Anette Forsberg
Anette Forsberg Befattning: Affilierad forskare Organisation: Institutionen för medicinska vetenskaperE-post: YW5ldHRlLmZvcnNiZXJnO29ydS5zZQ==
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Om Anette Forsberg
Anette Forsberg är leg. fysioterapeut, medicine doktor i medicinsk vetenskap och docent. Anette är anställd i Region Örebro län och arbetar som verksamhetschef för verksamhetsområde fysioterapi, universitetssjukhuset Örebro. Anettes forskningsområde är rehabilitering inom neurologi, och tidig mobilisering .
Anette är huvudhandledare för Rose-Marie Wilnerzon Thörn och Therese Sundh, doktorander vid Örebro Universitet. Anette har handlett till examination två doktorandet, 10 magisteruppsatser samt cirka 25 kandidatuppsatser.
Pågående projekt
- Effekter och upplevelser av mycket tidig mobilisering efter kirurgi
- Fall hos personer med multipel skleros
Avslutade projekt
Artiklar i tidskrifter
- Wäneskog, A. H. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2024). Exploring the Complexity of Falls in People With Multiple Sclerosis: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of MS Care, 26 (Q4), 308-314. [BibTeX]
- Wilnerzon Thörn, R. , Forsberg, A. , Stepniewski, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Magnuson, A. , Ahlstrand, R. & Ljungqvist, O. (2024). Immediate mobilization in post-anesthesia care unit does not increase overall postoperative physical activity after elective colorectal surgery: A randomized, double-blinded controlled trial within an enhanced recovery protocol. World Journal of Surgery, 48 (4), 956-966. [BibTeX]
- W. Thörn, R. , Stepniewski, J. , Hjelmqvist, H. , Forsberg, A. , Ahlstrand, R. & Ljungqvist, O. (2022). Supervised Immediate Postoperative Mobilization After Elective Colorectal Surgery: A Feasibility Study. World Journal of Surgery, 46 (1), 34-42. [BibTeX]
- Arvidsson Lindvall, M. , Forsberg, A. , Appelros, P. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2021). "I can manage the challenge": a qualitative study describing experiences of living with balance limitations after first-ever stroke. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 16 (1). [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2020). Making it work: experience of living with a person who falls due to multiple sclerosis. Disability and Rehabilitation, 42 (7), 940-947. [BibTeX]
- Arvidsson Lindvall, M. , Anderzen-Carlsson, A. , Appelros, P. & Forsberg, A. (2020). Validity and test-retest reliability of the six-spot step test in persons after stroke. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 36 (1), 211-218. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Westerdahl, E. & Forsberg, A. (2019). Engagement in performing clinical physiotherapy research: Perspectives from leaders and physiotherapists. Physiotherapy Research International, 24 (2). [BibTeX]
- Zakrisson, A. , Anerös, T. , Eliason, G. & Forsberg, A. (2019). Projekt Region Örebro län: Att använda en mobil app med larm för att motivera till fysisk aktivitet hos patienter med KOL – en mixed method pilot-studie. Lung och Allergi Forum, 32-39. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2018). Balance exercise facilitates everyday life for people with multiple sclerosis: A qualitative study. Physiotherapy Research International, 23 (4). [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2018). Falls in people with multiple sclerosis: experiences of 115 fall situations. Clinical Rehabilitation, 32 (4), 526-535. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Forsberg, A. , Gunnarsson, M. & Nilsagård, Y. (2017). CoDuSe group exercise programme improves balance and reduces falls in people with multiple sclerosis: A multi-centre, randomized, controlled pilot study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 23 (10), 1394-1404. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Carling, A. , Davidsson, O. , Franzén, L. & Forsberg, A. (2017). Comparison of trunk impairment scale versions 1.0 and 2.0 in people with multiple sclerosis: A validation study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 33 (10), 772-779. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2017). Fall bland personer med multipel skleros. Best Practice (20), 24-27. [BibTeX]
- Arvidsson Lindvall, M. , Anderzen-Carlsson, A. & Forsberg, A. (2016). Basic Body Awareness Therapy for patients with stroke: Experiences among participating patients and physiotherapists. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 20 (1), 83-89. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , von Koch, L. & Nilsagård, Y. (2016). Effects on Balance and Walking with the CoDuSe Balance Exercise Program in People with Multiple Sclerosis: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Multiple Sclerosis International. [BibTeX]
- Lorin, K. & Forsberg, A. (2016). Treatment with botulinum toxin in children with cerebral palsy: a qualitative study of parents' experiences. Child Care Health and Development, 42 (4), 494-502. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Widén-Holmqvist, L. & Ahlström, G. (2015). Balancing everyday life two years after falling ill with Guillain-Barre syndrome: a qualitative study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29 (6), 601-610. [BibTeX]
- Rådman, L. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2015). Modified Rivermead Mobility Index: a reliable measure in people within 14 days post-stroke. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 31 (2), 126-129. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , von Koch, L. K. , Nilsson, M. & Forsberg, A. (2014). Balance exercise program reduced falls in people with multiple sclerosis: a single-group, pretest-posttest trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95 (12), 2428-2434. [BibTeX]
- Lindvall, M. A. & Forsberg, A. (2014). Body awareness therapy in persons with stroke: a pilot randomised controlled trial. Clinical Rehabilitation, 28 (12), 1180-1188. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Kollén, L. , Axelsson, H. , Bjerlemo, B. & Forsberg, A. (2014). Functional gait assessment: Reliability and validity in people with peripheral vestibular disorders. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 21 (8), 367-373. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Boström, K. (2014). Perceptions of using videogames in rehabilitation: a dual perspective of people with multiple sclerosis and physiotherapists. Disability and Rehabilitation, 37 (4), 338-344. [BibTeX]
- Tholin, H. & Forsberg, A. (2014). Satisfaction with care and rehabilitation among people with stroke, from hospital to community care. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 28 (4), 822-829. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Forsberg, A. & von Koch, L. (2013). Balance exercise for persons with multiple sclerosis using Wii games: a randomised, controlled multi-centre study. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19 (2), 209-216. [BibTeX]
- Frennert, S. A. , Forsberg, A. S. & Östlund, B. (2013). Elderly People's Perceptions of a Telehealthcare System: Relative Advantage, Compatibility, Complexity and Observability. Journal of technology in human services, 31 (3), 218-237. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Forsberg, A. & von Koch, L. (2013). Reply to Guidi et al. 'Effects of balance-specific Wii exercise on balance in persons with multiple sclerosis'. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 19 (7), 964-964. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2013). Validity and reliability of the Swedish version of the activities-specific balance confidence scale in people with chronic stroke. Physiotherapy Canada, 65 (2), 141-147. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Andreasson, M. & Nilsagård, Y. E. (2013). Validity of the Dynamic Gait Index in People With Multiple Sclerosis. Physical Therapy, 93 (10), 1369-1376. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Carling, A. & Forsberg, A. (2012). Activities-specific balance confidence in people with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis International, 2012. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2012). Practicability and sensitivity to change of the Activities-specific Balance confidence and 12-item Walking scale for stroke. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 19 (1), 13-22. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale in persons 0-14 days and 3 months post stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, 34 (14), 1186-1191. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Press, R. & Widén Holmqvist, L. (2012). Residual disability 10 years after falling ill in Guillain-Barré syndrome: a prospective follow-up study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 317 (1-2), 74-79. [BibTeX]
- Eriksson Westblad, M. , Forsberg, A. & Press, R. (2009). Disability and health status in patients with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31 (9), 720-725. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Ahlström, G. & Widén Holmqvist, L. (2008). Falling ill with Guillain-Barré syndrome: patients' experiences during the initial phase. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 22 (2), 220-226. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , de Pedro-Cuesta, J. & Widén Holmqvist, L. (2006). Use of health-care, patient satisfaction and burden of care in Guillain-Barré syndrome. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 38 (4), 230-236. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Press, R. , Einarsson, U. , de Pedro-Cuesta, J. & Widén Holmqvist, L. (2005). Disability and health-rated quality of life in Guillain-Barré syndrome during the first two years after onset: a prospective study. Clinical Rehabilitation, 19 (8), 900-909. [BibTeX]
- Hammer, A. , Nilsagård, Y. , Forsberg, A. , Pepa, H. , Skargren, E. & Öberg, B. (2005). Evaluation of therapeutic riding (Sweden)/hippotherapy (United States): a single-subject experimental design study replicated in eleven patients with multiple sclerosis. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 21 (1), 51-77. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Press, R. , Einarsson, U. , de Pedro-Cuesta, J. , Widén Holmqvist, L. & Network Members of the Swedish Epidemiological Study Group, . (2004). Impairment in Guillain-Barré syndrome during the first 2 years after onset: A prospective study. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 227 (1), 131-138. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. & Lindmark, B. (2001). Användandet av riktmärken vid gång för patienter med Parkinsons sjukdom. Nordisk fysioterapi, 5 (1), 35-40. [BibTeX]
- Arvidsson Lindvall, M. , Appelros, P. , Forsberg, A. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2023). Experiences of living with balance limitations after first-ever stroke. Konferensbidrag vid World Physiotherapy Congress, WCPT, Geneva, Switzerland, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Arvidsson Lindvall, M. , Appelros, P. , Forsberg, A. & Anderzen-Carlsson, A. (2020). LIVING WITH BALANCE LIMITATIONS AFTER FIRST-EVER STROKE. I: International Journal of Stroke. Konferensbidrag vid The Joint European Stroke Organisation and World Stroke Organization Conference (ESO-WSO 2020), Virtual Conference, November 7-9, 2020. (ss. 257-257). Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Asia. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Fredriksson, C. , Hermansson, L. , Holmefur, M. & Nilsagård, Y. (2019). Prescribing rolling walkers: A survey study of experiences from physiotherapists. Konferensbidrag vid World Confederation of Physiotherapists Congress, Geneva, Switzerland, 10-13 May, 2019. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. , Carling, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2017). Effects on balance and walking with a CoreStability Exercise Program in people with multiple sclerosis. Konferensbidrag vid World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 July, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2017). Practice in the use of a walking aid in people with multiple sclerosis. Konferensbidrag vid Fysioterapidagarna, Stockholm, Sweden, 25-27 October, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2017). Practice in the use of a walking aid in people with multiple sclerosis. Konferensbidrag vid World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress, Cape Town, 2-4 July, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Nilsagård, Y. , Carling, A. & Forsberg, A. (2017). The CoDuSe group balance exercise program reduces falls in people with MS. Konferensbidrag vid World Confederation of Physical Therapy Congress 2017, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 July, 2017. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2016). “Berg Balance Scale” and “Timed Up and Go” discriminates between fallers and non-fallers, in people with MS. I: Sixth International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis. Konferensbidrag vid Sixth International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis, Portland, OR, US, September 9-10, 2016. [BibTeX]
- Carling, A. , Andreasson, M. , Westerlin, H. , Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2015). Jämförelse mellan 5 och 10 sit-to-stand tests för personer med måttlig-avancerad Multipel Skleros. I: Fysioterapi 2015. Konferensbidrag vid Fysioterapi 2015, Stockholm, 21-23 oktober, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2015). Measuring postural sway in people with multiple sclerosis. I: Multiple Sclerosis Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 20th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS), Milan, Italy, April 9-11, 2015. (ss. 531-531). [BibTeX]
- Davidsson, O. , Franzén, L. , Carling, A. , Nilsagård, Y. & Forsberg, A. (2015). Validering av Trunk Impairment Scale version 1.0 och 2.0 för personer med måttlig till avancerad multipel skleros. I: Fysioterapi 2015. Konferensbidrag vid Fysioterapi 2015, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-23 oktober, 2015. [BibTeX]
- Forsberg, A. & Nilsagård, Y. (2014). Validity of a timed sit-to-stand test in people with multiple sclerosis. I: Multiple Sclerosis Journal. Konferensbidrag vid 19th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis (RIMS), JUN 06-07, 2014, Brighton, ENGLAND. (ss. 992-993). Sage Publications. [BibTeX]
- Cesta, A. , Cortellessa, G. , Fracasso, F. , Orlandini, A. , Fredriksson, C. , Lidskog, M. , Pettersson, I. , Engfeldt, P. & et al. (2012). GiraffPlus: D1.1 User Requirements and Design Principles Report.. . [BibTeX]