Achim Lilienthal
Achim Lilienthal Befattning: Gästprofessor Organisation: Institutionen för naturvetenskap och teknikE-post: YWNoaW0ubGlsaWVudGhhbDtvcnUuc2U=
Telefon: 019 303602
Rum: T1208
Om Achim Lilienthal
I am a professor for Computer Science at Örebro University and head of the Mobile Robotics and Olfaction (MRO) Lab, a research group at the AASS Research Centre.
My personal research interest is generally focused on perception systems for intelligent systems, mostly mobile robots that operate in unconstrained, dynamic environments. A major aim is to integrate research results timely in industrial demonstrators. More specifically, my research addresses Mobile Robot Olfaction, Robot-assisted Environmental Monitoring, Rich 3D Perception, Long-term Autonomous Navigation, and increasingly also Human Robot Interaction, specifically in semi-controllable (typically industrial) environments. In addition, I recently developed an interest in Mathematics Education Research. More information about the research directions of the MRO lab can be found here.
Pågående projekt
- Cell Painting: a novel tool in toxicology (CPTox)
- DIDUNAS - Digital Identification & Support of Under-Achieving Students
- Dynamic Agile Production Robots That Learn and Optimise Knowledge and Operations (DARKO)
- MORE - Educating Europe`s Future Engineers in Next Generation Heavy Duty Mobile Machinery: Artificial Intelligence driven Robotisation, Energy Efficiency and Process Optimisation
Avslutade projekt
- AIR - Action and Intention Recognition in Human Interaction with Autonomous Systems
- ALL-4-eHam - Autonoma hjullastare för effektiv hantering av heterogena material
- ALLO - Automomous Long-Term Load-Haul-Dump Operations
- DIADEM - Distributed Information Acquisition and Decision-Making for Environmental Management
- Dustbot - Networked and Cooperating Robots for Urban Hygiene
- Gasbot
- ILIAD: Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment for safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces
- MALTA - Multipla autonoma truckar för last- och transportapplikationer
- RAISE - Robotsystem för bedömning av luftkvalitet i industriella miljöer
- RobLog - Cognitive Robot for Automation of Logistic Processes
- SAUNA - Säker Autonom Navigation
- Semantic Maps and Beyond
- Semantiska Robotar
- SmokeBot - Mobile Robots with Novel Environmental Sensors for Inspection of Disaster Sites with Low Visibility
- SPENCER - Social Situation-aware Perception and Action for Cognitive Robots