healthy ageing in Europe
- Physical activity and diabetes in young adults
- Physical activity, nutrition, inflammation and the metabolic syndrome in elderly: Epidemiology and in-vitro
- The regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle in relation to aging and exercise
- TWH 65-70 A randomized controlled trial of health effects of training & dietary intervention in elderly women
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Horwath, O. , Montiel Rojas, D. , Ponsot, E. , Féasson, L. & Kadi, F. (2025). Increased muscle satellite cell content and preserved telomere length in response to combined exercise training in patients with FSHD. Journal of Physiology. [BibTeX]
- Särnblad, S. , Ponsot, E. , Leprêtre, P. & Kadi, F. (2021). Acute effects of aerobic continuous, intermittent and resistance exercise on glycemia in adolescents males with type 1 diabetes. Pediatric Diabetes, 22 (4), 610-617. [BibTeX]
- Strandberg, E. , Ponsot, E. , Piehl-Aulin, K. , Falk, G. & Kadi, F. (2019). Resistance Training Alone or Combined With N-3 PUFA-Rich Diet in Older Women: Effects on Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences, 74 (4), 489-494. [BibTeX]
- Montiel Rojas, D. , Nilsson, A. , Ponsot, E. , Brummer, R. J. , Fairweather-Tait, S. , Jennings, A. , de Groot, L. C. P. G. M. , Berendsen, A. & et al. (2018). Short Telomere Length Is Related to Limitations in Physical Function in Elderly European Adults. Frontiers in Physiology, 9. [BibTeX]
- Sillanpää, E. , Niskala, P. , Laakkonen, E. K. , Ponsot, E. , Alén, M. , Kaprio, J. , Kadi, F. , Kovanen, V. & et al. (2017). Leukocyte and Skeletal Muscle Telomere Length and Body Composition in Monozygotic Twin Pairs Discordant for Long-term Hormone Replacement Therapy. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 20 (2), 119-131. [BibTeX]
- Mackey, A. L. , Rasmussen, L. K. , Kadi, F. , Schjerling, P. , Helmark, I. C. , Ponsot, E. , Aagaard, P. , Durigan, J. L. Q. & et al. (2016). Activation of satellite cells and the regeneration of human skeletal muscle are expedited by ingestion of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. The FASEB Journal, 30 (6), 2266-2281. [BibTeX]
- Bankole, L. , Millet, G. Y. , Temesi, J. , Bachasson, D. , Ravelojaona, M. , Wuyam, B. , Verges, S. , Ponsot, E. & et al. (2016). Safety and efficacy of a 6-month home-based exercise program in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy A randomized controlled trial. Medicine, 95 (31). [BibTeX]
- Strandberg, E. , Edholm, P. , Ponsot, E. , Wåhlin-Larsson, B. , Hellmén, E. , Nilsson, A. , Engfeldt, P. , Cederholm, T. & et al. (2015). Influence of combined resistance training and healthy diet on muscle mass in healthy elderly women: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of applied physiology, 119 (8), 918-925. [BibTeX]
- Marklund, P. , Mattsson, C. M. , Wåhlin-Larsson, B. , Ponsot, E. , Lindvall, B. , Lindvall, L. , Ekblom, B. & Kadi, F. (2013). Extensive inflammatory cell infiltration in human skeletal muscle in response to an ultraendurance exercise bout in experienced athletes. Journal of applied physiology, 114 (1), 66-72. [BibTeX]
- Bankole, L. , Feasson, L. , Ponsot, E. & Kadi, F. (2013). Fibre type-specific satellite cell content in two models of muscle disease. Histopathology, 63 (6), 826-832. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Echaniz-Laguna, A. , Delis, A. & Kadi, F. (2012). Telomere length and regulatory proteins in human skeletal muscle with and without ongoing regenerative cycles. Experimental Physiology, 97 (6), 774-784. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Langberg, H. , Krogsgaard, M. R. , Kjaer, M. & Kadi, F. (2011). Telomere length of anterior crucial ligament after rupture: similar telomere length in injured and noninjured ACL portions. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 29 (1), 79-83. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. P. , Doutreleau, S. , Lonsdorfer-Wolf, E. , Lampert, E. , Piquard, F. , Geny, B. , Mettauer, B. & et al. (2010). Impairment of maximal aerobic power with moderate hypoxia in endurance athletes: do skeletal muscle mitochondria play a role?. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 298 (3), R558-R566. [BibTeX]
- Daussin, F. , Zoll, J. , Dufour, S. , Ponsot, E. , Lonsdorfer-Wolf, E. , Doutreleau, S. , Mettauer, B. , Piquard, F. & et al. (2008). Effect of interval versus continuous training on cardiorespiratory and mitochondrial functions: relationship to aerobic performance improvements in sedentary subjects. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 295 (1), R264-272. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. & Kadi, F. (2008). Signal modelization for improved precision of assessment of minimum and mean telomere lengths. Electrophoresis, 29 (2), 542-544. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Lexell, J. & Kadi, F. (2008). Skeletal muscle telomere length is not impaired in healthy physically active old women and men. Muscle and Nerve, 37 (4), 467-472. [BibTeX]
- Kadi, F. , Ponsot, E. , Piehl-Aulin, K. , Mackey, A. , Kjaer, M. , Oskarsson, E. & Holm, L. (2008). The effects of regular strength training on telomere length in human skeletal muscle. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 40 (1), 82-87. [BibTeX]
- Daussin, F. , Zoll, J. , Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. , Doutreleau, S. , Lonsdorfer, E. , Ventura-Clapier, R. , Mettauer, B. & et al. (2008). Training at high exercise intensity promotes qualitative adaptations of mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle. Journal of applied physiology, 104 (5), 1436-1441. [BibTeX]
- Daussin, F. N. , Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. P. , Lonsdorfer-Wolf, E. , Doutreleau, S. , Geny, B. , Piquard, F. & Richard, R. (2007). Improvement of VO2max by cardiac output and oxygen extraction adaptation during intermittent versus continuous endurance training. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 101 (3), 377-83. [BibTeX]
- Zoll, J. , Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. & Flück, M. (2007). Reply to Padilla, Hamilton, Lundgren, Mckenzie, and Mickleborough. Journal of applied physiology, 103, 731-732. [BibTeX]
- Pialoux, V. , Mounier, R. , Ponsot, E. , Rock, E. , Mazur, A. , Dufour, S. , Richard, R. , Richalet, J. & et al. (2006). Effects of exercise and training in hypoxia on antioxidant/pro-oxidant balance. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60 (12), 1345-54. [BibTeX]
- Dufour, S. P. , Ponsot, E. , Zoll, J. , Doutreleau, S. , Lonsdorfer-Wolf, E. , Geny, B. , Lampert, E. , Flück, M. & et al. (2006). Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners. I. Improvement in aerobic performance capacity.. Journal of applied physiology, 100 (4), 1238-48. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. P. , Zoll, J. , Doutrelau, S. , N'Guessan, B. , Geny, B. , Hoppeler, H. , Lampert, E. & et al. (2006). Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners. II. Improvement of mitochondrial properties in skeletal muscle. Journal of applied physiology, 100 (4), 1249-57. [BibTeX]
- Zoll, J. , Ponsot, E. , Dufour, S. , Doutreleau, S. , Ventura-Clapier, R. , Vogt, M. , Hoppeler, H. , Richard, R. & et al. (2006). Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia in endurance runners. III. Muscular adjustments of selected gene transcripts. Journal of applied physiology, 100 (4), 1258-66. [BibTeX]
- Echaniz-Laguna, A. , Zoll, J. , Ponsot, E. , N'guessan, B. , Tranchant, C. , Loeffler, J. & Lampert, E. (2006). Muscular mitochondrial function in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is progressively altered as the disease develops: A temporal study in man. Experimental Neurology, 198 (1), 25-30. [BibTeX]
- Zoll, J. , Ponsot, E. , Doutreleau, S. , Mettauer, B. , Piquard, F. , Mazzucotelli, J. P. , Diemunsch, P. & Geny, B. (2005). Acute myocardial ischaemia induces specific alterations of ventricular mitochondrial function in experimental pigs. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 185 (1), 25-32. [BibTeX]
- Dufour, S. , Ponsot, E. , Zoll, J. & Richard, R. (2005). Comments on Point: Counterpoint "Positive effects of intermittent hypoxia (live high:train low) on exercise performance are/are not mediated primarily by augmented red cell volume''. Journal of applied physiology, 99 (6), 2455-2455. [BibTeX]
- Ponsot, E. , Zoll, J. , N'guessan, B. , Ribera, F. , Lampert, E. , Richard, R. , Veksler, V. , Ventura-Clapier, R. & et al. (2005). Mitochondrial tissue specificity of substrates utilization in rat cardiac and skeletal muscles. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 203 (3), 479-86. [BibTeX]
- Di Donna, S. , Renault, V. , Forestier, C. , Piron-Hamelin, G. , Thiesson, D. , Cooper, R. N. , Ponsot, E. , Decary, S. & et al. (2000). Regenerative capacity of human satellite cells: the mitotic clock in cell transplantation. Neurological Sciences, 21 (5 Suppl), S943-51. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Kadi, F. & Ponsot, E. (2010). The biology of satellite cells and telomeres in human skeletal muscle: effects of aging and physical activity. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, 20 (1), 39-48. [BibTeX]
- N'Guessan, B. , Zoll, J. , Ribera, F. , Ponsot, E. , Lampert, E. , Ventura-Clapier, R. , Veksler, V. & Mettauer, B. (2004). Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative aspects of mitochondrial function in human skeletal and cardiac muscles. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 256-257 (1-2), 267-80. [BibTeX]
- Särnblad, S. , Ponsot, E. & Kadi, F. (2017). Acute effects on glycemia of different types of exercise in youths with type 1 diabetes. Konferensbidrag vid ISPAD 2017, Innsbruck, Austria, October 18-21, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Leprêtre, P. M. , Ponsot, E. , Särnblad, S. & Kadi, F. (2016). Cardiorespiratory responses to incremental exercise in Type 1 diabetic patients: a comparison between patients with poor and good glycaemia control. Konferensbidrag vid 26ièmes Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie, Paris, France, 13-16 jan., 2016. [BibTeX]
- Wahlin-Larsson, P. , Edholm, P. , Mattsson, C. , Ponsot, E. , Lindvall, B. , Ekblom, L. & Kadi, F. (2012). Ultra-endurance exercise is associated with extensive inflammatory cell infiltration in human skeletal muscle of experienced athletes. Konferensbidrag vid European College of Sport Science Congress, Bruges, Belgium, July 4-6, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Strandberg, E. , Ponsot, E. , Piehl-Aulin, K. , Falk, G. , Hosford-Donovan, A. & Kadi, F. Mechanisms mediating skeletal muscle hypertrophy in older women following resistanceexercise combined to healthy diet. [BibTeX]