Handelshögskolan vid Örebro universitet

Örebro Lectures in Business May 7 2019

Please register via registration form below

Welcome to the 2nd annual Örebro Lectures in Business, hosted by Örebro University School of Business and the Interorg Marketing Research Center as a part of the University’s 20-year anniversary program.

Örebro Lectures in Business is an event with lectures and inspiration for business professionals, faculty members and master students in business. The lectures for this edition will present a wide selection of forward-looking research focused on this year’s theme “Future Trends in Business.”



Tuesday, May 7, 13:15-17.30
Örebro University, Room: P261 (Prisma Building)
Free of charge. Please register no later than May 6. 


13:15-13:30         Welcome
13:30-14:30         Taking Responsibility in the Supply Chain
14:30-15:30         How Data is Driving the Transformation of Marketing
15:30-16:00         Coffee break
16:00-17:00         Managing Change in the 4th Industrial Revolution
17:00-17:30         Panel discussion


Sabrina Lechler, Researcher, Friedrich-Alexander University

“Taking Responsibility in the Supply Chain”

Sabrina Lechler works as a researcher at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Her research interests focus on sustainable supply chain management. She has recently published in the International Journal of Production Economics.


Andreas Nordfors, Marketing Science Director, GroupM

“How Data is Driving the Transformation of Marketing”

 With big data, marketing has gone from gut-feeling to data driven decisions in real time. This development drives business-model change for all the actors in the network, where technology and data are in the core of future offerings for marketing organizations. Andreas has a background in market analytics at Nepa and Facebook.

Ryan C. Armstrong, Researcher, University of Barcelona

“Managing Change in the 4th Industrial Revolution”

 Ryan is a change management consultant and researcher in the field of management and organizational studies. His research interests lie in the challenges relating to the 4th Industrial revolution and how to navigate them. Ryan has published on the topics of performance management, critical realism, systems thinking, and developing cultures of innovation. 

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