Carl Eriksson
Carl Eriksson Befattning: Universitetslektor, adjungerad Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: Y2FybC5lcmlrc3NvbjtvcnUuc2U=
Telefon: Telefonnummer saknas
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Om Carl Eriksson
Carl Eriksson arbetar som Överläkare inom medicinsk gastroenterologi och hepatologi på Universitetssjukhuset i Örebro och som adjungerad universitetslektor på Örebro Universitet. Han disputerade 2018 med avhandlingen ”Epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of inflammatory bowel disease”.
Carl bedriver forskning som syftar till att utvärdera hur nya behandlingar mot inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom (IBD) som tex golimumab, ustekinumab och vedolizumab fungerar i svensk klinisk praxis via svenska IBD-registret SWIBREG. Han har också gjort studier där olika behandlingars effektivitet jämförts via svenska nationella register.
Carl har nyligen publicerat en studie som bekräftar att IBD ökar risken för hjärtinfarkt. Särskilt stor är risken hos patienter som diagnostiseras med IBD ≥ 60 år samt hos patienter med s.k. extraintestinala manifestationer d.v.s. ledvärk, ögoninflammation eller symtom från huden utöver symtomen från mag-tarmsystemet. Hos dessa grupper är risken omkring 50% förhöjd jämfört med individer utan IBD. Studien visade också att konventionella riskfaktorer för hjärtinfarkt som tex högt blodtryck, höga blodfetter och diabetes ökar risken för hjärtinfarkt även vid IBD. Vid sjukdomen reumatoid artrit som ger en liknande riskökning för hjärtinfarkt rekommenderas regelbunden screening för kardiovaskulära riskfaktorer vart femte år samt vid förändringar av behandlingen.
Planen för de kommande åren är att vidare utforska hur IBD inverkar på risken för hjärt-och kärlsjukdom samt fortsätta med studier om nya läkemedel mot IBD.
Pågående projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Karlqvist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Olén, O. & Halfvarson, J. (2025). Response to Dai et al. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 120 (1), 260-261. [BibTeX]
- Karlqvist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Olén, O. , Halfvarson, J. & et al. (2024). Comparative Risk of Serious Infection With Vedolizumab vs Anti-Tumor Necrosis Factor in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results From Nationwide Swedish Registers. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 119 (2), 2480-2492. [BibTeX]
- Thunberg, J. , Grännö, O. , Bergemalm, D. , Eriksson, C. , Visuri, I. , Eberhardson, M. & Halfvarson, J. (2024). Comparative study of a point-of-care test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for infliximab levels. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 59 (2), 150-155. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Sun, J. , Bryder, M. , Bröms, G. , Everhov, Å. H. , Forss, A. , Jernberg, T. , Ludvigsson, J. F. & et al. (2024). Impact of inflammatory bowel disease on the risk of acute coronary syndrome: A Swedish Nationwide Cohort Study. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 59 (9), 1122-1133. [BibTeX]
- Grännö, O. , Bergemalm, D. , Salomon, B. , Lindqvist, C. M. , Hedin, C. R. H. , Carlson, M. , Dannenberg, K. , Andersson, E. & et al. (2024). Preclinical protein signatures of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis: A nested case-control study within large population-based cohorts. Gastroenterology. [BibTeX]
- Lamichhane, N. , Melas, N. , Bergqvist, V. , Ekholm, N. , Olén, O. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Hjortswang, H. , Marsal, J. & et al. (2024). Real-World Outcomes of Patients Starting Intravenous and Transitioning to Subcutaneous Vedolizumab in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 69 (6), 2175-2183. [BibTeX]
- Shrestha, S. , Brand, J. S. , Osooli, M. , Eriksson, C. , Schoultz, I. , Askling, J. , Jess, T. , Montgomery, S. & et al. (2024). Spondyloarthritis in first-degree relatives and spouses of patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study from Sweden. Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, 18 (9), 1371-1380. [BibTeX]
- Visuri, I. , Eriksson, C. , Karlqvist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, B. , Karlén, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. & et al. (2023). Long-term outcomes of vedolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease: the Swedish prospective multicentre SVEAH extension study. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 16. [BibTeX]
- Wallhuss, A. , Ottosson, J. , Cao, Y. , Andersson, E. , Bergemalm, D. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Szabo, E. & et al. (2023). Outcomes of bariatric surgery for patients with prevalent inflammatory bowel disease: A nationwide registry-based cohort study. Surgery, 174 (2), 144-151. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Söderling, J. , Karlqvist, S. , Bröms, G. , Everhov, Å. H. , Bergemalm, D. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Olén, O. & et al. (2023). Ustekinumab Versus Anti-tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha Agents as Second-Line Biologics in Crohn's Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 68 (7), 3119-3128. [BibTeX]
- Yanai, H. , Eriksson, C. & Aharoni Golan, M. (2022). Endoscopic Postoperative Recurrence In Crohn's Disease After Curative Ileocecal Resection With Early Prophylaxis By Anti-Tnf, Vedolizumab Or Ustekinumab: A Real-World Multicenter European Study. Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, 16 (12), 1882-1892. [BibTeX]
- Phillips, F. , Verstockt, B. , Sladek, M. , de Boer, N. , Katsanos, K. , Karmiris, K. , Albshesh, A. , Erikson, C. & et al. (2022). Orofacial Granulomatosis associated with Crohn's Disease: a multi-centre case series. Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, 16 (3), 430-435. [BibTeX]
- Thunberg, J. , Björkqvist, O. , Hedin, C. R. H. , Forss, A. , Söderman, C. , Bergemalm, D. , Olén, O. , Hjortswang, H. & et al. (2022). Ustekinumab treatment in ulcerative colitis: Real-world data from the Swedish inflammatory bowel disease quality register. United European Gastroenterology journal, 10 (7), 631-639. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Visuri, I. , Vigren, L. , Nilsson, L. , Kärnell, A. , Hjortswang, H. , Bergemalm, D. , Almer, S. & et al. (2021). Clinical effectiveness of golimumab in ulcerative colitis: a prospective multicentre study based on the Swedish IBD Quality Register, SWIBREG. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 56 (11), 1304-1311. [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2021). Drug survival of anti-TNF agents compared with vedolizumab as a second-line biological treatment in inflammatory bowel disease: results from nationwide Swedish registers. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 53 (4), 471-483. [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2021). Editorial: anti-TNF agents against vedolizumab as a second-line treatment? Not surprising tie game-authors' reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 53 (5), 642-643. [BibTeX]
- Albshesh, A. , Taylor, J. , Savarino, E. V. , Truyens, M. , Armuzzi, A. , Ribaldone, D. G. , Shitrit, A. B. , Fibelman, M. & et al. (2021). Effectiveness of Third-Class Biologic Treatment in Crohn's Disease: A Multi-Center Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10 (13). [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2021). Letter: vedolizumab or a second anti-TNF-no difference in efficacy for primary biologic failures with IBD. Authors' reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 53 (9), 1046-1047. [BibTeX]
- Visuri, I. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Cao, Y. , Mårdberg, E. , Grip, O. , Gustavsson, A. , Hjortswang, H. & et al. (2021). Predictors of drug survival: A cohort study comparing anti-tumour necrosis factor agents using the Swedish inflammatory bowel disease quality register. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 54 (7), 931-943. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, V. , Udumyan, R. , Karlén, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. & et al. (2021). Real-world effectiveness of vedolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease: week 52 results from the Swedish prospective multicentre SVEAH study. Therapeutic Advances in Gastroenterology, 14. [BibTeX]
- Bergemalm, D. , Andersson, E. , Hultdin, J. , Eriksson, C. , Rush, S. T. , Kalla, R. , Adams, A. T. , Keita, Å. V. & et al. (2021). Systemic Inflammation in Preclinical Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology, 161 (5), 1526-1539.e9. [BibTeX]
- Wildeman, P. , Tevell, S. , Eriksson, C. , Lagos, A. C. , Söderquist, B. & Stenmark, B. (2020). Genomic characterization and outcome of prosthetic joint infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Scientific Reports, 10 (1). [BibTeX]
- Burisch, J. , Eriksson, C. , Halfvarson, J. & Odes, S. (2020). Health-care costs of inflammatory bowel disease in a pan-European, community-based, inception cohort during 5 years of follow-up: a population-based study. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 5 (5), 454-464. [BibTeX]
- Moens, A. , van der Woude, C. J. , Julsgaard, M. , Humblet, E. , Sheridan, J. , Baumgart, D. C. , De Saint-Joseph, C. G. , Nancey, S. & et al. (2020). Pregnancy outcomes in inflammatory bowel disease patients treated with vedolizumab, anti-TNF or conventional therapy: results of the European CONCEIVE study. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 51 (1), 129-138. [BibTeX]
- Shrestha, S. , Olén, O. , Eriksson, C. , Everhov, Å. H. , Myrelid, P. , Visuri, I. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Schoultz, I. & et al. (2020). The use of ICD codes to identify IBD subtypes and phenotypes of the Montreal classification in the Swedish National Patient Register. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 55 (4), 430-435. [BibTeX]
- Burisch, J. , Chetcuti Zammit, S. , Ellul, P. , Turcan, S. , Duricova, D. , Bortlik, M. , Winther Andersen, K. , Andersen, V. & et al. (2019). Disease course of inflammatory bowel disease unclassified in a European population-based inception cohort: an Epi-IBD study. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 34 (6), 996-1003. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2019). Impact of thiopurines on the natural history and surgical outcome of ulcerative colitis: a cohort study. Gut, 68 (4), 623-632. [BibTeX]
- Burisch, J. , Kiudelis, G. , Kupcinskas, L. , Kievit, H. A. L. , Andersen, K. W. , Andersen, V. , Salupere, R. , Pedersen, N. & et al. (2019). Natural disease course of Crohn's disease during the first 5 years after diagnosis in a European population-based inception cohort: an Epi-IBD study. Gut, 68 (3), 423-433. [BibTeX]
- Burisch, J. , Katsanos, K. H. , Christodoulou, D. K. , Barros, L. , Magro, F. , Pedersen, N. , Kjeldsen, J. , Vegh, Z. & et al. (2019). Natural Disease Course of Ulcerative Colitis During the First Five Years of Follow-up in a European Population-based Inception Cohort-An Epi-IBD Study. Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, 13 (2), 198-208. [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Eriksson, C. , Nilsson, L. , Angelison, L. , Jäghult, S. , Björk, J. , Grip, O. , Hjortswang, H. & et al. (2018). Clinical effectiveness of golimumab in Crohn's disease: an observational study based on the Swedish National Quality Registry for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SWIBREG). Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 53 (10-11), 1257-1263. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Henriksson, I. , Brus, O. , Zhulina, Y. , Nyhlin, N. , Tysk, C. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2018). Incidence, prevalence and clinical outcome of anaemia in inflammatory bowel disease: a population-based cohort study. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 48 (6), 638-645. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, B. , Karlén, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. , Hertervig, E. & et al. (2017). A Swedish observational study (SVEAH) on vedolizumab assessing effectiveness and healthcare resource utilization in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Crohn's & Colitis, 11 (Suppl. 1), S262-S263. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Rundquist, S. , Zhulina, Y. , Henriksson, I. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2017). Changes in medical management and colectomy rates: a population-based cohort study on the epidemiology and natural history of ulcerative colitis in Orebro, Sweden, 1963-2010. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 46 (8), 748-757. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Rundquist, S. , Zhulina, Y. , Henriksson, I. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2017). Editorial: do thiopurines and biologics decrease the risk of colectomy? Authors' reply. Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 46 (9), 897-898. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Marsal, J. , Bergemalm, D. , Vigren, L. , Björk, J. , Eberhardson, M. , Karling, P. , Söderman, C. & et al. (2017). Long-term effectiveness of vedolizumab in inflammatory bowel disease: a national study based on the Swedish National Quality Registry for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SWIBREG). Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, 52 (6-7), 722-729. [BibTeX]
Artiklar, forskningsöversikter
- Eriksson, C. , Gustavsson, A. , Kronvall, T. & Tysk, C. (2011). Hepatotoxicity by bosentan in a patient with portopulmonary hypertension: a case-report and review of the literature. Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases, 20 (1), 77-80. [BibTeX]
Doktorsavhandlingar, sammanläggningar
- Eriksson, C. (2018). Epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. (Doctoral dissertation). (Sammanläggning) Örebro: Örebro University. [BibTeX]
- Visuri, I. , Dannenberg, K. , Salomon, B. , Lundström, M. L. , Bergemalm, D. , Eriksson, C. , Lindqvist, M. , Keita, Å. V. & et al. (2025). Correlations of clinical characteristics and serum proteins with drug levels: A multicentre cohort study of patients with inflammatory bowel disease starting biologics. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Karlqvist, S. , Sachs, M. , Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Olén, O. & Halfvarson, J. (2024). Comparative risk of serious infection with vedolizumab vs anti-TNF in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results from nationwide Swedish registers. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 19th Congress of ECCO, Stockholm, Sweden, February 21-24, 2024. (ss. I1291-I1293). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Bröms, G. , Forss, A. , Eriksson, J. , Linder, M. , Eriksson, C. , Askling, J. , Halfvarson, J. , Ludvigsson, J. F. & et al. (2024). Disease characteristics at time of diagnosis of adult onset inflammatory bowel disease and the risk of venous thromboembolism in the modern era - A Swedish nationwide cohort study 2007-2021. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 19th Congress of ECCO, Stockholm, Sweden, February 21-24, 2024. (ss. I1945-I1947). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Grännö, O. , Salomon, B. , Lindqvist, C. M. , Hedin, C. R. H. , Carlson, M. , Dannenberg, K. , Andersson, E. , Söderholm, J. D. & et al. (2024). Preclinical protein signatures in blood predict Crohn's disease and Ulcerative colitis several years before the diagnosis. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 9th Congress of ECCO, Stockholm, Sweden, February 21-24, 2024. (ss. I660-I661). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Salomon, B. , Carlson, M. , Bergemalm, D. , Hedin, C. R. H. , Söderholm, J. D. , Keita, Å. V. , Carsten, A. , Grip, O. & et al. (2024). Prognostic potential of mucosal proteins in Ulcerative Colitis. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 16th Congress of ECCO - European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO'21), (Virtual congress), July 2-3, 8-10, 2021. (ss. I544-I545). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Bazov, I. , Kruse, R. , Bergemalm, D. , Eriksson, C. , Hedin, C. R. , Carlson, M. , van Nieuwenhoven, M. , Keita, Å. V. & et al. (2023). A novel serum protein signature as biomarker for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A diagnostic performance and prediction modelling study using data from two independent inception cohorts. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 18th Congress of ECCO Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1-4, 2023. (ss. I314-I315). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Wewer, M. D. , Salupere, R. , Kievit, H. A. L. , Nielsen, K. R. , Midjord, J. , Domislovic, V. , Krznarić, Ž. , Pedersen, N. & et al. (2023). Disease course of Crohn's disease during the first ten years following diagnosis in a prospective European population-based inception cohort - the Epi-IBD cohort. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Wewer, M. D. , Salupere, R. , Kievit, H. A. L. , Nielsen, K. R. , Midjord, J. , Domislovic, V. , Krznarić, Ž. , Pedersen, N. & et al. (2023). Disease course of Ulcerative Colitis during the first ten years following diagnosis in a prospective European population-based inception cohort - the Epi-IBD cohort. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 18th Congress of ECCO, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 1-4, 2023. (ss. 994-995). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Thunberg, J. , Björkqvist, O. , Olén, O. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Eriksson, C. & Halfvarson, J. (2021). Drug survival and remission rates in ustekinumab treated ulcerative colitis: Results from the Swedish Inflammatory Bowel Disease register (SWIBREG). I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 16th Congress of ECCO - European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (ECCO'21), (Virtual congress), July 2-3, 8-10, 2021. (ss. S317-S317). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Sachs, M. , Eriksson, C. , Olén, O. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2020). Effectiveness of anti-TNF vs. vedolizumab as a second biologic in IBD: results from national Swedish registers. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Phillips, F. , Verstockt, B. , Sladek, M. , de Boer, N. , Katsanos, K. , Karmiris, K. , Albshesh, A. , Eriksson, C. & et al. (2020). Orofacial granulomatosis in Crohn's disease: an ECCO CONFER multi-centre case series. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, V. , Udumyan, R. , Karlén, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. & et al. (2020). Real-world effectiveness of vedolizumab in ulcerative colitis: Week 52 results from the Swedish multi-centre, prospective, observational SVEAH UC study. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Visuri, I. , Eriksson, C. , Mårdberg, E. , Grip, O. , Gustavsson, A. , Hjortswang, H. , Karling, P. , Montgomery, S. & et al. (2019). Anti-TNF agent drug survival in patients with IBD: real-world comparisons of individual anti-TNF agents based on the Swedish National Quality Registry for IBD (SWIBREG). I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Bergemalm, D. , Andersson, E. , Karling, P. , Eriksson, C. , Repsilber, D. , Hultdin, J. , Halfvarson, J. & IBD Character Consortium, . (2019). Markers of systemic inflammation in preclinical ulcerative colitis. I: United European Gastroenterology journal. Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Moens, A. , van der Woude, C. , Julsgaard, M. , Sebastian, S. , Arebi, N. , Alzinaty, M. , Humblet, E. , Kok, K. B. & et al. (2019). Pregnancy outcomes in IBD patients treated with vedolizumab, anti-TNF, or conventional therapy. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Rundquist, S. , Eriksson, C. , Nilsson, L. , Angelison, L. , Jäghult, S. , Björk, J. , Grip, O. , Hjortswang, H. & et al. (2018). Clinical effectiveness of golimumab in Crohn´s disease – an observational study based on the Swedish National Quality Registry for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SWIBREG). Konferensbidrag vid 26th United European Gastroenterology Week, Vienna, Austria, October 20-24, 2018. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Bergemalm, D. , Vigren, L. , Nilsson, L. , Visuri, I. , Hjortswang, H. , Udumyan, R. , Almer, S. & et al. (2018). Clinical effectiveness of golimumab: Interim analysis of the observational study of patients with ulcerative colitis on golimumab in the Swedish National Quality Registry for IBD-GO-SWIBREG. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Konferensbidrag vid 13th Congress of ECCO – European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation, Vienna, Austria, February 14-17, 2018. (ss. S409-S410). Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, V. , Karlen, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. , Hertervig, E. & et al. (2018). Clinical effectiveness of vedolizumab: Interim analysis of the Swedish observational study on vedolizumab assessing effectiveness and healthcare resource utilisation in patients with Crohn's disease (SVEAH CD). I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Lykiardopoulos, V. , Karlen, P. , Grip, O. , Söderman, C. , Almer, S. , Hertervig, E. & et al. (2018). Clinical effectiveness of vedolizumab: Interim analysis of the Swedish observational study on vedolizumab assessing effectiveness and healthcare resource utilisation in patients with ulcerative colitis (SVEAH UC). I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Rundquist, S. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. & Halfvarson, J. (2018). The impact of thiopurine drugs on the natural history and surgical outcome of ulcerative colitis: A cohort study. I: Journal of Crohn's & Colitis. Oxford University Press. [BibTeX]
- Karlqvist, S. , Sachs, M. C. , Eriksson, C. , Cao, Y. , Montgomery, S. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , The SWIBREG Study Group, -. , Olén, O. & et al. Comparative risk of serious infection with vedolizumab vs anti-TNF in inflammatory bowel disease : results from nationwide Swedish registers. [BibTeX]
- Visuri, I. , Dannenberg, K. , Salomon, B. , Ling Lundström, M. , Bergemalm, D. , Eriksson, C. , Lindqvist, C. M. , Keita, Å. V. & et al. Correlations of clinical characteristics and serum proteins with drug levels : A multicentre cohort study of patients with inflammatory bowel disease starting biologics. [BibTeX]
- Wildeman, P. , Tevell, S. , Eriksson, C. , Campillay Lagos, A. , Söderquist, B. & Stenmark, B. Genomic characterization and outcome of prosthetic joint infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus. [BibTeX]
- Carstens, A. , Björkqvist, O. , Lindqvist, C. M. , Rangel, I. , Repsilber, D. , Eriksson, C. , Bergemalm, D. , Bresso, F. & et al. Gut microbiota associated with treatment outcome to biological treatment in inflammatory bowel disease. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson, C. , Henriksson, I. , Brus, O. , Zhulina, Y. , Nyhlin, N. , Tysk, C. & Montgomery, S. Incidence, prevalence, and clinical outcome of anaemia in inflammatory bowel disease : A population-based cohort study. [BibTeX]
- Shrestha, S. , Cao, Y. , Voghera, S. , Eriksson, C. , Schoultz, I. , Jess, T. , Ludvigsson, J. F. , Montgomery, S. & et al. The risk of extraintestinal manifestations before and after colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis. [BibTeX]