Dag Stranneby
Dag Stranneby Befattning: Professor emeritus Organisation: Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknikE-post: dag.stranneby@oru.se
Telefon: 0703 734346
Rum: T2253

Om Dag Stranneby
Dag Stranneby är enhetschef/studierektor vid Institutionen för Naturvetenskap och Teknik vid Örebro universitet där han också är professor i Elektronikproduktion. Han är vidare föreståndare för Campus Alfred Nobel i Karlskoga.
Hans huvudområden är tillämpad elektromagnetisk fältteori, digital signalbehandling och radiosystemteknik. Forskningsintressen: Tekniska, taktila hjälpmedel för dövblinda, passiv intermodulation i radiosystem, EMC och skärmning, ESD-säkerhet, beröringsfri mätning samt modellering och simulering i olika kontexter.
Dag ger externa föreläsningar i grundläggande fysik, ellära, elektronik, radioteknik, automation, regler- och styrteknik samt teknikhistoria. Han har praktisk undervisningsvana från förskole- till universitetsnivå.
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. & Borg, E. (2018). Ready-Ride: A tactile communications aid to improve the mobility of persons with deafblindness in a riding arena. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Scientific Innovation, 3 (1), 56-62. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. , Akner Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2017). Identification of vibrotactile morse code on abdomen and wrist. International Journal of Engineering, Technology and Scientific Innovation, 1 (4), 351-366. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2014). A Primer on PIM. Electronic environment (4), 10-12. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2013). ESD risks in industrial environments. Electronic environment (4), 10-13. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2009). Mätmetoder och problem. Electronic environment (4), 26-30. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. & Erik, B. (2009). Vibrotactile identification of signal-processed sounds from environmental events. Journal of rehabilitation research and development, 46 (8), 1021-1036. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Borg, E. , Philipson, L. & Stranneby, D. (2008). Auditive identification of signal-processed environmental sounds: monitoring the environment. International Journal of Audiology, 47 (12), 724-736. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, B. & Stranneby, D. (2005). Long-term charge retention on PWBs. Journal of Electrostatics, 63 (6-10), 597-602. [BibTeX]
- Salamati, M. & Stranneby, D. (2003). Electromagnetic signatures as a tool for connectionless test. IEEE Design & Test of Computers, 20 (2), 26-30. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2004). Cyfrowe przetwarzanie sygnatow: metody, algorytmy, zastosowania. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo BTC. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. & Walker, W. (2004). Digital signal processing and applications (2ed.). Oxford: Newnes. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, B. & Stranneby, D. (2002). ESD – elektrostatiska urladdningar: risker och skydd vid elektronikhantering. Stockholm: Sveriges verkstadsindustrier (VI). [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2001). Digital signal processing: DSP & applications (1ed.). Oxford: Newnes. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. & Borg, E. (2018). Hudens multivibratoriska diskriminationsförmåga för kommunikation med Braille. Konferensbidrag vid TeMa Hörsel 2018, Örebro, Sweden, 13-15 March, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. & Borg, E. (2018). Ready-Ride, Ready-Move and VibroBraille Three Tactile Aids to Improve the Mobility of Persons with Deafness, Blindness or Deafblindness. Konferensbidrag vid European Congress of Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA), Worcester, England, 3-5 July, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. , Borg, E. & Akner-Koler, C. (2017). Haptic technical aids Distime, Monitor, Good vibrations, Ready-Ride and VibroBraille for improvement of Time perception, Environmental perception, music perception, mobility and communication for persons with deafblindness: Tactile aids. I: Tactile aids. Konferensbidrag vid The 9th DbI European conference on Deafblindness in Denmark, Aalborg, Denmark, September 5-8, 2017. Ahlborg: [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. , Akner-Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2014). Haptic Technical Aids for EnvironmentalPerception, Time Perception and Mobility (in a Riding Arena) for Persons with Deafblindness. I: HAPTICS: NEUROSCIENCE, DEVICES, MODELING, AND APPLICATIONS, PT II. Konferensbidrag vid 9th International Conference on Haptics - Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling and Applications (EuroHaptics), Versailles, France, June 24-27, 2014. (ss. 488-490). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. , Akner-Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2014). Haptic technical aids for improvement of Time perception, Environmental perception and Mobility (in a riding arena) and Music perception for persons with deafblindness. Konferensbidrag vid NAS International Conference on Audiology 2014, Turku, Finland, 1-3 September, 2014. Turku: [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2014). Introduction to Passive Intermodulation PIM. Konferensbidrag vid Electronica 2014, 26th International Trade Fair for Electronic Components, Systems and Applications Messe München. November 11 - 14, 2014. Münich, Germany. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2014). PIM - Passive InterModulation. Konferensbidrag vid International meeting Nolato. August 26-27, 2014. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2013). Shielding challenges at 50 GHz and up. Konferensbidrag vid International meeting Nolato. August 29-30, 2013. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2012). EMI, Shielding and Gaskets. Konferensbidrag vid International meeting Nolato. August 28-29, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Stranneby, D. , Akner-Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2012). Monitor: a vibrotactile aid to improve environmental perception of persons with severe hearing impairment/deafblindness. I: TeMA Hörsel, 2012. Konferensbidrag vid TeMA Hörsel 2012, Linköping, 28-30 mars, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. , Ranjbar, P. , Akner-Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2012). Ready-Ride: a positioning and communication system to increase the autonomy of riders with visual impairment/deafblindness. Konferensbidrag vid TeMA Hörsel 2012, Linköping. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2011). Electromagnetics and Shielding. Konferensbidrag vid International meeting Nolato, September 1-2, 2011. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. , Ranjbar, P. , Montgomery Cederheim, A. , RantanenPeterson, M. , Akner-Koler, C. & Borg, E. (2011). Ready-Ride Increase the Autonomy of Riders with Deafblindness. Konferensbidrag vid Demonstration NO:32, haptics2011, Istanbul. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. & Borg, E. (2007). Ready-ride: A positioning and signaling system to support autonomous riding for the deaf-blind (R&L). I: 14th Deafblind International World Conference 25th–30th September 2007 Burswood Convention Centre Perth, Western Australia, Australia. Conference Proceedings Breaking the isolation. Konferensbidrag vid 14th Deafblind International World Conference, Perth, Australia. September 25-30, 2007. (ss. 737-740). [BibTeX]
- Andersson, B. & Stranneby, D. (2007). Remote monitoring of Electrostatic Charges in an EPA. Konferensbidrag vid E3 konferens och mässa, Gothenburg, Sweden. April 17-18, 2007. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2007). What color is the Electron?. Konferensbidrag vid E3 Konferens och Mässa. Gothenburg, Sweden. April 17-18, 2007. [BibTeX]
- Samadi, M. & Stranneby, D. (2005). Connectionless Testing. Konferensbidrag vid RVK05, Radiovetenskap och kommunikation. Linköping, Sweden. June 14-16, 2005. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, B. & Stranneby, D. (2005). Long term charge retention on PWBs. Konferensbidrag vid 10th International Conference on Electrostatics, Electrostatics 2005, June 15 – 17, 2005, Espoo/ Helsinki, Finland. [BibTeX]
- Andersson, B. & Stranneby, D. (2005). Long term charge retention on PWBs. Konferensbidrag vid B.E.STAT group, 2nd International Panel Symposium ESD, Dresden, Germany, 2005. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (2004). Contactless EMI/EMC testing at PC board level. Konferensbidrag vid HALT/HASS & EMC, NTF seminar at Delta Institute, Hoersholm, Denmark, September 2004. [BibTeX]
- Samadi, M. & Stranneby, D. (2003). Electromagnetic signatures for Test and Troubleshooting. Konferensbidrag vid 8th European Workshop of the Systems Packaging Committee, Cork, Ireland, January 20-23, 2003. [BibTeX]
- Ranjbar, P. , Borg, E. , Philipson, L. & Stranneby, D. (2003). Sensing the environment: A perceptual and psychosocial analysis of events in surroundings from a handicapped perspective. Konferensbidrag vid 13th Deafblind World Conference 2003, Toronto, Canada, August 2003. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. & Salamati, M. (2002). Connectionless Test (CT) using Electromagnetic Signature. I: Proceedings : the IMAPS Nordic Annual Conference Stockholm, 2002, 29 September-2 October 2002. Konferensbidrag vid IMAPS Nordic 2002 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. September 29 - October 2, 2002. (ss. 83-86). [BibTeX]
- Salamati, M. & Stranneby, D. (2002). Electromagnetic signatures as a tool for Connectionless Test (CT). Konferensbidrag vid IEEE Board Test Workshop 2002, Baltimore, USA. New Jersey: IEEE Computer Society. [BibTeX]
- Boustedt, K. , Persson, K. & Stranneby, D. (2002). Flip chip as an enabler for MEMS packaging. I: 52nd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2002. Proceedings.. Konferensbidrag vid Electronic Components and Technology Conference. San Diego, USA. May 31, 2002.128). [BibTeX]
- Boustedt, K. , Persson, K. , Stranneby, D. & Bohman, S. (2002). Wafer Bonding Technologies for MEMS Packaging. I: Proceedings : the IMAPS Nordic Annual Conference : Stockholm, 2002, 29 September-2 October 2002.. Konferensbidrag vid IMAPS Nordic Annual Conference, 29 September - 2 October 2002, Stockholm, Sweden.127). [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (1995). Assigning power and frequency to links in HF radio networks using a Neural Network approach. I: Carlsson, Olov, HF 95 Conference Proceedings 15-17 August 1995, Fårö. Konferensbidrag vid HF95 Nordic Shortwave Conference, Fårö, Sweden. August 15-17, 1995. Växjö: [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. & Källquist, P. (1993). Adaptive frequency hopping in HF environments. Konferensbidrag vid Radio Science and Communication Conference 1993 (RVK 93). Lund, Sweden. April 5-7, 1993. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. & Källquist, P. (1993). Adaptive frequency hopping in HF environments. I: IEEE Military Communications Conference, 1993. MILCOM '93. Conference record. Communications on the move. Volume 1.. Konferensbidrag vid MILCOM ´93, Boston, USA. October 11-14, 1993. (ss. 338-341). New Jersey: IEEE Communications Society. [BibTeX]
- Stranneby, D. (1993). An adaptive frequency hopping (AFH) system for digital shortwave communication. I: Bengtsson,Christopher, Milinf - seminar proceedings, Enköping, 8-10 juni, 1993. Konferensbidrag vid MILINF 1993, Enköping, Sweden. June 8-10, 1993. [BibTeX]